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The World Government
9c) The International Division

23 Jan 2025

The Councils of the International Division

The International Division is initiated with these Councils:

The Cities Council

The tiny squares are windows in some giant, Hong Kong apartment buildings. This and other amazingly photos are here.
Every city government is supposed to ensure that their city is a wonderful place to live, but we cannot expect people to do a good job of managing themselves.

Therefore, the World Government has the Cities Council to observe the cities and pass judgment on whether they are causing trouble for themselves or other cities, and dealing with the city leaders who are troublesome. They are also expected to provide guidance to all the cities.

An example of guidance: Licenses for robots

The Cities Council is expected to provide guidance to deal with new technology. In 2025, the robots and software are too crude for us to be worried about, but the future robots will be so advanced that we must make people qualify to give orders to robots.

Everybody will be able to use robots for education and information, but we must make people qualify in order to give orders for robots. This concept is similar to how we allow everybody to be a passenger in an airplane, but we require people to qualify to control the airplane.

The democracies and free enterprise systems require the majority of people to deal with new technology, but the majority of people cannot provide guidance to a modern society. This results in businesses developing and producing new products without any concern about the effects on human life or the planet.

An example of this problem is the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. When the USA was first created, the Second Amendment referred to flintlock rifles, but during the following centuries, businesses developed extremely advanced guns and bullets. The public should have realized that the new guns required the Second Amendment to be updated, but they were oblivious to this concept.

To make the situation worse, the Second Amendment was created when the nation depended on militias for protection and law enforcement. As the militias were replaced by a professional military force and police departments, the public should have realized that they needed to update the Second Amendment to deal with those changes, also.

By doing nothing about the changes in guns and militias, the American citizens had almost 400 million guns in 2017, but the guns have done nothing to stop crime or corruption, which was the purpose of the Second Amendment. However, the majority of American citizens cannot understand this concept, or are emotionally unwilling to acknowledge it.

New technology affects the entire world, so in addition to the city officials dealing with the changes in technology, the Cities Council of the World Government has the responsibility of observing the changes in technology and helping all of the cities deal with it.

Robots are going to make some dramatic changes to human life, and we need to alter our culture in order to deal with it, but it is foolish for us to wait until problems start to occur. The Cities Council is required to deal with new technology before it causes trouble.

The reason robots will have a significant effect on our culture is because as they become more advanced, it becomes easier for criminals and selfish people to use them for diabolical purposes, and for people to inadvertently cause trouble with them.

For an example of how criminals can use robots, they could have one robot create certain chemicals, and another robot taking those and other chemicals and creating a new chemical, and so on, eventually producing a deadly poison, but none of the robots would have realized what they were doing.

As our technology gets more advanced, we need to set higher standards for people. People need more than intelligence and an education. They need a personality that gives them the desire and ability to follow laws, be responsible, treat other people with consideration, and be a productive member of society. This requires that we remove secrecy, and keep data about everybody's life, and pass judgment on who is behavior is more similar to an animal, and whose behavior is more appropriate for a modern human.

The people who are judged to be more similar in behavior to an animal need more restrictions on their authority over robots, and their access to potentially dangerous equipment, chemicals, and software.

Businesses and militaries have this attitude. For example, the military does not let everybody have equal access to nuclear bombs, chemicals, helicopters, or other machines. The military requires people to qualify to have access to potentially dangerous items, and they don't base their qualifications on intelligence, college diplomas, or who their father is. They base it on a person's past behavior.

Robots must determine a person's level of authority over robots, and deny the orders that they don't have the authority for.
The License Ministry must develop some type of Robot License to use robots, and each license should have restrictions that are set according to the person's behavior.

When a person gives an order to a robot, the robot must look at a person's entry in the People database to determine what type of Robot License he has, and deny the orders that the person doesn't have the qualifications to give.

The people who do not qualify for a Robot License, such as children, would only be able to use robots for educational purposes.

The adults who qualify for a Robot License would have different restrictions. At the bottom would be the licenses that provide minimal authority over robots, such as allowing the person to ask robots to play music, return snorkeling equipment to the city stores, or pick up a winter coat from the city stores.

At the other extreme would be the few people who have total authority over the robots. The robots would have to follow their orders no matter what the asked for. Some of those people could work for the Security Ministry, and that would allow them to use robots to arrest criminals, and even have the robots kill the criminals who resist arrest or are potentially dangerous.

Although the idea of allowing someone to use a robot to kill people might seem frightening, it's no different than providing police officers, military people, and other security personnel with guns, tasers, drones that carry bombs, and other potentially deadly weapons. A robot is simply another type of advanced and dangerous weapon.

The Cities Council deals with leaders, not citizens

All throughout history, when the leaders of nations have disputes with other nations, they tend to deal with the problem by starting a war, or imposing economic embargoes or tariffs. That doesn't solve any problem, however. Instead, it causes the death and suffering of the citizens.

To improve upon that situation, when cities cannot resolve disputes among one another, or when a city is causing trouble for other cities, the Cities Council is restricted to firing one or more of the presidents, ministers, or directors in those cities. The Cities Council is prohibited from advocating any type of war or economic punishments, and they have no authority over the citizens of any city.

By firing one or more of the top government officials, the city will be forced to select replacements. If the replacements are also unacceptable, then the Cities Council can fire them to force the city to repeat the process. Eventually the voters will provide themselves with leadership that can solve the problem.

This is the policy that businesses and militaries follow. For example, if the manager of department is consistently having troubles, the top executives fire him or move him to some other job. The executives do not start a war with the employees of the department, and they do not punish the department by imposing something similar to an "economic embargo".

Businesses and militaries replace incompetent leaders, but the incompetent and dishonest officials of governments are not fired. For example, when Trump was elected in 2016, the FBI and many journalists claimed that it was because of some Russians. The voters should have responded by demanding the FBI officials and journalists be fired or arrested for trying to manipulate the nation with propaganda, but the voters, law enforcement agencies, courts, and other government agencies did nothing.

When Trump was running for president in the 2024 election, a lot of journalists insulted Trump on a routine basis, and made accusations about him, and Trump filed lawsuits against some of them. After Trump was elected, the journalists stopped making the insults and accusations, and ABC News agreed to pay millions of dollars in order to convince Trump to cancel the lawsuit against them. Trump should have continued the investigation of ABC News.

That payment from ABC News is equivalent to a church paying victims of pedophilia to cancel their lawsuit against the church. The victims of pedophiles should not take bribes to be silent about pedophilia, especially not when the pedophiles are in leadership positions.

That payment from ABC news is also equivalent to Elon Musk canceling his plan to file a lawsuit against the ADL after they agreed to stop their attacks on him. The victims of the ADL should demand that they be investigated, not become submissive when they apologize.

That payment from ABC news is also equivalent to Kari Lake releasing an audiotape to show that she was threatened by John DeWit, who in turn was pressured by other government officials, but after DeWit quit his job, she remained silent about the corruption. Government officials who are threatened, intimidated, or blackmailed should expose the corruption, not remain silent about it.

Victims who remain silent about a crime should be investigated because their silence is evidence that something is going on that we don't know about.

In the case of ABC News and Trump, and Elon Musk and the ADL, it is possible that each of them is involved with a crime network, and they are fighting with each other for control of the nation.

When criminals fight with each other, neither of them wants a thorough investigation of the crime because that risks exposing both of them as criminals, so they prefer to have their fights settled quietly, or secretly.

The US legal system was not designed to investigate, understand, or stop crime. It was designed by the religious fanatics and wretched refuse of England to make it difficult for a person to be convicted of a crime.

This Constitution improves the situation by giving Kastron a Quality Division with a Security and Courts Ministry that is independent of the other agencies, and their purpose is to understand and reduce crime.

To provide even more checks and balances, the World Government has a Cities Council that has the responsibility for passing judgment on the leadership of the cities.

If the Cities Council concludes that a particular official is incompetent, they are required to fire him, but if they conclude that an official is dishonest, they must request a temporary police force to arrest him. They are not allowed to punish the city, or make excuses for him, such as "power corrupts".

Leaders must be under constant pressure

Although animals are submissive to whoever is above them in the hierarchy, they are constantly competing for the top position. This forces the animals at the top to earn their position, and earn it every day.

When humans settled into cities, they used their intelligence to figure out how to avoid earning their position, such as fooling people into accepting a monarchy, or by using the police, FBI, or other security personnel to arrest, intimidate, kill, or bribe their competitors.

The Jews have developed a variety of techniques for eliminating competitors, such as getting control of the media companies so that they can suppress their competitors and lie about news and historical events; arranging for Jeffrey Epstein to blackmail them; and fooling the police into arresting or harassing the "anti-Semites" and "Holocaust deniers".

The World Government puts pressure on city leaders

One purpose of the Cities Council is to provide checks and balances on the city governments to ensure that the city's leaders are earning their position.

Although the city government has a Quality Division that has the responsibility to observe the influential people and pass judgment on their value, and the Women's Division of the city government is also supposed to pass judgment on the city officials, we cannot expect any group of people to provide adequate supervision of themselves.

Centuries ago scientists learned that they need other scientists to look critically at their theories, and we must apply that concept to people in influential positions. Specifically, the people in a city will benefit when people outside the city provide a critical analysis of the influential people in the city.

Since the Cities Council consists of people from different cities, they will be able to provide a more impartial analysis of the cities. They will provide some checks and balances on the city governments because they will be able to give a less-biased analysis of the city officials, and they will be more willing to fire the incompetent officials.

An example of how the Cities Council can provide a beneficial analysis of a city is in regards to the custom that it is rude to put our elbows on the table while we are eating.

When our ancestors began eating on tables, they considered a person to have bad manners if he ate with his elbows on the table. During the past few decades, an increasingly large percentage of Americans consider it to be acceptable to eat with our elbows on the table. Those Americans would describe this as an improvement in our culture, but is it really an improvement?

It is difficult for us to look critically at our own culture, so we can get a better understanding of ourselves by having other people give us their analysis of our culture. Since the Cities Council consists of people from different cultures, they will be more likely to provide a useful analysis.

My opinion for why an increasingly large number of people want to put their elbows on the table is because people are degrading genetically.

A person who is in good mental and physical health is likely to sit upright at a table, but a person who is suffering from certain types of physical or mental disorders will want to lean on his elbows, similar to why I was leaning against tables (the drawing to the right), as I described here.

Some of the customs that are common today would have been regarded as crude or idiotic by our ancestors, such as treating dogs as our best friends and picking up their poop.

The genetically defective people also cause our language to degrade by slurring words, dropping syllables, using the wrong word, misspelling words, mispronouncing words, and misunderstanding grammar.

By giving constructive criticism to the cities, the Cities Council can help the cities determine whether they are truly improving their culture, or causing trouble for themselves.

All cities must be compatible and cooperative

Every city is an independent society, and they have the freedom to experiment with their culture, but all of the cities must be economically and socially compatible, and they must be cooperative and friendly with one another.

