Somebody must make arbitrary
A modern society has to
deal with a lot of issues that cannot be settled through scientific
research or intelligent reasoning because there is no right or wrong to
the issue. An example is whether we should decorate our city with the Shits On Stix
statue. Another example is whether nudity should
be permitted at any of the public swimming areas or parks.
Our arbitrary decisions affect the evolution of the human race, so we
should consider what we want the future humans to be. For example, if
we choose to become vegans, then the future generations will evolve
into vegans because they will lose their emotional enjoyment of the
taste and texture of meat, and they will lose their ability to digest
However, the only people who will understand that
concept are those who have the intellectual
ability to understand it, and who have the emotional ability to accept it. If
the people who make the arbitrary decisions cannot understand
evolution, or if they have an emotional preference for a religion or
the clay theory, then they will make the arbitrary decisions without
any concern for how they will affect the future evolution of the human
No society is aware of the concept that somebody has to make arbitrary
decisions. Every group of people are still behaving like wild animals.
Specifically, each person does whatever he pleases, and they fight with
one another for dominance.
For example, in Australia, the artist who created the poop balls, and
the citizens of Australia who were interested in supporting or opposing
a, argued with one another until they got tired of arguing and settled
on painting the balls black so that they look less like poop.
There are also lots of people around the world arguing over what type
of foods we should eat, such as whether we should eat cows, horses,
pigs, algae, insects, cats, or dogs.
Likewise, there are people who argue over whether nudity should be
allowed in public areas, and there are people arguing over whether
women should wear
a niqab, hijab, or burka. Some people argue over whether to circumcise
baby boys.
There are also a lot of people arguing over how to change our language.
For example, GLAAD created this
list of
words and their definitions, and some words which are supposed to avoid
using. They boast that the Definitions
were drafted in collaboration with other U.S.-based LGBTQ community
organizations and leaders. However, the people they describe as
"leaders" are not what other people regard as leaders.
The arbitrary issues are not being
settled in an intelligent manner. Instead, people argue with one
another incessantly. This can
result in one particular group of people dominating a particular issue
for a while, and years or decades later another group becomes larger or
more aggressive and they dominate.
The arguments have been going on for thousands of years, and they will
continue to go on forever if we don't choose some group of people to
make the decisions.
Whenever people have to fight with one another to settle a dispute, the
people who form organizations
will have an advantage over the individuals.
Furthermore, the organizations that are diabolical and
have an advantage over the honest
An example of how the diabolical organizations can dominate our culture
is that they have succeeded in altering our immigration policies to
allow them to bring millions of immigrants into the USA and Europe, and
they have succeeded in convincing some nations to pass a law against
"Holocaust denial".
As discussed here,
by not having an authority to settle the arbitrary decisions, we have anarchy, and anarchy results in
endless fights between individuals and organizations, and the most
diabolical of the criminal organizations have the most influence. Our
culture is being determined by the endless battles between the
organized religions, the WEF, the
world.minds, the Horasis, the ADL, the
SPLC, the JDL, and thousands
of other organizations.
The people in those organizations frequently give one another awards
and praise in an attempt to intimidate us. For example, the Great Minds
website praises
Peter Singer,
a Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, as a " leading moral philosopher"
and a " renowned animal
liberationist", and The World
Minds organization describes
him as " the world’s preeminent
ethicist". He has also received many awards, such as the Berggruen
Prize in 2021.
Peter Singer is one of many people who are promoted as a super
educated, super genius by the organizations that are trying to
determine our future. Those people and organizations are battling for
control of our culture and future, but how many of those renowned and preeminent people are providing us
with intelligent guidance or advice?
Peter Singer, for example, advocates a vegetarian diet. In this
interview, he claims that it has improved his health, although he eats
mussels, clams, and oysters. His reasoning for eating some animals is
that some of them do not have a nervous system or brain, so they don't
feel pain. He wants us to stop eating meat partly because of the pain
that we inflict on animals when we kill them, but mainly because of " their lifelong suffering in factory
However, he has no evidence that animals are suffering when we kill
them, or that they suffer on the factory farms. As I pointed out years
ago here,
it is more likely that the animals on the farms are having a more
pleasant life than the wild animals, and they especially have a more
pleasant death. Wild animals
die in an incredibly cruel manner, such as being eaten alive, or dying slowly from
malnutrition, diseases, broken legs, or parasitic infections.
