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The Kastron Constitution
3d) Education

1 June 2024

Schools are given performance reviews

Schools cannot be judged by their graduation rate

The primary concern of the existing public and private schools is appeasing parents and students, which would be acceptable if parents and students wanted children to be prepared for modern society, but most of them want a diploma and good grades. The result is that schools are under pressure to provide simplistic courses.

The Public School Review organization boasts that they have "been providing rigorous data analysis of USA public schools" since 2003, but they judge schools according to such worthless criteria as the "graduation rate, ethnicity breakdown, and free lunch assistance".

They also judge schools according to the math and reading abilities of the students, but modern children need to learn a lot more than that in order to fit into a modern society.

The school system needs to be updated

The school system that is in use today developed in ancient Sumeria about 6000 years ago to teach arithmetic and written language, and the method was for an adult to stand in front of a group of children and talk to them. Every society is still using that original, primitive school system. Every society has added some additional courses, but no society has bothered to redesign their schools to fit our modern era.

There is no culture that is concerned about whether the graduates have the skills necessary for modern jobs, or whether they know how to function in a modern society. There is not even any concern about the expense of a school to either the students or taxpayers.

To make the situation worse, school systems do not care that they are providing students with dishonest information about the Holocaust, the Apollo moon landing, Anne Frank's diary, and lots of other issues. People are also allowed to create schools that promote a religion.

The schools are also dampening curiosity, research, and exploration by insisting that certain information is 100% correct, such as the Big Bang, global warming, dark matter, the Holocaust,  the Apollo moon landing, that men and women are unisex creatures, and that dinosaurs went extinct because of a meteor. Students are not encouraged to look critically at the established opinions, their culture, their leaders, or themselves.

Militaries have a better attitude about schools

The militaries design their training programs to prepare their members for the organization, so their "school system" is significantly more effective than the public and private schools. For example:

The militaries do not care about having high graduation rates. They have the opposite attitude. Specifically, they design their courses to provide graduates with certain skills, and they evict the students cannot achieve those goals.

The militaries do not care whether students or parents like the course.

The militaries design their curriculum to prepare the students to become productive team members. They do more than provide information for the students to learn; they also are concerned with the behavior and attitude of the students, and their ability to work in teams, follow orders, and be responsible.

The militaries judge the value of their training programs according to how well their students perform in the organization after they graduate.

Although the military schools can be criticized for being imperfect, they do a noticeably superior job of preparing students for their organization, and they do so in more rapid manner and at a lower cost, than the public and private schools.

The competition between schools must be beneficial

The public and private schools are in competition to attract students and donations. They are not competing to be the best at preparing students for life as an adult. That type of competition results in the schools evolving to become better at attracting students and donations rather than becoming better at preparing the students for society.

By comparison, the militaries have been put through a competition that is deadly. The militaries that survived the battles were those that did the best job of training their members to become productive team members. That competition caused the militaries to develop a more effective school system.

As described in other documents, such as this, humans need competition, but we must design it to be beneficial. It is idiotic to put schools into competition to please people. They must be put into a competition to be the most useful at preparing students for life.

The competition between students must be beneficial

The current school systems provide lots of competitions for students, but there is no concern for whether any of the competitions are beneficial. Instead, the competitions are designed to be entertaining to the students, parents, and teachers.

The most common competitions are to win physical activities. As described in the Leisure document, those competitions are detrimental because they cause children to waste their precious childhood on the development a skill that has no value to them. It also encourages them to put such emphasis on winning the competition that they often hurt themselves and one another.

Likewise, the intellectual competitions are worthless. For example, the We Are Teachers organization has several long lists of the "Best Competitions" for students in 2024, such as the National History Day and Jane Austen Essay Contest, but none of them are beneficial to the students.

Actually, some of the intellectual contests are detrimental. For example, since historians have an inaccurate view of human history, and since all of the existing schools are lying about thousands of historical events, it is detrimental to put students into a competition to memorize historical information. Those competitions encourage students to waste their childhood on the memorization of Zionist propaganda, government lies, and the misinterpretations of history by religious fanatics and psychologists.

A more useful intellectual competition would be to have the students to compete to identify the lies and mistakes in our history books, or to provide the most intelligent alternative theory for some historical event, such as the extinction of the large dinosaurs, or the fire in London in 1666.

The Schools Ministry is required to post a document in the Explanations category to show that the competitions they create provide the students with benefits that outweigh the disadvantages. For example, they could justify a competition by showing that it provides the students with useful exercise without causing concussions, broken bones, or torn ligaments. Or they could justify a competition as helping the students to socialize or become educated about something of value.

Schools are judged by analyzing the graduates

The Schools Ministry is required to regard schools in the same manner as militaries, and as the organizations that train dogs for blind people. Specifically, a school is essentially a factory that processes humans, and a school must be judged according to the effect it has on those humans. This requires observing the students after they get out of school, not while they are in school.

We judge a school that trains dogs according to the behavior of the dogs after they get out of the school, and we must to judge a school for humans according to how the humans behave after they graduate. We must judge a school according to whether the graduates can get a job, are in good mental and physical health, can form stable relationships, know how to use the facilities in the city, understand the laws and rules of their culture, and enjoy their life. This puts the schools into competition to do the best job of preparing children to become adults.

Talented students should remain talented after graduation

If a school was doing a perfect job of analyzing the abilities of students, then the students who got the best grades would be the most talented in whatever subjects they had good grades in. That would make it easy for us to select people for jobs because we would judge them by their report cards.

However, report cards from existing school systems are only an indication of a person's ability, not a useful analysis of his abilities. The reason is because the existing schools are judging students according to their ability to memorize information and solve math problems.

Every existing culture considers a student to be intelligent if he excels at memorizing information and doing math, even if he is certain that there is some type of supreme being floating around in the sky, and that evolution is nonsense. A person will be considered intelligent even if he refuses to look at the evidence, or cannot understand the evidence, that the Jews are lying about the Holocaust, or that NASA is lying about the Apollo moon landing.

Furthermore, the students who excel in the existing school systems are not necessarily honest, responsible, capable of looking critically at themselves, brave enough to experiment with their options in life, or capable of providing us with effective leadership.

Almost every government official, psychologist, journalist, business executive, social scientists, and other influential person has one or more college diplomas, and some were valedictorians, and some graduated magna cum laude, but they are not necessarily any more intelligent, responsible, trustworthy, or useful than other people. Some of the "excellent" students are mentally ill, and many have problems with alcohol, drugs, gambling, envy, anger, or pouting.

It is important for students to be able to memorize information and do math problems, but schools must put students through a wider variety of exercises in order to provide us with an adequate understanding of their mental characteristics. For example, a small percentage of retarded people (savants) are much more talented in math, music, and art than most of us, but their exceptional talent should not qualify them as a government official, scientist, dentist, technician, farmer, or plumber.

It is no longer sensible to memorize information

It is becoming increasingly less important for children to memorize information because we have more information than anybody can learn, and computers can now find information for us.

Instead of teaching students to memorize information, the Schools Ministry is required to give students practice in finding information, and verifying that what they found seems to be accurate.

Schools must encourage curiosity and criticism

The Schools Ministry is required to encourage curiosity, research, discussions, and critical analyses. The schools can accomplish that by experimenting with exercises that give students practice in exploring new ideas, discovering their intellectual and physical talents and limitations, dealing with constructive criticism, providing constructive criticism, learning how to deal with and learn from failures, and using language to express concepts clearly rather than to entertain or intimidate.

Report cards are analyses of students

The report cards that teachers provide to the students are electronic documents that are posted in the student's entry of the People database. They are not printed on paper, or kept secret.

In addition to providing information on how a student performed in arithmetic and other courses, the teachers are encouraged to provide their opinions about any of the student's physical or mental characteristics, such as his reaction to criticism, his ability to complete his projects, his physical talents and limitations, his ability to give constructive criticism, his temper, and his treatment of other students.

Each report card will be the opinion of a teacher, but by the time a student graduated from Teentown, he would have quite a few of report cards in his database entry, and that would be useful in helping us understand the people we live with.

After a student graduates, his entry in the People database will accumulate more information about him, such as job performance reviews, medical reports, and dental records. All of that information will be useful in helping us determine who is suitable for an influential position in society, and who should have restrictions on reproduction.
Schools must prepare children for society

We disagree on what is a beneficial education

Every school system claims that their courses are beneficial. For example, Central Michigan University has a document entitled, "Why Study Philosophy", and it claims that studying philosophy will help a student in many ways, such as developing an "ability to reason clearly, to distinguish good from bad arguments".

