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The World Government
9b) The structure of the World Government

  19 Jan 2025

The World Government officials are “world employees

World Government officials are supervisors, not dictators

The World Government officials are not dictators of the world. They cannot control individual people, or the culture of any city.

The purpose of the World Government is to provide guidance to the cities; resolve conflicts between them; coordinate economic activities between the cities; and manage the Earth's resources.

World Government officials are employees of the world

The World Government officials have similar restrictions and responsibilities as the city government officials. For example:

The World Government officials do not have any secrecy, and must post documents to explain their decisions so that they can be held accountable for their actions.


The World Government cannot maintain its own police or military force, or any other type of security agency, or any type of weapons. It can only request a temporary police force from the city governments.


The World Government doesn't have any authority to control citizens, city governments, businesses, or other organizations. Every city is free to experiment with its culture. The World Government can fire a city's leaders only when the city is causing trouble for the world, such as creating too much pollution, or when their citizens are becoming badly behaved or miserable.


The World Government officials are regarded as "employees of the world", just like the city government officials are regarded as "employees of the city".

None of the world or city government officials can have any special treatment or privileges, and neither can any of their children, spouses, friends, or relatives. All of them must live in the same homes and neighborhoods as everybody else; eat at the same restaurants; and use the same recreational facilities.

Nobody has to bow to any of the world or city officials, and nobody is obligated to greet them with their title. Everybody can refer to both city and world officials by their first or last name.

When we meet a factory worker, engineer, supervisor, or gardener, we do not bow before him or greet him as Factory Worker Smith, or Engineer Jones, Supervisor Jenkins, or Gardener Wilson. The city and world officials are employees, just like everybody else, so we do not have to bow before them or greet them as President Smith or Minister Wilson.

Using their job title, such as "President Smith", is beneficial when we want to ensure that other people realize who we are referring to, but we don't have to greet them with their titles.

If we treat our leaders as special people, we make leadership jobs attractive to the people who have abnormal cravings for status. Therefore, we must treat them as "employees".

Although the world and city governments are similar in concept to a military, in that all of them are authoritarians rather than submissive representatives, the military personnel are risking their lives, so they must be more strict in regards to their hierarchy, greeting method, clothing, living conditions, and other culture. Therefore, the world and city government officials are more similar to office managers or parents than to military leaders in regards to how we greet and treat them.

The World Government cannot have it own land

In order to prevent the World Government from becoming dominated by one or more cities, every city must contribute personnel to the World Government, but all of the employees of the World Government live and work in their particular city.

The World Government cannot have its own facilities or land. Instead, each city government provides some offices for them to use. Modern technology allows the World Government officials in each city to communicate with one another through telephones and the Internet, so they do not need to live in the same city or work in the same building.

The World Government employees use the same telephones and Internet that everybody else in the city uses. They do not have any special facilities, privileges, or technology. They are treated just like all other employees in the city.

The World Government cannot operate any factories, farms, militaries, or other organizations, and it cannot manufacture anything, so it does not need its own land, factories, or warehouses.

There might be occasions when some of the World Government officials need to travel to some location or city, but they must use the same transportation systems, hotels, conference rooms, restaurants, and other facilities that everybody else uses.

When the World Government officials want to travel somewhere, they must post a request to the city that they want to travel to because that city will have to provide them with food and hotels, which puts a burden on the city.

Every city has the authority to reject the request for a visit, just like the Economic Ministers can reject the request for manufacturing a product. The World Government officials will then have to either modify their request and try again, or abandon their request. These checks and balances will increase the chances that the World Government is making beneficial trips, rather than entertaining themselves, or intimidating some city officials.

If the world and city officials cannot resolve a dispute about a trip within a month, the three ambassadors must settle the issue by voting on whether the trip is justifiable. If they conclude that the world official was requesting an unnecessary or inappropriate trip, he will have that failure listed in his database entry, which will increase the chances that he is the first to be replaced.

The World Government is a burden

The World Government cannot impose any type of taxes on a city. The employees in the World Government are supported by the city that they live in. Their city government provides them with housing, food, clothing, and other items, just like every other person in the city.

