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The Kastron Constitution
7b) Description of the Quality Division

29 Jan 2025

The public cannot provide useful quality control

We need an independent Quality Division

Democracies and free enterprise systems depend by the public to manage the government and economy. The public was capable of providing adequate supervision of the simplistic economy and government of prehistoric tribes, but our societies have become too complex for even the most intelligent and educated people.

Our technology has put us into an environment that is overwhelming all of us. It is absurd to continue expecting the public to provide appropriate supervision of a modern society. We need to create an organization of unusually talented people who can work together to provide us with guidance.

All nations have tremendous corruption and crime because every culture expects the majority of people to provide the leadership. For example:


The democracies depend upon the public to provide quality control of the government. The public is suppose to:
1) Elect submissive representatives.
Unfortunately, the majority of people are easily outsmarted by intelligent criminals. The result is that the voters are continuously fooled into electing criminal candidates.
Provide their representatives with intelligent policies.
Unfortunately, most people are average or below-average in intelligence, education, responsibility, and self-control, so they ask for policies that are idiotic rather than intelligent.

Every culture insists that the democracies can be improved by increasing the percentage of people who vote, but history shows that this is a false assumption. Every society has been increasing the percentage of people who vote during the past few centuries, but there is no evidence that the governments have been improving as a result.

Although we do not have a detailed description of the presidential election of 1789, it seems that most states in the USA restricted voting to European men who owned property or paid taxes. During the following two centuries, more people were allowed to vote, Including some felons and illegal immigrants.

Many voters also put pressure on their friends and family members to vote, and there are organizations encouraging people to vote. For example, about 2000 organizations in the USA helped to create the National Voter Registration Day to encourage people to vote.

However, there is no evidence that the government officials in 2025 are more honest or providing better leadership than those in 1789. There is more evidence that encouraging apathetic people to vote, and lowering the age at which people can vote, increases the number of incompetent voters, which makes it easier for dishonest and incompetent candidates to get elected.

One lesson to learn from the democracies is that cannot expect the public to provide quality control for the government. We must experiment with different methods.

One of the reasons with the public cannot provide good supervision of a government is because humans are animals, and animals do not want to take an active role in analyzing or selecting their leaders. Rather, we want to passively watch men fight with one another for leadership.

We inherited emotions that cause us to believe that the best leaders will be those who have such a strong craving to be our leader that they will put a tremendous amount of time and effort into competing to become our leader.

Women have a similar attitude in regards to finding a husband. They passively watch men fight for them. They look for a man who puts a lot of time and effort into fighting for them.

It was acceptable for prehistoric people to passively watch men fight for leadership, and for the women to passively watch men fight for them, but those attitudes are inappropriate today. When we expect political candidates to spend years fighting to get elected, we will get leaders who have such abnormal cravings for status and wealth that they are likely to join crime networks.

Their intense desire to be leader is because they want to satisfy their emotional cravings for status and wealth, not because they want to deal with the complex problems of a modern society and improve life for you and me.

Today the voters must take an active role in analyzing candidates in a similar manner as businesses analyze job candidates. Likewise, both men and women need to analyze potential spouses for compatibility rather than choose a spouse according to our crude emotional feelings.

When a person needs to have his appendix removed, he would not allow ordinary people to fight for the opportunity to do the surgery, and then choose whoever was the best fighter. Instead, he considers only the people who have had an education and experience in surgery, and then he passes judgment on which of them seems to have the most experience and success.

Furthermore, we would refuse to go to a doctor who has lied about his education or experience, or plagiarized other people, but there is no concern among voters that Joe Biden lied about his education.

In response to those news reports about Biden lying about his education, Clifford Rones wrote: "This is very old news. We all knew this." If a person lied about having a doctors license, or a pilot's license, nobody would dismiss his lies with remarks such as, "That is old news. We already knew he was a liar."

Animals expect their leaders to achieve and maintain their position by fighting, intimidating, deceiving, and sometimes killing their opponents. The male animals are impressed by the best fighter, and become submissive to him, and the females become attracted to him.

Humans are still so similar to animals that we also are impressed by men who are good at fighting, such as boxers. There are also movies and TV shows that glorify fighters, including pirates and other criminals. Many people even regard the people who cheat on insurance policies, taxes, or business deals as being "clever".

Most people are so submissive to their leaders that they don't care that some government officials and other influential people, such as Congressman Barney Frank, are using orphans as sex toys at parties.

Although humans are still passively allowing men to fight for leadership, and becoming submissive to the winner of the fight, just like animals, we have become worse than animals in one respect. Specifically, we allow children to inherit leadership positions in both the government and the economy.

Nobody would go to a surgeon if he had inherited his job from his father, but most people don't care whether their leaders are earning their position or getting them from inheritances, criminal activities, nepotism, or divorce settlements.

Humans are still so similar to animals that we have no desire to analyze candidates. Most people do not even have the intelligence or education to make sensible decisions about candidates, even if they wanted to analyze candidates. We need to develop a more appropriate election system.

Specifically, we need to restrict voting to people who can make more intelligent decisions about leaders, and we must put them under pressure to analyze candidates rather than passively watch candidates fight with one another.

The same concept applies to marriages. The majority of people do not have the desire to analyze potential spouses, and they do not have the intelligence or education to make good decisions about a spouse, even if they wanted to analyze potential spouses. We need to develop more appropriate courtship activities.

Specifically, we need to provide men and women with guidance in choosing a spouse, and we must put them under pressure to be honest about themselves, and to analyze the compatibility of potential spouses.


The free enterprise systems depend upon the public to provide quality control of the economy. The majority of people are supposed to make wise decisions about which businesses to support, and which products to purchase. This was possible a thousand years ago, but a modern economy is too large and complex for even the most intelligent and educated people.

The public is not capable of managing a modern economy, and this has allowed the free enterprise system to become dominated by people who abuse, deceive, and manipulate us.

The public is not even concerned that the wealthy people are creating economic monarchies, and giving employees, land, and businesses to their children and ex-spouses, just like medieval Kings and Queens.

The public is especially incompetent at managing the businesses that provide information, such as news reports and documentaries. They are allowing journalistss and historians to routinely lie to us, censor important information and people, provide Zionist propaganda, and protect pedophile networks.

We cannot expect the public to provide quality control for the economy. We must develop a better method to supervise the economy, such as an independent quality control agency.


The USA depends upon the public to provide quality control for the schools, but most people make terrible decisions about which schools and curriculum to support. For example:

Instead of removing their children from schools that teach lies about the world wars, the Holocaust, the Apollo moon landing, and the 9/11 attack, some parents remove their children from schools that teach evolution.

Everybody is free to create new schools, and to provide homeschooling for their children, but most of the people who do so are religious fanatics.

Instead of demanding the schools provide their children with useful skills and prepare them for society, parents put pressure on schools to give their children good grades, praise, and diplomas.

There are thousands of organizations in the USA that claim to be improving our educational system, but every year the students are less educated. For example, this news report says that less than 50% of the students in Santa Barbara County, where I live, can read at their grade level.

The Santa Barbara Reading Coalition is just one organization that citizens have created to improve education, but all of those organizations should be terminated for being failures. Furthermore, some of those organizations are dominated by Jews, so we should consider that the Jews are secretly using the organizations to ruin our educational system.

We cannot expect the public to provide quality control for the schools. We must develop a better method of supervising schools, such as an independent quality control agency.

We evolved to live with people we can trust

People who are fooled by criminals are not necessarily stupid. The reason it is so easy to fool people is because we evolved to live among a small group of people that we are closely related to, and who follow the same culture, are in good mental health, and can be trusted.

Children assume that they can trust the adults; women assume that they can trust the men; and men assume that they can trust their leaders. We did not evolve to live among pedophile networks, lunatics, Jews, crime gangs, organized religions, or immigrants who whine about "white privilege".

Our nomadic ancestors were not afraid of or suspicious of the people they lived with, but when they settled into permanent cities, they began living among people they could not trust. That created a very unpleasant and unnatural social environment.

Our modern societies require everybody to make decisions about which people, journalists, government officials, school teachers, summer camp counselors, businesses, and potential spouses they can trust, but that is unrealistic because we provide people with too much secrecy. It is even more idiotic to expect children and teenagers to be able to figure out who to trust.

Rather than expect everybody to make sensible decisions about who to trust, this Constitution requires the government to create a more homogeneous and friendly environment so that people don't have to be suspicious of one another.

This constitution creates several government agencies that set standards for behavior and observe everybody's behavior, and pass judgment on whether a person is a beneficial member. The people who cannot be trusted must be put on restrictions or evicted. It is foolish for us to allow them to ruin our social environment.

We will have a significantly more pleasant and relaxing life if we can live among people that we can trust. There should be so little crime in Kastron, and the people should be so compatible, that the children can get together with other children to sleep in the parks at night without any fear of being kidnapped or molested, or attacked by other children or teenage gangs, or insulted for having white privilege or being a Nazi.

The 2024 election in the USA provides a lot of examples of how we are ruining our social environment by being tolerant of abusive people. Specifically, the people who did not want Trump to be elected were creating a tremendous amount of angry and deceptive information about him. If those people were producing poisoned medicines, they would have been arrested, but they were allowed to provide "poisoned information" about Trump.

This is not "news". It is an
attempt to incite hatred.
For example, on 2 November 2024, Matt Drudge posted a link to this excerpt of a Trump speech, and claimed that Trump was simulating oral sex.

A woman responded by posting a link to this video that the excerpt was taken from, and it is obvious that Trump was complaining about the microphone; he was not simulating oral sex.

Drudge and the other people who accused Trump of simulating oral sex should be arrested for slander because they were trying to instigate hatred of Donald Trump. They were not making honest mistakes, or trying to educate anybody. They were deliberately trying to deceive people into hating Trump.

Many of the people who hate Donald Trump advocate the concept of arresting people for "hate speech", and they boast about loving everybody, but they are people who seem to create most of the hate speech.

Furthermore, we should investigate the people who set up the microphone for Trump because it is likely that they were trying to sabotage him. I have been a victim of that type of trick.

For example, I was invited to speak to George Noory on the coast-to-coast radio show in 2005, which I did over a phone. About halfway through the interview, George Noory brought Richard Hoagland into the interview. The audio level on my phone suddenly became extremely low, and I had trouble hearing what Noory and Hoagland were saying, and they had trouble hearing me, so I raised my voice. This gave them the opportunity to tell me to calm down and get control of myself.

I mentioned this trick here and here. I assumed that such a simplistic trick would not fool anybody, but I was surprised to discover that my father was deceived by it. He told me that I should have calmed down.

The attempt to encourage hatred of Trump continued even on the election day, 5 November 2024. For example, Forbes posted this brief video that they described as "Trump angrily reacts to Oprah Winfrey", and in their description of the video they claimed he "slammed" her.

However, Trump was showing disappointment or sadness, not anger. The people at Forbes who wrote that description were not trying to provide us with news. They were trying to manipulate us into hating Trump.

Another trick that some people used to deceive us into fearing or hating Trump was to threaten to leave the country if he gets elected. For example, Michael Cohen went on television to announce to the world that he would leave the USA and abandon his wife and children if Trump gets elected.

After Trump was elected, Cohen insulted the people who asked why he is has remained in the USA.

Michael Cohen insisted that he will leave the USA if Trump is elected.
After Trump was elected, he insulted people who asked why he didn't leave.

It should be obvious that his promise to leave the nation was a lie that was intended to manipulate the voters. He was simulating a child who threatens to run away from home if he doesn't get the toy that he wants.

No society considers his behavior to be a crime, but this Constitution requires the Courts Ministry to regard Cohen's behavior as an attempt to manipulate and deceive people into fearing or hating a person. We have to expect that type of behavior from young children, but influential adults must meet higher standards than the public.

When our leaders try to manipulate or deceive us into doing something destructive, such as hating or fearing people that they don't personally like, they are committing an unacceptable crime, and the judge must evict them from the city. The people in influential positions must provide leadership, and those that try to abuse us must be evicted or euthanized.

Our emotions are so stupid that they are being triggered by events that they should not be triggered for. For example, we are not supposed to feel sorry for, or pander to, an adult man who behaves like a child. Men are supposed to be leaders, not pout or have temper tantrums.

Unfortunately, when a man has a temper tantrum, our emotions to help other people can be stimulated, and that can cause us to react by giving him pity, and doing whatever will please him. We must make a distinction between when we are truly helping a person, and when we are being manipulated by them.

We should be disgusted with men who behave like children, and we should be intolerant of men who deliberately behave like children in order to manipulate us.

When women or children become frustrated with problems, they react by pouting or crying in order to let other people know that they need help, but adult men are supposed to react to problems by finding solutions to them. Men are supposed to be leaders for their wives and children, and for society.

