How obvious do the lies have
to be?
Ever since I stopped working with Smith, in September 2007,
Smith has been insisting that I have been lying about his health. I responded
by posting excerpts from several of his radio shows (at this
page) in which he admitted that his health was bad. Yet, despite my posting
of evidence that he was lying, he continued to promote the same lie over
and over.
His remark on March 17, 2009 that he was ready
for a casket, and his remark one year later that he is no longer
on the verge of croaking, should make
it rather obvious that Smith
has been lying, not me. I have to wonder, will Smith continue to
insist that I am lying about his bad health?
Incidentally, what serious illness
did he have? What "inoculation" did he have that could "probably" be the
Smith told me that he had hepatitis.
One of his arrest records was posted
on the Internet, and it mentions drugs and hypodermic needles, so perhaps
his "serious illness" came from contaminated needles.
During the time that I was working with Smith, from January 2005 to
September 2007, Smith would occasionally tell me that he felt as if he
would be dying soon. He told me that his liver was swollen and hard because
of the hepatitis. He said his skin was grayish in color, and that he couldn't
sleep for more than a few hours at a time, so he was always a bit tired.
He said his liver had deteriorated so much that a small amount of alcohol
would cause him to remain intoxicated for a day or more.
There was one time when he called me in a very panicky state because
he thought he was dying because his heart wasn't beating correctly.
There was also a time when his knee became so swollen and painful that
he had to go to the hospital. His wife called me and told me that I should
call him, so I called the hospital in France and talked with him.
Smith and many of the other truth seekers are frequently caught lying,
but many people continue to trust them anyway. Politicians are also frequently
caught lying, but people continue to vote for them anyway. How extreme
and obvious do a person's lies have to be before people regard the liars
as destructive criminals who must be
dealt with?
They promote lies that are easily
I have been astounded by some of the lies that come from the
people in the "truth movement".
For another example, Alex Jones announced on his radio show that the
control most of Hollywood and the world's stock markets: |
There are a lot of wealthy Arabs, but there's no evidence that
they have control over our nations. So why would Jones promote such absurd
lies? Doesn't he worry about his reputation?
The news reporters on television also promote blatant lies
about 9/11, the Holocaust, and the Apollo moon landing. Magazines and newspapers
also routinely publish blatant lies about world events.
It's easy for us to expose their lies, and a lot of people around the
world have posted evidence on the Internet that the media is lying to us.
However, the media continues to promote the same lies over and over regardless
of how much evidence we have that they are lying. They are behaving as
if we are in a completely separate and isolated universe, and that we have
no effect in their world.
I used to be astounded that these people could promote such blatant
lies, and I was confused as to how they could promote a lie that we have
thoroughly exposed.
The criminal Jews must
I now have a better understanding of why these people will
promote a lie even after it's been exposed: they
have no other option. They're trying to get control of our nations,
but they don't have anything intelligent to say, so they can't get into positions
of leadership by impressing us with intelligent proposals. So how are they
going to get control of us?
Their technique is to lie, cheat, deceive, intimidate, murder, threaten,
and steal. They can't stop lying, cheating, or murdering and switch to
a more respectable technique because there is no
other method for a group of freaks
to get control of us.
They are not God's chosen people,
and they are not the superior race.
Rather, they are a network of criminals, freaks, and parasites. They maintain
tremendous secrecy about themselves because if we were to know how they
live and treat people, we would be disgusted.
When we expose one of their lies, they have no choice but to continue
promoting it and hope that only a few of us are aware of their
lies. They have to hope that most people are so naive, gullible, stupid,
and/or trusting that it won't matter that some of us realize that we are
being abused.
So far their technique has worked very well. For example, many of us
realize that we are being lied to by magazines and newspapers, and some
of us have the ability to understand that we should try to avoid purchasing
and advertising in these criminal publications, but these publications
are continuing to sell enormous numbers of copies and get lots of advertising
because the majority of people either don't fully understand what is going
on, or they don't care.
We need people who want to improve
Most people react to crime and corruption by complaining about
it, by ignoring it, or by praying to Jesus or some god to deal with it.
Only a minority of us react to problems by wondering how we
can improve our situation.
The problems of the world are easy
to deal with. As I described in other documents and audio files, every
problem that we suffer from, aside from earthquakes and other natural events,
are due to badly behaved people. Our
problems are not due to ignorance,
poverty, or a lack of technology. Our problems are coming from the people
who cannot behave in respectable manner, and who will not
contribute to society.
Therefore, we can improve our world simply by getting a better group
of people in control of it and standing up to the badly behaved people
and crime networks.
As soon as we get rid of the crime networks and put better people in
leadership positions, we can start discussing possible improvements to
the economy, our cities, our school system, etc. We are not
helpless. We can improve the world.
All we need to do is find enough respectable people with the
ability to look at and discuss
the 9/11 attack, the Apollo moon landing, Israel, Zionism, the Holocaust,
and the world wars. And we need people who are interested in experimenting
with possible solutions rather than just talking
about them.
So, please help us locate the few respectable humans who are scattered
among the hordes of selfish, talking animals. And help to educate them
about the tricks the criminals are using so that they don't follow the
criminals or believe their propaganda.