My "discussions" with Christopher Bollyn, Hogarl,
and many other people in the so-called "truth movement" are frustrating
and pointless. As I talk with these
people, one of the images that appears in my mind is of the cats my family
had when I was a child.. The cats spent most of their time outdoors. One
image that remained in my mind to this day is of one of the cats sitting
hours in front of a gopher hole
waiting for the gopher to appear.
I was confused as to why a cat, who had plenty of food to eat, would
spend hours a day sitting in front of a gopher hole when the gopher rarely
appeared. The cat was wasting its time.
Today I can understand that the cats were simply following their emotional
cravings to hunt. Animals can't contemplate life. An animal spends its
entire life trying to satisfy its emotions. They don't think about where
they've been during the past, and they don't think about where they're
going in the future. They simply exist from one moment to the next. Nothing
has to "make sense" to an animal. They simply pursue emotional stimulation. |
Another image that would sometimes appear in my mind when talking with
Bollyn, Hogarl, etc, is of the men who were pursuing Anna Nicole Smith
for years. (I mentioned her in my article
about Michael Jackson's mysterious death). |
Bollyn's behavior changed
Prior to June 11, 2007, I would talk to Christopher Bollyn on the telephone
on a regular basis, and the conversations were intelligent and pleasant.
Other people could have conversations with him, also. But after that date
he has refused to talk to me and other people on the telephone, and our
e-mail conversations have been as idiotic
and repetitive as the stupid conversation
I had with Hogarl, in which I
felt as if I was repeating the same simple concepts
over and over.
The criminal Jews remind me of animals.
They have already wasted centuries
of their time pursuing their goal of conquering us. However, they don't
seem to care that they fail over and over.
They are like a cat that will wait many hours for a gopher, and when the
gopher doesn't appear, they wait for hours more the next day, and the day
after that, and then the following day.
have been trying to take over the world at least since the Crusades, and
possibly centuries before that. They have failed
time after time, but they don't seem to care! They never seem
to think about what they're doing with their lives, or where they're going
in the future.
If the Jews were to contemplate life, they would realize that it is
better for everybody - including Jews! - to cooperate
with us. By working together we could improve the world at a
much faster pace. But they don't want to work with us. They don't see us
as humans to enjoy life with. Instead, they see us as an enemy; a competitor;
an inferior creature. They want to dominate us; kill us; steal from us.
They are like a cat, and we are like a gopher. They spend hours a day
hunting us. And the next day they spend hours more. They are like a pack
of hyenas that wait for us to develop new technology or new businesses,
and then they get together and try to take it from us. And when they die,
their children continue the hunting and stealing and cheating. They behave
like stupid animals who can't think,
modern humans who work together for the good of society. All
they seem to do is pursue their idiotic emotional cravings to hunt, have
sex, and fight with their competitors. |
I am relentlessly pursued
by a Russian Jew
I mentioned in my audio file for 22
March 2009 that since 2004 I have been getting phone calls from Fred;
a man whose ancestors are Russian Jews. He was living in an apartment with
his wife in 2004, but now he's divorced and living in his van in Los Angeles
because he doesn't have a job. He calls me almost every day, and sometimes
twice or three times a day.
I'm sure I could stop him from calling me simply by telling them to
quit calling, but I have been letting it go on for years because I am astounded
by his behavior. Is he ever going to stop? I rarely participate in the
conversations. I behave like a husband in a television comedy show who
is reading a newspaper but who pretends to be listening to his wife by
occasionally making a remark such as: "Yes, dear."
During the past few days it seems that Fred is once again trying to
set me up to get into a fight with somebody. He has done this several times
during the past few years. Last night I recorded a bit of the conversation
so that you can hear it for yourself. I also recorded it because - like
those five "dancing" Israelis - my purpose is to "document the event".
To help you understand what Fred is talking about, Fred travels to synagogues
every day to ask for donations. Usually there are other people asking for
money at the same time. Fred has been trying to get me angry at one of
the men who also begs for money. Fred says that this man is going to the
same synagogues on the same days and at the same times as Fred, and that
he is deliberately interfering with Fred's ability to get donations simply
because he likes to cause trouble. Here is an excerpt in which Fred tells
me how this man causes trouble (Fred was very tired when he called me,
so his speech was a bit slurred):
240 kbytes
Notice that Fred prods me into criticizing the man with the remark:
“What type of person would you call this? An instigator? A
troublemaker? Or how would you term this person, you know, that would remember
things, and then, you know, more than likely would use it against you?”
section of the conversation is more amusing when it is speeded up; it sounds
like a South Park cartoon:
80 kbytes
I think Fred wants me to say something terrible about this man so that
he can set up a fight between us. Several times during the past few years
Fred tried to prod me into criticizing his ex-wife's boyfriend. Fred warned
me that he was a dangerous, violent man. Fred said that he was concerned
that this man may have seen Fred's cell phone and noticed my phone number,
and Fred asked me if I received any strange phone calls. I actually did
get a phone call from a strange, angry man who made some threatening remarks,
but I played dumb, and he gave up. I suppose that was the crazy man. But
when Fred asked me if I got any threatening phone calls, I pretended that
I didn't.
I think Fred is trying to get me to say something terrible about the
man who is interfering with his collection of donations, and then Fred
will tell me that the crazy man heard about my remarks and wants revenge,
but I don't have to worry because Fred knows a man who will take care of
him for me. And if I foolishly agree to hire the man, then the Jews can
tell their criminal friends in the Los Angeles police department to arrest
me. Or they could have me killed and it would appear as if I was involved
with some type of crime gang.
Lessons to learn
Ever since June 11, 2007 Christopher Bollyn has been behaving
like Hogarl and other criminal Jews; namely, he has been sending me the
same stupid remarks over and over in response to my concern that he has
been kidnapped or killed. He is trying to convince me and other people
1) he is free
2) I am ruining his image, thereby making it difficult for him to receive
Bollyn is likely to repeat the same stupid remarks forever
because the messages are not coming from Bollyn.
They are coming from his Jewish kidnappers,
and those Jews can't change their story.
They must continue promoting the lies they started when they kidnapped
“I have not been kidnapped!
Hufschmid is ruining my image with his ridiculous accusations. I can't
get enough donations to feed my family because of Hufschmid's lies. My
family is suffering! We are at the mercy of that madman, Eric Hufschmid.
Please feel sorry for us, and send us money.”
"Real" people change through
time; liars remain the same
Years ago I noticed that some of the "truth seekers", such
as Mike Rivero of, were exposing certain aspects
of the 9/11 attack, but they were oblivious to the rather obvious fact
that the official story for Flight 77 is a lie, and that the Apollo moon
landing is a scam.
Since these people were exposing some crimes, my first assumption was
that they may be ignorant about the other crimes. However, I noticed that
even after somebody provides them with evidence that the Apollo moon landing
was a scam, they continue to repeat the same stupid remarks over and over,
year after year. This is evidence that they are either suffering from a
very serious mental disorder, or, more likely, they are part of the crime
network that is trying to support their lies.
There's no point arguing with criminals
Criminals can't react in a normal
manner to intelligent arguments or newly uncovered evidence.
Instead, they must mindlessly struggle to maintain
their lies. They appear to be idiots, imbeciles, and morons,
but in reality their inability to respond to intelligent remarks is because
they are trying to maintain their lies. We are
wasting our time talking with them.
There is no sense in discussing issues with these liars on the Internet
message boards, or in person, or by e-mail, unless of course, you want
to observe their behavior.
Did you see my document in which I show that Daryl Smith accidentally
exposed one of his lies? I updated it on 28 July 2009 with yet
another audio excerpt of Smith. Even after we catch these people
lying, they continue to lie. There is no point
in discussing issues with them.
Proof of Smith
• “I very nearly died”
• “I was ready for a casket”
The Internet, newspapers, and television are full of criminal
Jews who are struggling to maintain thousands of lies. They are not
having discussions, so there is no point in watching their television
talk shows or joining them on the message boards.
Be suspicious of idiots; they may
be criminals
The reverse situation is also important to understand. In other
words, when you discover that a person cannot react in a normal manner
to intelligent arguments, you should not assume that they are stupid or
mentally ill. You should wonder if they are criminals
who are trying to maintain a lie.
For example, if you ask a politician about the collapse of Building
7 of the World Trade Center, they will pretend they don't know much about
the issue, and they might ask you to send them some information. They pretend
to be ignorant or stupid. But the politician is very likely to be fully
aware of 9/11 and lots of other crimes. We shouldn't allow people to fake
stupidity or incompetence, especially not people in leadership positions.
If they truly are stupid or incompetent, they shouldn't be leaders. We
should raise standards for people, especially our leaders.
people truly don't care
Most of the people who seem to know nothing about the 9/11
attack, the Apollo moon landing scam, and the HoloHoax are "ordinary" people
who truly don't care about society. It's a waste of time talking to these
people about improving society because they don't care about society. Their
only concern is titillating their emotions. They're not interested in learning
about or dealing with the world's problems.
Most people are more like animals than advanced humans. They don't care
about society. All they want to do is pursue their emotional cravings,
just like a stupid animal.
We are fools to allow these people to vote because they're not interested
in finding a leader for society or solutions to the world's problems. They
don't think in terms of "society". Their only concern is titillating their
emotions. As a result, their decision on who to vote for is based upon
who they think is most likely to bring them emotional satisfaction. They
don't analyze the candidates from the point of view of which of them will
be best for society.
Help us find people with
a concern for society!
Even though the majority of people are hopeless,
the world is improving right now because technology is allowing a small
number of us to expose and stop crime networks.
Learn the techniques these criminals use so that you don't become one
of their victims, remain cheerful, and inspire other people into joining
those of us who want to improve the world! |