Unfortunately, Michael Cohen is just one of many adult men who deliberately pout like a child in order to stimulate our emotions and manipulate us into giving them whatever they want. Although only a few people threaten to leave the nation, there are lots of people pouting and whining about sexism, anti-Semitism, racism, and white privilege.

In order to improve this situation, this Constitution requires the Behavior Ministry to set high standards for people, especially those in leadership positions, and the Courts Ministry has the responsibility of passing judgment on whether a person is providing us with beneficial information, or trying to manipulate us.

The people who try to manipulate us need to be investigated to determine whether they are doing so because they are childlike or mentally ill, in which case they must be considered as low quality humans and put on restrictions, or whether they are working with a crime network, in which case they must be evicted or euthanized.

We should create a social environment in which it is safe for us to trust one another, especially the people in influential positions.

We must be aware that scientists make mistakes

Even if we create a society in which everybody can be trusted, we need a government agency to be critical of the information we are given because everybody makes mistakes. For example, years ago a lot of intelligent and educated scientists recommended arsenic compounds for pesticides; asbestos for insulation; tetraethyl lead in gasoline; and many other things that were eventually prohibited.

Another example is that scientists tell us that we should be concerned about the number of calories that we eat each day, but our understanding of our digestion system is so inadequate that we do not know how much of the food that we eat is actually digested.

For example, there are 9 cal in a gram of fat, so if a person were to eat a meal that had 500 grams of fat, he would be consuming 4500 calories. However, if a person can digest only 80 grams of fat in a meal, then 420 grams of that fat would pass through his digestive system, and perhaps provide food for intestinal bacteria.

We cannot assume that the fat we eat is going to be digested. Each of us has a limit on how much fat we can digest in one meal. Our digestive system also has a limit on the digestive chemicals that it can produce, and a limit on the nutrients that we can absorb.

Scientists in the future might regard the calories in our food as a worthless statistic. When they design meals, they might be concerned with the quantity of fat, carbohydrates, and protein that we can digest, rather than the calories. Therefore, instead of recommending 1200 cal of food each day, they would analyze each person's digestive abilities and nutritional needs and specify that a particular man needs 45 grams of fat, 100 grams of simple carbohydrates, 400 grams of complex carbohydrates, and 300 grams of protein. They might even specify quantities of different types of fiber or fat.

Our digestive system evolved for a prehistoric era, so it is now easy for us to create meals that our body was not designed for. Another example is that our pancreas evolved for the amount of glucose that prehistoric people ate each day, but today we can easily consume phenomenal amounts of glucose, thereby causing diabetes. That type of diabetes is environmental rather than due to a genetically defective pancreas, so it will vanish if we alter our diet to something more appropriate.

It is also possible for us to destroy some of our components. This concept can be seen with alcohol. Our body evolved to handle the small amounts of alcohol that are in fermented fruit, but our modern technology allows us to produce so much alcohol that we can overwhelm our body's ability to deal with it. We now have the ability to consume so much alcohol for so many years that we can destroy our liver and other organs.

Our body has the ability to adapt to our environment, but there are limits on what we can adapt to. Therefore, we must keep our consumption of salt, water, oxygen, sugar, protein, vitamins, and other things within a certain range. We will hurt ourselves from too little or too much of the things that we need. To complicate the issue, each of us has slightly different range for the things we need.

Our body can handle caffeine, but each of us can handle a different amount before it starts causing trouble. However, no culture is teaching people to be concerned with what their body's limitations might be, or to keep everything within certain levels, so there are lots of people consuming enormous amounts of coffee, and Starbucks is permitted to sell cups of coffee to anybody without any restrictions on the quantity, or the person's ability to handle caffeine.

Can a person damage his body or brain by consuming excessive amounts of caffeine, sugar, nicotine, salt, MSG, vitamins, or minerals over a long period of time? No culture knows, and no culture cares.

Farmers have learned that they must provide their crops with specific amounts of water, fertilizer, sunlight, and temperatures, and they have also learned that their animals need to have certain environmental conditions. However, every culture is refusing to believe that humans follow the same rules as all other living creatures, and this prevents doctors and scientists from noticing and acknowledging the evidence that humans also need certain environmental conditions in order to maintain good health.

Furthermore, the refusal to believe that every human is a haphazard jumble of genetic characteristics, and that we all have defects, prevents people from realizing that even the healthiest people are defective creatures, and that each of us would have to understand the details of our particular defects in order to provide ourselves with the optimum environment.

Most people refuse to believe that they are apes, so they refuse to consider the possibility that humans need a veterinarian to design meals for us. Instead, they behave like children who eat whatever tastes good, and in whatever quantity they please, and whenever they feel like eating.

The concept that we must ensure that our protein, fats, vitamins, and other nutrients are kept within certain limits also applies to physical and mental activities. Our bones, ligaments, kidneys, eyes, and brain evolved for prehistoric activities, such as searching for pigs to eat.

A lot of the modern activities are unnatural for us, such as sitting in a chair for most of the day; watching a radar screen all day; working on assembly lines; and wearing pointed shoes. Some of our modern activities can cause our body to develop carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder injuries, or blood clots, and they can cause our mind to become bored or fatigued.

We need a veterinarian to help us design social and recreational activities. It is risky for us to do whatever is emotionally pleasing.

We can also cause damage to ourselves by pampering ourselves too much. Our muscles, bones, immune system, and mind were designed to adapt to the environment. Parents who pamper their children by doing all of the chores, letting them lounge around all day, letting them eat sweet foods, and preventing them from experiencing disappointments, criticism, and failures, are preventing their children's minds from learning how to deal with life's routine events; preventing their muscles and bones from developing properly; and causing them to adapt to an environment that is full of candy, toys, video games, praise, and lounging.

It is even conceivable that children can become nearsighted if they spend many hours a day with their face close to books or computer monitors because our eyes might have been designed to adjust to a certain extent to the items that they have to routinely focus on.

Animals evolved for an environment in which they must work every day. Animals do not have holidays, weekends, vacations, retirement, welfare, inheritances, trust funds, or sick days. They routinely have time to rest and relax, but those are brief periods of time.

Modern humans, however, are putting some animals, such as pet and zoo animals, into an environment in which they rarely have to work. This can result in the animals becoming bored.

We are also doing this to ourselves. Every culture is promoting the attitude that we will have the best life when we don't have to work; are pampered by servants; and spend every day doing what we want to do. We consider the elderly people who are retired to be having their "golden years".

Ironically, every culture promotes the opposite attitude at the same time, such as "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."

We have a strong desire to avoid work, but that emotion was intended to make us work efficiently, not because we will have a more satisfying life when we are pampered like a baby.

We interfere with the life and development of children when we pamper them. We prevent them from learning how to deal with problems, criticism, and work, and they can become so bored and restless that they get involved with idiotic or destructive activities.

It is especially detrimental to let wealthy parents create economic monarchies by giving their children businesses or large enormous amounts of land, money, and material items. That allows their children to become influential adults without earning their position. This has been happening all around the world for many centuries, and it results in nations becoming dominated by wealthy people who cannot provide useful leadership. Many of those wealthy people could be described as spoiled brats, and some of them depend upon crime to maintain their wealth, and some choose friends and spouses according to who will be beneficial in maintaining their wealth.

In order for children to develop properly, they need to be exposed to the bacteria and viruses in their environment, and they need to be exposed to problems, criticism, frustration, and work. They must experience life to develop properly, and they must earn what they want in order to be a productive member of a modern society.

Unfortunately, the world is dominated by people who either believe humans were created by a supreme being, or that we are like clay that molds itself to the environment. Those people cannot provide us with appropriate guidance because they want to design our culture according to a fantasy creature rather than an ape.

Furthermore, each of us is genetically unique. Therefore, in order to provide everybody with the best health and life, we need to eliminate secrecy, collect "personal" and "private" information about everybody, and adjust everybody's jobs, meals, medical treatments, recreational activities, sleeping patterns, and clothing to fit their particular genetic characteristics and defects. That requires analyzing everybody, passing judgment on their characteristics, and experimenting with culture, but all of those activities will result in occasional mistakes.

Even the most educated and intelligent people make mistakes. A scientist is just an educated ape. They provide us with opinions about life, not the answers to life. We must be critical of the information that we get from even the most intelligent and educated scientists because all of them are just blind men feeling an elephant.

Unfortunately, we often don't realize that scientists are providing inaccurate information until somebody suffers from it. For example, when William Byers died in 1932 from using Radithor, the government realized that radioactive substances must be prohibited from medicines. When children were born with flippers for arms, the government realized that thalidomide had potential dangers.

Although scientists realize that they make mistakes, and they have learned to verify one another's theories, their emotions sometimes interfere with their decisions. For example, they are not critical of the theory that we are ruining the Earth's climate by producing carbon dioxide, or that the universe is full of dark energy.

Some scientists might be under pressure by businesses or criminals to distort their research, and others might have such a strong desire to follow authorities that they resist being as critical of the established theories.

We cannot expect anybody to be unbiased or perfect, so we will benefit by having a government agency that can provide checks and balances for scientists by being critical of their theories. We cannot expect a group of people to do a good job of supervising themselves.

We are deceived by the mistakes of ordinary people

We are routinely exposed to the opinions of our family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, government officials, school teachers, and other "ordinary" people. They believe that they are experts on raising children, nutrition, marriage, crime, and religion, but all of them are only giving us bits and pieces of information that they picked up during their life.

The majority of people have a strong resistance to thinking, looking critically at themselves, doing research, and discussing issues, so they provide information that is lower in quality than that from the scientists.

Unfortunately, every culture is encouraging us to believe that the majority of people are so educated and intelligent that they can make intelligent decisions about voting, raising children, crime, nutrition, abortion, religion, and whether we should bomb Iran.

Our prehistoric ancestors believed that everybody was equally capable of creating brilliant theories about the universe, medicines, death, and raising children. We no longer believe that people are equally capable of creating medicines, but every culture continues to promote the prehistoric attitude that everybody is equally capable of producing intelligent thoughts about almost everything else, such as raising children, meals, abortion, religion, alcohol, and selecting leaders.

We prohibit parents from creating medicines for their children, but we allow parents to provide their children with nonsensical and detrimental information about feminism, religion, the Holocaust, and many other issues.

We cannot expect our family members, friends, or neighbors to make sensible decisions about which information is more accurate. The majority of people create collages of information that is full of mistakes and nonsense because they have a tendency to believe whatever is emotionally pleasing, and because most people have ordinary or below-average intelligence. It is foolish for us to believe the information that we get from our family members and friends.

For example, Forrest Maready is claiming that polio was the result of pesticides that have been prohibited, such as lead arsenate. We cannot expect the public to make a sensible decision about whether Maready's information about polio is more accurate than that from the FDA and other authorities.

We should not judge Maready's information according to what our family members or friends tell us. We need the guidance of people who have more intelligence, a better education, and the emotional ability to look critically at information.

We must change our culture significantly. We must stop promoting the prehistoric attitude that everybody is so educated and intelligent that they can make wise decisions about how to live, and what to believe. That attitude encourages arrogance, but all of us need to suppress our arrogance. All of us, even the intelligent people, would benefit from having the guidance of an intelligent group of people who excel in researching issues, having discussions, and being critical of their opinions.

We must experiment with different quality control

It is foolish to continue promoting the theory that the majority of people can provide supervision for their government, economic system, schools, recreational activities, clothing styles, and other culture, or that they can make intelligent decisions about raising children, nutrition, religion, abortion, and other issues.

We need government agencies to verify the value of the information we are provided, and verify the value of the laws that the other government officials are creating. We also need to ensure that the officials in those agencies are honest, and capable of looking critically at their opinions.

Instead of expecting the public to provide supervision of the government, this constitution experiments with other checks and balances. Three of the most important are:

The government has a Quality Division that is independent of the other government divisions. Businesses have been aware of the importance of a quality control department for centuries, and we must apply this concept to our government.


There are only five voters, and they must meet high standards. The majority of people cannot vote, but they are allowed to post suggestions about who they believe should be elected, and which officials and voters should be replaced.


The government consists of ministries that are of equal status, and the ministries have to request what they want from another ministry rather than give themselves what they want.

Although the existing governments must also request products and services from businesses, it is not the same system as what this Constitution promotes. For example, when the US government wants something, they request businesses to produce it, but the businesses are not equal in status to the government. As described here, businesses are in the role of prostitutes.

By comparison, all of the ministries are of equal status, and this allows them to reject requests, and to offer suggestions about how to improve the requests. Although this will not guarantee that the ministries will make wise decisions about which requests to approve, it increases the chances that the idiotic projects are rejected.

To further increase the chances that the ministries makes intelligent decisions, the ministries are not in competition to appease the public, or to make money. Instead, they compete to find improvements to the city and its culture.