Furthermore, animals produce a lot of babies, and most of them suffer a
cruel and painful death. Very few of them have a pleasant childhood, or
survive long enough to become an adult.
If we truly want to stop animals from suffering, then we should
exterminate every animal on the planet so that none of them have to
suffer nature's brutal battle for life.
Peter Singer believes that he has developed an intelligent policy for
us, but my opinion is that he has created an idiotic policy that is
based on his particular emotional feelings, and his particular
intellectual characteristics, which I would describe as defective.
All of the other people who are involved with the WEF, the ADL, and
other organizations, also believe that they are providing us with
intelligent policies, but I don't believe that we are getting anything
of value from them.
They are not helping us to understand human behavior, animals, crime,
divorce, or nutrition. They are not improving our schools, economy,
cities, transportation systems, or recreational activities. They never
say anything that I consider worth saving for the future students to
learn from.
They are not encouraging discussions, curiosity, constructive
criticism, research, or exploration. Rather, they censor, suppress,
ignore, insult, blackmail, bribe, intimidate, and murder their critics
and competitors, and they try to stop discussions about such issues as
the Holocaust, the Apollo moon landing, the 9/11 attack, the
differences between men and women, and thousands of other issues.
They are not getting into those influential positions because of their
leadership abilities. They seem to be getting into influential
positions by joining crime networks. They seem to be abnormally
aggressive, selfish, deceptive, and cruel people who grab at what they
want, rather than earn their position by impressing us with intelligent
They are not interested in improving the world. They are interested in
becoming wealthy, famous, and important. Many of them also seem to have
abnormal cravings for sex. They want us to be their servants, not their
friends or team members. They want to suppress and control us, not work
with us or make our lives better. They want us to pamper and worship
them, not criticize or compete with them.
In a democracy, the only way we can resolve the differences between us
is to fight with one another, but people like Peter Singer have an
advantage over everybody else because they are part of a diabolical
network that suppresses the rest of us.
Social credit systems can provide a “Council
of Elders”
It is idiotic for us to
continue allowing our culture to be determined
by people and organizations that fight for control. We
need an authority to settle the arbitrary decisions, but that creates
the " infinite
loop" problem of who chooses the authorities, and who chooses those
people, and so on.
This constitution advocates
making the arbitrary decisions by getting the opinions of a subset of
the adult population that we regard as having higher quality minds, and
use them to settle the arbitrary decisions. As mentioned here, that
subset will be
referred to as the "City Elders". But how do we choose
This constitution advocates selecting them by taking a certain
percentage of the adults who have the highest social
credit scores. This constitution initializes the situation by setting
the age
to be between 40 and 75, and the percentage to 20%. Therefore, of the
men and women within that age range, the 20% with the highest social
credit scores are considered members of the City
This creates the dilemma of ensuring that the people creating the
social credit scores are honest. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make people be honest.
There are no laws or sets of checks and balances that can force people
to be honest.
As mentioned many times, an organization is only as good as its
members. The only way we can improve an organization is to raise standards for its members,
and especially for its leaders.
In order to create a better society, we must restricted to people who
show a better-than-average ability to be an honest, productive citizen.
Everybody must be willing to contribute to society, rather than want to
be a pampered King or Queen. Everybody must also be willing to earn
their position in society, rather than get it through inheritances,
deception, marriage, or crime. We must ensure that everybody has a
brain that we regard as having appropriate intellectual and emotional
We cannot stop people from having violent temper tantrums, or raping
children, or vandalizing equipment, or joining a crime network. The
only way to improve the behavior of the people is to do what businesses
and militaries do, which is to set standards for the members, and evict
those who cannot meet them. Therefore, a society will only be as good
as the people who have set the
standards and pass judgment on who is a member.
The Elders are not an organization
The Elders
are just a list of people, not
an organization. They do not
get together for discussions or meetings. Instead, the ministers make
arbitrary decisions
according to what they think is best for that group of people.
The ministers can conduct polls to determine what the elders like and
dislike, but they cannot
pander to the elders. Instead, the ministers consider what the Elders like and
dislike, but they do what they think is best for them, which is not
necessarily what the majority of them want.
