To search HugeQuestions:
backed by army of cyber-soldiers
We are not paranoid when we say that most of the "truth seekers" are Israeli agents who are trying to deceive us. Israel admits to it, and has special software to assist their agents. Don't let them fool you. Counteract their propaganda by promoting my website. |
Here is an excerpt from a radio show in which one of the callers desperately
wants to contact another caller. A possible example of a Zionist agent
sneaking up on the unsuspecting Goyim.
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Victor Ostrovsky claims to be ex-Mossad,
but is there any such thing as an ex-secret
agent? Does any secret agency really allow their agents to expose their
crimes? Or is this a clever trick to dispense propaganda?
What about Anthony Hilder, Mark Weber, and other "truth seekers"? |
With so much evidence that these two publications are Zionist
operations, you should take a look at who
works for them, and be cautious of those people. For example, Reverend
Ted Gunderson,
Steele, Fredrick Toben,
and Rick
Adams, Mark Glenn, and
Hilder (notice also that Alex Jones promotes Anthony
Hilder, such as this
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What about the television shows
that investigate crimes?
A group of pedophiles could protect themselves by creating an organization of "experts" who claim that the victims of pedophilia have false memories. James Randi is involved with the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Should we trust him or the foundation? |
A trick that works over and over with most people is for criminals
to become "truth seekers", policemen, lawyers, and investigative reporters.
By investigating their own crime, they can confuse the public, shift the
blame to somebody else, and identify the witnesses.
![]() ![]() Don't believe me? Listen to this: English Did I delete Smith's audio files? Click here. |
Daryl Smith's recent, inadvertent exposure of one of his own lies gave
me a better understanding of:
a) We are fools to ignore crimes. b) Jews must continue to promote the lie even when it is exposed. |
They lie about 9/11, global warming, the Holocaust, the Apollo moon
landing.... Are scientists nothing more just educated
apes? Or, has the global Jewish crime network taken control
of science? If so, how are they controlling
the scientists?
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Unless you're new to my website, then you know that the news media
lies to us, and so does the FBI, the "truth seekers" and "whistleblowers",
our government officials... etc.
So... why should we believe the official story about Bernard Madoff? |
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A lot of the people who are lying to us about 9/11 and other issues
are insisting that they're not Jewish.
Considering that we don't even know what a "Jew" is, don't be too concerned
about who is a Jew.
Judge people by their behavior, not by what they call themselves. This file is in response to my remark in my 2_July_2008 audio file in which I said that that Andy Hitchcock is Jewish. |
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Will the Chinese and Japanese be tricked into believing that the Rockefellers
are the primary enemy? Benjamin Fulford, a Zionist agent in Japan, exposes
himself and other Zionist rats.
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David Shayler, a British "whistleblower"
and ex-MI5 agent, gets lots of favorable publicity by the media,
which is a sign that Jews approve of him.
He is like Morgan Reynolds; both of them began as honest investigators, and today they act crazy. Please learn about these wolves in sheep's clothing and their techniques. His ex-girlfriend, Annie Machon, another ex-MI5 agent, should also be considered a Zionist agent. Update July 2009: Shayler has become a transvestite squatter named Delores! Click here |
Why do I complain about his jokes about the police? He claims to be
an ordinary working-class man, but he is extremely wealthy; he associates
with Zionists; and lies
to us about 9/11, the Columbine shooting, and other crimes.
Furthermore, he encourages smart-ass attitudes
in regards to the police:
Who was responsible for 9/11, the world wars, and other crimes? Bob
Dacy, Alex Jones, and others blame the Rockefellers, the CFR
and the Bilderbergs. Try to understand this deception so that you
don't get fooled by it. Can you see that the "Bilderberg" is not
an organization?
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Here is another trick to learn from. Ron Paul works with Zionists,
and other Zionists set him up with "Nazis", and other Zionists try to gain
credibility by defending Ron Paul. Don't become
a pawn in their game. Learn their tricks.
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Alex Jones is typical of the "truth seekers", so if you understand
his technique, you will be less likely to be fooled by it.
![]() ![]() ![]() Also, you might find this amusing: Jones gets a speeding ticket!
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The Zionist crime network has depended upon secrecy, but the Internet
allows us to expose them. Please learn about their tricks so that you don't
become one of their suckers.
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Nobody has seen any of the Bollyns since they disappeared around June
11, 2007, but in Nov 2008 he shows up with Giulietto
Chiesa, who I believe is helping the Zionist crime network get
control of the truth movement in Italy. Chiesa promotes David Ray Griffin,
also, as I mentioned in March 2008 here.
Plus I got an e-mail message from Bollyn!