The ministers are judged according to the effect they have on the lives of the people, primarily the lives of the City Elders. The ministers are not permitted to pander to the children, retards, idiots, or other "underdogs". This will force the ministers to reject a proposal that is popular among the Underdogs, but which is not beneficial to the City Elders, even if the Elders want it. For an example of how this type of competition can improve government projects:

Example of how ministers must make decisions about projects: High-speed trains

President Biden is planning to provide a phenomenal amount of money for a private business to construct a high-speed train between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, but what is the benefit to the nation? How many people want to travel between Las Vegas and Los Angeles? Who are those people? And why do they want to travel to Las Vegas?

Neither the US government nor the businesses have any concern for whether the train will improve life for the American people. The government is interested only in appeasing voters, and the businesses are interested only in making money. All of them are behaving like prostitutes, or circus seals. They are not making decisions according to what is best for the human race.

There is also no concern for whether there is an alternative solution that is more sensible. For example, if most of the people who would use the train want to go to Las Vegas for gambling or prostitution, then an alternative to the train would be to legalize gambling and prostitution in Los Angeles so that the people can walk, ride bicycles, or drive a short distance to the casinos and prostitutes.

With this constitution, the ministries compete to provide the most sensible leadership. If a ministry that requests a train must justify it by showing that it provides society with benefits that outweigh its disadvantages. The Transportation Ministry, which has to manufacture, operate, and maintain the train system, will be competing to provide the most sensible leadership, so they will be under pressure to ensure that the request is truly beneficial.

Furthermore, this Constitution requires that the ministers make decisions based on what the City Elders benefit from. Therefore, the Transportation Ministry could justify rejecting the request by claiming that the City Elders would not benefit from such a train because their lives will not improve by having easier access to gambling casinos and prostitutes. The minister could also point out that most people do not want to spend their life working in casinos or as prostitutes, so we should discourage those activities rather than encourage them.

The minister who requested the train would have a failure listed in his database entry, which would increase his chances of being replaced. The minister that rejected the request would have a success listed in his database entry.

Nobody has special legal privileges

The US Constitution gives the president the "Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons", but there is no requirement that the president show evidence that his decisions are beneficial to society. This allows the president to make decisions secretly, and for selfish or diabolical reasons.

There is also no limit on how many people a president can pardon. President Biden has set a new record with 8064 commutations and pardons. During the final hours of his presidency he set another record for being the first president to issue preemptive pardons to some of his family members and government officials who had not been convicted of a crime.

It is absurd to give the president control over the legal system. If the legal system cannot function correctly, then we should experiment with improvements, not give some government official the authority to override court decisions.

Incidentally, the US legal system is so crude that President Trump should be able to override Biden's pardons without making changes to the U.S. Constitution.

In order to create a more sensible legal system, this constitution does not give anybody the authority to overturn a court decision, or provide a person with immunity from a trial. Nobody is allowed to have any type of special treatment or privileges. Furthermore, the court officials must justify what they do as being beneficial to the human race.

One of the responsibilities of the Efficiency Ministry is to observe the government officials, including the Courts Ministry, and if they decide that a particular trial has resulted in an inappropriate decision, they must provide a document to explain their concerns, and request an intellectual trial to review that particular court case. Therefore, a "review trial" is needed to change the decision of a previous trial. No individual government official can change a court decision by himself.

If that review trial comes to the conclusion that the decision should be changed, then the judge of the original trial will have a failure listed in his database entry, and the officials who complained about the trial will have a success listed in their database entry. Since the worst performing judges are the first to be replaced, this will give us increasingly better judges.
We need an independent quality control agency

To reduce the chances of being outsmarted

Every organization has the potential problem that intelligent criminals deceive the majority of members. This problem affects all nations. For two examples:

In the 1990s, the Santa Barbara city officials proposed reducing the funding of the fire department in order to reduce the city's expenses so that they did not have to increase taxes.

The city officials could have reduced expenses by eliminating some of the most unnecessary agencies, or by reducing the salaries of the government officials, or by reducing the corruption and cheating among government officials.

Instead, they proposed to reduce the budget of the fire department in an attempt to frighten the public to such an extent that they would be willing to allow taxes to be increased.

In December 2023, the BBC suggested that they might cancel David Attenborough's wildlife television programs in order to reduce expenses.

The BBC officials could have proposed eliminating the television programs that were the most useless, or reducing the salaries of the executives. There are also lots of ways of reducing the labor and resources involved with producing television programs, such as eliminating the expensive "special effects", or having narrators read from teleprompters or sheets of paper rather than memorize speeches.

However, by threatening to eliminate a program that people wanted, they were hoping to upset the public to such an extent that they would support an increase in their budget.

The people who rise to the top positions of free enterprise systems and democracies tend to be selfish, diabolical, and abusive. Their purpose for getting into influential positions is to satisfy their cravings for material wealth and status, not to improve our lives or culture.

The only way to ensure that our leaders are being honest with us is to pass judgment on their honesty, and fire the incompetent leaders, and evict or euthanize the dishonest leaders.

However, we cannot expect the public to provide sensible analyses of influential people, or to have the emotional ability or desire to remove the incompetent and dishonest leaders. We need to create an organization with the authority to to do that, and we must restrict the officials of their organization to men who have the emotional ability and desire to do it.

Therefore, the Quality Division has an Efficiency, Security, and Courts Ministries to pass judgment on whether the people in influential positions should be arrested.

Although there is no way to guarantee that the officials in those ministries are not outsmarted, by having all of the ministries compete to find improvements to society, rather than compete to attract voters, we improve the chances that somebody notices and stops the deceptive government officials, executives, journalists, historians, and other influential people.

To ensure dishonest leaders are evicted

None of the existing cultures have any standards for their leaders, so people who have been convicted of crimes are allowed to become government officials, business executives, journalists, and other influential people.

For example, when Peter Strzok was caught trying to manipulate and deceive us about Donald Trump, the FBI's employee disciplinary office recommended that he be suspended for 60 days and demoted. He was eventually fired, and has since become an adjunct professor at a university, and a book he recently wrote about the "Threat of Donald Trump" has been published.

When we fire a government official for committing crimes, and then allow him to educate students and become an author, we are behaving like a stupid animal that doesn't care which animal getd into the top position of the hierarchy.

In order to eliminate dishonest leaders, we must restrict the Quality Division to people who have enough control over their craving to be submissive to our leaders that they can evict or euthanized a dishonest government official, journalist, scientist, or business executive.

To ensure incompetent leaders are fired

No culture requires government officials, business executives, journalists, professors, or anybody else to justify what they do, and if they decide to justify what they do, they can use idiotic remarks, such as:"It is for the protection of the public", or "It is for national security", and "It will provide people with jobs."

No culture has a quality control agency that analyzes the policies of the government officials, or holds them accountable for what they do. This lack of quality control allows government officials to create idiotic policies. For example, government officials do not need to provide sensible justification for restricting a medical drug to prescription only.

Requiring a medical product to be by prescription only is putting a burden on society, and especially on the people who benefit from the medical product. Therefore, the government should require prescriptions only if they can show that the prescriptions provide benefits that outweigh their burden.

However, the democratic governments are restricting almost all medical drugs and products to prescription only. They don't care whether there is any benefit to those restrictions.

For example, there are some devices that can be attached to a person's arm to measure blood glucose levels. People with diabetes can use them to monitor their blood sugar so that they don't have to frequently poke themselves with needles in order to analyze a blood sample. In March 2024, the FDA allowed one of those devices to be available without a prescription, but the others require prescriptions.

What is the benefit to having those devices by prescription only? There is no black-market for those devices, and there are no crime networks selling them, and the hospitals are not treating people for misusing those devices. Even the stupid and irresponsible people can use them without hurting themselves.

Nobody would be harmed if those devices were available without a prescription. Most people do not want one, even if they were available for free. Most of the people who want them are people with diabetes, and the people who want to use them for a month or so in order to learn about their blood sugar levels.

Likewise, most of the other drugs and medical devices that require prescriptions are of interest only to a few people, so the prescriptions are a burden with no benefit.

In a democracy, the public is supposed to provide quality control for the government, but the public cannot do that. The public has allowed the officials in the FDA, FBI, and other agencies to be incredibly incompetent, dishonest, and mentally ill.

The FDA justifies prescriptions by claiming that the prescriptions are "protecting" people, but the only people who might possibly be protected by prescriptions are the adults who are stupid, mentally ill, senile, or retarded. However, it is more sensible to put the incompetent adults on restrictions, just like we do with children, rather than make everybody suffer with prescriptions.

The prescriptions and other laws are doing nothing to stop people from abusing heroin, steroids, fentanyl, cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, steroids, caffeine, aspirin, sugar, automobiles, soda, donuts, state lotteries, jewelry, or any of the other things that people are abusing or hurting themselves with.

There are some people who are tormenting themselves by letting their house become cluttered with items, and there are other people tormenting themselves with financial problems as a result of expensive college courses, excessive shopping, or gambling, but laws cannot stop those problems, either.

In the USA, there is such a strong "Feel Sorry For Me" attitude that the government, businesses, schools, and other organizations are under pressure to adjust their policies, products, laws, and activities to help the worst behaved and most incompetent people. However, our attempts to stop people from causing hurting themselves are failures. We must push ourselves into experimenting with different policies.

This Constitution requires the government officials to design culture for the City Elders, rather than the worst behaved people.

The adults who are too incompetent to handle medical drugs, blood glucose monitoring devices, alcohol, and other things must be classified as inferior people. They must be put on restrictions, such as prohibiting them from reproducing, getting into influential positions, and having access to certain products or social clubs. It is foolish to put everybody on restrictions in an attempt to prevent the inferior people from their self-destructive behavior.

The Social Clubs Minister is authorized to create clubs that provide people with medical equipment, and people are allowed to experiment with medical drugs. Instead of putting restrictions on the medical drugs and products, the executives of the clubs must prohibit the children and adults who are incompetent, irresponsible, or obnoxious from having access to the club. This will allow the higher-quality people to have access to the medical products.

By having a Quality Control Division that is independent of the other government agencies, and by giving them the authority to demand government officials provide explanations for their policies, they will be able to fire the government officials who create idiotic and detrimental policies, such as an official who restricts blood glucose monitoring devices to prescription only.

The Quality Control Division also has the authority to pass judgment on the behavior and value of business executives, journalists, scientists, and other influential people. This cannot guarantee that we have excellent leadership, but it will significantly improve our chances that the incompetent and dishonest people are removed from influential positions.

The Efficiency Ministry can help stop loopholes

The Courts Ministry is required to be intolerant of loopholes, but to help ensure that people in influential positions are not outsmarting the Courts Ministry, one of the purposes of the Efficiency Ministry is to pass judgment on whether somebody is trying to use a loophole.

For an example, in October 2024, the Federal Trade Commission prohibited businesses from using "tricks and traps" that "make people jump through endless hoops just to cancel a subscription". They also proposed prohibiting "corporations from running up the bills with hidden and bogus fees, requiring honest pricing and spurring firms to compete on honesty rather than deception".

However, instead of creating those laws, the government should have interpreted their existing laws as prohibiting that behavior. By creating new laws, they allow the dishonest and abusive business executives to remain in leadership positions, and they encourage other business executive to look for loopholes

A more sensible policy is to require everybody to understand the purpose of the law, and not allow people to argue over the words in the law. This is one reason why the Cities Council of the World Government has the authority to fire a President.

The Laws document points out that laws are useful only to the people who are capable of understanding them, and who are willing to use them. We cannot stop crime with laws that prohibit the crimes. The only way to ensure that the people in a city are behaving properly is to set high standards for the people, and evict the abusive people.

We must demand that our leaders behave better than the public. They should be excellent role models. When we find one of our leaders justifying his abusive behavior by saying there was no law against it, our response should be that he should have a better understanding of the purpose of the laws than the public. We should not have to tell our leaders how to behave, or what the laws mean.

We need to be pressured to be serious

Our natural tendency is to entertain ourselves, but our emotions evolved for a very primitive era, so a lot of what we find entertaining today is destructive, wasteful, or irritating.

For example, in order to cause an ape to want to take care of its children, we developed emotions that are entertained by the idiotic behavior of children, rather than irritated by it. For example, we giggle when they stumble as they try to walk, or when they do "baby talk". However, giggling at that behavior can encourage the children to continue doing it rather to than improve themselves.

Prehistoric people had to work every day, so even though the mothers would giggle at their children's idiotic behavior, they would put their children under pressure to help with chores and learn how to take care of themselves.

The prehistoric women might have giggled at the silly behavior of adults, also, but they were not attracted to adult men who acted like children. They wanted men who could take care of a family.

Today we are no longer under pressure to teach children to take care of themselves, and women are no longer under pressure to find a man who can take care of them. This is allowing mothers to pamper their children to an excess, and to be entertained by adult men who behave like children.