For example, if the Neighborhoods Minister has been requested
to provide a city park with a particular water fountain, and if he is
not sure how
many people would like it, he could request the Elders to provide their
The Elders are not
to respond to a request. They respond only if they
have an opinion on the issue. The minister can then use the responses
from the Elders to determine whether he should approve or disapprove of
the fountain.
Likewise, if the Leisure Minister is wondering whether a particular
recreational activity should be authorized or terminated, and if he
does not want to make the decision by himself, he could request the
Elders to provide their opinions.
There is no secrecy with the
When a minister
wants the opinions of the Elders, he posts a document in the Polls category that
explains the issue, and any of the Elders who wants to get
involved with the decision can add a comment to the document. This
allows everybody to see what the arbitrary decisions are, and how the
elders respond. For example,
the clothing minister might post a request like this:
Request For Opinion:
Clothing Minister John Doe, 27 January 2035
We have been asked to produce some decorative men's jackets for formal
social affairs, such as those in the image below. To see or try on the
samples, come to Building 5, Neighborhood 16 (B5 N16).
Any of the male Elders who is interested in trying the
jackets can travel to that building. He can also post a comment in the Polls
category about his opinion of its comfort, appearance, or whatever. The
female Elders would also be able to post their comments about
the jackets. The minister could then look at their responses, and make
a decision about which, if either, to put into production.
Eventually the robots will be so advanced that people could request a
robot to bring them samples of the jackets and other items that are
being considered, and the robots would travel
from one person to the next with the item.
For another example of how the ministers can use the Elders to make
decisions, the neighborhoods minister could request
the Elders to sketch or use AI software to create art for a particular
neighborhood. For example,
Request For Opinion:
Neighborhoods Minister Bob Smith, 27 January 2035
We have been asked to provide Neighborhood 37 with an illuminated water
fountain. Two examples with crystal decorations
are below. If you want to
draw or use AI software to design a fountain, post your images here
during the following four weeks, and then let us know which designs
you prefer.
In that example, any of the Elders who is interested in getting
involved with the design of the fountain can do so either by
drawing something with his hands, or by using AI software to design
something. Any of the Elders could also specify which of the designs he
prefers, even if he did not contribute a design.
The ministers are not required
to do what the majority of Elders prefer, but in many situations that
is what he will do because his purpose for asking the Elders for their
opinions is because the decision is arbitrary, and he is not sure of
what to do.
Therefore, the minister is likely to give the majority of Elders what
they want.
It is also possible that the minister will agree with a minority of the Elders, or he might
discover that the Elders have given him an idea that he considers to be
superior to all of their suggestions. In that case, the minister would
be building on, or improving, the suggestions of the Elders, rather
than giving them what they asked for.
The text-to-image software is becoming so advanced that I suspect
that the Elders will be repeatedly requested to provide their opinions
for artistic issues. The AI software is becoming so creative that it is
expanding our options for fountains, city plazas, clothing, wall
decorations, door decorations, furniture, stained-glass windows, and
other types of art, and that will make it increasingly difficult for
the ministers to make a decision about which art to authorize.
How do we determine who has a high
A social credit rating is
an arbitrary decision, similar to giving a student a grade for an essay
test. A person's rating depends upon the person who designed the
system. For example:
Pedophiles would
give low scores to people who oppose pedophilia.
A religious fanatic
would gives low scores to people who were atheists or the "wrong"
Vegans would give
low scores to people who want to eat meat.
Many Jews would give
high scores only to people who had a Jewish mother, and everybody else
would be given scores almost as low as cows and chickens.
This dilemma affects all types
of arbitrary analyses, such as the tests that determine whether
somebody should
qualify as a pilot or a doctor. It also applies to our tests of
animals, such as the determination of whether a dog qualifies to be a
guide dog for the blind or handicapped people.
An organization in the
UK that trains guide dogs has this
PDF list of the characteristics that they analyze, and we need to do
something similar for humans. However, there is no way for us to agree
on which characteristics of a person we should analyze, and how to rate
them, because nobody can prove that his concept of a social credit
system is
better than
somebody else's.
In order for us to agree on a social credit system, we have to reduce
the diversity of the
population so that we are more compatible, but that is not going to be
easy or pleasant.
Which characteristics should we
We must create a social
credit system in the same manner that we create programs to determine
who qualifies as a pilot.