No city benefits from having World Government employees in their city because supporting those employees puts a burden on the city, and those World Government employees will be working for the world rather than the city, so they won't contribute anything to the city. Therefore, every city must contribute an equal number of employees to the World Government so that the burden is spread evenly among the cities. Also, the World Government should be as small as possible to keep the burden as small as possible.

This is the opposite of what is happening with the United Nations. There is also no concern to reduce the personnel or expenses of the United Nations. Furthermore, the United Nations does not represent all nations equally. Rather, it is dominated by the United States and Western Europe, but since those nations are dominated by Israel, the United Nations is actually an Israeli organization.

Government officials cannot have special treatment

Almost all of the people who have gotten into leadership positions during the past few thousand years, especially the leaders of religions, have demanded special treatment and tremendous amounts of material wealth. They have also been manipulating the legal system to let themselves get away with crimes.

Many of them also selected spouses and friends for political or financial gains. They regard people as opportunities, not friends. One famous example is King Henry VIII, who had two of his wives executed.

This constitution changes the situation by treating both City and World Government officials as "employees". Nobody gets any special treatment or pampering, no matter what his job is.

World Government employees can be part time and temporary

This constitution encourages part-time and temporary jobs, especially in the government. Since the World Government employees live and work in their own city, it is easy for them to work for the World Government on a part-time and/or temporary basis.

The advantages to having part-time and temporary World Government officials is the same as for part-time city officials. For example, it provides the World Government with a wider variety of opinions, and it also allows the World Government to consist of people who have jobs in businesses, hospitals, research laboratories, social activities, or other organizations, which give them a more accurate understanding of what is going on in the world.
The structure of the World Government

The World Government has 3 divisions

The diagram to the right shows that the three divisions are Resources, International, and Knowledge.

The Job Titles section requires the job titles to be unique so that we can understand what a person's job is by his title. Therefore, the World Government officials have different titles than the city officials.

The top official of each of the three divisions will have the title of Ambassador rather than President. Within each division there will be Councils rather than Ministries. The top official of a Council will be a Diplomat, rather than a Minister.

Nobody else can have the title of Ambassador or Diplomat, so when a news report refers to a man as "Ambassador Jones", we know that he is one of the three, highest level World Government officials. and when a person is referred to as "Diplomat Smith", we know that he is the leader of a Council in one of the three, World Government divisions.

There are three ambassadors so there will never be a tie when they have to vote on what to do.

Only Ambassadors are elected

The Ambassadors are elected every five years by the Presidents of all of the cities. The Presidents are required to replace at least one Ambassador during every election in order to give somebody else an opportunity to test his abilities.

The Diplomats are hired and fired by the Ambassadors, just like the Ministers are hired and fired by the Presidents. The Ambassadors must also routinely replace the worst performing Diplomat so that other people have an opportunity.

It is difficult to select Ambassadors

The presidents elect only three ambassadors every five years, but selecting a leader for the world is more difficult than selecting a leader for a city because the candidates for ambassadors will be known only to the people in their city.

It would be time-consuming and difficult to arrange for all of the presidents to get to know all of the candidates. To simplify the election process, the candidates are judged by their previous successes and failures in management positions, and their intellectual achievements, rather than by interviews or debates.

Therefore, the only people who qualify as a candidate for ambassador are those whose database entry shows that they have had success in management positions, and who have had some intellectual achievements.

Although previous achievements does not guarantee that a person will be an effective world leader, it is more sensible to restrict the ambassadors to people with above-average achievements than to follow the philosophy of a democracy in which everybody is considered to be qualified.

If each city does a good job of maintaining high-quality leadership, and if each city also does a good job of giving people credit for their achievements and keeping track of their failures, then judging a candidate by his previous achievements will be an effective way of choosing a talented ambassador.

By restricting the candidates for ambassador to those who have demonstrated above-average abilities in management and intellectual achievements, it will not make much of a difference which of them is elected because they will all be exceptionally talented. And by requiring the presidents to replace the worst performing ambassador during every election, those that turn out to be ineffective will be removed.

Also, the ambassadors have to meet the same age requirements as the presidents, so none of them will be able to keep the job for more than 20 years.