James Madison University also has a document entitled "Why Study Philosophy", and they claim that it "helps us to enhance our ability to solve problems, our communication skills, our persuasive powers, and our writing skills."

Are those schools correct that their philosophy courses are truly beneficial to the students? How do we determine if a particular school course is beneficial?

Unfortunately, there is no way to determine this. We simply have to make a judgment, and every person will come to an slightly different conclusion. For example, the religious fanatics will tell us that the courses about the Bible, Koran, or some other religious document is beneficial to students, and that the courses on evolution are detrimental and idiotic.

In the USA, everybody is free to create whatever schools and educational courses they please, and this results in children receiving different educations.

It also results in different schools and teachers with different ideas on who among us should be considered intelligent and educated, and who should be classified as ignorant or stupid. For example, the professors of the Department of religion at Rice University believe that they are intelligent and educated, and that they teach such "useful" courses as Judaic Studies and Biblical Studies, but this constitution regards them as mentally inferior people who are teaching nonsense.

We all have a different idea on what type of education is useless, (this page has a list of 30 college courses that some people regarded as worthless). The democracies and free enterprise systems provide everybody with the freedom to create schools and educational courses, but if that freedom was beneficial, then the American people would be the most educated of all people since we have the most variety of public and private schools, and homeschooling.

The School Ministry has control of education

An education requires a lot of time, resources, and effort from a lot of people, and a useless education wastes some of the best years of a child's life. Therefore, we should pass judgment on which educational courses are beneficial enough to justify them.

This creates a dilemma that is similar to selecting people for top government positions. Specifically, how do we determine who will make the decisions about which educational courses are beneficial?

This constitution gives the Schools Ministry total control over the school courses, so the education that Kastron provides the children will depend upon who the voters choose to be the president of the Health Division, and who the president chooses to be the Schools Minister..

Furthermore, all of the citizens are permitted to post suggestions on how to improve the school courses, and they will get credit if they find improvements to the curriculum. Therefore, the education of Kastron will also depend upon the desire of the citizens to participate in analyzing the schools, and their ability to provide sensible complaints and recommendations.

This is another example of the concept that is repeated throughout this constitution. Specifically, an organization can only be as orderly, efficient, honest, and pleasant as its members are capable of making it. We must be finicky about who we accept into an organization, and that includes the children, which is why the children must be put on probation.

The School Ministry must experiment with the curriculum

We do not yet know which information is the most useful and important for young children, so this constitution has the following suggestions to start the process of developing a better curriculum:

Children do not have a good understanding of the past or the future, or any interest in, or use for, history, so this constitution advocates leaving history for the older teenagers, and for documentaries for adults. (This is discussed later in this document.)

Children must be taught to read, write, pronounce words properly, and do arithmetic, and the Schools Ministry is required to develop software to handle those monotonous tasks. This requires teaching the children how to use educational software, and providing the children with assistance in using that software.

The children need to learn how to safely use the city's recreational centers, and the typical items that they will experience encounter in their life, such as phones, electric vehicles, and bicycles. This requires teaching children about the dangers of electricity, medicines, knives, mechanical devices, electric vehicles, and swimming pools.

The children need information about their body. This requires the officials of the Schools Ministry to be able to control their inhibitions and provide the children with useful information about digestion, ear wax, perspiration, waste products, sexual organs, bacteria, menstruation, and tooth decay. The Schools Ministry cannot assume that parents can or will provide children with such information.

The teachers should help the children learn about relationships and manners by arranging social and recreational activities for them, and helping them to interact with one another. The teacher should help them understand that every person is a unique jumble of genetic characteristics, and that none of them are perfect, and that they should refrain from feeling superior to other children, and from tormenting the children they believe are inferior.

Teenagers must be prepared for adulthood

The military schools do more than teach information to their students. They also are concerned with the behavior and attitudes of the students. For example, they put a lot of time and effort into helping the students learn how to work in a team and follow orders. The Teentown ministry is required to have a similar attitude.

When the children become teenagers, they are sent to Teentown. The Teentown schools must do more than provide the students with information. They must prepare the children for adulthood by ensuring that they have a useful skill, and by putting them through exercises to prepare them for life as an adult, such as practicing leadership, speaking to groups of people, working in teams, and learning how to control their emotions.
More details in the Teentown document.

Education must be adjusted for each student

Since each child is a unique jumble of genetic characteristics, a school should provide each student with an education that is adjusted for his particular mental and physical characteristics. It is impractical to expect human teachers to be able to do that, but as artificial intelligence software becomes better, it becomes increasingly practical for a computer to adjust the education of a student.

A computer can keep track of a child's learning abilities and desires; his ability to sit still at a computer and pay attention to it; which teaching methods are most effective with him; and how his desires and abilities change through the years. That information will allow the computers to continuously adjust the curriculum, tests, and teaching methods to fit each child.

Praise should be counteracted with constructive criticism

The social animals have intense cravings for status, and this results in us frequently looking for ways to boast about ourselves and insult other people.

Furthermore, we want other people to give us praise, and to treat us as if we are high in the hierarchy. This results in our tendency to admire and trust the people who praise us. This in turn allows salesmen, political candidates, and potential spouses to deceive us into trusting them by giving us praise and making us feel important.

Since free enterprise systems pander to the people, this results in businesses treating their customers as if they are important, such as by thanking them for purchasing their products, and by promoting the attitude that "the customer is the King".

Businesses also pander to our desire for status and praise by organizing contests that provide us with awards, attention, and praise. Schools are also under pressure to provide students with praise.

Our craving for status and attention is so strong that many parents believe that they will improve their child's life by giving him lots of praise and making him feel important.

Unfortunately, what we want is not always what we benefit from. Praise is analogous to sugar; a small amount occasionally is pleasant, but we need to counteract it with "nutritious food", such as constructive criticism. If a child is only given praise, he is likely to become a selfish, arrogant brat.

One purpose for the emotional development programs in Teentown is to help the teenagers realize that everybody is an imperfect variation of a monkey with a lot of limitations. That should dampen the arrogance of the teenagers who have above-average talent in some area.

I suggested here that schools experiment with grades like those below:

A The least stupid
B  Less stupid than average
C  Average stupidity
D  Below-average stupidity
F  More intelligent than a monkey

Although that was intended to emphasize a concept, it might be worth experimenting with. Perhaps that would help dampen the arrogance of the students who do the best in school.

Praise should be kept at a minimum

We enjoy praise, and are easily manipulated by it. Political candidates and government officials take advantage of this characteristic by routinely praising us, and usually to such an extreme that people should be embarrassed by it. For example, political candidates and government officials frequently praise the American people as being "the greatest people in the world," and they frequently praise the United States has been "the greatest country."

People should be embarrassed by such extreme praise, but very few people are. Instead, they applaud and cheer, like children who have been who have been told that they are such wonderful children that they can have as much candy as they want.

Likewise, many of the people who are creating television news programs and YouTube videos are thanking us for watching their video. They are treating us in the same manner as a government official who tells us that we are the greatest people.

Most of the people who are thanking us are undoubtedly doing so because they want to attract more viewers. If they were honest, instead of thanking us, they would tell us something like: "Continue to watch my programs so that I can continue feeling important and/or make advertising money."

Since people have a desire to mimic one another, as more people thank us for watching their videos, other people assume that they should also thank us. This is another example of why government officials need to watch for and dampen our tendency to mimic stupid behavior.

Imagine people thanking
us all day, every day.
This is also another example of how some people are doing something that is acceptable only when a small number of people do it.

If the majority of people were thanking us throughout the day, as in the image to the right, we would quickly become annoyed by it.

The only people who would enjoy that type of environment are people suffering from low self-esteem or mental disorders.

It is possible that very young children cannot handle criticism very well, and need a lot of praise, and that girls need more praise than boys, but by the time they are teenagers, they should be given practice in dealing with criticism, and the praise should be reduced significantly.

Children need an understanding of their emotions

This Constitution put schools into competition to prepare children for society. The schools are judged according to what happens to the students after they graduate. In addition to comparing how productive the graduates are in their jobs, the schools are also judged according to how well the students can form friendships and marriages, and how well behaved they are, and how well they understand the culture of the city, such as how to use the transportation system, job listings, and social clubs.

