The Globalists have been identified!
On Friday, June 30 2006, Alex Jones had a very special guest in his studio. It was none other than Bob Dacy, the Globalist Specialist.
Dacy found the courage to expose other amazing details about the Globalists. For example, he explained that the Globalists are the "international bankers", the "super rich", the "elite", the Bilderbergs, and the CFR. A short excerpt: AlexJones-BobDaceyOnGlobalists_short.mp3
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Are Jones and Dacy really exposing the "Globalists"? Take a close look at what Dacy and Jones said: Bob Dacy: The globalists are the international bankers, the super rich, the elite. In the United States they are best exemplified by people like David Rockefeller.Alex Jones:
Aaron Russo and Bill Deagle Bill Deagle has a radio show. Aaron Russo was a guest on his show, and both of them agreed that the most powerful man in the world is David Rockefeller. It is hour #2 of 26 Oct 2006 here. You can hear an excerpt here:
Can you see the pattern of how the people who get publicity try to shift the blame away from Zionists and onto somebody else? Please consider that David Rockefeller is expendable to the Zionists -- and he is about to die, anyway. Anybody who gets publicity by Zionists is either a Zionist, or one of their Useful Idiots. As children would say, Duh! I have more about Aaron Russo's movie about the Federal Reserve, and a link to it, here. Bill Deagle is also suspicious,
as explained in Hufschmid's article about the Columbine school shootings
Also watch our video about Deagle:
That video is at this page:
Tony Gosling; another Bilderberg expert! On 5 Jan 2007, Alex Jones interviewed Tony
Gosling and promoted his site which exposes the Bilderbergs
as the Masters of the World:
Jim Tucker; another Bilderberg expert!
Hopefully you will consider the evidence that the American Free Press
and The Barnes Review are Zionist organizations
as patriots:
These organizations can collect names of people who are wise to Zionism,
plus they can make money from the Gullible Goyim, and they can confuse
the Goyim with deception. Try to avoid becoming one of their suckers!
Who are the Bilderbergs? Click here if you want a Microsoft Excell spreadsheet that lists many of the attendees of the Bilderberg meetings. The meetings are only once each year, and many attendees appear at only one or two of the meetings. This is a sign that the meetings are intended to influence people who are outside the criminal network; these are not planning sessions for the top-level criminals. Furthermore, these meetings supposedly began in the 1950s. Therefore, we cannot blame the World Wars, the Federal Reserve system, or anything prior to the 1950s on "The Bilderbergs". The people who "expose" the Bilderbergs would do us more good to expose
the people who show up at AIPAC meetings.
What is the CFR? The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is similar to Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs. Both groups got started around 1920 by a particular group of people, such as Edward Mandell House. These are people who wanted to create Israel. Unlike the Bilderberg meetings, the CFR is an actual organization that exerts some influence over our government. However, the CFR formed after the Federal Reserve system, World War I, Theodor Herzl's founding of the Zionist movement, and the establishment of the Rothschild's banking empire. Therefore, the CFR is not the criminal network; rather, it is simply one of many organizations that has been set up by the network. The network can easily have some of their organizations exposed, and
even destroyed, but the network will remain. If the CFR is forced to shut
down, the criminals can immediately create another organization with a
different name.
Who are the "Super Rich"? The people who expose the "Globalists" as the "super rich" are not exposing anything. Oprah Winfrey has an enormous amount of money; is she one of the Globalists? Did she help plan the destruction of the World Trade Center towers? Did she help arrange the war in Afghanistan or Iraq? Oprah Winfrey may be aware of the corruption, and she may be willing
to ignore it so that she can become rich and famous, but there is no evidence
that she is one of the high-level criminals.