Ambassadors can be replaced at any time

The ambassadors are elected for five years, but if more than half of the presidents agree that an ambassador should be replaced before the election, then they can fire him. Then they will request people to apply for the job, and select his replacement.

People apply to be an Ambassador, just like other jobs

A person who wants to be an ambassador must apply for the job in the same manner as people apply for the job of president, machinist, plumber, or farmer. (Described here.)

The presidents cannot vote in secrecy

The elections for the ambassadors are conducted in the same manner as those for the presidents. The candidates are listed in the Elections category, and all of the presidents have their vote listed in that category. There is no secrecy, so everybody will be able to see who each president voted for.

The ambassador candidates will be unknown to most of the presidents, so the presidents will elect an ambassador according to his database entry. Since that's not an easy way to judge a person, the presidents don't have to bother with an explanation for why they choose a particular candidate.
The World Government cannot have a military

A city can be given an intellectual trial

The World Government is responsible for ensuring that all of the cities are cooperative, and none of them are causing trouble for other cities, or for the Earth. However, the World Government cannot have any type of police or military force, and it cannot control what any city does. When the world government disapproves of a city, they must first post a request to explain their concern.

For example, if the ambassadors come to the conclusion that a city is producing an excessive amount of air pollution, they must post a document in the Requests category to explain the evidence and their concerns.

The presidents of the cities will analyze the request, and within a month they must vote on whether they agree with the World Government. The presidents cannot vote in secrecy. Instead, their votes, and a brief explanation of their vote, is posted in the Elections category of the world databases so that everybody can see how each president voted, and why.

If more than half of the presidents vote to support the World Government's concern, then the World Government will arrange for an "intellectual trial" of the presidents of the city. This will allow them to determine whether they should fire any or all of the presidents. By firing one or more presidents, they force the city to provide itself with new, and hopefully better, leadership.

Unlike the existing legal systems in the world today, this constitution does not support the concept of punishments, so the World Government cannot react to badly behaved cities with any type of punishment. The World Government must resolve problems by firing one or more presidents.

The World Government can have a temporary police force

The World Government does not have any authority to maintain weapons or any type of security force. However, if a city refuses to fire the presidents that they were told to replace, then the ambassadors are authorized to request the other cities to contribute security personnel to a temporary World Police Force. That police force can exist only for the purpose of removing the president and sending him to the City of Exiles, or executing him. After they have finished removing the president, the police force must be dissolved.

For an example of why the World Government might need to use a police force, imagine if a city were to become dominated by Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong. Imagine that government building a wall around their city, and posting guards or robots along the wall to kill anybody who tries to escape. Imagine them also prohibiting people from other cities from visiting.

The ambassadors should regard such a city as providing an unacceptable social environment for both its own people, and the world. They should not regard the city as "experimenting with its culture". They should regard the city as a type of prison.

Or imagine if the people in a city were practicing the type of murder rituals and pedophilia that Vicki Polin claims her relatives are involved with. Imagine that the city was also involved with using some of their children as sex slaves and in mind control experiments, as described by Katy Groves, David Shurter, and Jenny Guskin. The World Government should regard that type of city as unacceptable, even though the people would insist that it is their culture, and that they should have the freedom to practice their customs.

Or imagine a city that resembles India or Pakistan in which the leaders are doing such a terrible job of controlling reproduction and crime that there is extreme overcrowding, miserable living conditions, and enormous amounts of homeless people, pollution, and corruption.

The attitude in the world today is that every country should be free to do almost anything they please, but this Constitution believes that the world will become peaceful and pleasant only if we have restrictions on the freedom of the cities. The World Government must ensure that the culture and genetic characteristics of the people in all cities are compatible enough to be friendly with each other.

It is acceptable for cities to have different clothing, foods, social activities, and other culture, but we need an authority to prevent a city from contaminating the oceans or atmosphere with pollutants, or treating other cities in an inconsiderate or irresponsible manner, or from becoming a burden on the other cities because their people are too stupid or mentally ill to contribute anything of value.

Therefore, the World Government has the authority to pass judgment on when a city has become such a nuisance to the world that they must select different presidents.