This type of school system treats students in a similar manner as the dogs that are trained to assist blind people. The schools for dogs are concerned with the behavior of the dogs, and how the dogs interact with other creatures. This Constitution requires schools for humans to have the same concerns.

In order for the schools to help the children develop appropriate behavior, the schools must teach children about their emotions, and their animal ancestors.

One of the concepts that the schools must teach children is that our arrogance can easily distort our opinions and our scientific research. This Constitution recommends the schools use heaven as one example, and the grunting of prehistoric humans as another example.

The schools are also required to teach boys and girls about sexual cravings, and give them practice in dealing with overly aggressive boys.

The “dumb” students should not be tormented

Humans enjoy and benefit from competition, but the existing school systems are putting children into a competition that resembles a group of monkeys that are fighting for dominance. Specifically, it causes the students to stratify into a hierarchy in which some of them are considered excellent students, and at the other extreme are the students who are considered failures.

That type of competition encourages the students who do good in school to become arrogant and insulting, and it causes the students who are below-average to develop bad attitudes and low self-esteem. The "dumb" students are tormented, rather than encouraged to develop their skills and talents. Nobody benefits from that.

What is an “intelligent” person?

The existing school systems regard the students who get good grades as being the most intelligent, but if school grades were an indication of the quality of a person's mind, then we could easily solve a lot of our problems simply by restricting the influential positions to the people who had the best grades in school.

However, most of the influential people have been the best students in school, so they are proof that the best students are not the best leaders. Many of the best students turn out to be criminals, pedophiles, and alcoholics, and many are suffering from serious mental disorders.

Our brain is designed by a lot of different genes, and that makes it likely that there are different types of intelligence. Therefore, it is possible for a person to excel in some particular intellectual activity while having serious problems with other intellectual characteristics, and with his emotions.

This concept is more easily understood with our physical abilities. If schools put students through a variety of different physical activities, such as running, swimming, climbing ropes, juggling, riding a bicycle, gymnastics, and throwing a baseball, and if the students were given a grade from A to F for each activity, most of the students would get a C in all activities, and some of them would have a A or B in one or more activities, but none of them would have an A in every activity.

It is possible for a person to be ordinary in all physical activities, but it is impossible for a person to excel in all activities because to excel in one physical activity requires characteristics that interfere with certain other activities.

Our body is designed by lots of different genes, and each of us is a haphazard jumble of genes. Therefore, each of us has slightly different set of physical characteristics, and nobody is the best in every physical activity.

It would be detrimental to encourage the students who got an A or a B in a physical activity to boast about themselves, or to insult the students who got a C, D, or F in that activity. We do not benefit from boasting about ourselves or tormenting other people.

The School Ministry is required to put students through a lot of different physical activities, but the purpose is to help them discover their talents and limitations, not to encourage the talented students to boast about themselves. The students must be taught to accept their particular abilities and limitations, and to accept the characteristics of other people.

The School Ministry must also follow this concept with mental abilities. Specifically, the schools must put students through a variety of different intellectual and emotional exercises, but the purpose is to help the students discover their abilities and limitations, and learn how they compare to other people. The schools must teach the students to accept what they are rather than create a phony image of themselves, and to accept other people's mental characteristics rather than torment them for being inferior.

Our brains are designed by lots of different genes, and all of us are a haphazard jumble of genes. Therefore, each of us has a slightly different set of mental abilities and limitations. It is virtually impossible for somebody to have a brain that is the best in every type of activity.

It is obvious that some people excel in art, music, and math, and that we differ in our ability to memorize information. If we had a better understanding of our mind, we might also discover that we differ in our ability to do chemistry, carpentry, mechanical engineering, computer programming, identifying patterns, manipulating 3D objects in our mind, and dealing with invisible concepts, such as magnetism and electricity.

Instead of boasting about ourselves and insulting other people, we should be grateful that each of us has slightly different physical and mental abilities because that allows us to do different jobs. A modern society needs people to do a variety of different jobs, so we benefit from other people's talents.

Schools must provide analyses of students

The school ministry is required to do more than teach information to the students. The schools are essentially a factory in which a child enters at one end, is processed in the factory for many years, and comes out the other end as an adult who is prepared for society.

During that processing, the schools must provide analysis of each student's physical and mental characteristics for the People database. It is similar to how the schools that train dogs to become assistants to blind people are judging the dogs throughout the training process.

Each of the teachers is expected to provide his brief opinions about a student's physical or mental characteristics, such as how the student treats other people, whether he sets a good example for other students, and how he compares to other students in whatever physical or mental activity the teacher is familiar with.

By the time a student has graduated from school, his entry in the People database might have a brief analysis of his characteristics from several dozen different teachers. Each analysis would be an opinion, and some opinions might conflict with other people's opinions, but it is better to gather opinions about all of the students than to allow the students to be secretive

Democracies and free enterprise systems put teachers under pressure to give the students and emotionally pleasant review, but the School Ministry requires the teachers to be honest. The teachers cannot pander to students or parents. Rather, their goal is to provide an analysis of the students to help the businesses determine who to hire for a particular job, and to help the government officials determine who should have restrictions on his reproduction.

It is also possible that the information will help the Courtship Ministry determine which couples might be the most compatible, thereby reducing the number of failed relationships. Since the People database is available to everybody, the students can look through it, also, and that might help some of them find more compatible friends or a spouse.

Eventually the AI software might be able to analyze the information and help people determine who might be a compatible spouse, or what type of job they might enjoy and be good at.

The People database allows us to get a better understanding of who we are living with, as if we were a small, nomadic tribe who know all of the intimate details of everybody's life.

By judging students according to their behavior, a boy who excels in math or chemistry will not be regarded as an excellent student if he has so little control over his sexual cravings that he pesters the girls, or if he insults the other boys for being stupid, or if he doesn't like to clean up after himself, or if he is caught cheating on his tests.

Conversely, a student who does terrible in math and science will be considered an excellent student if he learns a useful skill, such as farming, carpentry, or machining, and if he is responsible, treats people with respect, and can be trusted.

A student with ordinary intellectual abilities is superior to a student with above-average intelligence if the ordinary student is an honest, responsible team member, and the intelligent student is diabolical, anti-social, or dishonest.

We need people with different talents

The Diversity document points out that we need to keep the differences between humans within a certain level, but we don't want people to be identical because we benefit from people who have different physical and mental talents. A society needs people with a variety of physical and mental talents because different jobs require different physical and mental abilities. We also benefit from having people who have different opinions about life, assuming that we can discuss our opinions and compromise on policies rather than fight incessantly with one another.

We are such arrogant creatures that we tend to regard a person as inferior to us if we are better than him in some talent, and we tend to become envious of people who are better than us at something, but those are destructive reactions. We must learn to enjoy the differences between us, and the people who are more talented than we are.

Pity and pandering is detrimental

As mentioned at the beginning of this document, the military does not give pity to the students who have trouble with the courses. For example, in this video, the instructors of a Navy SEAL training program are forcing one of the students to quit. The student does not want to quit, but the instructors are forcing him to do so, and in front of the entire class.

The military expects their students to figure out whether they have the talent to graduate, and they don't have any pity for the students who are too arrogant or stupid to realize that they need to quit. The students are not allowed to pretend that they were discriminated against, or they were victims of bad luck. They are forced to be realistic and honest.

By comparison, the public and private schools do not want any of their students to quit, so when a student is failing, they either make him remain in the school for another year, and give him another chance, or they provide him with easier courses, such as Freudian psychology. In either case, the student wastes some of the most precious years of his life, and even if he graduates, he will not have any useful skills.

Furthermore, some of those students develop a bad attitude as a result of feeling inferior to the other students, or from being ridiculed by their parents or other students for wasting their time on worthless courses. That emotional torment can cause them to become envious, bitter, sad, angry, apathetic, or rebellious. It can also result in them joining a gang.

This Constitution requires the Schools ministry to promote the same attitude as the military training programs, and the school teachers are expected to behave like the military instructors. Specifically, school courses must be designed to teach children useful skills and information, and if a student cannot handle a particular course, the instructors must force him to acknowledge and accept his failure, demand that he to quit the course, and then help him choose another course that might be more suitable to him.

There is no pity for any of the students. Instead, every student is told to discover his abilities, limitations and desires, and find a job that he can do properly. Students are told to experiment with different activities to discover their abilities, and if they are fail the courses to become a plumber, scientist, farmer, technician, or carpenter, they must try some other field.