We need names and addresses To describe the Globalists as the "international bankers" is not telling us anything, either. Who exactly are the international bankers? Where do these people live? We need names and addresses of the people behind the Federal Reserve system, the Rothschild's banking empire, and the European Union and its banking system. And then we need to arrest them. The executives and many reporters of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS, CNN, Scientific American, and Popular Mechanics are covering up these crimes. Every one of these people has a name and address. We need to identify these people, and then we need to arrest them all. Some of the people we arrest may turn out to be innocent, but we should determine that at their trial, not on the Internet messages boards. It is possible that David Rockefeller and George Bush Senior are involved in this criminal network. However, both of them are about to die of old age, so what difference does it make if they are exposed, or even arrested? The network does not need either of them. Both of them can easily be sacrificed. We need the names and addresses of the younger criminals who are actively working in this network. Giving us the names of a couple of extremely old men is not giving us anything of value. Update 15 Oct 2007! Bob Dacy is a member of the John Birch Society
However, we must judge people by their behavior and their accomplishments, not by what they claim to be. They have been lying continuously about the 9/11 attack, and they have accomplished nothing in regards to improving the world. On 15 October 2007, Bob Dacy was filling in for Alex Jones
on his radio show. Dacy promoted an article by the JBS. A man called to
complain about the JBS. Here is a very short but amusing attempt by Dacy
to defend the JBS. Notice that he blames the Rockefeller family for giving
the JBS a bad image:
Dacy and Jones blame the Rockefellers for everything, and Benjamin Fulford
claims that the Rockefellers are in control of Japan. Have you seen my
article on Benjamin Fulford's accusations yet:
They had to pause for an advertisement, and then Dacy made the remark
that "we are the most effective anti-totalitarian organization in the
United States of America". Here is a 5 minute excerpt:
Try to learn from his tricks. He starts by pointing out that the JBS helped convict a murderer, which is an attempt to make them look good, and at the end he points out that Alex Jones doesn't agree with everything that the JBS does, which is a common trick to fool us into thinking that it's acceptable for Alex Jones to promote the JBS. This is equivalent to a person promoting Jeffrey Dahmer for president and making the remark: "Well, I don't believe in everything Dahmer does." One of the lessons to learn from this is that we can force these liars to expose themselves by standing up to them. For example, you can call radio and television talk shows and ask about Israel's involvement in 9/11, or ask them: "How would you respond to the evidence at Eric Hufschmid's website that 9/11, the Holocaust, and the Apollo moon landing are Zionist deceptions?"
Furthermore, a lot of other people are supporting the John Birch Society, such as Stan Monteith, another radio show host on the GCN network, and Rick Adams, of the RBN radio network. Both Monteith and Adams promoted JBS articles on their radio show during October of 2007. I thought that was suspicious, but now with Bob Dacy admitting to being part of the JBS, it makes sense. All of these people in the GCN and RBN radio network,are part of the Israeli/Zionist network.
It's interesting to note that Daryl Bradford Smith's brother, Scott, promotes and works with Rick Adams. I thought my brother was stupid for believing everything the television tells him, but at least my brother doesn't work with or promote these liars. After a certain amount of time we have to start wondering if the people
who work with Alex Jones, Stan Monteith, and Rick Adams are Zionist agents.
As time goes on, one "truth seeker" after the next is exposed as a Zionist
agent, not a clueless idiot. After another year of this, who will not
have been exposed? Did you listen to Mike Rivero
admit that his family were Crypto Jews?
Zionist Deniers should be arrested We can easily prove that Alex Jones, Bob Dacy, the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, 911truth.org, Webster Tarpley, Wayne Madsen, Kurt Nimmo, and many others are deliberately covering up the role of Zionism in world corruption. Covering up a crime is itself a crime, so these Zionist Deniers are guilty of a serious crime. This is not a joke. We could tell the Zionist Deniers to provide the evidence and witnesses to show us that their theories are accurate. We could tell them to present all their evidence that the Vatican, George Bush, or Dick Cheney are responsible for the world's corruption. We can easily show evidence that the Zionist Deniers are deliberately avoiding the overwhelming evidence that Zionists are the primary group behind world corruption, the World Wars, and other horrendous scams. So let's pass Zionism Denial laws, arrest these people, and force them
to prove their theories.
Watch out for deception This criminal network is getting away with the 9/11 attack, the Federal Reserve, the attack on the USS Liberty, the World Wars, and other crimes partly because millions of people cannot see through their deception. None of us knows all of the details about this criminal network, and some of our assumptions are certain to be incorrect. However, it should be obvious that certain Jews that we refer to as
"Zionists" are the group that created the CFR, the World Wars, the
Federal Reserve, and all big terrorist attacks.
Do be a Zionist Investigator, don't be a Zionist Denier Do you remember the "Do-Bee" song from the 1950s? Some of the lyrics
were (or should have been):
RomperRoom_Do-Be.mp3 120 kb
The Blackmail Victims and Frightened Sheeple Union Do you want this criminal network to continue? The people who are helping this network simply because of blackmail or fear need to find other people who are also frightened or blackmailed.