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The Kastron Constitution
3e) Teentown

23 June 2024

Teenagers need leaders, not parents

Parents cannot provide useful guidance

One of the reasons that teenagers are sent to Teentown is because we cannot expect parents to do a good job of providing them with leadership. Parents are so biased in favor of their children that they resist looking critically at them, and they have a tendency to pander to them. Also, most parents are average or below-average in their mental qualities and education, so they will provide average leadership for the teenagers, rather than excellent leadership.

Teenagers can be a bad influence on each other

Even if some parents do an excellent job of providing guidance to their teenagers, their teenagers are in frequent contact with other teenagers who can inadvertently encourage bad attitudes and behavior.

We cannot expect teenagers to provide one another with good leadership because they are too ignorant about life. Also, the younger a person is, the more likely he is to follow his emotional cravings and fears, and less likely to than exert self-control over his emotions and produce intelligent thoughts about what to do.

Prehistoric children had excellent role models

The children in the prehistoric, nomadic tribes grew up around adults who were in much better physical and mental health than they are today. All of the adults in a tribe spoke the same language, followed the same culture, and were closely related to each other. The children had excellent role models.

Today most children are growing up in densely populated cities that provide them with direct contact with hundreds of other people, many of whom have serious mental disorders or different cultures. Most children also have access to the Internet, television, cell phones, magazines, and libraries, which exposes them to propaganda from businesses, religions, Zionist groups, think tanks, feminists, vegans, Hollywood movies, and governments, and to every culture that exists in the world today, and the cultures of our ancestors.

Prehistoric children had beneficial role models.

Modern children are influenced and exploited by organizations and mentally disturbed people.

Teenagers believe that they are making wise decisions about life, but they are more accurately described as helpless victims of the businesses, religions, and other organizations that compete to manipulate their thoughts and behavior. Many teenagers also become victims of people whose brains don't function well, some of whom are their friends.

Teenagers are at the point of human development at which they start to think for themselves and become independent, but they are not capable of making wise decisions because their brain hasn't fully developed, and because they are extremely inexperienced with life. Therefore, it is very easy for teenagers to get involved with activities that are useless, wasteful, or detrimental.

Our teenage years should be one of the most exciting times of our lives. It is when we start to notice and appreciate the beauty in the world, create plans for our future, and discover the opposite sex. However, it is often a time when many of us do things that we regret when we become adults.

One of the purposes of Teentown is to put the teenagers into an environment in which it is easy for adults to observe the teenagers, provide them with guidance, and prevent them from picking up detrimental attitudes.

Example: Women do not suffer more than men

Some feminists complain that life is more difficult for women because many of women suffer during childbirth, and a lot of women have died during or shortly after childbirth. That concept encourages young girls to pout, which gives them an unpleasant attitude.

If it were possible to measure the amount of suffering that each person experiences in his life, we would discover that everybody suffers occasionally. We might discover that men and women suffer equally, but the suffering is slightly different.

For example, a woman with a defective body might have trouble giving birth, or she might die during childbirth, but a man with a defective body can have trouble making a living. Men also suffer and die more often at their jobs because they do jobs that are more dangerous.

Is detrimental to encourage women to compare themselves to men, and to believe that they are suffering from both nature and sexism. The Teentown Ministry is required to suppress the feminist nonsense and teach boys and girls that they are different, that neither sex is better than the other, and that neither sex is suffering more than the other. The girls must be taught to enjoy their life and enjoy being female, and stop comparing themselves to the boys.

Teentown protects the teenagers from bad influences

By having the teenagers live in Teentown, they will be under the influence of adults who have been chosen by the Teentown Minister to provide leadership to the teenagers. The teenagers will be treated as "young adults" rather than as "bundles of joy". The Teentown officials will prepare them for life as an adult, rather than pander to them or entertain them.

The attitude of the Teentown officials will be more similar to that of a military school, and the training classes that a business provides for its employees, rather than the public or private schools in the USA.

The Teentown managers are required to observe the teenagers and pass judgment on which of them are a bad influence on the others, and to separate them into different classes and apartment buildings.

Parents are likely to become upset if their teenager is labeled as a bad influence, but the managers of Teentown are required to ignore what parents and teenagers want. They must do what is best for preparing the teenagers for society.

Teentown gives teenagers practice as adults

Schools were created 6000 years ago to teach children how to read and write and do arithmetic, and schools have since been expanded to teaching a lot of other information, much of which is deceptive, false, and worthless.

This Constitution requires the schools to prepare children for life in a modern society. The preteen children need to learn how to interact with people, in addition to learning how to read and write, do arithmetic, and use the common devices of our modern world, such as phones, computers, and (soon) robots.

However, the schools must treat the teenagers differently. Teenagers need to learn a useful skill, and they need practice dealing with the issues that adults must be able to handle. That includes learning about marriage, sex, jobs, social activities, masturbation, digestion, and raising babies.

Teentown is a tiny city

When a child becomes a teenager, he moves to Teentown, which is a separate neighborhood in the city. As with the other neighborhoods, it is a cluster of tall buildings, surrounded by grass, trees, creeks, bicycle paths, and foot paths. Some of the buildings are apartments for the teenagers to live in, and the other buildings are for their school.