Computers can assist with analyzing the students

Preteen children benefit by being in a classroom with other children, and by having human teachers, but as the children get older, they should get more of their lessons from computers. (This was described here.)

By the time they are teenagers, the teachers should be in the role of a supervisor who help the students use the computers, arrange for the students to be put into competitions, and help the students figure out what type of courses and jobs to consider.

By having children learn from computers, the computers will be able to gather information on what each child is good at. That data will allow computers to help students figure out their talents and limitations, and which jobs they should consider preparing for.

By making the educational computers observe the students with cameras, the computers will eventually be able to notify the teachers about potential physical or mental disorders in the students. For example, a computer might notice a particular student is falling asleep frequently, or going to the bathroom more often than he did in previous years, which could be a sign of a medical disorder. Or the computer might notice that the student is becoming less accurate with the mouse or touchscreen, or that his responses are becoming more sluggish, which could be a sign of a neurological problem.

When computers can keep track of what the students eat, the weather conditions, and allergens in the environment, the computers will be able to notice that a student's mental or physical performance decreases with certain foods or environmental conditions. This will help identify the students who have trouble with allergies, hormone problems, foods, or fluctuations in temperature or humidity.

When robots or computers are capable of observing children at during recreational activities, they will be able to identify potential problems with joints, muscles, energy, and stamina. An example is that the computers would have noticed that I was running slower each year.

Eventually the software will be able to notice behavioral problems during the recreational and social activities, such as children who are overly aggressive, violent, submissive, introverted, lacking in self-control, noisy, or easily frightened.

Computers will eventually help arrange relationships

People today are making terrible decisions on who they should get married to, and a lot of the friendships are failures, also. I predict that the future software will be so much more advanced, and will have access to so much data about people's lives, that it will make more accurate guesses on who would form the most compatible friendships, marriages, and coworkers.

The people in the future might not bother trying to determine who they should get married to. They might instead just casually flirt with one another at the courtship activities, and let the computers figure out who they should marry.

It is conceivable that computers will also eventually make better decisions than people about who will form the most pleasant and stable friendships. Computers might also be able to create better businesses by identifying the people who make the most compatible and effective team of engineers, carpenters, construction workers, and computer programmers.

If we could travel into the distant future, we might be shocked to discover that software is making a lot of the decisions for people about how to live.
Changes to the school system

History must be a scientific field

Human history must be regarded as a valuable scientific field, rather than an entertaining list of events of the past. An understanding of our history allows us to understand our culture and behavior, which can prevent us from making idiotic assumptions about ourselves, and help us avoid making the same mistakes as previous generations.

An example of the value of history that I mentioned here is that the ignorance about how clothing developed has resulted in many women making the false accusation that women are wearing dresses instead of pants because men are sexist creatures who force women to wear dresses.

Children must practice self-control

Animals react immediately to issues according to their emotional feelings, rather than spend time thinking about and discussing the issues. We inherited that characteristic, and sometimes it is beneficial for us, such as when we see a stack of bricks in a warehouse starting to fall towards us. In that case it makes sense to react quickly. It also makes sense for us to scream because that will let other people know about the problem.

However, our modern world is so safe compared to prehistoric times that we rarely have to make rapid decisions about what to do, and most people never encounter a situation where they need to scream. Today we are more likely to hurt ourselves by making rapid decisions, and we irritate other people when we scream.

Men have a natural tendency to get excited when we hear a woman scream because it gives us an opportunity to be a hero who protects the woman from danger, but women today are not in danger of being attacked by wolves, rats, or snakes.

Today most of the women who are being injured, raped, or killed are suffering from the men that they trust, such as their boyfriends, fathers, husbands, church officials, teachers, and journalists.

The schools should prepare children for this modern world by putting them into situations that allow them to practice suppressing their tendency to scream, and practice pushing themselves into remaining calm, analyzing the problem, and discussing it.

Old age

Every culture today is deceiving children into believing that retirement is a person's "Golden Years".

That attitude fools children into believing that they are suffering while they are young because they have to go to school, do homework, and then spent decades working at a job. The children are fooled into believing that they will not be able to enjoy life until they can retire and can do what they please.

Most people are so convinced that retirement is the most exciting time of life that they struggle to accumulate enough money to retire early so that they can have more golden years.

In reality, our golden years are when we are in such excellent mental and physical health that we want to do something rather than retire. The people who are looking forward to retirement are wasting the best years of their life by tormenting them with the idiotic concept that they are suffering while they are young.

The existing cultures are giving people a terrible view of life and old age. We should enjoy our life while we are young and healthy, and we should accept the fact that after the age of about 50 we will start to notice that our body and mind is deteriorating. When we become 50 years old, we enter our "deterioration years", not our "golden years".

The distorted view of old age is also causing people to become confused about the changes that they notice in their body as they get older. For example, when people over the age of 60 start getting up in the middle of the night to pee, some of them become confused as to why it is happening during their "golden years". This can result in them asking other people, or a doctor, about this problem, which is a waste of everybody's time.

Our culture is failing to prepare children for old age. If children were provided with a realistic view of old age, then they would know what to expect when they got beyond the age of 50. They would not be frustrated or confused by the changes that they experience as they grow old, and they would not waste their time, or the time of doctors, asking about the changes.

Children should be taught that our "golden years" are up to the age of 50, and after that we begin a noticeable deterioration because humans were designed to live for only 40 to 50 years.

Many adults enjoy life a bit more when they are over 50 years of age, but those adults are not proof that life gets better as we get older. Rather, they are proof that children are raised with such inappropriate culture that most people waste the best decades of their life.

Many people get more enjoyment from life when they are over 50 because they are less confused than when they were young, not because life is better for old people.

If children were raised on a more appropriate culture, they would not be so confused and frustrated as teenagers or young adults. They would be able to form more stable and pleasant friendships and marriages. They would be able to enjoy other people, their job, the city, nature, and the social activities. They would regard their golden years as the first 50 years of their life, and they would regard the elderly people as "slowly dying".

The schools should teach children what to expect as they get older so that they are not surprised or upset by the aging process. Children should know that when they are older than about 50 years, their body will have deteriorated so much that they will have to change their recreational activities, and that the older they become, the more cautious they have to be with physical activities because their skin, muscles, and bones become increasingly easy to injure.

The saddest aspect of growing old is that our mind deteriorates, and children should be taught to expect it and adjust their life when it happens rather than ignore or deny it. Children should expect to switch to a mentally easier job in their old age, and eventually they will only be able to work on a part-time basis.

Children should also realize that when they are older than about 60 years old, they are likely to need reading glasses; their skin and hair will become dry because their oil glands stop producing oil; and they might develop cataracts in their eyes.

Sex education

One of the serious problems with schools today is that they are not providing children with a useful education about sex related issues. This results in adults who are ignorant about, and who have unrealistic attitudes and expectations about, sex, marriage, nudity, childbirth, and related issues.

It also results in men developing obnoxious obsessions with sexual issues, and who giggle at idiotic sexual remarks, nudity, breast-feeding, and the three books below.

The pages of one of the books is in this video.

There are so many men who have obnoxious obsessions with sex that a lot of company logos, cartoons, advertisements, and artwork have sexual images hidden within them.

Richard Branson claims that he named his company "Virgin" because he and his friend were virgins in business activity, but there is so much evidence that a lot of the people getting into influential positions have obsessions with sex and pedophilia, that I suspect that they chose that name because of its sexual meaning.

Would our prehistoric ancestors have giggled at cookies that look like a cat's butt hole?
There are so many people who giggle at fart jokes, poop, and butts that businesses are manufacturing such products as the cookie-cutter in the photo to the right that creates cookies that look like the butt hole of a cat.

There is also a cookie-cutter that creates cookies that look like a dog is pooping, and there is a Farting Poop Pen.

Animals do not have any fascination with farts, butts, or poop, but modern humans do, so we should wonder when in our history did this fascination developed, and why. I suspect that it is the result of children growing up in a sexually inhibited culture.

We should also wonder if our sexually inhibited culture is causing women to avoid looking at men when they walk around in public. Women are so afraid to look at men that they keep their eyes straight ahead, or they look down at the sidewalk. Most women worry that if they make eye contact with a man, or say hello to him, he will assume that she is sexually attracted to him, which can result in the man pestering her.