Our emotions are so stupid that we can be entertained when adults behave in a manner that is similar to that of a child. This has resulted in television companies producing blooper videos, which are excerpts of adults making mistakes during the production of a television program.

It has also resulted in citizens posting their own versions of blooper videos on the Internet in which adults are stumbling, tripping, breaking objects, mispronouncing words, dropping their cell phone in a swimming pool, and slipping on a wet or icy surface.

It can be useful to create videos of people making mistakes if the video is intended to help people understand how to avoid those mistakes. For example, the US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board created this video that describes an explosion that burned 14 workers to death at a sugar factory.

Not many people realize that sugar is just one of many common items that can be explosive when it is in a powdered form. That type of video educates us about accidents, rather than entertains us. Its purpose is to help us understand why those accidents happened, and how to prevent them in the future.

However, when we treat mistakes as entertainment, we encourage people to deliberately make mistakes in order to become the center of attention. This problem is most easily noticed with children. Specifically, when parents giggle at the mistakes of their children, or their "baby talk", the children often respond by deliberately acting childish.

The parents who encourage their children to act silly are using their children as masturbation objects to titillate themselves with. They are treating their children like circus animals. It is even more destructive to giggle at the stupid behavior of adults because that encourages adults to behave like children

YouTube adds to the problem by providing money to people who create popular videos, and that has resulted in many adults deliberately behaving in stupid or childish manners in order to attract our attention.

The businesses that produce television advertisements add to the problem because a popular style of advertisement is having adults behave in child-like manners. Those advertisements are using childish behavior to stimulate our emotional attraction to children in order to increase their profits, and we ought to be disgusted that businesses are treating us in that manner. Those businesses are exploiting us, not respecting us.

This constitution improves the situation by requiring every person and organization to treat other people as friends.

Since the government has complete control of culture, they can experiment with methods to discourage or prohibit the blooper videos, and encourage both children and adults to become impressive role models rather than obnoxious and clumsy clowns.

One method of reducing the blooper videos is to alter the way we create videos so that people make fewer mistakes in the narration. For example, instead of having people memorize speeches and look into the camera as they speak, they can read from a Teleprompter or sheet of paper.

We want people to look at us when they are talking to us, but we don't need to satisfy that emotional craving, especially not when we are watching educational documentaries. We should be paying attention to the images and the information, not the person's face and mouth.

We titillate our emotions when the narrators pretend to be in the room with us and look at us, but that illusion will not improve our lives, and we will not suffer if the narrator is reading from a sheet of paper or Teleprompter, or if he is not visible to us.

Since we are animals, we want to look at the people who speak to us, and we want them to look at us, but every adult should have enough education and intelligence to realize that when we look at a person on a television monitor we are looking at an image of a person, not a real person. We should also realize that he is looking at a camera, not at us.

Nobody has such a perfect memory that he can give a speech without making mistakes occasionally. Therefore, requiring narrators to memorize speeches requires the television crew to repeatedly record the narration until he does it correctly. That is a waste of labor and resources, and it can irritate the people who have to produce and edit the video.

The purpose of the Efficiency Ministry is to improve other government agencies and organizations, so they have the authority to prohibit the Television Ministry from having people memorize speeches. The Efficiency Ministry can demand the narrators read from teleprompters, laptop computer, cell phones, or paper.

It is also acceptable to display the text that the narrator is reading. That would be especially useful when the narrator is using technical words that are not well known, or when he is describing a complex topic. That also allows people to pause the video to read the text to get a better understanding of what was said.

Another trick that the television businesses are doing is to frequently show the face of a person who is listening to a conversation. For example, when there are two people having a conversation, the video editor will alternate back and forth between showing the face of the person who is talking and showing the face of the person who is listening.

Creating that type of documentary is a waste of time of the camera operators and the video editors. It does not improve the documentary. It merely titillates the audience because it makes us feel as if we are in the room with the people, and looking at all of them. Therefore, the Efficiency Ministry should prohibit the Television Ministry from using that trick.

Another justifiable reduction in labor and resources is for the Efficiency Ministry to require the Television Ministry to prohibit music in the educational documentaries. The educational videos should be serious, not entertaining. Music should be restricted to entertainment programs.

The existing quality agencies are failures

All nations have agencies that provide functions that are similar to that of the Quality Division. For example, the USA has the USDA, the FDA, police departments, the FBI, and courts. All of those agencies occasionally do something beneficial, but all of them are failures at understanding and reducing crime, corruption, and mistakes. We must set much higher standards for government officials in order for those agencies to be truly useful.

In order to provide the Quality Division, and the other government divisions, with better leadership, this constitution makes some significant cultural changes. For example:

Voting is restricted.

Only five men are allowed to vote, and that allows us to set high standards for the voters. Although this has the potential of becoming a dystopian society, it also has the potential of providing excellent leadership. Which type of leadership we end up with depends upon our ability and desire to get involved with passing judgment on the performance of the voters and other influential people.

Security personnel must meet high standards.

None of the existing nations require sheriffs, lawyers, judges, or anybody else in the quality control agencies to meet any sensible standards for education, intelligence, self control, or previous achievements.

Although some agencies require the officials to have a college diploma, the school systems as of 2025 are still so crude that students can get diplomas even if they have serious mental disorders, cannot understand evolution, and are so deceived and ignorant that they believe that the United Nations created Israel and that Nazis killed 6 million Jews. The existing school systems are giving us leaders who have unrealistic and dishonest views of human behavior and history.

Our law enforcement agencies have leaders who cannot even set sensible priorities for themselves. For example, law enforcement agencies around Europe recently worked together to stop a group of people who were providing over 22 million people with free movies and television shows, but that crime is one of the least important in the world as of 2025.

It is more important for the law enforcement agencies to investigate the blackmail by Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs, and the accusations of David Shurter, Vicki Polin, Jenny Guskin, and others who claim to be victims of a pedophile network that is being protected by the government officials.

The police agencies are more interested in protecting the royalties of Hollywood and television businesses than they are in protecting us from pedophiles, crime networks, and corrupt government officials.

Furthermore, stopping a network from providing free movies will not necessarily increase the profits of the television businesses by a noticeable amount because many of those 22 million people might not be willing to pay for the movies. Therefore, it is possible that Europe spent more money to stop the crime than they are going to provide to the television and movie businesses. And now they will waste more money punishing those people in jail.

It is necessary for us to stop crime, but we should be concerned with the most serious crimes first. It is more important for the security agencies and militaries to investigate the accusations that Jews are responsible for the world wars, the 9/11 attack, and lots of other crimes.

There have been so many accusations of pedophiles in the British government that it is also much more important for the British police to investigate the naked boy who was climbing out of a window at Buckingham palace, rather than assume that it was an advertisement for a television show.

We must raise standards for people involved with security and law enforcement. The American culture allows a person to become a lawyer simply by passing some tests to verify that he can memorize a lot of laws and previous legal cases, which is as worthless as allowing a person to become a scientist simply because he can memorize the work of other scientists.

This constitution requires people in the top leadership positions to show that they have an above-average understanding of evolution, history, and human behavior, and that they have demonstrated the ability to provide us with intelligent analyses of our social problems.

The courts are required to provide analyses of crimes, and provide advice on how we might reduce crime, but a person who refuses to believe in evolution cannot provide us with sensible analyses or advice. Likewise, a person who believes in the Holocaust, the Apollo moon landing, and other propaganda cannot provide useful leadership.

Setting higher standards for government officials cannot guarantee that we have high quality leadership, but it is better than allowing people to become government officials simply because they have an education in Freudian psychology, religion, or the Holocaust.

Secrecy must be eliminated.

All existing cultures provide government officials, and everybody else, with tremendous secrecy about their physical and mental health, and what they do during the workday and during their leisure time. This gives them the opportunity to conspire with one another to abuse and exploit us, and it makes it difficult for us to determine whether they are doing anything of value during the work day.

Eliminating secrecy cannot guarantee high quality leadership, but it makes it much more difficult for the mentally ill, dishonest, and incompetent officials to hide their atrocious behavior and mental disorders. It also makes it more difficult for crime networks to blackmail, bribe, and intimidate government officials, and to infiltrate the government.

A government should never suffer from stalemates

The presidents can make decisions for their division without asking for the approval of other presidents, but there will occasionally be times when the presidents must deal with a policy that affects two or more of the other divisions, in which case the presidents must agree on a policy.

A common problem with governments is that the officials cannot agree on a policy, and they end up wasting months or years arguing with each other, and they sometimes give up and do nothing about the problem, such as the Santa Barbara officials who do nothing to reduce the noise of the private airplanes.

In order to prevent stalemates, if the presidents do not resolve a conflict within a month, or if they vote to continue looking into it as a way of doing nothing about it, the Courts Ministry has the authority to pass judgment on whether they are making sensible decisions, and if not, the Courts Ministry can fire one or all of the presidents, thereby forcing the voters to select new presidents.

This constitution promotes replacing leaders who cannot solve problems, rather than tolerating their excuses for failure, and rather than punishing or rehabilitating them.

The presidents must be allowed to vote

The U.S. Constitution does not require government officials to vote on issues. This allows cheating.

For example, most of the Republican officials, especially in the Senate, opposed the Federal Reserve Act, and there are accusations that the people who wanted the Federal Reserve Act arranged for the Senate to vote on it on 23 December 1913 because that was when a lot of the Republicans had gone home for Christmas vacation. If that accusation is accurate, the people who arranged for the vote on that day should be regarded as criminals.

In order to prevent cheating, when the presidents have to resolve an issue, all three of them are required to vote.

Part-time officials are encouraged

The Quality division encourages people to become part-time and temporary officials. The reasons for advocating part-time jobs are explained here, and the following reasons are specific to the Quality division:

To benefit from people with specific knowledge

A person can become a temporary official in the Quality Division when the government is dealing with an issue that he feels he has something to contribute. For a simple example, when the Products or Efficiency Ministry is reviewing policies for GPS coverage in the city, an engineer or scientist who is knowledgeable about that issue can apply to become a temporary or part-time official so that he can get directly involved with the analysis or decisions.

He will be able to do that work on either a part-time or full-time basis. When the task has been completed, his job as a quality official terminates.

This policy allows us to have quality officials who are knowledgeable about the issues being investigated. By comparison, if we were to have permanent, full-time quality officials, they would be familiar with a only few subjects, which means that most of their decisions will be about issues that they don't know much about, which in turn makes them dependent upon whoever they choose to provide them with information.

It would be more useful and efficient to let the people who are knowledgeable about the issue to have the authority, and let them be responsible for the decisions.


To provide a wider variety of opinions

A government agency knows only as much as the people in the agency. Therefore, when an agency encourages people to become part-time and temporary officials for the issues that they are knowledgeable about, the agency knows as much as everybody who is willing to get involved with the decisions. Examples of this are:

Artificial intelligence software.
Some people are promoting a fear of AI software, and some are advocating restrictions on it. Unfortunately, not many people in the government agencies know anything about computer software. They are dependent upon other people's opinions, but if they get the opinions of criminals, wealthy people, business executives, investors, or paranoid people, they will give us idiotic or abusive policies.

By having a government that encourages part-time officials, we increase the chances that people with exceptional talent and knowledge will get involved, and those people will provide us with more sensible decisions.

Rockets and space exploration.
NASA, SpaceX, and other organizations are designing rockets and research projects in secrecy. They have no obligation to let any of us know about or get involved with the decisions.

By eliminating secrecy, and by giving citizens the opportunity to become temporary officials, when there are proposals for rockets or space exploration projects, the part-time officials will give the government a wider variety of opinions, which increases the chances that we get better decisions.

Increasing the number of people involved with making decisions has the disadvantage of increasing the number of disagreements, but by eliminating secrecy and keeping track of what everybody says and does in the People database, we will eventually notice who is contributing the most intelligent analyses to the discussions, and who is most likely to cause trouble by promoting selfish or idiotic policies, or by having tantrums, or by making insulting remarks. This will allow us to make better decisions about who to hire as a part-time official.


To increase new ideas and improvements

Encouraging people to become temporary officials in the Quality Division will encourage people to look for opportunities to improve something about society, such as a manufacturing operation, a recreational or social activity, a software program, or a footpath in a city park.

For example, a person who knows nothing about computers could complain about the confusing aspects of a software program, and he could request that he become a part-time and temporary official in the Products Ministry so that he can get involved with testing the improved version to ensure that the programmers have truly improved it.

Likewise, a machinist could complain that the panel on his CNC machine is so complicated that he and other machinists frequently forget how to use it, or that it requires them to push too many buttons and knobs. He could request the opportunity to become a part-time and temporary official so that he can participate in testing the improved version to ensure that it really is an improvement.