Specifically, we initiate the process by selecting certain
characteristics to analyze, and specifying the rules for the analysis,
and then observing the results to see who gets a high score. We then
pass judgment on whether those people deserve a high score, and if not,
we adjust the rating process until the people that we want to have high
scores are getting them.
To initialize the
social credit system for this Constitution, the document on reproduction explains
some of the mental characteristics that we should pass judgment on, and
here are
some other suggestions on what to analyze:
Self Control of:
• Temper
• Sexual cravings
• Food
• Status
• Craving for children
• Pouting
Ability to:
• Complete tasks
• Learn from constructive criticism
• Give constructive criticism
• Notice and acknowledge other people's talents
• Notice and acknowledge their own talents and limitations
• Ability to acknowledge and learn from their failures
• Supervise a team
• Responsibility
• Honesty
• Undesirable behavior, such as idiotic or cruel pranks, rudeness,
or obnoxious remarks
Instead of giving a person
one score, a person would have a score for every characteristic in the
list. For example, each of us would have a score for our self-control
with food, and another score for our ability to learn from constructive
One of the characteristics in the list above is a person's ability to notice and acknowledge their own talents
and limitations. Ideally, everybody would have an accurate
understanding of their abilities and limitations. In such a case, when
a business needs an employee, they would only have to list the
available jobs, and a person would apply only for the jobs that they
can do properly.
In reality, many people are so arrogant that they believe that they are
experts in everything, and this can result in them getting into jobs
that they are average at, or below-average, or a failure. To add to
this problem, every culture encourages us to exaggerate our talents.
This has resulted in businesses wasting time and resources putting job
candidates through interviews and sometimes through tests.
If everybody had an accurate view of their talents and limitations, a
business would want to put a job candidate through a test only when the
candidate is too young to have a good idea of what he is good at, or
when nobody has had much experience with the job.
The people who have demonstrated the most accurate view of their
abilities and limitations should have that talent marked in their
database entry. That would allow businesses to consider giving them a
job without bothering with interviews or tests.
Social credit system need a lot of
In order for a social
credit system to be useful, it must have analyses from a variety of
people. A social credit system will not be of much use if only one
person contributes analysis to it because that will give us a very
biased view of everybody. Therefore, in order for a social credit
system to be useful, a lot of people must get involved with providing
serious analyses. School teachers, supervisors at work, medical
doctors, and other people need to put some effort into providing
analyses of people's behavior and characteristics.
This might seem to put a big burden on people who are supervisory
positions, but it is much easier to create these analyses than it
appears. The reason is because each of us already routinely performs analyses
of other people.
As mentioned earlier in this document, all of us constantly judge other
people, and all of us maintain a social credit system in our mind.
Furthermore, teachers, supervisors, doctors, and other people are also
already creating analyses of people, but they are usually keeping them
for themselves or their organization. Therefore, to create a useful
social credit system, all we have to do
is put some effort into creating a more serious
analysis, and posting it in the People
The Elders do not have special privileges
This Constitution doesn't
allow different classes of people, so none of the Elders
can have any special privileges, and neither can any of their family
members. The Elders are treated like ordinary people. The only
between them and everybody else is that the ministers will consider the opinions of the Elders
when they have to make arbitrary decisions.
The ministers do not obey or
pander to the elders. Rather, they only consider
their preferences when they must decide what to do about an emotional
The Elders will be treated better
by the public
Although the Elders do not
get any special privileges, they are likely to be treated better than
other people simply because that is our natural tendency. For example:
We are more
trusting of a person that we regard as honest compared to the people
who have lied to us.
We are more likely
to invite a person for dinner or a recreational activity if he has
behaved in a pleasant manner, compared to a person who has irritated us.
We are more likely
to give serious consideration to an opinion from a person who has
impressed us in the past with his intelligence, and more likely to
disregard a person who has repeatedly made idiotic remarks.
If we design a proper social credit system, then the people who are
chosen to be the City Elders will naturally get better treatment by the
public simply because the Elders will be the people that we admire the
most. The Elders will be the people who have the most impressive
behavior; the people we are most likely to trust; and the people who
have opinions that we are most likely to listen to.
The Elders are used to define
One of the purposes for
having the City Elders is to allow the ministers to determine what
classifies as "art". The ministers are required to define art according
to what appears to be the most
beneficial to the City Elders, rather than according to what the
artists, public, or City Elders want.
As mentioned, by not having an
authority to settle arbitrary decisions, such as what classifies as art, the
decisions are set by whoever wants to
fight for control of the issue. Most people are not
interested in getting involved with the battle over art, so the
decisions tend to be made by the
This would be wonderful if artists were making decisions that we
regarded as beneficial, but a significant percentage of the population
consider many of their decisions to be disgusting, unpleasant, idiotic,
or wasteful of resources.
One reason that we dislike there are it is because a lot of it was not
created to be emotionally pleasant. They created some of their art to
express their emotions, such as when the artists with with mental
disorders want to express their suffering. Some artists create art to
"pay homage" to somebody, and others create art to promote a particular
concept, such as hatred of Donald Trump, government, schools, or
One of the reasons the artists are not providing us with appropriate
art is because they frequently create art that is intended to have a message. For example, the
Mayor of London has an organization called the Fourth Plinth
Commissioning Group that consists of " specialist experts",
and they determine the art to put on one of the pedestals in Trafalgar
Of the seven
art objects they chose to be in the semi-finals, the two they chose for
display on the pedestal are a statue
of an obese black woman, which " pays
homage to a young, metropolitan woman of colour", and a statue
of a person riding a horse that is covered in a shroud, like a ghost.
It is described in a manner that makes the SCIgen software seem
...its sinister connotations will
soften into responses to the weather.
The equestrian statue's literal
transparency means that the plinth will be both occupied and empty.
An artifact of a hyperfragmented,
paranoid time when public space, consensus, and community continue to
dissolve, the work aims to contain irreconcilable narratives without
attempting to rewrite them.
Most people are not
interested in decorating their city with art that contains irreconcilable
narratives, or artifacts of
hyperfragmented paranoia. We also do not want art that shows the
mental anguish that the artists are suffering from, or their hatred for
school, jobs, or government. We also don't want our art to depict
garbage dumps, overcrowded apartments, crime gangs, or automobile
traffic congestion.
We want our homes and city to be decorated with art that stimulates pleasant emotions, just like we
experience pleasure when we look at flowers, butterflies, creeks,
clouds, and birds. We want the paintings and statues of people to be pleasant, also. We do not enjoy
looking at people who are obese, sloppy, angry, violent, vomiting,
crying, or retarded.
When there is no authority to determine what classifies as "public
art", then we will be dominated by the people who are successful in
fighting for control of the issue. Unfortunately, allowing people to
fight for control of us is not likely to
give us good leadership. It is more likely to give us leaders who are
abnormally arrogant, aggressive, intimidating, deceptive, and selfish.
Furthermore, the people who join crime networks will have an advantage
over the individuals and the or honest organizations.
The issue of what should classify as art will become increasing
important as the AI software improves. It is
already a more creative artist, and a better artist, than most humans.
It also has the advantage that robots have; specifically, we don't have
to deal with temperamental or neurotic human artists, and who can take
months or years to create
something for us, and who whine about people who modify or make
variations of their art.
As soon as the AI software can create programs for CNC lasers, wood
routers, and milling machines, and when 3D printers become more
advanced and easier to use, it will become easy to turn the designs of
the AI software into stained-glass windows, carved doors,
furniture, wall moldings, ceramic tile designs, and statues.
The AI software will give us phenomenal options for city decorations,
but it is idiotic
for us to continue allowing people to fight for control of our
government, art, school curriculum, businesses,
recreational activities, or any other culture. We need to provide
ourselves with sensible leadership. We need an authority to make
decisions on what type of art is acceptable for the city.
This constitution gives the Neighborhood Ministry the authority to
determine what is and is not acceptable public art. However, they cannot
pander to any particular group, especially not children, lunatics,
criminals, drug addicts, or antisocial people.
Instead, they must consider
the opinions of the Elders, but make decisions that would be most beneficial to them. This concept of
doing what is best for Elders
rather than what they want is
required of all other ministers, such as the Meals
Some examples on how the Neighborhoods Ministry will set policies for
art are:
Example #1: Performance art
It is possible that the majority of people, and the majority of the City Elders,
enjoy such " performance
art" as this
man who was dragged around while a candle was in his butt, but the
ministers must decide whether that type of art is truly improving life
for the City Elders, or whether it is wasting resources or encouraging
detrimental attitudes or behavior.
Example #2: Ceiling art
Many of the churches, especially during the Middle Ages, hired artists
to decorate their ceilings with paintings. Today some shopping malls
are installing gigantic LED monitors on their ceiling, such as this
in Chicago, and this
in China. It is possible that most people approve of those type of
ceiling decorations, but that doesn't justify doing it.
Decorating a ceiling is much more difficult than decorating a wall, but
the biggest problem with decorated ceilings is that it is difficult for
us to see or enjoy the art because our eyes face forwards. It is much
easier for us to look down at
the floor than up at a high
ceiling. We are designing ceilings for halibut or barreleye, not humans.
This constitution advocates the ceiling art be restricted to more
simple decorations, such as colors, moldings, and patterns, rather than
beautiful artwork or expensive video monitors. The most expensive art
should be restricted to walls, and only the walls that are easy for us to see, and that we are
likely to notice.
Examples are the walls of a lounge room, restaurant, home, and bathroom.
We are much less likely to notice or appreciate beautiful artwork on
the walls of a narrow hallway, or walls of a retail store that are
partially hidden by racks of items, or the walls on the outsides of
buildings that are partially blocked by vegetation.
Example #3: Animals behaving like
A popular type of art in the world today is of animals
behaving like humans, such as Mickey Mouse. This is most common in
cartoons, books, and art for children.
We are also
encouraged to use the AI software to create images of animals behaving
like humans, but what is the benefit to us?
Images and videos of animals that behave like humans might not have any
detrimental effect on adults,
but children are designed to pick up
culture, so we must be more
careful about what we expose children to.
In a free enterprise system, businesses try to titillate children, but
children can be amused by things like diarrhea and vomit. Adults should
not compete to exploit children's emotional desires. Instead, adults
should compete to figure out how to provide children with the most
beneficial childhood.
Do children benefit by constant exposure to animals that behave like
humans and speak our language? Do they benefit from dinosaurs that
growl, or Halloween monsters that eat children, or ghosts that wander
through our homes?
The ideal way to determine what type of art is appropriate for children
and adults would
be to create several identical copies of the Earth, and give each one a
different culture, and then observe the attitudes, behavior,
relationships, and goals of the people. That would show us which
culture encourages the most beneficial attitudes and behavior.
A more practical method is to expose
children in different neighborhoods to different art in their schools,
and then observe the effect that it having on their attitudes and
Until we have some information on the best way to raise children is,
this Constitution requires children be provided with realistic
information about animals because I suspect that treating animals like
humans is giving
children an
unrealistic view of life, animals, and people. For example, it might be
one of the reasons that many people want to kiss or have sex with their
pet animals or plastic
dogs, and why so many people, hold an animal upside down in their arms,
in the manner that they hold a human baby.
If children had a
more accurate understanding of animals, they would realize that cats
and dogs do not
want us to kiss them. Rather, they want to lick our
face, and they want us to lick their
face. Also, most animals do not want to be held upside down.
Until we know more about these issues, this constitution
recommends the neighborhood minister prohibit art
in which animals are
behaving like humans, even if most of the Elders approves of that type
of art. Children giggle at that type of art, but we
should not pander to children.
make decisions according to
what will provide us a life that we enjoy reminiscing
about, but who wants to
reminisce about Mickey Mouse cartoons or images of grizzly bears
dressed like cowboys?
Animals can be used in art if they evoke pleasant feelings, encourage
creativity, or emphasize some concept, even if the animals are depicted
in unrealistic manners. For example, this
image of crystal butterflies around a sleeping fox with crystal ears is
unrealistic, and so
is this
iridescent horse, but they are pleasant images, and some people might
like to have those type of images on a wall monitor in their
bedroom, or part of their computer background slideshow.
Likewise, images of unrealistic, fantasy landscapes
can be pleasant, and unrealistic images of people
and machines
can also be pleasant.
Images of dinosaurs are acceptable if they are pleasant, but the
AI software is mimicking human drawings of dinosaurs, so almost all of
the AI images are showing dinosaurs that are displaying their teeth,
growling, and angry. There is no reason to believe
that dinosaurs
were more violent than other animals. Those type of images
are giving people an idiotic view of dinosaurs.
The artists who create those images are doing so to titillate people, similar to the way
people compete with one another to make the
most frightening Halloween displays.
We are not improving our lives
when we try to stimulate one another
with frightening images. We should design art to make our lives more
pleasant, relaxing, and enjoyable.