Aliens and Religion The fine line between Beliefs and Deception
Likewise, it is acceptable to believe in aliens from other planets, but if you are promoting a belief in aliens in order to cover up crimes or make money, you are a criminal, a con artist, a swindler. In this document I explain:
The universe is full of mysteries. There is nothing wrong with discussing the mysteries, but it is foolish to believe you have the answers. For example, it is acceptable to discuss the issue of life on other planets; the existence of a god or gods; and if there is a god, where god came from. However, only a fool, or a disinformation agent, will claim to have the answers to these mysteries. Many people criticize religion, such as this article by George Carlin. Carlin also insults religions in some of his comedy routines, such as this one. The ironic aspect of this issue is that some of the people who ridicule
religion are firm believers in space aliens,
such as Jeff Rense. Their complaints
about religion apply to their belief in aliens. In fact, we could
describe their belief in aliens as a different, but more
idiotic, religion! The similarities between conventional religions
and the space aliens is striking. Consider these:
1) If God
is intelligent and loving...
If Aliens are intelligent...2) Is there evidence of God? George Carlin makes jokes about how religions have convinced people that there is an invisible God in the sky who watches us, despite any actual evidence for his existence.3) Some people have seen God Some people claim that they have talked to God, and that God has talked to them. Other people claim they have not directly seen or talked with God, but they have seen evidence of His existence, such as witnessing some miracles.4) Will Jesus save us? Many people hope that Jesus Christ, or some God, will soon appear, and he will stop all of the suffering in the world. Aliens: a science fiction religion Many of the people who promote the space aliens will insult religious
people for following stupid, unprovable beliefs, but their beliefs in space
aliens could be described as just another religion, but one that is
more idiotic than conventional religions. It makes more sense to believe that a God created the universe than
to believe aliens from another solar system traveled all the way to the
Earth to rape Whitley Strieber and make crop circles on British farms.
By the way, the Mormons also believe
in these aliens:
Before the UFO believers criticize religious people, they should take
a serious look at their own beliefs.
Do not "think beyond the box" Jeff Rense, of rense.com, often uses the expression "think beyond the box" during his radio show in order to encourage people to believe in space aliens. This is just an attempt to manipulate us. Rense has no intelligent evidence to justify the theory that space aliens exist, so he is trying to use emotional manipulation to make us feel as if we are "narrow minded" for not believing in the aliens. We don't need people to "think beyond boxes". We need people to find supporting evidence for their opinions. If you don't have supporting evidence, you don't have anything worth talking about. There is no supporting evidence for space aliens or alien spacecraft, nor is there any evidence that any human has been raped or abducted by an alien. There is no evidence that crop circles
were made by aliens, either. The evidence suggests that this British company
makes the complex crop circles:
Why not investigate those people at circlemakers instead of investigating
the crop circles? The people who are creating the "alien" crop circles
should be arrested as con artists.
What race was Jesus? Some people who criticize Christianity point out that Christians cannot agree on the details of Jesus, such as when he was born, or what race he was. Supposedly this is evidence that Christians are fools. Jesus Christ lived among humans only 2000 years ago, and many people
saw him, ate dinner with him, talked to him, and crucified him. But despite
all the contact with people, nobody can agree on what his race was.
I have some other images and information about Jesus here:
What do Aliens look like? Jesus had extensive contact with people, but nobody has any idea what he looked like, and we cannot even agree on what race he belongs to! Aliens have not had extensive contact with people. Would you be surprised to learn that there is virtually no agreement on what aliens look like? Anybody who ridicules Christians for not being able to agree on what
Jesus looked like should ridicule the Alien Religion by a factor of 1000
for not even coming close to agreeing on what the aliens look like. For
some examples:
Conclusion There is a large UFO movement in the USA and UK. Many of the people who promote aliens are criticizing conventional religions, but their belief in space aliens could be described as one of the stupidest religions ever created. And their belief that the aliens will soon appear and save us from our problems is even stupider than the belief that Jesus will soon return and save us. Why should we care if some people want to practice a religion of space aliens? The primary problem with the Alien Religion is that these people are giving the phrase "conspiracy theory" a bad image. They are interfering with our attempt to expose corruption. When some of us try to explain that 9/11 was a false flag operation, we often have to listen to such insults as, "Oh really? And I suppose you're also going to tell us that Martians are abducting farmers in Kansas!"If you truly believe in the space aliens, you should take a serious look at it. There is no evidence that aliens exist on the Earth, or anywhere else in the universe. The evidence suggests that the UFO stories are a deliberate lie. If you believe in aliens, stop complaining about us, and get help Virtually all "intelligent" people ignore the Alien Religion, and many Alien believers respond with angry remarks, such as: For those of you who believe in aliens from another planet, most people are ignoring your Alien Religion because you have zero evidence for your beliefs, not because we are "thinking inside boxes" or suppressing evidence. People who truly believe in these aliens should look
at the evidence that the aliens are a hoax.
Stop clinging to the fantasy that these aliens love you, and that they
will fix your migraine headaches, your bad eyesight, and your defective
digestive system. If there are aliens on this planet, they are likely to
regard humans as "primitive creatures", or "dangerous animals", not as
Promote aliens; be considered an agent Those of you who promote the Alien Religion will be considered as
agents who are promoting this nonsense in order to sabotage our efforts
to expose corruption.
Don't try faking aliens The people who are promoting the aliens seem to be the same people who are trying to cover up the 9/11 attack, and other serious crimes; namely, the Zionist Jews. Aside from giving conspiracy theories a bad image, they might be hoping to someday have the technology to fake an alien spacecraft. Perhaps they hope that they can convince the world to lay down their weapons and let the aliens (ie, the Jews) take control of the Earth.
More of these flying saucer photos are here. Or perhaps the Zionists plan on dropping nuclear bombs on us, and telling us that the aliens are attacking us. Whatever they plan on doing, it is not likely to succeed. Sure, millions of Americans will believe in the aliens, but what about the rest of the world? The Alien Religion is popular in America, but it is not popular in other
nations. Faking an alien invasion will create a lot of chaos and misery,
but it will fail because only America has enough mentally defective people
to fall for the trick. (Well, maybe Canada and Australia have enough defective
people, also.)