Ideally, women would be able to walk around in public without fear of looking at the men, and without fear of saying hello to the men. Women should feel as comfortable around men in public as they are with their brothers. They should not be afraid that men will behave like sex craved lunatics or rapists.

We will never be able to figure out what life was like for our prehistoric ancestors, but all of the social animals evolved for an environment in which they can trust the members of their group. Women and children show a natural trust of adult men, so that is proof that they evolved for an environment in which they can trust the adult men, and depend upon them for protection and leadership.

Women are more sociable than men, and they expect men to take care of them, so they are being tormented in our modern cities because they must be suspicious of men, and refrain from being friendly with them.

This Constitution tries to re-create the relaxing, prehistoric environment in two ways. One method is to restrict flirting to the courtship activities. Another is to change the school curriculum to teach children about sexual issues, and to give both the boys and girls some practice in dealing with overly aggressive boys. (More details are here.)

Humans are monkeys

Most of the modern schools are teaching students about evolution, but they do a terrible job of it because the majority of people, including school officials, do not truly understand the concept, and/or do not have the emotional ability to accept it.

I've provided examples of this problem in many documents. For example, most people can understand that we need to control the reproduction of pet dogs in order to prevent genetic defects, but they refuse to believe that the concept applies to humans. That is proof that they cannot understand and/or acknowledge that humans are animals.

Most people believe that humans evolved from apes, but that we follow different rules than the apes. They can also understand that animal behavior is determined by genetics, but they refuse to believe, or cannot understand, that genetics also determines human behavior, and that the environment affects us only to the extent that our genetics allows it to affect us.

This Constitution requires the schools to teach children that the humans are just a variation of an ape, and that all of the concepts about genetics and behavior apply to humans exactly the same as they apply to all other animals.

Restricting reproduction

A modern society must control reproduction, but animals have an intense craving to reproduce. Therefore, in order for a group of people to tolerate restrictions on reproduction, they must be able to exert self-control over that craving, and that requires that they understand the purpose and value of restricting reproduction.

The schools must prepare the teenagers for this concept by helping them to understand that everybody is a unique jumble of genetic characteristics, that humans are a species of ape, and that nobody is perfect. One possible way of helping them to understand these concepts is to give them assignments to answer such questions as:

Which of my physical or mental characteristics did I inherit from my mother, in which from my father, and which from other ancestors?

If doctors were capable of improving every mental and physical characteristic, which of mine would I want to improve?

Would I want my own children to be exactly like me? Or would I want them to be better in some characteristics?

The teacher would then have the students discuss their answers with one another. The purpose would be to help the students become accustomed to being honest about their genetic characteristics and defects, and give the students practice in controlling their desire to insult the defects of other people.
More about this in the Teentown document.

We should not “follow our dreams”

Democracies and free enterprise systems encourage us to believe that we can accomplish any goal that we set for ourself if we put enough effort into it. There are lots of expressions for this, such as:

Follow your dreams.

Pursue your goals.

Go after what you want.

Dream it, then make it happen.

Every culture promotes that philosophy because it makes us feel good. We don't want to hear the truth, which is that each of us can only accomplish what we are genetically capable of accomplishing, and only if we have enough time to accomplish it.

It is detrimental to teach children to "follow their dreams". The two reasons are:

1) Most people pick up idiotic goals

Because we have a resistance to thinking and a craving to mimic other people in our peer group, most people pick up goals that are idiotic, wasteful, risky, or destructive simply because other people are involved with, or encouraging, those goals. For some examples of idiotic goals:

Businesses in a free enterprise system encourage such goals as traveling to "exotic" locations, having expensive weddings, having a gigantic house, and collecting trophies, or setting such world records as the loudest burp for a woman.

Many children today have picked up the goal of becoming a YouTube celebrity or Instagram influencer, instead of the goal of learning a useful skill.

Religions organizations encourage us to get involved with such goals as spreading their religion to the uneducated heathens, and Zionist groups encourage us to protect Jews and Israel from anti-Semites, Muslims, Nazis, white supremacists, and Holocaust Deniers.

Lots of people pick up the goal of becoming a superhero, such as the people who are trying to stop global warming; stop us from eating cats, dogs, or other types of meat; stop the "murder" of fetuses; or protect us from artificial intelligence software.

We are limited by our genetic design

Each of us has different mental and physical limitations. When we practice a particular activity, we can become better at it, but we can only be as good as our genetic characteristics allow us. For example, I can improve my physical abilities with exercise, but no matter how much exercise I get, I will never come close to matching the best athletes.

We are arrogant creatures, so we want to believe that we can become the best at something. This results in people practicing whatever they want to be the best at, and sometimes hiring people to give them lessons. However, if a person doesn't have the genetic talent to be among the best, he will waste some of his life on a goal that he cannot achieve. This can cause frustration, sadness, disappointment, anger, envy, and hatred.

A more realistic philosophy is to teach children to discover their particular talents and limitations, and set goals to fit their abilities.

Children should be taught to accept the possibility that most of them will turn out to be ordinary people with average abilities, and that half of them will be below-average. Children should be taught to accept what they are rather than pretend that they are more talented than other people, and rather than pout, hate, or be envious of the children who can do things that they cannot.

Likewise, the children who excel in some physical or mental characteristic should be told that they excel only because they happened to get a somewhat better jumble of genes. Children should be taught that it is idiotic for them to boast about a jumble of genes that they had no control over, or to insult the children who have a different jumble.

We have more knowledge than we can learn

Schools must reduce emphasis on memorizing

The people a few thousand years ago had so little knowledge that it was possible for their schools to teach children almost everything the human race was aware of.

For example, the "new and improved" map of the world in ancient Greece (the map to the right) was so simplistic that a Greek student could learn almost everything about geography within a few days. Even the dumbest Greek students could become an expert in geography.

Today we have so much knowledge about the universe that we must change our attitudes from expecting students to memorize a lot of information, to putting the information in databases, providing those databases with advanced search functions, and giving the students practice in finding information in those databases.

It would be especially useful to provide the databases with software that we can talk to, and which speaks to us, because that would reduce the time that we spend looking for and learning about the information.

Students need practice finding information

The existing school systems put a lot of emphasis on memorizing information, but this Constitution requires the schools ministry to switch to judging students by their ability to to find and verify information.

As of 2024, there are some software programs, such as ChatGPT, that assist us with searching for information, and the schools should give students practice in using that type of software. Since computers are stupid, the students also need practice with verifying that the information that they receive from the software is sensible.

Students must practice giving “performance reviews

Children should be taught that the people with the best minds are continuously learning about the universe, and that results in them occasionally updating some of their opinions. The children should be taught that people whose opinions never change are not thinking or learning.

The schools must give students practice in giving their previous achievements a "performance review". For example, if students were given an assignment to produce a report about robots performing medical surgeries, the students could be told a year later to analyze their report, look critically at it, and find a way to improve it, such as by making it easier to read or understand, or taking into account new technology.

This exercise would also be given to students who are learning how to create things. For example, the students who were learning how to do carpentry or make clothing would be told to analyze one of their creations and find a way to improve it.

The purpose of that type of exercise is to counteract our tendency to boast about our opinions and creations, and believe that they are the best possible. It will give the students practice in looking critically at what they have done, and help them realize that we are like blind men who are feeling an elephant, and that everything we do can be improved upon.

It will help the children realize that our opinions, creations, and behavior should improve through time as we learn more about ourselves and life. It will help them become accustomed to the concept of giving their opinions and creations a "performance review", and looking for ways to improve them.

The students must also practice giving performance reviews to other people's opinions and creations so that they can overcome their fear of criticizing other people. Nobody should be afraid to give or receive constructive criticism.

Children should learn only what is useful to them

A school should teach students only the information that is truly useful for them at their particular age, and leave the other information for when they become older. Four examples are:

Example 1: History

Although history is extremely valuable for adults, preteen children have no use for it. Pre-teen children are primarily interested in other children, not history. Furthermore, they have trouble understanding the concepts of the past and the future.

Even the adults have trouble with the past and future. For example, the people who have been building homes, airports, factories, and other structures tend to analyze the history of the area only for as long as they have been alive.

As a result, they make plans for the weather conditions, earthquakes, tornadoes, and groundwater levels that they have personally seen, rather than analyze what has been happening in that area during the past few thousand years. This results in a lot of unnecessary damage from floods, landslides, and wind.

Children don't have much of an understanding of time or the past, so I suspect that forcing them to memorize historical information is detrimental. In addition to wasting their time on the memorizing of information that they mostly forget, I suspect that it dampens their curiosity about history. By comparison, if children are not taught history, they are likely to be much more fascinated by historical information when they become older teenagers and adults.

The way to determine whether this speculation is true is to raise some children without historical information, and then observe their reaction to it when they become adults.

Example 2: Brain damage

A report published in 2005 by Doctor Bennet Omalu about a football player that had the type of brain damage that was found in boxers brought attention to the issue of brain damage from concussions. Prior to that report, no society had much concern about the effects of concussions from recreational activities, accidents, or crimes. Even today, in 2024, there is not much concern about protecting our brains.

Some sports coaches and teams want to pray at their competitions, but not many coaches or teams want to alter the sports to reduce the concussions.

There is lots of information available to the public about religions, astrology, Hollywood celebrities, and sports, but there is very little information on which activities are causing the most brain damage. As a result, most people don't realize that horseback riding causes more brain damage among adults than football and boxing. Furthermore, no society considers a criminal who causes brain damage to be guilty of murder.

This Constitution changes the attitude dramatically. This Constitution considers our brain to be the most valuable part of our body. The government is required to ignore what the public wants and ensure that the leisure activities, work environment, and city are designed to reduce brain damage to the minimum.

This allows the government to prohibit boxing and tackle football, and prohibit soccer players from using their head to hit the ball. This can result in some people becoming upset that their freedom is restricted, so the government has the option of allowing people to do those prohibited activities, but at their own risk.

In such a case, the people who want to do boxing or tackle football are responsible for their medical problems, not society. If they become unable to function properly in society due to brain damage, broken bones, or damaged livers, they must be evicted or euthanized. Nobody has the right to become a burden on other people. A person who wants to take the chance of hurting himself in a violent activity has to take responsibility for the damage.

Likewise, nobody has the right to cause, or try to cause, brain damage to somebody. Anybody who deliberately damages a person's brain, or who does something that is capable of damaging a brain, such as by kicking a person in the head, must be evicted or euthanized, even if the victim doesn't think that he has any brain damage.

Every existing culture believes that people are creations of a supreme being, so every culture has a lot of pity for criminals. Furthermore, the crime policies of every culture have developed to fit our emotional feelings, rather than what is intellectually sensible. As a result, a criminal who fails at murder, rape, burglary, or some other crime is given better treatment than if he had been successful. The reason he gets better treatment is because we do not become as angry at a criminal who fails.

This constitution regards people as a species of animal, and an animal that fails at a crime is considered to be just as dangerous and unacceptable as an animal that is successful with the crime. A rat that tries to eat our finger while we are sleeping, but bites the blanket instead, is just as dangerous and unacceptable as a rat that was successful in eating a piece of our finger.

A person who deliberately tries to hurt somebody else in a recreational activity is considered to be just as dangerous as a murderer or a rapist. We should be able to play leisure activities without being concerned that somebody is going to damage our brain or body. The people who want to play violent activities have to do so with other people who have chosen to take the risk of hurting themselves.

Ideally, the only people suffering from brain damage would be those who are victims of accidents, rather than victims of violent people.

The people who are suffering from brain damage are allowed to have assisted suicide, and the Quality Division is also authorized to pass judgment on whether a person's brain damage is so significant that he must be euthanized. This constitution does not support the policy of keeping brain-damaged people alive in hospitals.

All existing cultures have so little concern about a person's brain that they will keep people alive even when their brain doesn't show any signs of activity. This constitution changes that situation by considering brain damage to be the death of the person.

The children must be taught that if they damage their brain, they will ruin their life, and possibly be euthanized. Children should not be encouraged to believe that they are tough or courageous for "having their bell rung".

Children must also be given practice in using the health database that is maintained by the world government so that they know how to find information on the dangers of recreational activities, products, insects, plants, and other things in their environment.

Example 3: Sexual issues

Men and women have had increasingly difficult time forming pleasant marriages during the past few centuries. The feminists insist that women centuries ago were suffering just as much as they were today, but they were so oppressed by the sexist men that they suffered in silence. However, the feminists cannot provide any evidence that the women centuries ago were suffering from sexism. They cannot even give a sensible explanation of what "sexism" is, or whether women can be sexist.

There is more evidence that our modern culture has become so inappropriate that it is interfering with relationships between men and women, similar to how the male and female mice in the utopia experiment had trouble forming relationships and raising children when their social environment became abnormal.

This constitution believe that our modern culture has caused adults to develop detrimental attitudes about marriage, weddings, sex, childbirth, menstruation, nudity, breast-feeding, masturbation, our body's waste products, and thousands of other issues.

The Schools Minister is required to experiment with sex education courses in order to find a way to improve relationships between men and women, reduce the awkwardness and ignorance about the human body, reduce the obsessions that men have with sex and women's bodies, and reduce the obsessions that women have with being worshiped like a queen at their weddings.

The Schools Minister must judge educational programs according to the effect on children, not according to what parents or children like. For example, if a particular sex education program helps children become adults who have fewer divorces, venereal diseases, and unwanted pregnancies, then that program would be considered beneficial, even if the parents or students are embarrassed or upset by it.

Every culture believes that children are harmed by sexual information, but the attitude that we are protecting children by keeping them ignorant is one of the reasons that children are becoming adults who have trouble with relationships. Ignorance has never proven to be beneficial to anybody.

The Legal System document points out that humans evolved for an environment in which young children pick up sexual information while they are very young. Children do not have any sexual inhibitions during their first six or so years of life, so they easily accumulate information about human bodies, menstruation, and sex without embarrassment.

However, I suspect that our sexual inhibitions are so strong that the only way we can provide children with a proper sex education is if we arrange for robots and computers to provide the education.

Robots can speak to children without awkwardness, giggling, or blushing, and they can show diagrams and videos without embarrassment.

By experimenting with sex education, we will be able to determine what type of information causes the children to become less awkward, embarrassed, and inhibited about their bodies and sex, and what causes the boys to develop more pleasant and realistic attitudes toward sex and women, and what results in the most pleasant and stable marriages.

Of course, unless we can provide ourselves with better leadership than what we have today, the robots will provide children with a distorted view of sex, such as promoting pedophilia or anal sex, which some people claim is already being promoted at some schools.

Most of the people in influential positions today are encouraging bizarre and inappropriate sex acts, such as the Dalai Lama in the photo to the right. With better leadership, the computer programmers will be required to create robots and software that provide children with a serious and useful sex education.

Our prehistoric ancestors did not provide sex education courses because they did not need to. They lived in such an intimate social environment that the children picked up all the information that they needed simply by observing the adults.

Today we wear clothing almost constantly, even while sleeping, and we have houses, bathrooms, hospitals, and doctors offices that prevent children from seeing naked bodies, sex, childbirth, and other bodily functions. Women today are able to keep menstruation so secretive that boys will never see it with their eyes. Therefore, we need school courses to compensate for this modern era.

Women should not need to produce documents, such as this, to explain to other adult women, or to men, how childbirth will alter a woman's body. That type of article should be regarded as a failure of modern culture to provide children with an adequate education. Adults should have an understanding of sex and childbirth before they have sex and get pregnant.

Exposing young children to sexual issues would give them the type of childhood that all children had until the past few centuries. The boys would realize that women's breasts are for feeding babies, and that their vagina is for giving birth, and that their anus is for disposing of digested food.

The Schools and Teentown Ministries are required to force the children to be naked at swimming areas. The purpose is to have the children become so accustomed to nudity that they do not develop any fascination or embarrassment with sexual organs. The teenage boys should be so accustomed to seeing the crotches of girls that they prefer to see the girls wear clothing rather than be naked.

That type of education should reduce the number of boys who become men who giggle at lewd remarks, try to look underneath women's dresses, and want to put cameras into women's bathrooms.

Example 4: Government and politics

Children do not have a good understanding of the concept of government or political issues, and they have no use for such information, so it is a waste of time and resources to teach them about those issues.

For example, when I was playing with the other children during recess at school, a teacher announced over the school's speakers that recess was terminated. Our teacher had us gather around her outside the classroom, and then she told us that President Kennedy had been assassinated. I don't remember if we were then sent home, or if went back to the classroom, but I can remember thinking something similar to, "We had to stop recess for that? Who is President Kennedy?"