The Cities Council is responsible for passing judgment on whether any of the cities are becoming troublesome or incompatible. If they consider a city to be causing trouble, the only action they can take is to fire, or request the arrest of, one or more of the presidents and ministers.

However, before they fire one of the presidents or ministers, their first response must be to post a document to explain the problem. This allows all of the cities to pass judgment on their analysis. It also allows the presidents and ministers of that city to think about what they are doing and improve their policies.

If any of the city officials disagree with the Cities Council, they can post a response. These discussions might go on for weeks or months. The Cities Council has authority over the cities, so they can terminate those discussions whenever they please, and fire one or more of the presidents or ministers of the city.

The Cities Council is responsible for preventing a lot of the problems that are occurring in the world today. For example, all of the nations today are overpopulated, creating a lot of pollution, allowing genetic deterioration of the human race, and allowing tremendous amounts of crime and corruption. By firing the presidents and ministers of the cities that are doing a terrible job of managing their city, every city will eventually have leaders that are doing an excellent job.

Three examples of why the Cities Council would fire a president or minister are:
Example #1: Encouraging sexual paranoia

Many sections of this constitution point out that our sexual inhibitions are causing a lot of trouble, but instead of trying to reduce the sexual paranoia, government officials are encouraging it.

For example, the Idaho government recently remodeled their execution chamber so that if their standard execution method fails, they can use an alternative method of injecting poison into veins in the criminal's groin. The journalist said that the execution chamber was remodeled to minimize "the possibility that the condemned person’s genitalia may be accidentally exposed" to the people watching the execution.

That remodeling work is an example of how governments in the world today are allowed to do things without providing evidence that society will benefit from their actions.

The Cities Council should fire a president who promotes such a policy because it encourages sexual paranoia and inhibitions.

Furthermore, the Cities Council should fire a president if he promotes execution methods that are absurdly complicated, or which are likely to fail. A criminal should be executed in an efficient and simple manner, such as the way we execute animals with a captive bolt gun, or by blocking or cutting their jugular veins.


Example #2: Allowing loopholes

The Cities Council should fire a president is if he is tolerating loopholes. For example, Governor Newsom of California authorized some "anti-crime" laws in September 2024. One of those laws prohibited a certain type of rape. The existing laws prohibit rape:
"by means of force, violence, duress, menace, or fear, or rape accomplished against the victim’s will by threat of violent retaliation, but does not include rape of a person unable to give consent due to disability, intoxication, or unconsciousness, rape under false pretenses, or rape accomplished by threat of incarceration, arrest, or deportation."

That new law prohibits "the rape of an intoxicated person wherein the defendant drugged the victim". However, that new law is an example of how all cultures as of 2024 tolerate loopholes, and play "cat and mouse games" with criminals.

If a man were to use a Taser to incapacitate a woman, and then rape her, Governor Newsom would respond with a law that prevents "the rape of a person who has been incapacitated by a Taser".

A law against U-turns should
prohibit 2-point turns also.
If a person was given a ticket for doing a illegal U-turn in an intersection, and if his lawyer justified what he did by showing the image to the right and claiming that he did a two-point turn, Governor Newsom would react by creating a law that prohibits two-point turns in the intersection.

If somebody else then claimed that he did a "W turn", then Newsom would create a law that prohibited W turns.

The government officials who respond to loopholes by creating more laws to include every possible scenario are not helping us to understand or reduce crimes. They are incompetent leaders, and they must be fired.

Another of Governor Newsom's laws was to create a "crime victim restoration fund" to provide financial assistance to victims of crimes. The USA already has a Crime Victims Fund with $3.2 billion as of July 2024, but Governor Newsom believes that California needs an additional fund of its own.

These funds are another example of government officials who are doing nothing to reduce or understand crime. Those funds are as idiotic as a school system or church reacting to pedophilia by setting up a Pedophile Victim Medical Fund to provide children with financial assistance when they are raped.

A government should react to crime by investigating them and experimenting with methods to reduce them. The officials who react to crime by giving pity to the victims, and warning people to be careful of criminals, are not providing us with guidance. They must be fired.


Example #3: Allowing detrimental songs

The censorship document pointed out that everybody wants to censor art, including the people who complain that the Nazis censored art.

One purpose for the Cities Council of the World Government is to ensure that the city governments are making acceptable decisions about censorship. These will be arbitrary decisions, but they must be made.

Whether people should be free to display Lena Cronqvist's art in public locations is an arbitrary decision.
We cannot create a pleasant world when some cities are promoting the type of art that we see being promoted in the USA and Europe as of 2024, such as the art that depicts the torture and abuse of children.

There is also some art that appeals only to people with sexual disorders, such as the "performance art" of artists with laser pointers in their butt, or dragging a man around with a candle in his butt.

Some people are also creating art to manipulate our opinions. For example, a woman who opposes abortion has created this song about it, and the city governments and the Cities Council of the World Government should pass judgment on whether she has crossed the line from creating a beneficial song to trying to manipulate opinions.

There are thousands of songs that ridicule political figures, and many of them are entertaining, but the government must pass judgment on when a song has crossed the line from being a pleasure in human life to something undesirable, such as a tool to manipulate people, or encouraging bad attitudes or behavior.

We enjoy sarcastic songs about incompetent and corrupt government officials, but we cannot improve the government by creating sarcastic songs about them. That is as idiotic as reacting to pedophiles by writing sarcastic songs or jokes about them.

A boy was quiet and sad while eating his lunch at his Catholic school. His friend asks,"What is wrong?" The boy says, "My mother died last night." His friend replies, "You should see Father O'Riley." The boy responds, "No, the last thing I want right now is anal sex."

All existing cultures consider political humor to be a form of entertainment, but we should consider it to be a stupid reaction to a problem. There is nothing entertaining or funny about having incompetent or corrupt government officials. People who ridicule their government, rather than do something to improve the government, should be disqualified from voting. The only people who should qualify to be voters are those who take an active role in improving the government.

Our songs should be a pleasure in our life. We should react to incompetent government officials by replacing them, not by writing sarcastic songs. And we should discuss issues with people, not try to manipulate them with songs.

Likewise, instead of making jokes about pedophiles, lawyers, and mothers-in-law, we should experiment with ways of improving our world.

Furthermore, songs should not have hidden meanings about murders, joining crime networks, or human trafficking. We should react to crime by eliminating it.

The same concept applies to clothing. Our hats, T-shirts, and other clothing should improve our lives in some manner, such as providing us with protection from the sun or the cold weather; giving us a visually pleasant appearance; and by protecting furniture from our oils and bodily fluids.

We do not benefit by producing caps, clothing, and songs that express anger, political opinions, or sex acts.
However, it is very common for businesses, political groups, and other organizations, to use clothing as a way to express their anger towards government officials, or promote a particular political candidate, religion, business, recreational drug, or sex act.

Many people boast that they support the freedom to wear whatever type of clothing items we please, and that we should have the freedom to create any type of song, but as the censorship document pointed out, everybody wants restrictions on clothing, songs, paintings, sculptures, and other culture.

We want and need restrictions on our freedom, but we should design the restrictions according to what is beneficial to the City Elders, not according to the desires of the lunatics, sexually inhibited people, religious fanatics, or angry people.

Do the City Elders, or their children, benefit from songs that promote Jesus or Santa Claus? When people have a problem with their relationship, do the City Elders or other people benefit when those people use sad songs to stimulate their pouting, anger, or crying?

The lyrics for Tammy Wynette's divorce song are not very sad, but the way she sings the song is so sad that I could only listen to half of it. Perhaps it was because my parents got divorced when I was a child, and they tried to keep their problems a secret from us, just like in that song, but whatever the reason, what is the benefit to stimulating such sad feelings?

If I listened to that song many times, I would probably get used to it, but what would be the benefit to becoming accustomed to a sad song?

Although there are some people, such as this man, who loves the art by Aleksandra Waliszewska, I doubt if the people we choose to be City Elders would enjoy it. They would be more likely to agree with this man that it is depicting the abuse of children.

Furthermore, instead of ignoring the people who create or enjoy bizarre art, we should investigate them to figure out why they are different from the rest of us. Do they simply have different emotional preferences? Or are they suffering from serious mental problems?

We benefit from other people's opinions

Although the Cities Council has the authority to fire presidents and ministers, it should be a rare occurrence. It is more likely that the Cities Council will only need to occasionally post a document to provide some constructive criticism and advice to a city.

The reason that the Cities Council will be likely to post constructive criticism of a city is because it is difficult for us to look critically at ourselves. We benefit tremendously by getting the viewpoints of other people.

An example of this concept is the way Russians and Americans during the 1970s would boast about their nation and insult the other nation. Both groups of people were behaving like arrogant tribes of apes that were pounding their chest. Neither group of people could see that the other group had valid criticism.

For example, the Americans could not see that the Russians were making sensible remarks about how the free enterprise system was abusing and manipulating people, and the Russians could not see that the Americans were making sensible remarks about how the communists had created such a miserable environment that they had to build walls around West Berlin and Russia in order to prevent their citizens from escaping.

Instead of learning from one another's critical remarks, the Americans and Russians boasted about themselves and insulted one another, just like stupid animals.

We need to be put under pressure in order for us to listen to and think about constructive criticism. Our natural reaction to criticism is anger or pouting. This cause us to be afraid to provide constructive criticism to other people. We normally provide constructive criticism only when we become angry.

Our anger emotion evolved for an important reason. Specifically, when something irritates us to such a level that it stimulates our anger, that emotion will override all other emotions, including self-preservation. When we become angry, all other emotions are momentarily suppressed. That allows us to say what we truly think.

Our arrogance is so extreme that we have a difficult time improving our behavior and opinions because we resist the possibility that there is something about ourselves that can be improved. Therefore, all of us benefit by being pressured into into listening to other people's opinions about us.

Other people will usually have idiotic or inaccurate opinions of us because they don't know us very well, but it can be useful to learn what other people think about us.

The World Government consists of people from all of the cities, and this will allow the Cities Council to analyze each city in a more impartial manner than the people who live in the city. This will allow the Cities Council to provide useful constructive criticism to the cities. The city governments will be under pressure to respond to the criticism, rather than ignore it or become angry about it.

We must control our obsession for status

Another responsibility of the Cities Council is to help the cities dampen their craving for status, which can cause us to become obsessed with competitions that are idiotic, dangerous, or wasteful. Examples are competing to have the tallest building, or the largest number of Christmas decorations.

A couple in Germany has been setting world records every year for the largest number of Christmas trees in a person's home. They had 555 trees in 2023, and 605 trees in 2024. A woman in Ohio put more than 700 trees in her home. Two people in Britain set other records for Christmas decorations in 2021.

The Guinness World Records organization encourages these competitions, and with no concern for the benefit. That organization, and all of the others that encourage idiotic competitions, are detrimental. They exploit our desire to compete with one another, and our craving for status. We are titillated by those competitions, but they do not provide us with any benefits. They are a waste of our life and resources. We would have a more satisfying life if we got involved with more sensible activities.

Since we have a difficult time looking critically at ourselves, our friends, and our culture, we benefit by having somebody give us their opinion of our culture.

For example, the Biden administration decorated the White House in 2023 by having more than 300 people work for a week to set up 98 Christmas trees, almost 34,000 ornaments, about 140,000 lights, and lots of other decorations. The Christmas tree outside the White House was over 12 meters tall (which was short compared to the world record of 64.6 meters).

If the World Government were to provide the cities with constructive criticism about their Christmas decorations, the city ministers might have come to the conclusion that it would be more beneficial for them to put their labor and resources into decorating public areas, and in a more sensible manner.

This constitution encourages social activities, rather than private activities. For example, instead of providing decorations for people to put into their homes for Christmas and other holidays, the people should be encouraged to get together to decorate their neighborhood, or some other section of the city. Furthermore, the decorations should be designed to make the city more pleasant, not to set world records.

That type of culture encourages people to get out of their home, get together with other people, and do something that everybody will appreciate.

By decorating the plazas, lounge rooms, foot paths, and restaurants, everybody will be able to enjoy the decorations when they look out their windows, when they walk around in the public areas, and when they have meals.

Furthermore, each neighborhood would have different decorations, so we would enjoy visiting other neighborhoods. That would create a much more pleasant and sociable city compared to having individual citizens and government officials competing to have the most decorations in their home, and spending most of their time inside their home.

We should design culture to be beneficial

None of the existing cultures has any concern for whether their holiday celebrations, competitions, recreational activities, or other culture is beneficial. Instead, culture is altered to fit the emotional fears and desires of the public, religions, businesses, charities, Jewish organizations, vegans, and other groups.

For example, Wanderlust magazine promotes "the world's nine most spectacular Christmas trees". Every January dozens, hundreds, or thousands of journalists promote the first baby born in the new year, and the first baby born in a particular city. That is as idiotic as a journalist reporting about a person's odometer changing from 99,999 to 100,000.

The businesses in a free enterprise system distort our culture so that they can exploit us for profit. For example, by promoting the first baby of the new year, some people get involved with the competition to have the first baby of the new year, which is an idiotic competition that nobody benefits from. If they have their baby at a hospital, it requires medical personnel to work during the night.

The government officials in democracies also encourage idiotic culture. For example, the city officials who authorize gigantic Christmas trees are not trying to improve our lives. Rather, they want to increase tourism and taxes, or attract voters, or allow some businesses to increase their profits. That is manipulating and exploiting people, not providing leadership.

There are lots of Christian churches that decorate their church with nativity scenes, and encourage their members to decorate their home with nativity scenes. Those religions are not trying to improve life for anybody. Rather, they are exploiting a social affair to promote their particular religion.

Our city officials should decorate the city in a manner that makes our lives more pleasant, not to increase taxes, promote a religion, or increase profits for some businesses.

The Social Division of the city government has the responsibility and authority to analyze the city's holiday celebrations and other customs, but it is difficult for people to look critically at their own culture, so the Cities Council of the World Government is authorized to pass judgment on whether the city governments are encouraging beneficial culture.

If the Cities Council comes to the conclusion that a president or minister is too incompetent to provide appropriate culture for the city, they have the authority to fire him.

Since the Cities Council consists of people from different cities, they will be able to provide less-biased analysis of a city's culture and its government officials than the people who live in the city. They will be able to post useful analyses and suggestions.

Every city is prohibited from glorifying criminals

Both male and female animals compete for leadership by fighting with one another, and males also fight with each other for females. The animals become submissive to the best fighter, and the females are sexually titillated by the males that are the best fighters.

Humans inherited that characteristic. We are impressed by a man who is good at fighting, which is why we glorify boxers, such as Mohammed Ali. Unfortunately, our emotions are so stupid that they can be titillated by men who are fighting for destructive reasons, such as crime network members.

Modern humans must make a distinction between a man who is earning what he wants , and a man who should be regarded as a criminal.

Hollywood glorifies criminals.
We have such a strong attraction to men who are good at fighting that many movies, books, and television programs glorify certain criminals, such as pirates and Bugsy Siegel.

The movie Bugsy Malone also glorifies criminals, and since it uses only child actors, this scene makes me wonder if it was designed by and for pedophiles.

Those movies and books provide us with unrealistic fantasies in which gang members and pirates are admirable people who have exciting lives, and enjoy their stolen items, rapes, and murders.

From the point of view of an animal, an animal is earning his food, land, and position in the hierarchy by fighting with other animals. Animals do not regard fighting as destructive or disgusting, and if an animal dies in the fight, the other animals regard him as the winner of the fight, not as a murderer. Likewise, when an animal grabs food from another animal, he, his mate, and his children regard him as a winner, not as a thief. When a male animal rapes a female, he regards himself as a winner, not a rapist.

Humans inherited that emotional craving to fight with one another, grab at whatever we want, and rape women, but we must now suppress those cravings and push ourselves into becoming a team member.  Modern humans must make a distinction between a man who is earning his position, and a man who should be regarded as a criminal.

We must push ourselves into treating other people as our friends, and we must require everybody to earn what they want by doing something of value for the team. We must regard the people who steal, kill, rape, and fight as criminals. We must stop glorifying criminals, and regard them as behaving like an animal.

This concept applies to all organizations, such as businesses and nations. The businesses and nations are causing trouble for themselves and one another by fighting over money, land, status, the oceans, and material items. If we don't stop this crude behavior, we will soon be fighting over control of the moon, and then Mars.

When political candidates have a debate, they insult one another and boast about themselves, which is behaving like animals that are fighting for status by trying to intimidate and hurt one another.

The audience also regards the candidates as fighting with each other. The audience does not expect to learn anything of value from the debate. Instead, they passively watch the candidates fight, and they regard one of them as a "winner", just like animals passively watching other animals fight for leadership.

These concepts also apply to the behavior of young animals. They have a natural desire to fight with their siblings for food and status, and the young animals of some species of Eagles will kill their sibling. However, they do not regard themselves as cruel, or as murderers, or as bullies.

Human children inherited that desire to torment the inferior children, but that characteristic is no longer serving a useful purpose. That characteristic evolved to improve the genetic characteristics of a species, but it only causes fights and suffering in our modern societies. Today it is more sensible for the adults to put the inferior children in separate school classes and activities so that they are not tormented, and euthanize the children that we consider to be too defective or different.

The city government is required to ensure that their citizens are in good health and behaving properly, but we cannot expect a group of people to do an adequate job of supervising themselves because it requires making decisions that are emotionally unpleasant. We need to be under a lot of pressure in order to deal with the defective and badly behaved people, especially if they are our friends or children.

Nature provided that pressure for our prehistoric ancestors, but today it has to come from government officials. Therefore, one of the responsibilities of the Cities Council of the World Government is to observe the behavior of the people in the cities and keep the city government officials under pressure to deal with the badly behaved and defective people.

The Cities Council must also observe the culture of the city and pass judgment on whether it is degrading into animal culture, such as glorifying criminals, encouraging fights or selfishness, or encouraging children to torment one another.

Modern humans must control our urge to fight with one another and grab at what we want, and push ourselves into treating other people as friends and earning what we want. We must push ourselves into admiring the people who improve society, and refrain from admiring the people who excel at intimidation, fighting, and grabbing.

When people are ignorant, they will do what their emotions want, which is to fight and grab, so children need an understanding of our emotions, and that we inherited these emotions from animals.

Children need to realize that their emotions will encourage them to grab at whatever they are attracted to, and fight with whoever they become annoyed with. The boys also need to realize that when they become older, they will have an emotional craving to grab at women and have sex with as many as possible, and that they will have a strong craving for status and want to fight with their competitors.

Children need to understand that their emotions will cause them to believe that they will benefit by committing a crime, but in our modern era, they will ruin their life by becoming a criminal. The reason is because humans are social animals, so our strongest emotional cravings is to be respected by other people.

Being alone and rejected causes us the most intense suffering. Therefore, the people who commit crimes are putting themselves into the miserable situation of becoming the most despised of people. They are putting themselves at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

That results in them living in fear of being exposed as a criminal. Instead of being proud of their accomplishments, they are so ashamed that they must constantly try to hide the truth about themselves. We will torment ourself with stress, and we will have to spend our lives lying to people about our history. Our behavior will degrade as a result, which can interfere with our friendships and marriage.

Some criminals are suffering from such low self-esteem that they cannot refrain from boasting about their crimes in a desperate attempt to make themselves feel important, which sometimes leads to them being arrested.

The criminals who boast about their crimes are boasting about being clever enough to be successful with their crime. They do not boast about being a criminal. Nobody wants to be a criminal. When a criminal becomes a victim of a crime, he becomes disgusted with the other criminal. He does not praise or admire that criminal.

The existing school systems are designed to teach math and language, but this Constitution requires schools to prepare children for a modern society. This includes ensuring children have a good understanding of their animal emotions. However, as other documents point out, an education is useful only for the people who can understand and apply the education. Therefore, the children who choose to commit crimes must be regarded as having an unacceptably inferior mind.

None of the existing cultures promote the theory that criminals are tormenting themselves. One reason is because our emotions encourage us to commit crimes, and another reason is that our societies have become dominated by people who cheat more than ordinary people.

Most of the people who have become influential every society are glorifying criminals, rather than criticizing them. They want secrecy, not high standards of behavior, DNA databases, or the admiration of honest people who earn what they want. They also want special legal treatment, not an effective legal system, and they want to give wealth, land, and businesses to their children.

The Cities Council must watch for self-appointed heroes

The only criminals who are not ashamed of themselves are those who believe that they are heroes for committing crimes, such as the people who steal from their employer or from large corporations because they believe that their employer or the large corporations are cheating or abusing them.

There are also a lot of people in China who believe that they are heroes when they steal technology from other nations, but in reality they would be heroes to learn a useful skill, develop technology in China, and contribute to the advancement of the human race.

There are also some people who believe they are heroes when they commit murders, false flag operations, and other crimes, because they believe that they are protecting us from Holocaust deniers, abortion doctors, anti-Semites, Nazis, racists, sexists, and white supremacists.

Since we have strong cravings to be at the top of the hierarchy, all of us are always looking for ways to boast about ourselves and feel important, and this makes it difficult for us to look critically at ourselves and our culture.

Therefore, another important responsibility of the Cities Council is to watch for cultures that are encouraging people to believe that they are heroes for committing crimes, and cultures that are encouraging the public to admire certain criminals as heroes. An example is Luigi Mangione and the people who admire him.

Example: Luigi Mangione

Luigi Mangione was arrested in December 2024 for killing a healthcare business executive, Brian Thompson, because he became angry at the healthcare executives for not providing better medical care to him, his mother, and the public. He believed that he was a hero for killing one of the "parasites" in the healthcare businesses.

Regardless of whether Mangione was a patsy in a false flag operation, or whether journalists are telling us the truth about what happened, the event brings up some important issues:

We must remove mentally ill people.

A team is only as good as its members. In order to improve a society, we must raise standards for its members and either evict those who cannot meet the standards, or put them on restrictions. This requires passing judgment on who has mental problems that are unacceptable.

It does not matter whether a person's behavior is unacceptable as a result of genetics or some environmental issue, such as concussions, vaccines, poisons, toxic chemicals, bacteria, or amoebas.

This policy applies to children also. When we allow children with unacceptable mental problems to live among us, we allow them to be a bad influence on other children, and annoy everybody with their bad behavior.

Every culture believes that we are nice when we tolerate and pity the mentally disturbed people, but we are actually being cruel to them because we are allow them to suffer from their internal problems, and we make them suffer even more because we don't want them as our friends, coworkers, or spouse.

They become unwanted misfits, which can result in them developing low self-esteem, and become angry, frustrated, depressed, or suicidal. An example is this young girl who became so frustrated in a Walmart store when she could not find her mother that she began destroying things.

In order to pass judgment on who among us has unacceptable mental characteristics, we must eliminate secrecy and collect data about everybody's life.

If we had detailed surveillance video, medical data, school records, and other data about everybody, we would be able to determine when Mangione began showing signs of mental problems. We would also be able to determine whether the FBI, Mossad, or other organizations were exploiting his mental problems so that they could use him as a patsy.

If Mangione was mentally disturbed during his childhood, he is another example of how the existing school systems regard a student as having an excellent mind simply for excelling at memorizing information or doing math.

This constitution improves the situation by requiring the schools to put students through a lot of tests and exercises to provide a more thorough analysis of their physical and mental characteristics.


Animals often react to problems with anger.

If Mangione killed Brian Thompson because he became angry at the medical care that he and his mother received, then he displayed a characteristic that everybody should be educated about and try to control.

Specifically, all animals have a tendency to react to problems by either running away from it, or by becoming violent. It was acceptable for prehistoric people to react to problems with violence, but it is not appropriate today.


Most people make terrible decisions about who to admire.

Several polls, such as this and this, show that the younger an American is, the more likely he is to regard Mangione as a hero for killing Thompson.

All throughout history, the majority of people have proven that they cannot make intelligent decisions about who their leaders or role model should be. Most people choose to admire whoever titillates their emotions, such as the Pope, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, and Al Gore.

Most people also choose to ignore, ridicule, arrest, or execute the people who disagree with them or criticize them, rather than the people who are truly causing trouble for the world.

For example, there might be more Americans who want to arrest or kill the supporters of Donald Trump than there are who want to arrest or execute the criminals who are responsible for the 9/11 attack, the world wars, the attack on the USS Liberty, and the Holocaust propaganda.

A lot of Americans are angry at the healthcare businesses, but there are a lot of other organizations that could be described as abusive and selfish, such as the credit card companies, banks, and other types of insurance companies. The diamond, jewelry, and cosmetic businesses could be accused of exploiting women, and all of the businesses that are trying to manipulate children into purchasing their products could be described as abusive to children.

The NFL executives could be accused of ignoring the brain damage from concussions in order to increase their incomes. The organized religions could be described as abusive because they take enormous amounts of money from their members, discourage curiosity and thinking, and are involved with pedophilia. The ADL, SPLC, CNN, the FBI, and many other organizations are so abusive that they could be described as "enemies of the human race".

Furthermore, one of the reasons that insurance is so expensive is because a lot of citizens and businesses cheat the insurance companies. For example, one of my neighbors gave her car stereo to her friend, and then pretended it was stolen in order to get a new one. My brother knows a couple who pretended to have neck injuries from a car accident in order profit from a minor accident.

It's possible that most of us know of somebody who has cheated an insurance company. However, there are very few people who are angry at the citizens or businesses that cheat insurance companies.

Many people justify cheating corporations by convincing themselves that corporations are selfish, and that we deserve some of the money that the corporations have "taken from us". Although it is true that many business executives and investors are selfish and greedy, we do not and solve the problem by cheating, stealing, or lying. The most sensible reaction is to experiment with improvements to our economic system, educational curriculum, government, legal system, and other culture.

We must react to problems by looking for solutions

Luigi Mangione had spondylolisthesis. He wrote that: "From childhood until age 23, my back would always ache if I stood too long". A significant percentage of the world population has some type of problem with their spine, but each of us reacts to our problem in a slightly different manner. Some people react with hatred, anger, and violence, and others react by finding a way to quietly deal with it, and others react by trying to mask the pain with alcohol, painkillers, marijuana, or other drugs.

The lower portion of my spine doesn't seem to be normal. I didn't notice any problem when I was a child, but in my late teenage years I noticed that the lower portion of my spine would become sore for a few days if I did sit ups and similar movements. However, I did not react with hatred, pouting, or tantrums. Instead, I reacted by finding a way to reduce the discomfort.

I try to keep my back straight while standing, as in the figure to the left, rather than arching my back, like the figure to the right.

I also try to sit with my back straight.

I have also been using chairs that let me sit upright at a computer. When Herman Miller introduced the Aeron chair in 1994, I bought one, but it did not allow the chair to tilt far enough forward so that I could sit upright at my computer, so I broke it open and busted a few components so that it tilted forward a bit more.

That chair was also too low for me when sitting upright, even though I'm only about 182cm tall, but there was no easy way to increase the height of the seat. Eventually I realized that I could replace the 2 inch caster wheels with 4 inch wheels, and they were also higher quality wheels, which allows the chair to roll easier.

I also eventually realized that the chair is even more comfortable with a seat cushion that has a hole in the crotch area, and that the cushion is a bit more comfortable after I enlarged that hole. (The cushion in the photo farther above.)

My back problem is insignificant compared to Luigi Mangione's, but my back problem might have become just as severe as his, or worse, if I had not been so careful about how I sit and stand, and what type of recreational activities I engaged in. For example, Mangione's problem supposedly became worse from surfing. If we had surveillance video of his entire life, we might find that he had done other things during his life that damaged his spine.

Surveillance video of everybody would show us that there are millions of people who try to avoid injuries by being careful of their physical activities, and by wearing safety goggles, gloves, and other protective devices when they are doing dangerous activities. That surveillance video would also show us that there are millions of other people who hurt themselves by doing risky things because they either want to show off, or because they cannot make sensible decisions.

Likewise, surveillance video would show us that millions of people are careful about what they eat, and how much they eat, but there are millions of other people who make terrible decisions about food and alcohol.

The surveillance video would also show us that everybody makes bad decisions about how to spend their money, but some people bad decisions more often, and some people make so many terrible decisions that they end up in debt throughout most or all of their life.

An adult's life is the result of his mind's decisions

A child's life is determined by his parents, but each adult determines what his life will be. Surveillance video would show us that millions of adults are suffering as a result of making idiotic decisions. Furthermore, many of them make their situation worse by reacting to their problems with pouting or anger, rather than by analyzing the problem and experimenting with solutions.

For example, some men make a bad decision about which woman to marry, or bad decisions about how to treat her, and then, when their wife wants a divorce, they make their situation worse by reacting with violence.

There are millions of people in the world who are suffering from back problems, multiple sclerosis, and other medical disorders that are just as miserable, or worse, as Mangione's spondylolisthesis. Some of those people react with violence, pouting, and anger, but others react by trying to understand their problem and deal with it.

Each of us chooses different people to admire

Surveillance video would show us which professors regard Luigi Mangione as a hero; who created a billboard to free him from jail; who wants to mimic his clothing; which women became attracted to him after he murdered Thompson; who regards him to be like Jesus; and who is creating or purchasing the T-shirts, coffee mugs, and other merchandise to glorify him (such as the T-shirts below).
The journalists ignore those issues, which creates the impression that he is admired by a random sample of the population, but surveillance video would likely show us that all of his admirers have mental disorders that are more extreme than those of the typical person, and that those people are potentially dangerous to their friends, family, spouse, and society.

Surveillance video would also help us determine how many of the people who admire Mangione, or who promote hatred of the healthcare industry, are members of a crime network that is exploiting the murder to encourage hatred and fights. For example, Michael Moore said that "the anger is 1000% justified", but does he really believe that, or is a member of a Jewish crime network that is trying to instigate fights?

If we had surveillance of the population, we would also know who is involved with the December 4th Legal Committee; a group of 15 people who created a donation page before he had been arrested. By eliminating secrecy, we would also know who all of the other people are who have created accounts for the public to donate money to Mangione's legal defense. We would also know who the people are who are posting angry comments after donating money. One comment has the accusation:
"My mother was one of these killed by greed. I had to watch my mother die of lung cancer when I was 19 years old because insurance wouldn't cover her treatment."

The person who posted that comment is not likely to have evidence that his mother's lung cancer would have been cured if the insurance companies had provided her with financial support. Furthermore, even if he had evidence for his accusation, he probably doesn't have evidence that the insurance companies were obligated to provide that financial assistance. In such a case, the person should be accused of slander, or a false accusation, or instigating hatred.

We should not ignore the people who react to problems with hatred, like an animal. We should investigate them to determine what is different about their mind.

We have to expect children to behave like an animal, but by the time a child is an adult, he should have developed a desire to take care of himself, and he should stop  having tantrums and demanding handouts, but many adults continue demanding things and having tantrums.

Adults should become team members who contribute something of value to the team, and they should appreciate the work of other people.

The adults who react to problems with anger, pouting, and tantrums should be investigated because they are potential dangers. In addition to causing trouble with their bad behavior, they can be used as patsies by crime networks.

That could explain the bizarre crime in Germany in December 2024 in which a Saudi Arabian man drove his car through a crowd of people. If we had surveillance video of the German people, we would be able to determine what he has been doing during the past few years, and whether he has been showing signs of mental illness, and whether Israelis set him up to be a patsy to instigate hatred of Muslims.

Healthcare is a limited resource

Luigi Mangione and the people who admire him are upset that insurance companies are limiting their healthcare, but it is impossible to give everybody as much healthcare as they desire.

MC Squared is one of many people who promote the theory that we can "lessen crime by eliminating poverty" and "with universal healthcare, public housing, strong unions, high wages, universal childcare, and free college".

Those people are promoting the vague, Marxist fantasy that everybody will love one another, hold hands, and sing songs if we provide everybody with lots of material wealth, healthcare, education, and whatever else that they desire. That could also be described as the fantasy of a child or a woman. It is the fantasy of people who want to be taken care of, not people who want to learn a useful skill and work for what they want.

There are lots of educated and wealthy people committing crimes, and there are lots of poor and uneducated people who are honest, so it is idiotic to believe that we can reduce crime simply by eliminating poverty, or by providing universal healthcare, public housing, or free college.

The people who blame our problems on poverty, expensive healthcare, or high college tuitions are too ignorant and/or mentally defective to understand that those concepts are different to different people. Our ancestors a thousand years ago would tell us that the welfare recipients of today are living in extreme wealth, not poverty. They would also tell us that everybody has phenomenal educational opportunities at an extremely low cost because of the Internet and public libraries. Our ancestors would also tell us that the prisoners in modern jails have healthcare that is superior to what they had.

A lot of people are upset that the healthcare industry is not giving them the financial support that they want, but every adult today must be able to understand that healthcare is a limited resource, and must be allocated by arbitrary decisions. Three reasons for why healthcare must be restricted are:

Our technology has made some healthcare so expensive that we cannot provide it to everybody for free.


Only a certain number of people are willing and able to be doctors, nurses, and surgeons who provide the healthcare, and become the scientists, engineers, technicians, and factory workers who develop, manufacture, and repair the medical  facilities, factories, drugs, and equipment, and supplies.

In order to provide more healthcare, we need more people willing to get involved with providing healthcare, which means fewer artists, actors, athletes, psychologists, marketing specialists, government employees, and social media influencers.


Even more important, by not controlling reproduction, every generation is more defective than the previous generation, so every generation needs more medical care, including more fetal surgery.  The human race will eventually become so sickly that every person will need medical and dental care all throughout their lives, starting from the time they are a fetus. This will require almost everybody to get a job in some healthcare business.

We cannot provide unlimited healthcare to everybody, so we must make decisions about how to allocate it. However, the decisions will be arbitrary because there is no way of proving that one decision is better than another. This requires that everybody be able to accept arbitrary restrictions.

If a person doesn't agree with the way the healthcare resources are distributed, this constitution encourages him to post a document in the Suggestions category to explain how to improve the situation.

For example, in 2024, a Canadian court ordered the government of Ontario to pay for the surgery of a person who has a penis but who also wants a vagina. The people who believe that that type of surgery is a waste of resources should be able to post a document to explain what they think would be a better use of medical resources, and the government officials should be required to respond to his document.

Also, everybody today must realize that we do not have the medical technology to fix every medical problem. Therefore, there will be lots of people who are going to suffer or die regardless of how much medical care they get. We should not tolerate people who claim that their mother died of cancer because of greed, unless they have evidence to support that accusation.

A person who reacts to medical problems with hatred, violence, or pouting must be regarded as having an unacceptably inferior mind. He should be prohibited from reproducing, and we should pass judgment on whether he should be evicted or put on restrictions.

Instead of complaining that we are not getting the healthcare that we want, we should be grateful that there are some people who were willing to learn a useful medical skill and provide us with healthcare.

The people who do not appreciate other people, cannot regard us as their friends, and are constantly demanding that we do more for them, are behaving like the leaders in the dystopian Hollywood movies who have no skills and are pampered by enormous numbers of slaves.

Luigi Mangione and his admirers are examples of why this Constitution requires babies and children be given routine tests to determine their mental or physical characteristics. Every culture currently cares more about maintaining the health of automobiles and jet engines than human bodies and minds, but it is more important for us to ensure that we are living among humans who have high-quality minds and bodies.

This constitution requires the schools to prepare children for society, and that requires putting them through a variety of mental and physical exercises; observing their reactions; passing judgment on their mental and physical characteristics; providing them with advice on which physical activities to avoid or be careful of; and recommending medical treatments.

For example, children with spinal problems should be educated about how to avoid aggravating the problem, such as avoiding rugby and surfing. When children have been educated about their particular physical and mental problems, they will be less likely to aggravate their problem, and less likely to react with frustration, confusion, anger, envy, hatred, crying, and pouting.

Of course, children respond differently to education. The children who don't learn how to deal with their physical and mental problems in a sensible manner must be regarded as having an inferior mind.

Incidentally, Luigi Mangione has a slanted forehead, like a Neanderthal. Reiner Haseloff, the president of the German state where the Saudi Arabian man drove his car through a crowd of people, also has the slanted forehead and short, thick neck of a Neanderthal. Is this just a coincidence?

Luigi Mangione
Reiner Haseloff

One of the responsibilities of the Cities Council of the World Government is to ensure that the cities are providing themselves with useful leadership, sensible culture, and beneficial attitudes. With better leadership and culture, scientists will be able to create a DNA database of everybody, and gather the "personal" and "private" medical records, school records, and other data about ourselves.

That will allow us to improve our understanding of why we have differences in our foreheads, blood types, allergies, hoarding tendencies, temper, and other physical, intellectual, and emotional characteristics.

The Cities Council supervises reproduction

Humans should be as beautiful, healthy, and happy as wild animals.
There are no suicidal, lazy, or alcoholic wild animals, but the human race is becoming increasingly ugly, deformed, anti-social, sickly, dishonest, and mental ill.

One of the important responsibilities of the Cities Council is to ensure that all cities are doing an appropriate job of restricting reproduction.

Although no nation as of 2024 is restricting reproduction, all nations are allowing sperm and egg donors, and surrogate mothers, but they are not doing a good job of supervising those activities.

For example, Bertold Wiesner and Jonathan Meijer are thought to have provided sperm for more than 600 children, and Simon Watson claims to have more than 800 children. Ari Nagel has provided sperm for 165 children, which is not very many compared to those other men.

Every culture encourages large families, and provide sperm and fertility drugs to women who have trouble getting pregnant. However, there are no concerns about the genetic characteristics of the people who reproduce, and the legal systems are so ineffective that many people who work at the sperm banks are lying about whose sperm a woman is given.

One of the responsibilities of the Cities Council is to provide checks and balances on the city officials who set reproduction policies. It is difficult for a group of people to supervise their own reproduction because they will be biased in favor of themselves, their friends, and their relatives. Since the Cities Council is composed of people from all of the cities, they will be able to provide a more impartial view of whether a city is doing a good job of determining who should reproduce.

Every generation should have fewer mental and physical disorders than the previous generation. Every generation should have more pleasant friendships and marriages. Every generation should become increasingly intelligent, talented, honest, dependable, and responsible. Every generation should have less of a need for doctors, hospitals, dentists, medicines, and surgeries. If this does not occur, then the officials in control of reproduction must be replaced, and the policies for restricting reproduction must be reevaluated.

By keeping track of people's ancestry, every city will also be able to restrict reproduction to the people who have the longest and healthiest life. Every generation of elderly people should have less of a problem with dementia, cataracts, arthritis, and memory loss.

The Cities Council prevents militaries

Every city is allowed to have a police force, but the police can only have weapons that are useful for city police, not weapons that would be useful for a fight between cities.

Since there is no dividing line between a weapon for the police and a weapon for a military, the Cities Council must make decisions on when a city has crossed the line, in which case the Cities Council can demand they stop the production of the weapon and destroy the weapons.

The Global Products Council

Some of the foods and products that a city produces are intended for themselves, rather than for international trade. Those are referred as "local" products. The World Government cannot control the local products. The local products are the responsibility of the city governments.

The products that a city produces for export are referred to as "global" products. The Global Products Council of the World Government supervises the production and distribution of global products. They do not manage any of the farms or factories, or build any of the ships, airlines, or railroads that distribute products around the world, but they make the decisions about which products the cities can produce for export, and the quantities of those products. They also arrange and supervise the distribution of the products.

The city governments are prohibited from imposing any type of customs duties on products that they import. From the point of view of a business, ordering items from other cities, and shipping items to other cities, is the same as doing it in their own city.

From the point of view of the Global Products Council, the cities are different divisions of one corporation, or different neighborhoods of one city.Their purpose is to make it easy for cities to distribute products to one another.

Businesses are restricted to cities

The free enterprise systems and democracies allow businesses to span nations. For example, Airbus has employees and facilities in many different nations. This freedom results in some Americans being employees of a business from Britain, Japan, or some other nation.

It also results in other nations sending some employees to America in order to work in the businesses that they have created in America. Those people remain citizens of their own nation, but they are living and working in the USA. Usually those foreigners are managers, who supervise their American employees.

This constitution changes that situation. Every business in a city is controlled by the government of that city, which means that every person in a city is working for their city, not some other city. No city or business is allowed to start a business in some other city. No business or city is allowed to send their employees to live and work in another city, either, except for temporary periods, such as when a business is helping another city build a factory or repair some equipment.

The relationship between cities is similar to that between families. For example, the children of a family are under the control of their parents, and no other family is allowed to get control those children. However, the parents of one family could arrange to hire the children of another family to do some yard work, or they could arrange for the families to get together to help one another deal with tornado damage.

The Global Products Council handles international trade

Restricting businesses to a city creates a dilemma that the Global Products Council must deal with. Specifically, some modern products are so complicated that it is impossible for a city to develop and produce it by themselves.

For example, one city cannot be expected to do all of the work that is required to design, manufacture, and repair a modern passenger jet. Many products are so complex that a lot of businesses around the world are needed to produce raw materials, process them into components, assemble components in the subassemblies, develop software, and do the final assembly of all of the components.

In a free enterprise system, every business is on its own to figure out how to get supplies from foreign nations; how to deal with dishonest foreign businesses; and how to deal with the confusing custom laws and taxes.

International trade in the world as of 2025 is so complicated, and there is so much cheating, that some people have created businesses that specialize in helping other businesses deal with international trade.

The Global Products Council makes international trade easier for the businesses by handling all aspects of it. None of the city governments or businesses have to deal with such issues as tariffs, crime, different currencies, or shipping.

If a business cannot find an item that they need in their own city, they can request it from the Global Products Council. That council will then determine whether the item is produced somewhere, and if so, they will arrange for the shipping.

If the item is not yet being manufactured, they determine whether it makes sense to have some city manufacture it, or whether the product should be redesigned to use an existing item.

In the world today, the multinational corporations have executives who deal with international trade, but those executives have no control over other nations. By comparison, the Global Products Council has total control of international trade, so they are not in a submissive position. This makes their job considerably easier because they don't have to be submissive to foreign governments or foreign businesses.

Also, the Global Products Council does not have to be concerned about being cheated by businesses because all city governments are required to set high standards the business executives, and ensure that their businesses are honest.

If the Global Products Council determines that some city has dishonest businesses or ministers, then they can request the Cities Council to investigate, and the Cities Council has the authority to fire the presidents and ministers of the city.

Furthermore, this constitution does not regard pirates as adorable. Rather, pirates are regarded as destructive criminals who must be euthanized. Nobody should have to worry about ships or trains being attacked by pirates.

In 2011 there were so many ships being attacked by pirates at the Horn of Africa that the British Navy sent 14 ships to patrol the area, but instead of killing the pirates, they tried to scare them away, such as by playing songs by Britney Spears.

Although that sounds like a joke, Western Europe and the USA have such a strong "feel sorry for the loser" attitude, and such a strong attraction to pirates, that only a small minority of the population wants to kill the pirates. There seem to be more Americans who want to kill Donald Trump, or abortion doctors, than there are who want to kill pirates.

The "feel sorry for criminals" attitude is so extreme that some people have been arrested for killing criminals, and for killing an abusive spouse, child, or parent.

In order to improve international trade, the world and city governments are required to be intolerant of crime, and intolerant of loopholes. The criminals must be evicted to the City of Exiles or euthanized.

Complex products are divided among cities

Many modern products are too complicated for one city to design and manufacture by themselves. Those products require the Global Products Ministry to divide the work up among several different cities. This problem will become even more significant in the future because all products and software is becoming increasingly complex.

Therefore, one of the important tasks of the Global Products Ministry is to figure out how to divide the work up among the cities in a sensible and fair manner.

Example: Robots

Robots are already so complicated that it is impractical for one business, or one city, to produce all of the components and software that they need. Therefore, the businesses that are interested in producing robots are going to frequently request the Global Products Council to provide them with components or software that they cannot find in their own city.

In some situations, there will not be any business providing a particular component or software function that a business needs for the robot that they're trying to create, and that requires the Global Products Council to work with the businesses to determine whether that component is truly needed. If so, they will work with the cities to figure out which of them will be told to set up a business to produce it.

In a free enterprise system, when businesses need a product, there are almost always people willing to start a business to create it, or to expand their existing business to create it. However, the city ministers are the only people who can create or expand a business. Therefore, the Global Products Council must work with the city ministers to determine which city should create or expand a business.

This provides some checks and balances on the Global Products Council because the city ministers are allowed to complain that the product that is being requested is not necessary, or that they don't have the labor or resources to produce it, or that there is an alternative product that could be used instead.

The Global Products Council will frequently get into conflicts with the city ministers, and if they cannot resolve their issues within a month, the International Ambassador has the authority to settle the dispute by posting a document in the Explanations category to explain his decision.

International trade will be complex but beneficial

In a free enterprise system, international trade is conducted without any supervision of the economy as people around the world look for ways to make money. However, the emphasis on money results in businesses and citizens making decisions according to profit rather than according to what is most beneficial for the human race.

Furthermore, since no culture has standards of behavior for government officials or business executives, there is a lot of cheating, money laundering, deception, and other crimes, and there is nobody in a position of authority to deal with the abuse.

This constitution puts the Global Products Council in control of international trade, so they will be able to ensure that everybody is behaving properly. They will be able to prevent two of the problems with international trade that occur in a free enterprise system; specifically:
1) No business or city can become wealthy from international trade.
No city can whine about being exploited.

1) No business or city can become wealthy from international trade.

A free enterprise system does not put limits on the amount of wealth a person can acquire, and that results in the idiotic social environment in which a large portion of people are pampering a small number of extremely wealthy people.

For example, many Americans are putting their time and effort into providing wealthy people with private jets, mansions, and expensive jewelry. Those Americans are in the role of medieval peasants who pamper kings and queens. They are producing products to pamper a small group of privileged people, rather than creating products for society.

We would have more job satisfaction, and a more pleasant social environment, if everybody was doing work that was beneficial to the entire team, and nobody was in the role of a peasant or King.

An example of how absurd the free enterprise system and international trade can be is that thousands of people around the world put a lot of their labor and resources into building a Boeing 747 for a wealthy man in Saudi Arabia, who died while the Americans were building it. When the Americans finished building it, it was delivered to the man's family, but nobody used it for 10 years, and it has recently been sold as scrap.

All of the thousands of employees who contributed to the production of that Boeing 747 wasted a portion of their life, and wasted a lot of resources. However, in a free enterprise system, people are so desperate for money, and so fearful of unemployment, that they don't care whether they are wasting their life. They are concerned only about getting money. They have the attitude of a prostitute.

Many people today regard the peasants of the Middle Ages as being in the role of slaves who spent their life pampering kings and queens, but there's not much of a difference between the typical employee today and the medieval peasants. Most people today are in a similar situation, except that they are serving wealthy business executives, investors, Hollywood celebrities, and people who inherited their wealth, rather than Kings and Queens.

Furthermore, the peasants of the Middle Ages were pampering their king and queen, not the king and queen of other nations. For example, the peasants in medieval England did not pamper the king of Saudi Arabia, but today there are people around the world pampering the wealthy people of other nations. Another example of this is that people around the world could be described as pampering the Rothschilds family.

Imagine a more extreme example of this situation. Imagine if a group of monkeys in the Amazon rain forest developed enough intelligence to sell bananas. Imagine that they have so much profit that they purchase a jet from Boeing, but, since they are incompetent as pilots, they crash that jet during its first flight. They then order another jet, and they crash that one also, and then they order another jet, and so on.

Imagine that the monkeys are ordering so many jets from Boeing, and offering so much money for each jet, that Boeing turns away all of their other customers and produces jets only for those monkeys, who destroy every jet within a few minutes after it leaves the runway. Would any of the Boeing executives or employees care that they were wasting their life? Probably not, because the profit would be so great that the investors would demand that they continue to produce jets for the monkeys.

International trade has also created another absurd situation. Specifically, during the Middle Ages the people would build weapons for their Kings and Queens, but today many Americans are producing weapons for people around the world, and many Germans build submarines for Israel.

Imagine a more extreme example of this situation. Imagine that the monkeys in the Amazon basin are making so much money by selling bananas that they purchase weapons from American companies and submarines from Germany, and they use those weapons for false flag operations and wars.

The lack of concern for how we get money is also allowing people in foreign nations to purchase land and businesses and other nations. This results in wealthy people in China, England, Saudi Arabia, and Russia purchasing farms, businesses, and land in the USA. The Americans who work in the businesses are essentially servants of those foreigners.

Imagine a more extreme example of this. Imagine that the monkeys in the Amazon basin are purchasing farms and businesses in the US and Europe, which results in thousands of Americans and Europeans working for monkeys in the Amazon basin.

What is the difference between American engineers, factory workers, and scientists working for:
a) A group of monkeys.
Some wealthy people in Saudi Arabia, Russia, or Isreal.

The work that we do should be beneficial to the human race, but the free enterprise system is putting a lot of people into the role of prostitutes who waste their life serving selfish kings and queens, Hollywood celebrities, and whoever else has a lot of money, even if those people became wealthy from crime, inheritances, divorce settlements, or selling shoddy products.

By putting all international trade under the control of the Global Products Council, no city will produce products for wealthy people or foreign nations. Instead, everybody will work on projects that are beneficial to the entire human race.

2) No city can whine about being exploited.

Although the scenario of monkeys in the Amazon basin becoming wealthy from selling bananas is unrealistic, it is essentially what is going on in the world today between the modern nations and the "Third World" nations.

In a free enterprise system, a nation that sells $1 million worth of oil or iron ore is treated the same as a nation that produces $1 million worth of computer processors, but those two nations are not equal.

A few nations provide almost all of the technical knowledge and advanced products, and the "Third World" nations are essentially monkeys providing unskilled labor and raw materials.

As technology becomes more advanced, it becomes more difficult for uneducated, stupid, and defective people to find a job. This problem is occurring in every nation, but the primitive nations are suffering from it the most. The primitive nations are becoming increasingly useless and parasitic.

The primitive nations frequently whine that they are abused and exploited by the advanced nations, but they are not abused. Although the advanced nations inadvertently cause trouble for the primitive nations by giving them handouts of food and technology, and by selling them military weapons, the primitive nations are benefiting tremendously from the advanced nations. If they were on their own planet, they would be much more primitive.

We cannot help the unemployed people or primitive nations by feeling sorry for them, or by giving them handouts. In order to create a pleasant and peaceful world, we must restrict reproduction in all nations so that all people become physically and mentally healthy, and more equal to one another in their talents.

This is why the Cities Council is given the responsibility and authority to ensure that all cities are doing a proper job of restricting reproduction.

Nobody should want an H1B visa

Elon Musk, Steve Bannon, and others have recently been arguing over the issue of providing H1B visas to foreigners. This constitution has a very different attitude. Specifically, that the world should consist of societies that are equal to one another in their technical talent, and the people in each society should enjoy their society rather than want to emigrate to a society that they regard as superior.

Some people claim that American businesses want H1B visas because they want cheap labor, but a more sensible explanation is that there is a shortage of Americans with technical skills, and who can work in a team.

If every nation was wonderful, very few foreigners would be interested in emigrating to America, or becoming temporary workers on H1B visas. They would rather remain in their own nation. The reason there are so many foreigners who want to come to America for an education, a job, or an H1B visa is because most nations are disgusting.

China, India, the Philippines, Russia, Africa, South America, and East Europe provide a miserable environment because of their high levels of crime, alcoholism, bribery, corruption, overcrowding, and filthy, and ugly cities.

America is dominated by the wretched refuse and huddled masses of Europe, mainly England and Germany, but the wretched refuse of Europe created a more pleasant society than the people of India, China, Russia, and other nations.

The American people also treat other people with more respect and decency than the people in Pakistan, China, Thailand, India, Columbia, and other nations.

Another aspect of America that attracts immigrants is that our culture gives everybody an equal opportunity to get an education, earn a useful skill, start a business, get a job, and make a living.

By comparison, most other cultures divide people into more distinct classes, are more tolerant of nepotism, and have been allowing wealthy people to pass money, land, businesses, and material wealth to their children for many generations. Those cultural differences have allowed other nations to become dominated by people who did not earn their position, and who are maintaining their wealth and positions by cheating, collusion, suppression of their competitors and critics, marrying children of other wealthy families, or joining crime networks.

Many of the immigrants to America and Europe whine about white supremacy and discrimination, but we have been so generous and kind that we have allowed millions of illegal immigrants to live among us, and we allow immigrants to live with us while following their own culture and language, and while whining about us, and demanding that they be able to maintain their "cultural identity and heritage". If we were as cruel and selfish as they claim, we would not tolerate those disgusting immigrants.

We have also been so trusting that we have allowed Russian and Israeli Jews to purchase our media companies, and form organizations within our nation that manipulate our culture and government.

Our extremely generous immigration policies will eventually cause America and Western Europe to consist of hundreds of different cultures, religions, languages, clothing styles, and holiday celebrations. That will transform our nations from a "society" to a "refuge for different, incompatible groups of people".

As of 2024, the white Americans are the majority, so the minority races are whining about white supremacy and white privilege, but as those minority races become a more significant percentage of the population, there will eventually be a point at which they start attacking one another.

The mixture of incompatible races and cultures will also make it increasingly difficult for Americans to find compatible friends and a spouse, and form stable businesses.

Everybody should enjoy their own people and culture

It is absurd for everybody in the world to move to Western Europe and America. The ideal situation is for every society to be so pleasant, and so equal in material wealth, jobs, schools, and technology, that most people want to go to school, get a job, and live in the society they grew up in.

Imagine visiting Mumbai, and walking along beautiful footpaths, similar to the image below, and never seeing homeless people, automobiles, cripples, gang rapes, corrupt government officials, or beggars. Imagine meeting Indians who are well behaved, educated, intelligent, honest, healthy, and responsible. Imagine that the rivers are clean, rather than full of trash, raw sewage, dead fish, and dead humans.

Imagine visiting Shanghai and walking on footpaths that are clean and beautiful, rather than ugly, gray concrete that is contaminated with mucus, vomit, litter, and human and animal waste.

Imagine never seeing people scooping up grease from the sewers to sell as gutter oil to the restaurants. Imagine never meeting a person in China who promotes the attitude: If you can cheat, then cheat.
Unfortunately, we cannot create such a wonderful world unless every society is willing to restrict reproduction and improve their culture, and to do so in a manner that is compatible with the other societies.

China, India, and other nations are not miserable because they don't have enough technology, or because "white people" are discriminating against them. Those nations are miserable because they have inferior culture, and they have a large percentage of genetically inferior and defective people.

An organization is whatever its members make it. A group of people who promote the custom "If you can cheat, then cheat" cannot create a nation that is as nice as people who are more honest and responsible.

Furthermore, the organizations that don't have high standards for their members are going to suffer when they allow inferior people to join them. For example, America and Europe have almost no restrictions on immigrants. As a result, many of the Indians, Chinese, Russians, and other people who emigrate to our nations continue to behave in the same disgusting manner they did in their native country, rather than adapting to our culture, becoming our friends and team members, and helping to improve our nation.

Every organization must be held responsible for their problems rather than boast about themselves and their culture and blame other people for their troubles. The Americans should take responsibility for their drug problems rather than blame foreign nations, and the Chinese should take responsibility for their nation's problems rather than blame Taiwan, or steal technology from Europe and the USA.

Unfortunately, it will be difficult for us to restrict reproduction and improve our culture because it requires us to make arbitrary decisions about which of us has the superior genetic characteristics, and which changes to culture are an improvement.

The world leaders must make a lot of arbitrary decisions

Determining who has inferior genetic characteristics requires that we have an authority to set standards for humans, and those standards must apply to the entire world.

The authorities must make arbitrary decisions about such issues as intelligence, jokes, pranks, clothing styles, jobs, meals, and recreation. The people who don't meet the standards can then be considered inferior, but since the standards are arbitrary, a lot of people will disagree with them, and some might react with pouting, tantrums, or violence.

The people who don't like those arbitrary decisions will complain that they are being oppressed, or denied their rights, or denied freedom, but we cannot be intimidated by their whining. In order to form a pleasant and productive team, all of us must follow arbitrary rules, and meet arbitrary standards.

The people who don't like the standards must be prohibited from reproducing, and those that become violent or destructive need to be evicted. The people who have been successful at managing businesses and militaries are aware that they must be intolerant of rebellious, angry, and whiny members, and we must restrict our top government officials to people who are willing and able to follow this concept.

It is emotionally unpleasant for us to stand up to the people who whine about the restrictions on reproduction, or who complain that the improvements to culture are oppressive or degrading, but we must do it. For example, Magnus Carlson withdrew from the chess contests after the chess organization told him that he cannot wear jeans during the contest.

Many people responded that he has the right to wear what he wants to wear, but, as pointed out in many other documents, the people who boast about supporting freedom do not truly support freedom. They support only the freedoms that they want.

It is acceptable to create a social affair in which everybody is free to choose any style of clothing they can think of, but none of us would enjoy a society in which everybody has that freedom every day. It would be especially idiotic to let people choose their clothing when they work around machinery or chemicals, or when they work in hospitals.

We need leaders to set arbitrary decisions for clothing, and everybody must be willing to follow those decisions. If we disagree with an arbitrary decision, we should respond by providing a document to explain why the decision should be changed. We should not have tantrums, demand the freedom to do as we please, or become violent.

Magnus Carlson might have developed the attitude that he can wear whatever clothing he pleases because he became abnormally arrogant as a result of winning a lot of chess games. This brings up another important concept that schools must teach children.

Specifically, our culture should dampen our arrogance by teaching children that each of us is a team member, not a celebrity. If somebody was actually the son of a god, then he would truly be a special person who could claim to be a superstar, but all of us are just haphazard jumbles of animal genes. Each of us is a member of a big team, and we depend upon one another. All of us have flaws, limitations, and crude, animal behavior.

Our culture should forbid treating people as special.
Carlson excels at playing chess, and there are lots of other people who excel at other mental and physical activities, but that does not justify encouraging their arrogance.

Our culture should regard Carlson as "a man who excels at chess", not "Magnus Carlson, Superstar".

Carlson and everybody else are members of a large team. Carlson became wealthy and famous because he voluntarily joined a chess organization that arranged for contests in which there were large financial prizes. He acquired his fame and wealth from that organization. He is also continuously receiving food, electricity, computers, a home, plumbing, clothing, and other things from millions of people around the world who put time and effort into creating those things.

Democracies and free enterprise systems pander to us, and this results in our culture giving us what we want, and one of our most powerful cravings is to be at the top of the hierarchy and imagine that we are special, and that everybody else is inferior to us.

This has resulted in every culture providing people with thousands of different contests and awards, and we are constantly looking for ways to boast about ourselves and show off. We boast about the city we live in, our language, our college diploma, our job title, and our material possessions. This behavior is detrimental because it encourages crude behavior, arrogance, envy, and idiotic competitions.

To make the problem even worse, we want to experience pleasure and avoid whatever upsets us, and this results in us admiring whoever titillates pleasant emotional feelings. We treat the entertainers as special people, such as the Hollywood actors and singers, the people who excel at chess or athletics, and the church officials who tell us that Jesus loves us and that we will go to a wonderful heaven when we die.

Democratic government officials also do this, such as when Biden gave Presidential Medal of Freedom awards to 19 people in January 2025, most of whom were entertainers.

By comparison, we tend to ignore or insult the plumbers, mechanics, machinists, farmers, factory workers, engineers, and nurses. However, those skilled workers are much more beneficial to a team than the entertainers.

It is even more absurd for us to treat people as special when they inherited their wealth or their influential position, or when they cheated to get it. We should admire only the people who have earned their position in an honest manner. We should prohibit economic and political monarchies, nepotism, and favoritism, and we should be intolerant of cheating.

The Schools Ministry is required to teach children that we are team members, and that nobody is special, and nobody deserves special treatment. We would have almost nothing without our team members. If any of us were living on our own planet by ourselves, we would struggle to survive. Almost everything that we enjoy today is the result of being a member of a large team. We should appreciate the team, and want to contribute to it.

This constitution advocates either eliminating all types of awards, or providing awards that are insignificant. Instead of encouraging people to think they are special, children should be taught to control their arrogance, treat people as their friends, and appreciate the talents and work of other people.

Work must be distributed equally

Some modern products, such as CT scanners, rockets, airplanes, and CNC milling machines, require skilled labor to develop, manufacture, and maintain. Other products require natural resources that are unevenly distributed on the planet. For example, bananas can be produced economically only in certain areas of the world.

The goal of the Global Products Council is to distribute the production of the global products in a manner that every city is contributing an equal amount of labor and resources to international trade. It would be unfair to require one city to use all of their labor for the production of global products because that city would have no labor for their city projects.

Likewise, it would be unfair for one city to use all of their farms for global food products because they would have nothing remaining for their own food production.

In order for all cities to contribute equally to the production of global products, the people in every city must be equal to one another in their technical and economic abilities. We cannot allow some cities to consist of people who are too stupid, mentally ill, or uneducated to contribute equally to the global products.

Likewise, in order for every city to be able to contribute equally to the global food products, every city needs adequate amounts of farmland and other resources for the production of international food products. The cities that are farther from the equator, or do not have good farmland, will need more land for food production.

The Global Products Council post requests for products

The Global Products Council follows the same concepts as the city ministries. Specifically, they cannot directly control businesses or people. When they want to produce a global product, or conduct a global research project, they must post a request for it in the Requests category of the World Databases. They can set a request to the attention of a specific city, or they could let all cities offer to do it.

This gives the city presidents the option of posting a rejection of the request if the president doesn't have enough labor or resources to do it, or if he believes the project is wasteful or idiotic. This allows everybody to see which global projects the Global Products Council is requesting, and whether the requests are rejected, and the reasons for the rejection.

When the city officials and the Global Products Council have a conflict that they cannot resolve, the three ambassadors vote on what to do. The ambassadors should not allow a conflict to go on for more than a month.

The Standards Council

The Standards Council is responsible for ensuring all of the cities are using the same measurement system, calendars, time zones, and clocks, and that all cities follow the same standards for bolts, medicines, battery chargers, V-belts, and other products.

They set standards for all types of products, such as medical drugs, electrical outlets, high strength bolts, and steel plates to ensure that all of the cities are manufacturing items that are compatible and interchangeable.

They also allocate radio frequencies for communication devices and supervise the location and installation of Internet cables, pipelines, electric power lines, canals, and roads between the cities.

The officials must post a document in the Explanations category to explain their decisions, and identify themselves as the author, so that we can pass judgment on which of them is doing the worst job of creating standards.

Radio frequencies

In a democracy, the radio frequencies are allocated according to the desires of the citizens and organizations, rather than according to what is most beneficial for us. By comparison, the Standards Council must make decisions according to what will provide us with the most satisfying life.

When radio technology was developed about a century ago, businesses began providing equipment for a variety of purposes, such as amateur radio, citizen band radio, and the broadcasting of music and television programs. However, the Internet, cell phones, computers, and other technology has resulted in many people losing interest in radio and television broadcasts.

Many people are concerned about the declining interest in radio. For example, the author of this document writes that the number of people involved with amateur radio has been dropping since 2022, and he asks: "how do we reverse the trend?"

There are also people concerned about the declining interest in AM radio, and they are pushing the government to pass the AM Radio For Every Vehicle Act to force automobile companies to include AM radios in every vehicle.

The people who are trying to increase the popularity of amateur and AM radio is an example of the problems with a democracy and a free enterprise system. Specifically, the people and businesses try to alter our culture to fit their particular selfish desires, rather than according to what is best for us.

The people who use or profit from amateur or AM radio want to push us into joining that activity; the churches push us into joining their particular organization; the people who drink or profit from alcohol push us into drinking it; the people who enjoy or profit from pet animals push us into getting pet animals; and the IFAB pushes us into believing that "Football is the greatest sport on earth."

Businesses, charities, religions, Zionist groups, and other organizations and citizens are competing with one another to manipulate our culture for their own selfish benefits.

This constitution changes the situation dramatically by giving the government total control of culture. The Standards Council decides whether to provide such services as amateur radio, FM radio, and citizen band radio. However, the Standards Council cannot make decisions according to what people or organizations want, and they cannot make decisions secretly. They must make decisions according to what will provide us, mainly the City Elders, with the best life.

For example, if they allocate some radio frequencies for AM broadcasts, they must show us that those radio programs will provide us with benefits that outweigh the disadvantages of producing them, and the disadvantages of preventing those frequencies from being used for other purposes.

This constitution does not believe that there is any value in AM radio or amateur radio, or in broadcasting television programs. Therefore, this constitution requires eliminating the broadcasting of all radio and television programs, and putting all of the programs on the Internet. This will allow the radio frequencies to be available for more important uses, such as autonomous industrial vehicles, drones, and robots.

A man controlling machines with a radio connection.
Some companies are producing industrial machines that can be controlled remotely, (photo to the right), but the equipment has to use low power radio transmitters in order to prevent interference with other machines using the same frequency, and that requires the operators to be close to their equipment.

By increasing the number of available frequencies, hundreds of machines will be able to have their own frequency, so they will be able to operate at higher power levels, thereby allowing their operators to be in offices that are farther away.

By designing all of the computers and telephones in the city to be generic, we would be able to use any cell phone or computer in the city to observe and control machines and robots no matter where we were in the city. Voice recognition software would allow us to use our voice to request information and give orders directly to the machines. The machines would respond to us in an artificial voice, as well as with text messages, images, and videos.

We could use any cell phone to observe and control machines no matter where we were in the city.
That technology would allow us to work while engaging in social and recreational activities.

For example, when a doctor arrives at a restaurant at the top of a building, he could borrow a cell phone and request information or give orders to the medical equipment that is monitoring one of his patients.

A farmer could then borrow that same cell phone to request status information on one of the autonomous machines that he sent to harvest wheat, and he could give orders to the machine.

By eliminating secrecy, and having the city computers use facial and voice recognition to identify people, the computers would know who is using the phone, and whether that person has the authorization to control the particular machine or robot that he requests control of.

The computers would prevent children and other unauthorized people from having access to the machines. Nobody would need passwords or security badges.

As the software becomes more advanced, the city computers would be able to monitor the machines and robots. When the computer suspects that one of the machines has a problem, it would determine the location of the person who is responsible for the machine, and send a message to the phone nearest to him.

If the city's computer notices that the person it needs to contact is in a Jacuzzi, and that there is no phone nearby, the computer could contact an alternative person, or it could send a drone or robot to let him know about the problem, as in the image below.

The person would be able to respond to the drone or robot by telling it to make a phone call to somebody, and either relay a message to the person, or put the person on speakerphone.

This constitution recommends a long lunch break, which can be troublesome for the people who must monitor machines, farm animals, or patients in hospitals, but by having the city's computers tracking people and notifying them of problems, they will be able to respond quickly no matter where they happen to be, and regardless of whether they have a cell phone or computer nearby.

If the person had a cell phone or computer with him, the computer could send maps, charts, video, or other data to him, in addition to voice messages, and the person would be able to respond to the problem even if he was in a kayak.

That technology will enable us to easily observe and control machines and robots, and at any time of day or night, and at any location in the city.

Setting standards for the breeding of animals and plants

All people and organizations in the world today are free to breed animals and plants in any manner they please, and nobody is held accountable for what they do. This has resulted in some people breeding dogs and roosters for fights, and it has resulted in lots of people breeding dogs to resemble helpless human babies in order to titillate women. There are also lots of people breeding dogs and other pets that have genetic disorders because they either don't understand genetics, or don't care.

Businesses have bred dairy cows to produce 4 to 5 times as much milk as a wild cow, and chickens have been bred to grow an extremely rapid rate.

Everybody has a different opinion on how to breed farm animals and pets, so instead of letting every person, city, farmer, and organization make the decisions for themselves, the Standards Council will set standards. (If you are unaware of some of the complaints about breeding animals, here is a news article about breeding pet dogs.)

The Research Council

Every city can have its own Research Ministry, so every city can conduct their own research programs. To provide some checks and balances on the cities, the World Government has a Research Council that has the responsibility to observe the research programs of the cities and pass judgment on whether they are acceptable.

They have the authority and responsibility to stop the research programs that they consider to be detrimental, such as the development of military weapons and diseases.

They can also stop the research programs that they consider to be too unimportant to justify. For example, in a free enterprise system, there is a tremendous amount of money available for researching medicines and medical procedures to help elderly people with Alzheimer's, strokes, and dementia. All of that research is beneficial, but it is much more sensible to put our medical research into understanding and improving the health of children and young adults.

When we figure out how to keep the children and young adults in good health, then we can justify putting technical talent and resources into research projects to help the elderly people who are on the verge of dying.

We will have a better life if we can spend our first 60 or so years in good mental and physical health, compared to what is happening in the world today, in which people under 60 are suffering from a lot of health issues.

Almost everybody today is living decades beyond the age of 70, so it is important for us to know how to keep the older adults in good health, but trying to cure dementia is like trying to create a fusion reactor. Specifically, those projects have failed for so many decades that we should consider reducing the resources that we put into them, or suspending the projects until we have more knowledge about those issues.

By creating 3D geometry of the bones and blood vessels in a person's hand, a CNC robot could do surgery on a knuckle with tiny tools.
It is better to put most of our research into projects that have potential, such as robots that can do surgery on arthritic knuckles and hips, and remove appendices with tiny tools.

We already have machines that can create 3D geometry of our body and skeleton, including out blood vessels, and that information would allow CNC robots to do surgical operations.

Although the surgical robots as of 2024 are crude, eventually robots will be able to do operations faster and more accurately than humans. Since they don't get tired, they can do lengthy operations. They can also use tools that are too small for humans, which allows them to do surgery without as much damage to blood vessels and nerves.

This concept of being more concerned with the health of younger people applies to material items, also. For example, it is better for us to put our maintenance resources into keeping airplanes, refrigerators, assembly lines, and other products in "good health" during their "youth", rather than ignore their health while they are young and try to take care of them when they become so elderly that they are on the verge of being recycled.

By putting most of our emphasis on the health of children and young adults, we will do a better job of keeping them in good health, which will allow them to enjoy the best decades of life. When we become elderly, we are going to suffer and slowly die no matter what how advanced our medical technology is.

This constitution prohibits the attitude that our "golden years" are when we are over the age of 65. We should design our culture so that we can enjoy life while we are young. We must accept the fact that everybody will deteriorate and die.

I am an example of this concept. If medical researchers had been analyzing teenagers when I was in high school, then they might have noticed that I have some mysterious problem that can be reduced with low sugar levels, thyroid hormone supplements, and switching to sprouted grains. That would have brought significant improvements to my life, whereas the technology to help with Parkinson's or Alzheimer's might not do anything to improve my life.

I am only one of many people who have suffered during their childhood and early adult years from allergies or medical problems that they didn't know about. If doctors had been analyzing the health of younger people, they might have noticed some of those problems, and that would have allowed those people to have a much more pleasant life.

All of us have imperfections with our bodies, so all of us would benefit if scientists and doctors were studying the health of children and young adults, and providing everybody with advice on how to improve their health during their youth. By comparison, we do not benefit much by developing medicines that reduce the suffering of elderly people. The elderly will have short and unpleasant lives regardless of our medical technology.

We are still so ignorant about food, digestion, hormones, nutrition, allergies, genetic disorders, pesticides, and other health issues that there are certain to be a lot of children and young adults who are suffering unnecessarily. Even if a person has very good health, he would benefit by being able to get closer to his maximum physical and mental health potential.

The Research Council supervises international projects

When a research project is too large or complicated for one city to do by themselves, the Research Council is responsible for arranging the project to be spread across other cities. They supervise the cities and deal with disputes between them. They are in a similar role as corporate executives who supervise a research program that is so big that it involves different departments of the company, or different companies.

The Research Council cannot have its own employees, facilities, or equipment to do research. If they have an idea for a research project, they must post a request to the cities. If the project they propose is so large that it would require more than one city, then they need to get the approval of all cities to participate in it. If the cities agreed to the project, then the cities provide the employees, facilities, and equipment.

Since research projects are a burden to the cities, the Research Council is responsible for ensuring that all cities are contributing as equally as possible to research projects.

In order to prevent the unequal situation in the world today, in which a few nations provide almost all of the technical progress, and the other nations are in the role of envious parasites who provide raw materials and unskilled labor, all cities must be fairly equal in their technical abilities.

The World Police Council

The employees of the World Police Council work on a temporary basis only when needed, which ideally will be never, just like firefighters of a city.

In regards to firefighters, the ideal situation is for us to put more effort into designing cities that are so resistant to fires that the fire department is usually vacant. The people who have been chosen to be firemen should have some other job, and they become firemen only when there is a fire. After they are finished dealing with the fire, they return to their normal job.

Likewise, every city should have such high standards of behavior, and be so effective at eliminating crime, that there is no need for a world police force. However, we cannot expect such an ideal situation.

If the Cities Council of the World Government determines that some city officials are causing trouble for the city or the world, they can fire the officials, but if the people in that city refuse to replace those officials, then the World Police Council has the authority to create a temporary police force by requesting police from the cities. That will give the World Police Council a temporary police force.

As soon as the arrest is finished, the world police force must be dissolved, and those policemen return to their city and resume their regular jobs. The world government is not permitted to maintain a permanent police force.

Criminal leaders must be removed

The World Police Council cannot punish any person, organization, or city. When they arrest a government official, the official must be either evicted to the City of Exiles, or euthanized.

This constitution promotes zero tolerance for destructive leaders. The top government officials must meet higher standards than the citizens because they have more of an influence over the world than the citizens. A destructive leader is more dangerous than a destructive citizen.

Instead of encouraging submissiveness to leaders, and instead of ignoring their abusive behavior, this Constitution requires setting high standards for leaders, and being intolerant of their abuse.

Some people might respond that it would be frightening to become a leader when the World Police Council has the authority to exile or execute leaders, but all of us are already living in a nation that will execute or imprison us if we commit certain crimes.

Many of us are also living around animals that will kill us if we abuse them, and we are often driving automobiles that will result in our death if we don't use them properly. There is no reason for us to fear the consequences of bad behavior, unless we are prone to bad behavior.

The cities can resist the world police force

To provide some checks and balances, when the World Police Council requests police officers, the cities can complain that they don't believe the World Police Council is justified in arresting the government officials that the Cities Council has accused of abusive behavior.

The city officials must post their objections in a document so that everybody can understand their reasoning. That will require the presidents of the other cities to get involved and pass judgment on whether the World Government officials are justified in arresting the city official.

If more than half of the presidents agreed to support the World Government, then the city official who posted the complaint will have a failure listed in his database entry, which will hurt his reputation. The official in the Cities Council will have a success in his database entry.

Conversely, if the presidents agree with the city official that the World Government is making a mistake, then the official in the Cities Council will have a failure in his database entry, and the city official who posted the complaint will have a success in his database entry.

By routinely replacing the worst performing leaders, we will slowly improve the city and world leaders.