Another example of the value of citizens becoming part-time quality control officials is in regards to the blood glucose monitoring devices, that were mentioned at the beginning of this document. Some of the users of those devices are posting videos on the Internet in which they complain about the device, or to provide information about the devices. Two of the reasons that people are posting those videos are:

Businesses produce propaganda.

The main page for the Stelo device has a video but it is just an advertisement with music. It doesn't explain anything. Their document "How does it work" doesn't provide any information about how it works, either.

In a free enterprise system, the videos and documents that businesses provide are attempts to manipulate us into purchasing their product. They goal is profit, not educating us about their products, or improving our lives, or improving our culture.

Furthermore, they design their advertisements and information according to the mental characteristics of their potential customers. For most businesses, that is the "ordinary" people, most of whom have no desire to learn or think, and most of whom are of average intelligence.

The end result is that the businesses produce advertisements, videos, and documents that are primarily music, colorful images, and people who are smiling to an excess. Most of their videos and documents are as worthless as political advertisements.

Businesses have no incentive to provide us with useful information, so we get a better explanation of their products from their customers.


All products have irritating features or limitations.

No product can be described as "perfect". When managers authorize the production of a product, they are simply making a decision on when it has been developed enough to offer it for sale. However, the businesses will not be honest and admit that their product has limitations or imperfections. Therefore, we benefit by listening to their customer's complaints.

The man who posted this analysis of two different glucose monitoring devices complained that the Stelo software discards data after 24 hours. He tried to take a screenshot of the data to save it for himself, but he said it would not take a screenshot, and he thinks it is because the company is trying to protect his "personal" and "private" health data.

This woman complains that the FDA recommends people install the device on the back of their arm, but she says that is very inconvenient for her, and she recommends several other locations.

Those customers provide us with important information about products that the businesses refuse to acknowledge or deal with.

By allowing the public to become temporary government officials, the people who notice problems with products, and who have the initiative to complain about them or suggest improvements, will have the authority to put pressure on engineers to improve their products.

In a free enterprise system, the engineers are under pressure to create products that are profitable, which results in them constantly developing "new and improved" products, often with "lemon freshness", but this Constitution puts them under pressure to create products that improve our lives.

Organizations are prohibited from trying to manipulate us.
Furthermore, the businesses will be under pressure to create documentation for their products that is easy to understand, and provide useful information. They cannot create advertisements, or ignore the disadvantages of their product, or titillate us with photos of people who are smiling excessively.

Businesses cannot have their own Internet sites, either. The Database Council of the World Government maintains all of the documents about products, and other information that businesses are currently providing on their Internet sites, so businesses do not need their own sites to provide product information. The Jobs Ministry maintains a list of all jobs, so businesses do not need an Internet site to advertise jobs.

The businesses are restricted to designing, repairing, and manufacturing products. They cannot promote themselves or their products, or fight with other businesses. They must be inspirational to their competitors, not aggressive, and they must treat customers as their friends rather than as profit opportunities.

Furthermore, businesses cannot resist technology that will put them out of business. For example, the organization is afraid that AI software will put them out of business, and so they display an "honest warning", as of December 2024:
This year’s introduction also comes with an honest warning: corporate billionaires like Google CEO Sundar Pichai and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman want to use AI slop to replace not only travel blogs like ours...

Their attitude is as unacceptable as a fire department giving us:
This year's introduction also comes with an honest warning: corporate billionaires want to use AI to produce fireproof homes to eliminate fire departments like ours.

With this Constitution, a business exists only to improve life for us, so it is eliminated when it is no longer beneficial. No business is allowed to resist technical improvements that will make it unnecessary.

All of the employees of the business are employees of the city, and their goal is to improve life for the people, not help the business, or promote their particular products.

This concept of putting pressure on engineers to improve their products rather than promote their products applies to our social clubs, recreational activities, city plazas, foot paths, and other culture. Specifically, the goal of everybody is to improve our culture, not promote any particular customs.

People are encouraged to improve anything they can think of, including questions on tests. For example, the SAT tests that Americans use to determine who should go to college require people to excel at math, but very few people need to use math in their job or their personal life. Therefore, a person could complain that those tests are as worthless as testing a person's ability to produce flint arrowheads, and that the tests should be adjusted according to what type of jobs the person is interested in getting.

For another example, people who want a drivers license in California often have to answer questions that are similar to this:
It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is _____ or higher.
a) 0.08%
b) 0.10%
c) 0.04%

The problem with that type of question is that nobody has any idea of what their blood alcohol concentration is. That type of question is useful only for the people who analyze blood alcohol levels, such as police officers and autopsy personnel.

By encouraging people to improve our culture, a person could post a suggestion that it would be more beneficial for the public to understand and answer questions about the quantity of alcoholic drinks that can impair our mind, and the time it takes for our body to eliminate the alcohol. For example, a person could suggest that the question would be more relevant if it was similar to this:
How much 5% alcohol beer will give the typical adult man a blood alcohol level in the illegal range for driving vehicles?
a) Half a liter.
b) One liter.
c) Two liters.

Knowing the answer to that type of question would be useful for everybody in a society that permits alcohol, including the people who do not drink. By comparison, knowing the percentage of blood alcohol that is illegal is useless information, unless we have access to devices that can measure blood alcohol.

The person who posted that suggestion could also request to be a temporary official in the Efficiency Ministry so that he has some authority to ensure that the educational curriculum and test questions are improved.

All progress comes from trivial improvements

Changing one question on a test will not do much to improve our lives, but by repeatedly finding "trivial" improvements to our educational programs and tests, people will become better educated, and we will improve the procedures for determining who qualifies as a pilot, dentist, government official, scientist, and doctor.

Likewise, by finding "trivial" improvements to software, bicycles, holiday celebrations, courtship activities, work environments, refrigerators, drones, clothing items, foot paths, drainage canals, and plumbing fixtures, we slowly improve our city, products, and lives. By comparison, if we do nothing to improve our culture, nothing will improve.

All of the scientific progress that has been occurring during the past few thousand years has been "trivial" improvements to previous technology. We must apply that concept to culture. We are fools to ignore or ridicule "trivial" improvements to culture.

The people who find improvements to educational programs, work environments, city festivals, recreational activities, the documents in this constitution, and other culture will have that achievement listed as a success in their database entry. That will help them to become one of the City Elders.

Those type of achievements will also improve a person's chance of becoming a government official, which will give us government officials who have a history of finding improvements to culture.

Would the head of the blue bolt be more resistant to tearing off?
For another example of how "ordinary" people can improve our products and culture, a technician who is repairing industrial equipment might notice that a lot of the bolts that are required to hold a tremendous force are breaking at the head, and that might cause him to wonder if redesigning the bolts to have an arc at the transition between the body and the head would reduce the problem, as shown in the diagram to the right. (Also mentioned here.)

In a free enterprise system, it is difficult for a person to investigate such issues because it requires finding financial support, and finding people with the technical talent to do an appropriate investigation.

However, with this constitution, the technician would be able to discuss his idea for bolts on the Public message board in order to get the opinions of people who know more about engineering and bolts.

If he gets confirmation from some engineers that his idea is potentially useful, then he, or somebody else, could post his idea in the Suggestions category. If a minister considers his idea to be worth investigating, the minister would authorize an investigation of it.

The technician would not have the knowledge or experience to help the engineers with the design of the bolt, but he could ask to become a part-time and temporary official in the Products Ministry so that he can participate in the testing of the bolts so that he can ensure that the bolts are tested in the same equipment that has caused the heads to break off. That would enable him to provide the engineers with feedback on how well the bolts are working in real situations.

In the description of the Quality Division, I pointed out that my thermometer had a broken wire. Another problem with that thermometer is that, after a couple of years, the on-off button, which is a push button, required an increasingly powerful force to turn it on and off.

I disassembled it and discovered that the switch is a rubber pad that makes contact with copper traces on the circuit board.

The red arrows in the photo to the right point to the rubber pad and the copper traces.

The photo below shows the copper traces, although they look like silver rather than copper.

The photo below shows the round rubber pad. It has squares of some type of conductive material embedded in it, and when the switch is depressed, it presses those squares against the copper traces.

For some reason, the copper traces and the rubber pad had accumulated some type of film that acted like an electrical insulator. When I cleaned the traces and the rubber pad, it began working properly.

Since the thermometer is used in kitchens, which have high levels of moisture, oil, food particles, and people with messy, damp, and wet fingers, the switch should be completely sealed. However, in a free enterprise system, businesses benefit when their products fail, and the customer purchases a new one.

For another example, I bought a sous vide device from ANOVA, and after several years the rod that was turning the tiny propeller to move the water would occasionally resonate, creating a loud noise. It triggered memories of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge vibrating to such an extent that it destroyed itself.

I could stop the noise by unplugging the device and starting it again, but as the months passed, it would do it more often. One day turning it on and off would not stop the noise.

I cut off the bottom of the tubular metal casing, which exposes the heating coils and the spinning propeller.
I could stop the resonating by widening the opening in the black plastic cap at the bottom of the tubular metal casing, but that worked for only a few weeks.

Then I cut off about an inch from the bottom of the metal casing, as seen in the photo to the right.

The coils in the photo are the heating element, and the red arrow points to the black, spinning propeller that would resonate once in a while.

That caused it to resonate less frequently, but it did not stop it completely. I suppose the bearing is failing, so I just purchased the less expensive BlitzHome SV-2209 so that when it fails I won't have wasted as much money. It is working very nicely, but it has the disadvantage of not retaining the temperature that I had previously set it for, so every time I use it I have to set the temperature.

Products today are such low quality that it seems like we have to purchase a new set of devices for our home every few years. The price and the brand name doesn't seem to have any effect on the quality.

I have complained about a lot of products, but I doubt that I am having more problems with products than other people. Many of the older adults that I personally know have had so many products fail that they have developed the attitude that many businesses today are deliberately designing products to have a short lifetime.

However, that is a terrible attitude for people to have. We should not regard our business leaders as selfish, greedy freaks who abuse us for profit. We should admire their talent, and be grateful for their leadership.

My juicer is working after at least 60 years.
Some of the products that were passed on to us by our parents are still working. An example is the Proctor Silex juicer that my mother gave me. It still works fine, and the electrical cord still looks perfect.

She gave it to me because she decided to buy a "new and improved" juicer, but she was disappointed to discover that it had less power, so it did an inferior job, and it broke after just a couple of years.

The engineers who designed the Proctor Silex juicer did such a good job that it is still in great shape after at least 60 years. One of my neighbors also has one of those juicers from her mother, and it still works for her. The used versions of that particular juicer are still being sold on the Internet, and many of them might continue to be functioning one or two centuries from today.

The prongs of the ANOVA plug (on the left) are solid metal, but the Proctor Silex prongs are "springy" so they grip the socket better.
Another nice feature of the Proctor Silex juicer is that prongs on the electrical plug of the juicer form a type of spring that makes a good contact with the electrical socket.

Te prongs on the ANOVA sous vide device are solid metal, which doesn't grip as well with the electrical socket in my kitchen, so I had to bend the prongs slightly to stop them from losing the electrical connection when the cord was touched or vibrated.

Some electrical plugs have the problem of getting hot, perhaps because the wires inside the cord do not make good contact with the prongs in the plug, or because the prongs are not making good contact with the electrical socket.

I added the brass valve to the drainage valve to stop it from leaking. The gray plastic connector is to provide a more orderly flow of water.
I mentioned that the water heater that I purchased in 1993 lasted until 2016, almost 24 years, but the water heater that I purchased in 2016 began leaking water at the drainage valve in 2024, about eight years.

Fortunately I could fix the problem by adding a brass shut off valve to it, and that turned out to be beneficial because I can now get instant hot water for my sous vide machine and other purposes without having to wait for water to heat up at the kitchen sink.

In a free enterprise system, only some of the businesses seem to be improving their products, such the businesses that produce automobiles and computer components. Most other businesses seem to be producing inferior products compared to what they were producing 50 years ago.

In order to improve our products and other culture, this Constitution:

Encourages everybody to post complaints and suggestions about products, work environments, recreational activities, social affairs, bike paths, and everything else about our culture. The government officials are required to respond to the suggestions, which will force them to investigate problems.


Allows people to become temporary quality control officials so that they can get involved with testing the changes that are made to the products and culture to ensure that the engineers and government officials are truly improving the situation.


The ministers do not have to pander to consumers or businesses, so they can force changes to products and culture without caring what the public or the businesses want or fear. This allows them to make changes to products and culture instantly.

For example, if somebody developed an electrical plug that was more reliable and less likely to get hot, it would be almost impossible to convince the businesses and citizens to switch to it.

However, the ministers control the entire economy, so they can force the businesses to stop manufacturing the old plugs and start creating the new plugs. They could even authorize the replacement of the existing plugs if they felt that it was worth the labor and resources to do so.