I am not certain that I even had seen a photo of President Kennedy until after he died. Television was not as popular in 1963, and most people had black and white televisions, and not many children were interested in reading newspapers or magazines.

Television and the Internet is so popular today that most children are probably familiar with President Biden, but if he were to be assassinated, I doubt if many young children would care, or understand the significance of it. The only children who show a concern about politics are those who have parents that manipulated them into caring.

Expecting children to care about politics is as idiotic as expecting them to appreciate gourmet meals and beautiful restaurants. Every culture promotes the attitude that children are creations of a supreme being, but this Constitution believes that children are a young species of ape, and that children are more crude and emotional than the adults are.

Children do not have much concern about, or understanding of, government, death, sex, economic issues, or bodily functions. The most important things to a child are his parents and other children. Furthermore, children are only concerned about the next few days, not the distant past or future.

Summary of children's education

Most people do not understand, or refuse to acknowledge, that humans are a species of ape, and that the younger a human is, the more similar his behavior is to an ape. This incorrect view of humans is causing school officials to design the curriculum for a fantasy child.

Children are wasting their time learning about issues they don't need or care for, such as history and politics, and the are "protected" from information that they need, such as information about health, digestion, sex, and their animal emotions.

In order to provide children with a better education, this Constitution requires the ministers and presidents to show that they have an above-average understanding that humans are animals, and that children are even more like an animal. The school officials must design the school curriculum for an ape, not for some religious or Freudian fantasy.
The government has total control of education

Homeschooling and private schools are prohibited

Private schools and homeschooling is more popular in the USA than other nations because many American parents do not like the public schools. However, avoiding public schools is not solving the problem. Rather, it is running away from the problem. A more sensible reaction to undesirable public schools is to analyze the schools and experiment with improvements to them.

To make the situation worse, many Americans send their children to private religious schools or do homeschooling because they want to push their particular religion on their children, which gives their children an inferior education.

There are also schools and educational courses of questionable value. For example, the Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy has a five-year "Doctor of Spiritual Science" Program. Other people are selling the online "Intuition and Psychic Development Course", and lessons to "strengthen the foundation of our witchcraft". We can also hire coaches to teach us how to do tricks on BMX bikes, and we have a variety of free educational courses, such as "How to become a competitive eater."

By providing everybody with the freedom to create schools, educational courses, and do homeschooling, the children pick up slightly different culture.

We will create a more compatible society if all children are taught the same culture. Our goal should be to develop a useful public school, not give people the freedom to promote whatever educational material they please.

Some people have created some online educational courses that provide useful skills, such as the people who are providing lessons on how to do carpentry, computer programming, machining, or embroidery, but rather than have citizens independently create educational programs, it would be more beneficial to the students to have the Schools Ministry coordinate the people to develop and continuously improve a set of educational courses.

Therefore, this Constitution gives the Schools Ministry total control of educational programs. The citizens do not have any freedom to create schools or educational courses, including free, online courses.

If a citizen has an idea for an educational course, he must post a description of it in the Suggestions category and hope that the Schools Ministry approves of it.

There is only one curriculum

The human race is more important than any individual, so this Constitution does not give citizens the right to educate their children, or to create schools. The government supervises the school system, controls its curriculum, and requires every child to attend the school system. No citizen is allowed to homeschool their children, or create their own schools.

The purpose of this policy is to provide all children with the same, high-quality education.

The School Ministry must follow the guidelines of the Knowledge Division of the World Government so that all people use the same language, measurement system, calendar, history, biology, and other information.

However, the Schools Ministry has some freedom to experiment with the curriculum so that they can teach the students of their city the information that is relevant to their particular citizens.

Teachers must judge all aspects of a student

All of the current school systems pander to students and parents, so the teachers resist being critical of the students. The report cards that they provide students tend to praise the students rather than provide them with critical analyses. By comparison, the military training programs do not care what parents or students think.

This constitution regards children as the next generation of humans, not as the personal toys of parents. The schools are required to prepare the students for society, and that requires passing judgment on how well they fit into society, and their mental and physical health and characteristics.

In addition to giving a student a report card that indicates his performance in school, the teachers are encouraged to provide their opinions on the students behavior, attitude, relationships with other students, and whatever other mental or physical characteristics that they notice and consider important for people to know about.

Even though each report is just one teacher's personal opinion, there will be dozens of reports by the time a student has become an adult. Those reports will be useful for the students because it will provide them with a variety of perspectives of themselves, and it will help other people to understand each student's mental and physical characteristics.

The teachers will also be able to use those reports to help the students determine what type of jobs they should consider. For example, the students who show the best ability to give and receive constructive criticism would be more qualified for a leadership position than the other students.

Those reports will help identify mental disorders and physical problems. For example, from my own personal observations of the children that I grew up with, shyness is not an insignificant characteristic. Many of the children that were described as shy or introverted ended up with problems with alcohol or other drugs, or were later diagnosed as having bipolar problems or some other mental disorder.

The children that I knew who had the opposite personality - namely, those who were extremely extroverted or who could not sit still - also frequently turned out to be adults with mental or physical problems.

It is obvious that children have different personalities, but every society is promoting the attitude that the differences are meaningless. In reality, the differences are significant. A child's personality is an indication of the genetic characteristics of brain and body.

Parents want to believe that their children are perfect, but most of the children are ordinary, and half of the children are below-average. The teachers are required to understand this concept, and try to provide a useful analysis of each student's mental and physical characteristics.

By putting all of the analysis in the People database, the Behavior Ministry will do a better job of identifying the children who have mental or physical problems. For example:

If a lot of teachers regard a particular student as being abnormally introverted or extroverted, the Behavior Ministry should check to see if the student is suffering from some type of physical or mental problem.

If a lot of reports show a child having trouble with certain physical activities, the Medical Ministry should investigate that child to see if he is suffering from some problem, such as allergies, joint problems, hormone problems, or mental disorders.

I wrote about this issues years ago in which I pointed out that my ability to run began decreasing when I was about 12 years old, and it got to the point at which I could run only a few hundred meters by the time I was 14 years old. The teacher kept records of our running times, but only for giving us grades, not for determining whether we were suffering from some type of mental or physical disorder.

The People database will also contain everybody's medical records, dental records, 3D body scans, and other information. That database will allow parents, teachers, government officials, doctors, and scientists to do a better job of understanding human health and behavior, and help identify people with allergies, nearsightedness, hearing problems, hormone problems, and other disorders. The information will also help us identify the children with exceptional talents.

The more information that we can collect on people, the more useful the database becomes. For example, if we can gather information about how often people sneeze, blow their nose, and cough, that information can help parents, scientists, doctors, and every citizen identify the people most likely to have allergies or medical problems.

As of 2024, there are medical devices that we can wear on our wrist or arm to collect some medical data about us, such as our heart rate, and there are ear tags for farm animals that can gather information about their location, temperature, and activity, but future generations will be able to produce devices that can gather much more health information, and transmit it to the city's computer, along with GPS data. That would provide scientists with a live map that shows everybody's location and their current EKG information, heart rate, sneezing activity, and other information.

Future generations might even install devices inside their body to get data that cannot be acquired from the outside, such as information about their digestion, blood, or urine.

That technology would make it much easier for people to figure out what their particular physical characteristics are, and what sort of problems they have. It would also make it easier for scientists to observe how diseases are spreading, which recreational activities are causing the most medical problems, and who is having the most trouble sleeping or waking up.

Instead of being frightened by the thought of computers gathering data about us, we should be excited at the thought of collecting more data, and developing software to do better analyses of it. The people who resist the collection of data about humans should be regarded as animal-like creatures who interfere with our understanding of ourselves. Information about ourselves should be considered public, not private or personal.

The people who are too embarrassed, ashamed, or paranoid to support the concept of the People database should be evicted. We should not allow them to interfere with our understanding of the human race.
We need software to help us deal with modern life

Modern technology is overwhelming

We have so many different types of machines, drugs, chemicals, software programs, and dangerous items, and some of they are so complex, that it is impossible for us to learn how to use them all properly, and to remember how to use them.

To deal with this problem, this Constitution requires the world government to maintain a Products database. Instead of having every business provide data about their products on their own website, the instructions for every item are listed in that database.

When we need to learn or refresh your memory about how to use a particular item, or what its potential dangers are, or how to maintain it,w e only have to search one database. As the AI software becomes better at dealing with human speech, students will eventually be able to get and verify information by speaking with the software.