Although the AI software doesn't understand the concept, the image below, and the others in this document, might give you some ideas of what it could look like.

Teentown has kitchens, dining rooms, healthcare, clothing stores, and recreational facilities, except that all of them are designed for teenagers. Teentown is a little city for teenagers. They don't have any summer vacation, so they stay in Teentown until they are adults.

The teenagers live, work, and study in Teentown. This makes it easy for them to be put into situations where they can practice behaving like an adult. For example:

The teenagers must do chores

The teenagers do all of the chores of Teentown that they are capable of doing, such as preparing meals, cleaning, gardening, and simplistic maintenance. They will also occasionally be given chores outside of Teentown, such as chores at a farm, recycling business, machine shop, research laboratory, hospital, or factory. The reasons for having them do these chores are:

To reduce the amount of unskilled labor that the adults have to do.

Having them do a variety of chores will help them decide what type of work they want to do as an adult.

To help the teenagers become accustomed to working, taking care of themselves, and cleaning up after themselves.

The most important purpose for giving the teenagers chores is to give them an understanding of the type of work that is necessary to support a modern society.

When teenagers are pampered by adults, their only knowledge about chores comes from watching other people work. They are likely to become arrogant, spoiled brats who don't appreciate what the farmers, factory workers, plumbers, carpenters, nurses, and other people are doing for them. They are likely to want to spend their time giving orders to other people, entertaining themselves, and avoiding work.

By comparison, when teenagers grow up in a social environment in which they must share the chores, they will have a much better understanding of what those chores are, and which chores are the most monotonous or unpleasant. They will have a greater appreciation for the people who do the work, and more of an interest in eliminating the irritating chores.

A common attitude in the USA is that we will improve a child's life by pampering him. For example, most of the schools in the USA do not make the students clean their classroom or cafeteria, or assist with the gardening chores.

This constitution believes that children will become adults who have better attitudes when they learn at a young age to participate in the chores that are necessary for their support. It will help them to realize that providing them with food, clothing, schools, electricity, and a home requires a lot of work, and that they should contribute to taking care of themselves rather than expect other people to be their servants.

The schools are required to give the young children some simple chores, such as cleaning up after themselves, and the teenagers are given chores that are more similar to those of adults, such as gardening, operating the school cafeterias, and simple maintenance chores.

Some children will not respond properly to school

Schools are unnatural for us, and everybody is genetically unique, so every child will react differently to school. Most of the children will react in a manner that is "typical", but there will always be a small percentage that reacts in a below-average manner, such as by becoming abnormally rebellious, depressed, angry, or apathetic.

To complicate the issue, how a child reacts to education and chores depends upon how the education and chores have been designed. For example, teenagers who are forced to go to a religious school but who believe in evolution are likely to become irritated, depressed, rebellious, or angry. Likewise, chores have to be appropriate or they will cause physical injuries or bad attitudes.

Assuming that the Teentown officials design appropriate educational courses and chores, any of the teenagers who don't respond properly must be regarded as misfits.

Every culture reacts to the misfits by trying to improve their behavior through punishments, or by pandering to them, such as by lowering the standards of behavior, or by eliminating the requirement that they do chores.

By comparison, this Constitution requires the people in leadership positions to expect a small percentage of the children to be misfits, and to separate them from the other children. It is detrimental to torment the misfits with punishments or insults, and it is detrimental to let them be a bad influence on the other children.

The teenagers must test their leadership abilities

All of the teenagers must occasionally become the leader for a group who are involved with some chore. They will be given job performance reviews by their team members and by the Teentown managers.

The purpose is to help the teenagers determine whether they enjoy being in a leadership position, and to determine which of the teenagers show the most potential to be a useful leader.

More important, it will help them to realize that a leadership position is a difficult chore, and that the people in leadership positions have a lot more responsibilities and burdens than the team members.

Men have a strong craving to be a leader, and this causes us to fantasize that we will experience excitement if we can become a leader, and that everybody will admire us. Furthermore, women are attracted to the men with high status, so that is another reason men want to be in influential positions.

By repeatedly putting every teenager into a leadership position for several different chores, and by giving them critical reviews, they are more likely to realize that a leadership position is difficult job, not a source of excitement. It should provide them with a more realistic view of leadership, thereby dampening their tendency to fantasize about becoming a leader.

Furthermore, by treating the teenagers in leadership positions as ordinary teenagers, rather than giving them special treatment, they will become more accustomed to the concept that our leaders are ordinary city employees in a management job.

The teenagers create their own activities

Instead of adults providing the teenagers with recreational and social activities, the teenagers create their activities, and the adults provide guidance, and ensure that the teenagers create beneficial and safe activities.

The purpose for this is to help the teenagers understand that social and recreational activities are arbitrary, and that they should learn to experiment with them rather than be frightened to make changes to them.

It will also help them determine whether they enjoy creating social or recreational activities, and whether they have the talent to create useful activities. This will help them determine whether they should consider a job in the Social Division of the government.