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He also appeared recently on the Barbara Jean radio show. See this page for all of latest articles about the Bollyns. |
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Have you noticed how many "friends" a person attracts when he criticizes
Zionism? You have to be suspicious of these friendly people or you'll end
up like the Bollyn family, or worse.
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Did they destroy the Holocaust "truth movement"? Do they have
a team of "Zionist whores" to set us
up for blackmail, jail, or death? Do they offer free newsletters to identify
their critics?
Why is Rayelan Allan of Rumor
Mill News telling us that the Knights Templar
are our heroes?
Andrew ‘Don’t Tase me, bro’ Meyer, who calls himself a "Good
Jew", was interviewed
on television to promote Zionist propaganda. Help the police realize
that Andrew Meyer and the media are taking advantage of the police
-- and the rest of us.
Are the Zionists in the sex industry using their customer lists to
find Useful Idiots? People who go to strip clubs, prostitutes, to Thailand
to have to sex with children, etc, may be doing their business with the
of Perverts, who can then blackmail
Do you remember Ed and Elaine Brown? They refused to pay income taxes.
Ed Brown accuses the Jesuits of controlling
the world. Notice the similarity between the Browns and David
Irving, and learn these Jewish tricks.
I have to thank Alex Jones for bringing this group to my attention.
He appeared on the Russian equivalent, Russia
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1) Can we trust the
Free Press?
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Most people demand high quality from carpenters, dentists, and plumbers,
but they tolerate incompetence among leaders. If I were a carpenter, and
you wanted a table, would you visit my showroom, or turn to Dylan Avery
or some other "truth seeker"?
2) I talk with the creators of "Loose Change" DVD |
The Zionist Jews thought that arresting Christopher Bollyn would silence
one of their critics, but with the Internet, these tricks are backfiring.
WingTV and other "truth seekers" are exposing themselves in their attempt
to cover their crimes.
WingTV blows their cover
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Are "9-11 Ripple Effect" and "ShadowPlay" exposing 9/11? Or are they
more propaganda? Are you smart enough to figure this out?
What did Alex Jones mean about an upcoming putsch?
Was it those 6 nuclear missiles that were accidentally
loaded onto an airplane at the end of August? And why is he claiming that
the Chinese are controlling the weather?
The expression "9-11 Bowel Movement" is an unpleasant but accurate
way of describing the BS that comes from most of the 9-11 "Truth Seekers".
Have you seen this article yet? |
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Once again someone sent hundreds of e-mail messages using my e-mail
and it looks like Karl Schwarz fell for the trick. Learn about it
so that you are not fooled, also.
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Friendly people try to manipulate and watch me, and I receive insults, accusations, and threats. Recently I received complaints from Karl Schwarz and Dr. Linda Shelton. If you wonder what I have to deal with, click here |
Most people have trouble distinguishing between insults
and evidence. If anybody had evidence
that my opinions are incorrect about the Holocaust, 9/11, and Zionism,
they would proudly present the evidence
to discredit us. When somebody provides insults, it's a sign that they
have nothing intelligent to say.
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• Rense's writers send people in the wrong direction, and some articles
have serious mistakes that are never corrected.
• Rense may be influenced by Sam Newhouse or other Zionists who routinely deceive us. • Most important, Rense's mixing of absurd UFO stories with 9-11 and Zionism is giving a bad image to research on 9-11 and Zionism. |
We have enough evidence that our government is
corrupt. We don't need Ritter, Skolnick, Flocco, or other suspicious people
to mix nonsense with truth. Some of these liars appear to be blackmail
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Click here for the Bovine Gas update Click here for Walter's theory |
![]() What is wrong with Reynolds? Blackmail? |
While I was working with Daryl Bradford Smith, I created this page
for him to help people understand that the Black
Pope theories are deception.
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Are threats used to control Noory or other? |
Greg Szymanski accuses Professor Steven Jones of deception. Most of
the "truth seekers" are deceptive, and they try to start fights with one
another to confuse you. Professor Jones and Professor Fetzer also argue
over idiotic issues. Don't get caught up in their fights.
Note: This the following joke about Tom Flocco is from Daryl Bradford Smith in October 2005. It may not make sense to you today because Tom Flocco's article that caused Smith to joke about him has been forgotten. Flocco's article is: CIA, French intelligence kill 4, capture 5 Israelis in NY subway attack
Three White House chefs from Texas were caught flambé-ing Flocco steaks on the New York City subway. When a Langley chef and three Parisian food critics descended upon the scene, tempers flared and the Flocco Flambé was doused. Injuries were reported. |
Hufschmid wrote about Flocco's article about
Barbara Olson, the wife of Ted Olson. She died on 9/11, but Flocco claims
that she is alive: