World Government officials are
not dictators
The World Government
are not dictators of the
world. They cannot control individual people, or the culture of any
The purpose of the World
Government is to provide guidance to the cities; resolve conflicts
between them; coordinate economic activities between the cities; and
manage the Earth's resources.
World Government officials are employees of the world
The World Government
officials have similar restrictions and
responsibilities as the city
government officials. For example:
1) |
The World
Government officials do not have any secrecy, and must post documents
explain their decisions so that they can be held accountable for their
actions. |
The World
Government cannot maintain its own police or military force, or any
type of security agency, or any type of weapons. It can only request
a temporary police force from
the city governments.
The World Government
doesn't have any authority to control citizens, city governments,
businesses, or other organizations. Every city is free to experiment
with its culture. The World Government can fire a city's
leaders only when the city is causing trouble for the
world, such as creating too much pollution, or when their citizens are
becoming badly behaved or miserable. |
The World Government
officials are regarded as "employees of the world", just like the city
government officials are regarded as "employees of the city".
None of the world or city government officials can have any special
treatment or privileges, and
neither can any of their children, spouses, friends, or relatives. All
of them
must live in
the same homes and neighborhoods as everybody else; eat at the same
restaurants; and use the same recreational facilities.
Nobody has to bow
to any of the world or city
officials, and nobody is obligated to greet them with their title.
Everybody can refer to both city and world officials by their first or
last name.
When we meet a factory worker, engineer, supervisor, or gardener, we do
not bow
before him or greet him as Factory Worker Smith, or Engineer
Jones, Supervisor
Jenkins, or Gardener Wilson. The city and world officials are
employees, just like everybody else, so we do not have to bow before
them or greet them as
President Smith or Minister Wilson.
Using their job title, such as "President Smith", is beneficial when we
want to ensure that other people realize who we are referring to, but
don't have to greet them with their titles.
If we
treat our leaders as special people, we make leadership jobs
attractive to the people who have abnormal cravings for status.
Therefore, we must treat them as "employees".
Although the world and city governments are similar in concept to a
military, in that all of them are authoritarians rather than submissive
representatives, the military personnel are risking their lives, so
they must be more strict in regards to their hierarchy, greeting
method, clothing, living conditions, and other culture. Therefore, the
world and city government officials are more similar to office managers or parents than to military leaders in
regards to how we greet and treat them.
The World Government cannot have
it own land
In order to prevent the
World Government from becoming dominated by one or more cities, every
city must contribute personnel to the World Government, but all of the
employees of the World Government live and work in their particular
World Government cannot have
its own facilities or land. Instead,
each city government provides some offices for them to use. Modern
technology allows the World Government officials in each city to
communicate with one another through telephones and the Internet, so
they do not need to live in the same city or work in the same building.
The World Government employees use the same telephones and Internet
that everybody else in the city uses. They do not have any special
facilities, privileges, or technology. They are treated just like all
other employees in the city.
The World Government cannot operate any factories, farms, militaries,
or other organizations, and it cannot manufacture anything, so it does
not need its own land, factories, or warehouses.
There might be occasions when some of the World
Government officials need to travel to some location or city, but they
must use the same transportation
systems, hotels, conference rooms, restaurants, and other
facilities that everybody else uses.
When the World Government officials want to travel somewhere, they must
post a request to the city that they want to travel to because that
city will have to provide them with food and hotels, which puts a
burden on the city.
Every city has the authority to reject the request for a visit, just
like the Economic Ministers can reject the request for manufacturing a
product. The
World Government officials will then have to either modify their
request and try
again, or abandon their request. These checks and balances will
increase the chances that the World Government is making beneficial
trips, rather than entertaining themselves, or intimidating some city
If the world and city officials cannot resolve a dispute about a trip
a month, the three ambassadors must settle the issue by voting on
whether the trip is justifiable. If they conclude that the world
official was requesting an unnecessary or inappropriate trip, he will
have that failure listed in his database entry, which will increase the
chances that he is the first to be replaced.
World Government is a burden
The World Government cannot
impose any type of taxes on a city. The employees in the World
Government are supported by the city that
they live in. Their city government provides them with housing,
food, clothing, and other items, just like every other person in the
No city benefits from having World Government employees in their city
because supporting those employees puts a burden on the
city, and those World Government employees will be working for the
world rather
than the city, so they won't contribute anything to the city.
Therefore, every city must contribute an equal number of employees to
the World Government so that the burden is spread evenly among the
cities. Also, the World Government should be as small as possible to
keep the burden as small as possible.
This is the opposite of what is happening with the United Nations.
There is also no concern to
reduce the personnel or expenses of the United Nations. Furthermore,
the United Nations does not represent all nations equally. Rather, it
is dominated by the United States and Western Europe, but since those
nations are dominated by Israel, the United Nations is actually
Israeli organization.
officials cannot have
special treatment
Almost all of the people
who have gotten into leadership positions during the
past few thousand years, especially the leaders of religions, have
demanded special treatment and
tremendous amounts of material wealth. They have also been manipulating
legal system to let themselves get away with crimes.
Many of
them also selected spouses and friends for political or financial
gains. They regard people as opportunities,
not friends. One famous example is King Henry VIII,
who had two
of his wives executed.
This constitution changes the situation by treating both City and World
Government officials as "employees". Nobody
gets any special treatment or
pampering, no matter what his job is.
Government employees
can be part time and temporary
This constitution
encourages part-time
and temporary jobs, especially in the government. Since the World
employees live and work in their own city, it is easy for them to work
for the
Government on a part-time and/or temporary basis.
The advantages to having part-time and temporary World Government
officials is the
same as for
part-time city officials. For example, it provides the World
Government with a wider variety of opinions, and it also allows the
World Government to consist of people who have jobs in businesses,
hospitals, research laboratories, social activities, or
other organizations, which give them a more accurate understanding of
what is going on in the world.