In a free enterprise system, people who have complaints about products have to send their complaints to the company, or post complaints on the Internet, and then hope somebody does something about the problem. However, businesses have no obligation to listen to customer complaints, or make any attempt to solve the problems that people complain about.

Furthermore, if a company decides to improve one of their products, they are not likely to let the person who complained about it become part of the team that tests the improved version. They are more likely to let their own employees test it, which might be result in unrealistic testing because their employees might be more ignorant about the product than the customers who have been using it for years.

For example, I and other people have complained about this "new and improved" Contigo mug, and I made this video in 2019 about it, and this video about my attempt to improve it, but as of December 2024, the company is continuing to sell that "improved" version.

It is possible that the company tested that "new and improved" mug with people who did not have any experience with the previous version, so they did not realize that the previous version was more comfortable and reliable. It is also possible that the Contigo executives don't care about complaints because the mug is continuing to sell.

By encouraging people with complaints about products, software, foot paths, bicycle paths, city plazas, swimming areas, recreational activities, and other aspects of the city, to become part-time and temporary quality officials, we encourage people to get involved with looking ways to improve all aspects of the city.

Even if a person doesn't have the intelligence or education to improve a product or custom, he can become a temporary quality official to ensure that the problem he noticed is being dealt with.

Laboratory testing is not good enough

One of the problems with creating or improving material items is that we cannot be certain how useful something is simply by testing it in a laboratory. There are a lot of material items that have to be used by consumers for many years before we can be certain whether the product has the lifetime that we expect, and that it can handle the different conditions that they must deal with.

A tire testing machine
Engineers often build special machines to put material items through tests, such as the tire testing machine in the photo to the right, but the best test is to use the item.

Therefore, the engineers will do a better job of improving their products when the public is encouraged to post their complaints about items, and when the public can get involved with the government to ensure that the engineers truly fix the problem.

This concept is even more important with culture. It is impossible to test new culture in a laboratory. The only way to determine whether we can have created an improved holiday celebration, social club, recreational activity, educational program, or work environment is to experiment with ourselves, and observe the results over a span of months or years.

We will create better products when our economic system puts the businesses into competition to improve our lives, rather than to make money. For example, in a free enterprise system, toaster ovens are designed for short lifetimes, and to be discarded rather than repaired. In 2024 my toaster oven was a few years old, and it began smelling like burnt plastic, so I opened it up and discovered an electrical component that had gotten so hot that it had split in half and was unidentifiable. It was connected in parallel to a similar component that was also burnt, but it was recognizable as a diode, and I could read "N5804".

It appears that the engineers were using two diodes as a way of reducing the power to the top heating elements. I suppose one of the reasons the diodes got so hot was because each diode was enclosed in shrinkwrap tubing, and both diodes were enclosed together in another tubing. Those casing interfered with the cooling of the diodes.

However, the primary reason the diodes were so hot might be because the engineers were trying to save a few pennies by using only two diodes. Most of the N5804 diodes that are for sale on the Internet are rated for 3 amps, so two diodes could handle 6 amps, but the toaster oven is designed for 120 volts and 1500 watts, which is 12.5 amps. That makes me wonder if the engineers were abusing those diodes.

Those diodes are so inexpensive that the engineers should have used at least four diodes, but the free enterprise system puts people under pressure to make money, rather than care about the lifetime, value, or maintenance of a product. This results in engineers pushing components to such an extreme that the product often fails much earlier than it should.

We should consider a product to be unacceptable if it become useless because of the failure of an inexpensive component. If the inexpensive component is easily replaced, it would not be such a problem, but most products are not designed to be repaired by the user.

Fortunately, I could bypass the burnt diodes, which caused the top elements to become much hotter than they should be, but I only needed the oven to function for a few days, until a replacement was delivered.

I was planning to buy the same oven, but as is typical in the free enterprise system, it was no longer in production, so I had to choose one of the "new and improved" versions. I was about to order the Black & Decker TO3250XSB when I noticed this variation had an air fry option, I decided to try that one instead.

The description said that the "Air Fry Technology uses high intensity hot air to...", so I assumed that the convection fan would be a bit more powerful than the "ordinary" convection ovens, which I hoped would make the baking a bit quicker and spread the heat more evenly.

This is not a "convection oven".
When the oven arrived, I discovered that it was not a convection oven, even though the product manual describes it as a "convection oven", as seen in the photo to the right.

The description on Amazon says "Convection technology circulates air within the oven for fast and even results when air frying."

It did not occur to me that that remark meant that the convection fan turns on only when air frying.

I would not have believed that engineers, who are more intelligent than most people, would go to the trouble of designing an oven with a fan to circulate the air, but use the fan only for air frying and not for baking. That seems as ridiculous as designing a television set that provides movies in color, but everything else in shades of gray.

Although the oven worked very well without the convection fan, I decided to open it up and get the fan to turn on while baking. I had to break two metal tabs to open it, since it was not designed to be opened, but fortunately I could get the fan to turn on while baking simply by disconnecting one of its wires from one terminal and attaching it to a different terminal.

Incidentally, I didn't see any diodes in the oven, so I won't have to worry about diodes burning up.

I was expecting the convection fan to be more powerful than my previous oven, but the motor looks identical, and the airflow seems to be just as gentle.

The knobs are difficult to grip, and impossible to set when looking at the knob at an angle.
Another problem with the oven was that the knobs had an indentation to identify where the knob is pointing, but it is about 2 cm above the panel, which makes it impossible to figure out what the knob is pointing to when we look at the oven from an angle, as in the photo.

Another problem with the oven is that the knobs are smooth, round pieces of plastic with a chrome plating. If the knobs were extremely easy to turn, that would not matter, but on my oven, they were difficult to turn. I also discovered that the timer knob can be pushed onto its shaft so far that it rubs against the oven, which creates so much friction that the timer cannot function properly.

It is easy to turn the timer to increase the amount of time, but takes a lot more force to go backwards. One man, who described himself as "old", posted this complaint on Amazon that the timer knob turned in only one direction. He apparently could not get enough of a grip on the smooth knob to exert enough force to turn the timer backwards. His knob might have also been pushed in too far, creating friction.

The Schools Ministry is required to teach children about old age. One purpose is to make engineers aware that the skin of people beyond the age of 50 produces less oil and moisture, which makes it more difficult for us to grip smooth surfaces. We also lose the ability to focus on close objects, so we need more contrast with text, and larger text.

Engineers should be required to design knobs that are easy to grip, are easy to see from various viewing angles, and which have enough divisions to give us a useful idea of what we have set the knob to, such as the timer in the photo to the right.

In order to provide us with better products, this constitution gives the ministers total authority over the economy, so they can prohibit the dials that they consider to be inappropriate. This will force the engineers to choose from one of the approved dials.

Engineers would be able to create new types of dials, and if they create one that is considered to be useful, they will get credit for it, but if it is rejected as inappropriate, they will have a failure in their database entry. This puts the engineers under pressure to design products to be easy to manufacture, understand, use, maintain, and recycle, rather than to titillate the public.

The power cord on the oven was very short. It was long enough for my kitchen, but it would have been more convenient for me if it connected to the wall socket at a right angle.

Eventually we would be able to ask a robot to bring us the power cord of the length and style that we want, and take back the cord we don't want.
To improve the situation with power cords, the ministers have the option to prohibit engineers from designing electrical products with power cords built into them.

Most computers have a connection for a power cord, and that allows people to get a power cord of the length that they need, and to choose power cords that have connections that turn 90° from the cord.

It would be inconvenient and wasteful in a free enterprise system if toaster ovens, electric mixers, and other products required a power cord because it would require people to purchase power cords of different sizes and designs, and when they wanted to change the type of power cord, there is no easy way to deal with the unwanted cords.

However, when the city owns all of the material items, and provides them for free, the citizens and organizations would be able to pick up the cords that they need, and return the unwanted cords. This would allow everybody to get the cord that they want for their particular home, office, or factory, without wasting the unwanted cords.

It is now easy to grip the knobs and see what they are set to in any type of lighting.
Another problem with that oven was that it had a chrome plating, and the text was black. It is easy for me to read the text when the sun is coming through the kitchen window, as in the photo above, but it is difficult to read it in the evening with the lighting conditions in my kitchen where I have the oven.

So I printed a replacement on piece of white paper, and pasted it on top of the chrome plating (photo to the right). Notice how difficult it is to read the black text that is around the knob at the bottom of the photo.

I also disassembled two of the knobs from my old oven and two from the new oven, cut and trimmed them, and glued the pieces together so that they fit on the new oven. I also added a piece of red plastic to use as a pointer on the knobs. I did this only to the upper two knobs because I don't use the bottom knob, which is for making toast.

Incidentally, I put a thermometer into the oven and discovered that the temperature knob is not even close to being accurate. For example, at 400°F, the temperature inside the oven was about 300°F. Apparently the oven doesn't have a thermometer.

Also, the temperature differs in different locations, so the convection fan is not doing a very good job. The intake slots for the fan is close to the exit slots, which is not a good method of circulating the air, but it does a good job of cooking anyway.

The best way to improve items is to let people use them, and encourage everybody to post complaints about the products in the Suggestions category.

However, complaints are useless if the engineers ignore them, so we should allow people who complain about products to become temporary officials in the Products Ministry so that they have the authority to ensure that the problems are being solved.

This concept also applies to culture. Specifically, people should be encouraged to post complaints and suggestions about the recreational activities, foot paths, work environments, holiday celebrations, educational programs, and other culture, and we must allow people to become temporary officials in the Efficiency Ministry so that they have the authority to ensure that the issues are being dealt with.

We should try to reduce the need for technical support

To complicate the issue of improving products, we do not always know for sure that a problem that we experience is truly a "problem" with the product, or whether the problem is due to our ignorance or mistakes.

The opposite is also possible. Specifically, we might assume that the reason we are having trouble with a product is because we are ignorant about it, when in reality the product has a problem.

For example, a few people asked me to help them use the software I created. They had assumed that they were too ignorant to know how to use it, but I discovered that the problem was with my software. If they had not asked me for help, I would not have discovered the problem.

The people who provide technical support for products and software should be aware that the customer might be having trouble because the product or software is confusing, or has problems.

The people in technical support should keep track of the problems and let the engineers know about the most common problems so that they can investigate whether they can find ways to improve the product. Everybody's goal should be to find ways to make products and software so easy to use that nobody needs technical support.

In a free enterprise system, people do not want to put themselves out of work, but this Constitution regards people who can eliminate jobs, including their own job, as valuable citizens.
Adults do not get pity

We must be intolerant of intimidation attempts

When an animal is irritated by one of its members who is lower in the social hierarchy, he tends to react by trying to intimidate the animal, such as by hitting him or snarling at him.

Humans inherited that behavioral characteristic. As a result, when we become upset with somebody who is lower in the social hierarchy, our natural tendency is to intimidate the person, such as by yelling, insulting, hitting, or slapping him.

We also try to control people through sarcasm. We tend to think of people who make sarcastic remarks as being clever, or that their remarks are "witty comebacks", but remarks that are intended to hurt a person's feelings should be regarded as the equivalent of a dog that is growling at us.

Although intimidation and violence is useful for animals to keep one another under control, it is not very useful for humans.

To make the situation even more absurd, many cultures promote intimidation, insults, and sarcasm as "freedom of speech". For example, when people go into the public streets to chant slogans and display insulting signs, we refer to it as "free speech" or as "the right to peacefully assemble", rather than as "a temper tantrum that is intended to intimidate people into submission".

What is the difference between:

a) A group of people who try to intimidate us with protests.

b) A dog that tries to intimidate us with growling and biting.

The Behavior and Courts Ministries are required to be intolerant of people who try to intimidate us. People who cannot present their opinions in an intelligent and peaceful manner are to be regarded as having a brain that is too similar to that of an animal to fit into a modern society. If they are only mildly annoying, they can be restricted to certain neighborhoods and jobs, but the more seriously annoying people must be evicted.

By evicting the people who try to intimidate us, we will create a social environment in which we can calmly and peacefully discuss any issue we please without worrying about somebody insulting us, hitting us, spitting on us, or yelling at us.

Every culture gives pity to the people who cannot control their anger and arrogance, but this constitution raises standards for people.

We should not pander to unhappy people

All of us regularly experience situations in which we don't get what we want, but we react differently to those disappointments. For example, when wives ask for a divorce, some husbands react by threatening them, beating them, or murdering them.

Many children react to not getting what they want by yelling, pouting, begging, vandalizing objects in the house, or by trying to manipulate the person into giving them what they want. Many people have reacted to the failure of becoming wealthy by stealing items, or by joining crime networks.

The people who react to disappointments and failures by having tantrums, committing crimes, or other undesirable behavior, are reacting like an animal. For example, when people with pet dogs go on vacation, some dogs react by whining or destroying things in the house.

Our modern era causes us to be emotionally stimulated much more frequently than prehistoric people, and to a greater extent. For example:

We experience more extreme stimulation from food compared to our prehistoric ancestors because we have phenomenal quantities of a wider variety of better tasting foods.

Men today experience more extreme sexual stimulation as a result of modern women wearing beautiful clothing and having bathrooms to keep themselves clean, and because businesses are using sexual images to manipulate us.

We are stimulated to an excess by the enormous quantities and varieties of material items.

We are stimulated to an excess by the tremendous amount of status that we can achieve today. For example, we can become famous to the entire world if we can become Hollywood celebrities, billionaires, government officials, or athletes.

Our modern social environment is causing us to be stimulated more often, and to a greater extent, than we were designed for. We cannot satisfy all of our cravings for food, sex, material items, and status. This requires us to have more self-control and a better understanding of our emotions. We must understand that we cannot to satisfy every emotional craving, and do not need to.

It is especially important for people who are perpetually unhappy to consider that their misery is coming from their mental or physical problems, rather than from other people or mysterious concepts. People today must react to unhappiness by remaining calm, analyzing their situation, and experimenting with their life and attitudes.

Unfortunately, our typical reaction to problems is tantrums, pouting, ignoring them, or accusations that we are victims of something, such as bad parents, racism, poverty, anti-Semitism, or white privilege.

Even worse, a small percentage of unhappy people react with hatred, violence, vandalism, rape, or murder.

What is the difference between:

a) A dog that has a temper tantrum when its owner goes on vacation.

b) A man who kills his wife and her lawyer when she wants a divorce.

The humans who react to problems with violence are behaving like an animal, and we cannot improve their behavior with punishments, rewards, therapy, or Bible studies. The Courts Ministry is required to be as intolerant of them as we are of violent animals. The violent humans are too similar to a violent animal to fit into a modern society. They must be put on restrictions, like a child, or evicted, or euthanized.

The Schools Ministry is required to teach children to react to problems by investigating them, discussing them, and experimenting with solutions. The children who become adults who cannot follow that advice and choose to pout, have tantrums, or ignore their problems must be regarded as mentally inferior.

For example, this child had a tantrum at Walmart and threw food and bottles on the floor (also mentioned in the Surveillance document). Although we cannot expect children to behave as well as adults, the Behavior Ministry must set standards for children, and those who cannot meet the standards must be put on restrictions or euthanized. We do not help those defective children or society by pandering to them.

Now that some nations are offering assisted suicide, we have a new problem to deal with, and that is the people who request assisted suicide but don't want to die. For example, on the day that this woman was going to be euthanized, the doctor asked if she is certain that she wants to die, and she said no.

Animals have an intense craving to survive, but they have no concern about the quality of their life. Suicide is unnatural. Suicide requires more intelligence and self-control than any animal has, and more than many humans have.

The people who request assisted suicide are having a miserable life, but allowing them to cancel after they have started the process will encourage other miserable people to request assisted suicide when all they really want is some pity. That will not improve their life, and it will waste a portion of everybody's life who gets involved with their request for suicide.

When a person requests assisted suicide, the Death Ministry must carry through with it even if the person decides to cancel. The reason is because the person obviously has a serious problem, and we should not let him waste our lives or encourage that idiotic behavior. We do not help those people or society by pandering to them.

The inferior people are another reason we need a social credit system. Passing judgment on everybody's behavior will help us determine who is appropriate for influential positions, and who should have restrictions on their reproduction.

We need higher-quality people

Many documents have pointed out that if a nation, business, sports group, or orchestra is dominated by dishonest, violent, or retarded people, it will be a miserable organization regardless of what type of culture they have. A police department, legal system, government agency, school, and media company will be dangerous if the members are criminals, blackmailed pedophiles, or lunatics.

The most important aspect of an organization is its members. Businesses and militaries are aware of this concept, which is why they evict the people who are not beneficial team members. Nations are the opposite. No nation cares whether its government officials, police officers, or other citizens are contributing to the team or causing trouble.

By not caring about the quality of the citizens, the high-quality people become dominated by criminals, savages, and mentally defective people.
By not caring about the quality of our citizens, we create a miserable social environment for the higher-quality people.

The percentage of mentally disturbed people is increasing every year, and there are more immigrants who refuse to adapt to their host nation, and this causes the higher-quality people to have an increasingly difficult time finding friends and a spouse.

The low-quality people are also a bad influence on our culture. They inadvertently push our culture into giving them what they want, which is the Marquis de Sade philosophy. This will result in a culture that encourages extreme titillation with sex, food, material wealth, and status, and allows us to avoid responsibilities, work, and criticism.

High-quality children will suffer when we don't care about the quality of the people we live with.
The higher quality children will have an especially unpleasant life because children have a much stronger desire for human relationships than adults. Those children will have a difficult time finding friends, and they will be dominated by children who encourage crude attitudes and behavior.

The Jews are aware of how low-quality people can destroy an organization, which is why they are bringing millions of stupid, dishonest, and neurotic migrants into America and Europe.

Reproduction restrictions are unnatural

The primary purpose of a living creature is to reproduce, so imposing restrictions on ourselves will require tremendous self-control. However, we cannot expect each person to have enough self-control to analyze his genetic characteristics, compare himself to other people, and make a wise decision about whether he should reproduce. Furthermore, most people are of average or below-average intelligence, so they could not make intelligent decisions even if they had enough self-control.

We need a Reproduction Ministry to make those analyses and decisions. However, we cannot expect everybody to be willing to accept their decisions, so we need a Security Ministry and a Courts Ministry to pass judgment on which people must be evicted, or put on restrictions.

Modern humans must be able to acknowledge the evidence that humans are animals, and we must control our reproduction just like we do with domestic animals, and just like nature does with wild animals. The people who cannot accept this concept must be regarded as having an unacceptable mind for this modern era.

The “underdogs” must be suppressed

The USA promotes the attitude that the people who have a miserable life are the underdogs, the disadvantaged, the downtrodden, and the unfortunate, and that they are helpless victims of something, such as a lack of opportunities, anti-Semitism, racism, or poverty.

That attitude causes people to believe that the underdogs will become wonderful citizens if we give them pity and special treatment, such as financial assistance, or quotas to force businesses to hire them, or by acceting them in a school that they don't qualify for.

This Constitution has the opposite attitude. Specifically, that the underdogs have a miserable life because they inherited genetic characteristics that gave them an inferior mind and/or body. Even though many of them have some excellent mental and physical characteristics, there is something inferior about their genetic design that is interfering with their life.

Half of all living creatures will always be below-average in their genetic characteristics. It is idiotic to believe that there is a method to convert the low-quality creatures into high-quality creatures. Our attempts to convert the low-quality people into high-quality people will always fail. We will waste our labor and resources, and we will irritate, frustrate, or disappoint everybody.

It is better to euthanize the seriously defective babies, and tell the people who turn out to be low-quality to accept their unfortunate characteristics, and for schools, businesses, and other organizations to put their resources into helping the higher-quality people. Everybody will benefit from that policy, including the low-quality people.

For example, when schools put their resources into helping the higher quality children develop useful skills, we end up with talented technicians, carpenters, supervisors, engineers, doctors, machinists, farmers, and scientists. Everybody will benefit as a result, including the low-quality people.

Every culture is torturing the
misfit children and their parents.
By comparison, when schools put their resources into helping the low-quality children, all we can expect is an improvement in their low-level skills.

Many of them continue to be unemployable, and those that can find a job will only be able to do the most simplistic of jobs.

Some of them become criminals or drug addicts, and some torture themselves, create depressing art, or commit suicide.

Our emotional craving to take care of children causes us to believe that we are wonderful people when we help defective children survive, but we are actually being cruel when we let a person live in a world in which he is rejected by other people, or he becomes unemployable, homeless, a drug addict, suicidal, or a victim of a pedophile network.

Every culture condemns euthanizing the homeless people, but the homeless people are being tortured. During the past decade or so, some people have interviewed a few homeless people to find out what their lives are like, and their lives should be described as "horrible". Just one example is this interview with Ashley.

It is also cruel to make parents raise misfit children. Parents should enjoy their children, not suffer sadness and frustration by the strange behavior, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, or rebellious attitude of misfit children.

Nobody has the right to have children

No culture gives people the freedom to adopt as many children as they please. People must be a certain age in order to adopt children, and they must qualify.

However, every society allows fertile people to have as many children as they want, and at any age. To make the situation more absurd, many of the anti-abortion people want to force people to raise children that they do not want, including retarded children and the children of rapists.

No culture would be so cruel or stupid as to force a random person to adopt a retarded child or the child of a rapist, but if a woman, or even a young girl, has a retarded child, or gets pregnant by a rapist, many anti-abortion people demand that she raise the child. The anti-abortion people have no concern about the quality of a child's life, or the quality of a parent's life.

This constitution doesn't give anybody the right to adopt children, or have their own biological children. Instead, the Reproduction Ministry is required to restrict reproduction to the people who have better genetic characteristics. Nobody is allowed to raise retarded children, either. The obviously defective children must be euthanized.

If we were concerned about the quality of a child's life, then we would analyze our physical and mental characteristics, compare ourselves to other people, and voluntarily refrain from having children if we have inheritable genetic disorders that are worse than the average person. However, we have such a strong craving to reproduce that we have children for our entertainment, not because we want to deal with the responsibilities and work of raising children.

We want children for the same reason that we want more material items, sex, food, and status. Specifically, we want to titillate ourselves.

It is not natural for an animal to be concerned about the quality of another animal's life, or even the quality of his own life. It requires a lot of intelligence and self-control for us to refrain from having children, and to be willing to euthanize defective children. It also requires a lot of intelligence and education for a person to come to the conclusion that he would be wasting his life by raising a retarded child.

In order for the Reproductive Ministry to make sensible decisions about who should reproduce, we must eliminate secrecy and gather data about everybody's life.

There are some people who claim that when a doctor discovers his patient has a inheritable genetic disorder, he has the right to keep that a secret from the patient, and there are people who think that the each of us has right to keep our genetic defects a secret from our relatives, potential spouse, and our biological children.

This constitution gives everybody the right to know about the genetic history of everybody, and doctors cannot keep medical problems a secret from their patients. Doctors must put all medical information into our entry of the People database. That will allow children to discover their particular medical characteristics, and allow everybody to see the medical and genetic characteristics of their potential spouse.

The Courts Ministry must "Draw the Line"

Militaries do not provide their members with much freedom because the military leaders of the past who provided freedom were defeated. The deadly competition resulted in militaries evolving to become effective organizations.

The businesses in a free enterprise system also put tremendous restrictions on the freedom of their members because the businesses that provided freedom went bankrupt.

The competition for survival causes the leaders of militaries, businesses, and other organizations to try to prevent problems, rather than stop it after it occurs.

By comparison, organizations that do not have much, if any, competition, such as churches, charities, political lobbying organizations, and government agencies, do not suffer much if they are inefficient or corrupt.

Government officials are so incompetent and corrupt that they play a "cat and mouse game" with people who do not want to follow the rules. Governments refer to a person's disregard of a law as "finding a loophole", rather than as "criminal behavior".

This constitution requires a government to be intolerant of loopholes. Everybody is required to have enough intelligence to understand the purpose of the rules, rather than argue over the definition of the words.

Another example of this loophole issue is that some government officials complained in 2024 that there was a loophole in the laws against child pornography that made it legal for people to create child pornography with the AI software.

This constitution requires government officials to interpret the laws against child pornography to refer to any type of pornography regardless of how it was created. That

If somebody in Kastron were to create child pornography with AI software, and then justify it by saying that the law prohibits "photographs" of child pornography, not images created by AI software, the ministers are required to respond that he should have the intelligence to realize that the law prohibits "child pornography", not "photographs". Therefore, the law does not care whether the pornography is a photograph, oil painting, laser printed image, inkjet image, tile mosaic, 3D sculpture, a hologram, or something created by future technology that we don't yet know about.

In order to reduce crime and abuse, governments must have an attitude similar to that of militaries and businesses. Specifically, government officials must be authorities rather than submissive representatives, and they must ensure that everybody, including the government officials, are productive team members. They must hold everybody accountable for what they do, and require everybody to be concerned with how we affect one another and the future generations.

This concept that we must be strict with people has been known for thousands of years, and a lot of expressions have being created to describe it, such as:
• Give a person an inch and he will take a mile.
• We must draw the line.
• If you give him a finger, he will take your whole hand.
• A rolling snowball is harder to stop.
• If we let a camel put his nose into the tent, he will want his head in the tent, and then his body.

This concept might be easier for children to understand if it was less abstract, such as:
• When we let a person violate a law, other people will want to violate it, also, and eventually they will want to violate other laws.
• When we do a person a favor, he will expect more favors.
• When a woman lets a man touch her in one location, he will want to touch her in other locations.
• When we give a person a handout, he will expect more handouts.

Our crude emotions cause us to put up resistance to restrictions on our freedom, even when we are aware that the restrictions are for our benefit, such as the rule to avoid texting with a phone while we are driving a vehicle.

Military leaders do not care if the rules irritate some of their members. They design the rules according to what is best for the organization. They do not pander to their members. Our government officials must have the same attitude.

We are arrogant, selfish creatures who want to do as we please and give orders to other people. Modern humans need the intelligence to understand that we are animals, and that we benefit from leadership and restrictions on our freedom. We also need the emotional ability to stop whining about being oppressed, and start discussing which freedoms to provide, and which to restrict.

However, instead of demanding the freedoms that we want, or the freedom that our ancestors had, our discussions should be about which freedoms are beneficial to modern humans and the future generations. For example, we want the freedom to reproduce, but that freedom causes genetic degradation for modern humans.

Here are some examples of how we can benefit by putting restrictions on our freedoms:

Example 1: Courtship will be more pleasant and productive

All cultures are providing men and women with the freedom to pursue one another in any manner they please, at any time, and in any location. This results in men and women pursuing a spouse at their job, at doctors offices, on trains, in elevators, and everywhere else. This results in a lot of frustration, disappointment, awkwardness, anger, and accusations of abuse.

This constitution regards courtship to be just as unacceptable in public locations as peeing, masturbation, and pooping. Therefore, courtship is prohibited in public locations and limited to the official courtship activities that the Courtship Ministry provides. Single men and women must refrain from pursuing one another in public locations.

Although that restriction on our freedom will be an irritation to us because it will force us to control our emotions, if we can follow that rule, it will create a more relaxing and pleasant social environment for both men and women.

No business executive would tolerate an employee who poops or masturbates in the offices or hallways, and we should not tolerate men who persue women while they are at their job, or in any other public location. This will allow women to relax around men at their jobs, swimming areas, restaurants, and all other social and recreational areas and activities.

The Courts Ministry has the authority and responsibility to observe people and ensure that they are following the rules. The people who cannot refrain from flirting in public must be regarded as behaving like an animal. Those people need to either be put on restrictions, such as restricted to certain neighborhoods, or evicted from the city. We must raise standards for people and stop tolerating, ignoring, and giving pity to, the people who cannot, or refuse to, meet those standards and follow the rules.

Our nomadic ancestors would have considered it absurd if somebody told them that they could pee only in certain areas of the forest, and that they must pick up the poop from the dogs that they used for hunting and toss it in an area designated for trash, but we are now living in a significantly different environment, and those restrictions make our lives more pleasant.

Likewise, our modern societies are causing men to be sexually titillated to an excess, and putting men and women into close contact on a regular basis, so we will make life more relaxing and pleasant for both men and women if we dampen the sexual titillation, such as by prohibiting women from dressing in a sexual manner while working, and restrict courtship to government authorized events.

The men who behave like dogs must be evicted or put on restrictions.
Our goal should be to make life more relaxing and pleasant for everybody, and that requires that we stop tolerating the behavior that is irritating.

We should regard the people who pursue one another in public as behaving like dogs that are sniffing our crotch.

We should not ignore them, give them pity, make excuses for their bad behavior, or allow them to annoy us. Instead, the Courts Ministry is authorized to pass judgment on whether their behavior is so irritating that they should be put on restrictions, or evicted.

It will be unpleasant to put restrictions on, or evict, the men and women who cannot control their courtship behavior, but we allow the police to arrest people for such things as public masturbation, so we can learn to tolerate the arrest of people who cannot control their courtship behavior.

We will create a more pleasant and relaxing social environment when we live among people who voluntarily follow the rules. Evicting a man or woman who becomes a public nuisance for flirting is no more cruel than evicting a person who becomes a nuisance because he cannot refrain from rape or murder.

We need to change our attitudes on what is "cruel". We need to define "cruel" according to intellectual reasoning, not emotional feelings. We should consider ourselves to be cruel when we allow a few badly behaved members to torment the others. Furthermore, allowing the badly behaved people to reproduce is even more cruel because it increases the number of badly behaved people in the next generation, thereby making the situation worse.

The Behavior Ministry of the Health Division is authorized to set standards of behavior for both adults and children, and pass judgment on everybody, and the Courts Ministry of the Quality Division can impose restrictions or evict the people who cannot meet the standards, and the Reproductive Ministry is responsible for preventing the inferior people from reproducing.

Example 2: News articles must be educational

The Journalism Minister of the Health Division is required and authorized to set standards for journalists, which includes passing judgment on the adjectives that they use. For example, this news article starts with:
Solar Eclipse 2021: Photographs Capture Mesmerizing Spectacle
Photographers across the globe captured stunning images of the solar eclipse on Thursday.

Those particular adjectives should classify that document as a personal opinion, not a news article. This concept would be more obvious if the journalist had used the opposite adjectives, such as:
Solar Eclipse 2021: Photographs Capture Boring Event
Photographers across the globe wasted their time taking worthless photos of the solar eclipse on Thursday.

A free enterprise system puts journalists into competition to attract consumers, not a competition to be the most informative or educational. This results in journalists looking for ways to titillate our emotions and attract our attention, and one of their techniques is to use adjectives that make the news events appear emotionally exciting. They are frequently informing us of the prettiest flowers, or the "best" foods, sports, automobiles, and events.

Although this issue of adjectives may seem to be so trivial that there is no need for the Quality Division to be concerned about it, this is not a trivial issue. By trying to attract the attention of consumers, the journalists are giving people a distorted view of life.

For example, their exaggerated descriptions of a solar eclipse are fooling many people into believing that they will improve their life by watching a solar eclipse, and some people go so far as to purchase telescopes to see the eclipse, and some people go even further and travel to where the eclipse will be more easily observed.

Our lives cannot improve simply by watching an eclipse. If we did not have a moon, we would never see an eclipse of the sun, but life would be just as much fun.

Conversely, if the Earth had several moons, then we would see a lot of eclipses, but that would not give us a more satisfying life.

An eclipse of the sun is "spectacular" only because it is unusual, and we have a tendency to make the mistake of assuming that something unusual is better than something that is common. One reason we make this mistake is because we have a certain amount of curiosity, which causes us to enjoy discovering something new.

However, most of our attraction to something unusual seems to be because we have intense cravings for status and attention. When we experience something unusual, we can titillate ourselves by telling ourselves that we are special for being able to experience the event, and we can become the center of attention for a while by boasting about it.

Another reason that some people become excited by an eclipse is because they are bored. When we become bored we search for something to do. This can cause us to become obsessed with an idiotic activity, such as watching as many eclipses as possible. This behavior is similar to when a retired person becomes so bored that he becomes obsessed with traveling around the world, or playing bingo or golf.

If the earth had a few dozen moons, and if eclipses were happening every week, we would lose interest in looking at them, and nobody would become the center of attention for talking about how he traveled to see an eclipse. If eclipses happened every day, we would be irritated by people who boasted about watching the eclipse.

This concept applies to all events. For example, there are so many automobile accidents that nobody wants to hear about them. We only want to hear about the unusual accidents. Likewise, there are so many crimes occurring that we only want to hear about the unusual ones.

I think the sunrays created by clouds are more spectacular than an eclipse.
It is certainly interesting to observe an eclipse, but I think that the clouds provide more spectacular visual images.

In addition to constantly changing their shapes and sizes, the clouds can interact with the sunlight, such as creating sunrays.

At night the clouds sometimes have beautiful and interesting interactions with the moonlight.

I think the clouds are beautiful decorations in the sky, and the way they interact with the sun and moon is much more interesting than an eclipse. The exception is when the clouds are a gigantic, gray, shapeless sheet.

Furthermore, we can see the clouds interacting with the sunlight and moonlight everywhere on the planet, and on a regular basis. We don't have to wait years for beautiful clouds to appear, and we don't have to purchase a telescope or travel to a distant location.

Clouds can also interact with the sunlight in such a manner that the cloud has tints of green, violet, blue, and red. The Wikipedia says it's fairly common, but it seems to be unusual in my area (Goleta, CA).

Since many people never notice the beauty of the clouds, and probably don't know what I am referring to, I took the photo below from my living room window to show it, although it looks like the camera is out of focus.
Those clouds reminded me of the colorful nebulas in outer space, except that those clouds were slowly changing their shapes and colors because of the wind.

An eclipse is interesting the first time we see it, but I think there are lots of aspects of life that are more fascinating than an eclipse. For example, I think it is more fascinating that some people centuries ago could predict an eclipse.

I also think it is interesting to consider that the moon just happens to be the size and distance from the earth to almost exactly block the sun. If the moon had been a different size, or a different distance from the earth, it would not be able to so perfectly eclipse the sun.

Some scientists claim that the moon is slowly moving away from the earth, and that makes me wonder what the eclipse looked like millions of years ago, and what it will look like millions of years in the future.

In June 2022, this news article describes the "epic" alignment of 5 planets and the moon, and that it is a "spectacle" that we will not occur for another 20 years, and that it is so difficult to observe that it "could require losing some sleep."

Is that alignment of planets truly so epic and spectacular that it is worth interfering with our sleep? I don't think so. Looking at the alignment of planets is looking at some dots in the sky, which is less exciting to me than watching an automobile odometer change from 99,999 to 100,000.

In March 2023, Jupiter and Venus appeared close in the sky, and journalists wrote such idiotic remarks as:
See Jupiter and Venus dance across the twilight sky in this amazing photo collage
Two planets will appear to 'kiss' in the sky tonight

A few weeks later some journalists told us that "5 planets will parade across the sky in rare astronomical event", and that it would be "a rarely seen spectacle". In January 2024 journalists told us about an alignment of 7 planets.

Some of the planets are frequently appearing together in the night sky, but are those events truly important enough for the journalists to regard them as "news"?

The free enterprise system is causing journalists to exploit and titillate us rather than educate us. Another example is that weather forecasters in January 2024 were using the expression "atmospheric river" to describe a storm in California. In reality, it was just another of the large rain and snow storms that occur on a routine basis all around the world.

When journalists or other people create excitement about an eclipse, a food item, Stonehenge, a recreational activity, a travel destination, a Hollywood celebrity, Prince Harry, a clothing item, or any other activity, thing, or event, they can cause people to develop an attraction to it. That can result in people wasting their life and money on worthless, idiotic, boring, destructive, or dangerous activities. It can also cause people to become disappointed, frustrated, or angry when they realize that they wasted their life or money.

Exaggerating the value of something should be regarded as manipulation and deception, not advice, leadership, or guidance.

The opposite is also true. Specifically, when journalists and other influential people exaggerate the bad aspects of something, they can cause people to dislike it, even though it might actually be beneficial. The ADL does this on a routine basis by claiming some people are anti-Semites or Holocaust deniers. Businesses sometimes do this to attract people's attention, such as this video created by Business Insider that shows us the "worst food trends of the decade".

The Efficiency Ministry in the Quality Division is restricted to people who have shown an awareness of this concept, and they are expected to dampen this behavior by passing judgment on the journalists, and requesting the Journalism Ministry to fire and replace the journalists who cannot meet high standards.

Example 3: Treating nonsense as the truth

The Journalism Minister of the Health Division is required to prohibit journalists from giving credibility to such idiotic concepts as ghosts, curses, witches, and clairvoyance. For example, when a cargo ship got caught in the Suez Canal, blocking traffic, some journalists responded with idiotic articles about a "Pharaoh's curse" and "Ramesses’ Revenge".

That is not journalism because it does not educate or inform us about a news event. It is either an attempt to titillate emotions, or it is damage control to cover up a crime. The Efficiency Ministry provides some checks and balances by also passing judgment on the journalists.

Example 4: Businesses must produce beneficial information

The businesses in a free enterprise system provide us with distorted, worthless, and deceptive information about their products. Most of the videos that they produce about their products are worthless sales propaganda with music instead of intelligent narration.

The videos and documents they produce about their products are intended to titillate us rather than educate us, and some advertisements are intended to make us remember their particular company name or brand name.

Some businesses have been so successful in promoting a brand name that children grow up to be adults who assume that the product name is the word for item. For example, many people believe that "Kleenex" and "Band-Aid" are the English words for certain items, rather than brand names. In England, people refer to vacuum cleaners as "hoovers", and when they use a vacuum cleaner, they refer to themselves as "hoovering", because the Hoover company produced vacuum cleaners.

The Journalism Minister of the Health division is authorized to pass judgment on whether a business or other organization is being manipulative or confusing with their documents and videos, and if so, they can require the information be edited to make it more informative. If a business has already dissolved by the time the Journalism Ministry has made this decision, then the Journalism Ministry can edit the information.

The Efficiency Ministry provides additional checks and balances by also passing judgment on the descriptions of products.