Eventually the AI software will be integrated into some of the machines. For example, a CNC milling machine could connect to the city's computer, and that would allow us to ask the machine for help on how to set it up and use it, or ask for advice on choosing tools.

Children today need to learn how to use a lot of complicated devices, and be aware of the dangers of many things, such as electricity, chlorine bleach, poisonous plants, and tiny particles of dust that can penetrate deep into their lungs. However, it is impossible for children to learn the details of all of the material items we have today, and all of the dangers they must be aware of.

Children need to practice finding information with AI software.
Instead of trying to teach children all of that information, the children need software to help them find the information, and they need practice in using that software.

They also need practice in ensuring that the software is giving sensible results.

The Schools Minister is responsible for designing the school curriculum, so he must pass judgment on which items the children should learn about. The children would be taught to use AI software to learn about the items that the school doesn't teach them about.

Examples of the type of information that the children should be taught:

Children will be in frequent contact with items that use electricity, so they should be taught about electricity, such as how to recognize when an electrical cord has worn away to the point at which it is dangerous to use or touch; how to determine which electrical devices use a dangerously high voltage; and which batteries have dangerous chemicals or the potential to explode.

Children should learn how to properly use bicycles, toys, playground equipment, and other items that they they will find at the recreational facilities. The children also need to be taught how to recognize when those items are potentially dangerous, such as when equipment squeaks, dribbles oil, creates sparks, becomes hot, or vibrates.

Children should be taught about the dangerous items that they are likely to encounter, such as knives, razors, chlorine bleach, ammonia, broken glass, and medicines.

We all believe we are experts on everything, but all of us are ignorant about a lot of products. For example:

Many people use chlorine bleach, isopropyl alcohol, ammonia, and acetone. How many people know whether they are harming their health by touching or breathing those chemicals?

I have seen many people, mainly young girls, riding bicycles that squeak severely, but who consider the squeaking to be a meaningless characteristic rather than a symptom of a problem.

Some college students that live near me did not realize they had to clean the lint filter in their clothes dryer, so the landlord replaced the dryer with a coin-operated machine that is serviced by a company.

I've known of several people who destroyed their automobile engine because they didn't realize they had to check the oil level once in a while.

There are too many complex products available to us today for us to know details about them, so we would benefit by getting into the habit of searching a Products database for information.

The AI software must correct improper use of language

Our languages are haphazard collections of noises, but we do not yet have an authority for language to improve our languages. Instead, we are still behaving like animals. Specifically, every citizen, journalists, and organization is free to use language in any manner they please, and create new words.

This earlier document pointed out (here), that many of our adjectives are the equivalent of a dog barking or a cat hissing. We allow people to use adjectives in a manner that is similar to a dog that is barking at us. An example is when we say that a person "is lying through his teeth". It is irrational to describe a person as lying "through his teeth" because that does not clarify what the person did. That expression is analogous to the barking of a dog.

By having the older children and teenagers get more of their education from AI software, rather than from books or human teachers, the software will be able to let children know when they are using words incorrectly, or mispronouncing words. (More details are here.)

Our languages are crude

One of the problems that the AI software has to deal with is that our languages are still very crude. It is difficult for humans to understand one another, so we cannot expect software to understand us. An example is this remark:

A city should have more colorful buildings.

The word "more" is confusing because it can be interpreted in two different ways:

1) A city should have a "larger quantity" of colorful buildings.
2) A city should have buildings that are "more colorful".

Another example is that the narrator of a British TV show about archeology said:
I'm back on the Orkney Islands where the archaeologists are discovering more important information about our prehistoric ancestors.

The word "more" can be interpreted in two different ways:

1) Archaeologists are discovering information that is "more important" than what was previously discovered.
2) Archaeologists are discovering "additional" important information

Our languages are too complicated, and we have such an in adequate understanding of language, that we should not waste our time trying to develop a better language. The future generations will have to deal with this issue.

However, we can reduce some of the confusion by having AI software teach children about language. That will allow all children to learn the same words and pronunciations.

To achieve this, the Knowledge Division of the World Government sets standards for language, and all individuals and organizations are prohibited from appointing themselves as "Language Dictator", and trying to force us to change our language to fit their particular desires, such as switching from "him" and "her" to "zir" and "zim".

By having the AI software criticize people who use language incorrectly, we can reduce the number of people using words in confusing or insulting manners, and who try to intimidate or impress us with unusual words and phrases. For example, when somebody says that something "is not terribly uncommon", the AI software could tell him that it is more sensible to say that it "is common".

Some other examples of idiotic expressions that the AI software can tell people to stop using are:
• Many have posited that...
• It is to die for!
• He’s as healthy as a horse.

By having the software teach language, we can eliminate unnecessary words that people use to intimidate us with, and we can eliminate the idiotic expressions.

Educational software should be a good role model

No culture regards software as being a role model for children, but children are affected by any source of information. Therefore, computer programmers should be required to design software that becomes a good role model for the children.

This will allow the government standardize the use and pronunciation of language all around the world, and dampen a lot of idiotic concepts, attitudes, and expressions. For example, the software can be programmed to treat gold as an ordinary metal, such as by never using such expressions as
the gold standard, golden opportunity, and golden years.

Those type of expressions promote the idiotic concept that gold is a special metal, and that the people who have the most gold will have the most pleasure in life. The robots should interrupt the people who use those expressions and suggest some alternatives.

The software can also teach children to differentiate between when they are using language to convey an intelligent concept, in which case they should be as clear and precise as possible, and when they are just entertaining themselves, in which case they don't have to worry about whether they can understand one another.

For example, the current school systems advise children to avoid repeating words in their documents in order to make their documents more entertaining. For example, instead of repeating the word "Mars", this article refers to it as the "Red Planet":

There's no doubt that ancient Mars was different than the Red Planet seen today.

In a weather report, a journalist avoided repeating "Thanksgiving" by using the expression "turkey day":

...Thanksgiving Day storm to wallop parts of the US. Many people across the country are likely to wake up on Turkey Day...

In a free enterprise system, people use language to attract and manipulate customers, not to inform them of something intelligent. This results in them encouraging confusing and idiotic expressions. Another example is how journalists will refer to snow as "white stuff" and rain as "wet stuff", such as this headline and sentence:

Western New York is getting buried in a lake effect snow storm, and more white stuff is on the way.

Some journalists also use phrases that don't make sense, such as describing something as "are nothing if not". Take a look at how many documents on the Internet use that expression.

Our idiotic use of language is making it difficult for computers to understand us and speak to us. We also sometimes have trouble understanding other humans.

The businesses that develop software for robots and artificial intelligence are making this problem worse by designing the software to mimic the idiotic behavior and verbal expressions of humans.

This constitution requires that software be designed to set a good example for people, and to correct their improper use of language. The software can also ensure that people are using adjectives in the proper manner. For some examples of adjectives that I have found on the Internet, and which the robots should complain about are:

• Vanilla
Software should criticize the use of the word "vanilla" to mean ordinary or plain. Instead of writing: It will run on a vanilla Arduino, the robot should tell people to say: It will run on a standard Arduino.

There are so many people who describe something as "plain vanilla" that the expression is in the dictionary. That expression is as idiotic as describing a cell phone, computer, or drone as "plain chocolate", or "plain strawberry".

• Pretty
Software should criticize the use of the word "pretty" to mean "very". Instead of writing: The piece of sculpture is pretty damaged, the robot will tell people to say: The piece of sculpture is very damaged. It's especially absurd when somebody describes somebody as "pretty ugly".

Ideally, we would overhaul our language and make it truly orderly and sensible, but that is a difficult task that needs to be put off into the distant future. Until then, robots could be programmed to bring some simple improvements to our language, such as interrupting people who describe zero as the letter "O", and telling them to refer to it as zero or null.

There are so many serial numbers, part numbers, and identification numbers that are a mixture of digits and letters that it would be less confusing if robots forced people to make a distinction between the letter O and the digit zero. We would also benefit by designing our fonts that are intended for serious purposes, rather than for art, to make those characters visually different, such as putting a slash through the zero.

This constitution gives the government control over all culture, and that includes the fonts. This allows the government to change the visual appearance of the zero, and also change the appearance of the lowercase l, such as in the image below of one of the fixed-pitch fonts that I made.
Everybody is free to create fonts, but a person has to post his font in the Suggestions category and hope it gets approved. Nobody has the right or the freedom to put fonts into use.