Teenagers need to be prepared adults

We learn by doing, not by watching

Firefighters practicing how to carry a person out of a building.
When I was a child, I was confused by why adults were often practicing extremely simplistic activities.

For example, firemen would practice how to hook a hose up to a fire hydrant and spray water on a burning building, and they would use manikins to practice how to carry a person out of a burning building (photo to the right).

It seemed to me that a person could learn to become a fireman simply by reading about the procedures, or by watching a person hook up a fire hose and spray water on a building. Why would an adult need to repeatedly practice such simplistic activities?

The military puts their members through exercises all the time, but I assumed that they were repeating those exercises because there was no war and they were bored.

I did not begin to understand the value of practicing simple activities until I had experienced situations in which I behaved differently than I expected. Each time this happened, I developed a better understanding of why we need to practice activities.

One situation that I mentioned here is when that homosexual summer camp counselor raped me. If somebody had asked me in the days before I went to that summer camp if I would allow myself to be raped, I would have responded with something such as, "Of course not!", but that was one of many events that helped me to understand that we cannot accurately predict how we will behave in a situation that we are unfamiliar with.

During the following decades I occasionally noticed that we cannot even predict how we will react to situations that we have some familiarity with. For example, when I noticed something was broken in my house, such as a plumbing fixture in the bathroom, I assumed that I could easily fix it by myself because I had some familiarity with the issue because I had seen people do similar work. However, many of the tasks that I thought would be simple turned out to be more difficult than I expected.

Businesses have known about this concept for a long time, which is why they often require job candidates to have people have years of experience. They don't want a person who merely has an education because learning about something is not as useful as having experience doing it.

Many organizations also noticed that the human memory is imperfect, and that people who are expected to do something that occurs only occasionally, such as deal with fires, can forget some of the procedures, or remember them incorrectly. Therefore, they have those people occasionally practice the procedure to refresh their memory.

We cannot expect teenagers to become effective leaders, or be able to give or receive constructive criticism, or to experiment with social activities, simply by reading a book about the issue. We must give them practice in a variety of different activities.

The existing school systems give children practice reading, writing, and doing arithmetic, but they also need practice in dealing with the issues of the modern world. For example, young girls need to be put through exercises in which they acquire experience in dealing with aggressive boys, and boys need experience dealing with aggressive boys.

Teenagers must solve realistic problems

The current school systems usually give students exercises and test questions that are unrealistic, such as a math problem that ignores air resistance. Young children might benefit from those simplistic exercises, but when I was a teenager, I considered them to be annoying. I had a preference for realistic problems.

When students have to solve realistic problems, they will sometimes have to spend days or weeks learning about the issue and thinking about it, but that is what most adults have to do in their jobs, and sometimes in their personal life. Engineers, technicians, carpenters, farmers, and almost everybody else, must regularly deal with problems that require hours, days, or weeks to investigate and think about, and sometimes experiment with.

By providing teenagers with realistic problems, they will become accustomed to dealing with the complex problems that adults have to deal with, instead of becoming accustomed to simplistic, fantasy problems that can be solved within minutes. Therefore, this constitution advocates experimenting with realistic problems for the teenagers.

Teenagers need emotional development

The existing school systems do not do much, if anything to help the teenagers learn how to behave and interact with other people, but the Teentown Ministry is required to give the teenagers a lot of practice in dealing with criticism, relationships, failures, and problems. Here are some suggestions on what the schools should experiment with:

1) Practice giving and receiving constructive criticism

Each student would be given the name of another student in the class who was selected at random, and have to produce a document that provides constructive criticism of that student.

The purpose of that exercise is to get the students accustomed to giving and receiving constructive criticism. In this modern world, everybody should get over their fear of constructive criticism, and the only way to do that is to make the students criticize one another so that they they become familiar with it, and realize that nobody is harmed by it, and that it can be interesting and useful to get a perspective of ourselves from somebody else's point of view.

Furthermore, a person's constructive criticism is an indication of how his mind thinks, and what he knows about the person he criticized. Therefore, by providing a student with the constructive criticism of his classmates, he can get a better understanding of how each of the students think, and what each of them knows about him.

That type of exercise will also help the students learn to control their anger and pouting when they are criticized. Constructive criticism is an opinion that is not right or wrong. However, insults are not constructive criticism. Therefore, the teacher has to judge the students by passing judgment on whether they are providing an intelligent analysis of the person, or just making idiotic remarks or insults. The teachers must also judge the students by how well they handle constructive criticism.

The teachers are required to notice if any of the students are reacting to criticism with hatred, violence, bullying, or anger. The students who cannot calmly and peacefully tolerate the constructive criticism should be identified and removed from the classroom, or removed from the school if they are extremely destructive. The teachers must not allow the badly behaved students to ruin the environment in the classroom, or lower the morale of the other students.

The teenagers must be taught that the highest quality people will learn to give, appreciate, and learn from constructive criticism, and the low-quality people react with hatred, anger, pouting, and crying.

Identify their genetic characteristics

The Education section described why schools should prepare children for the concept of restricting reproduction, and the teenagers will be given a more thorough education about genetics, reproduction, and the value of observing people to help us identify our defects.

When the teenagers arrive in Teentown, they are required to start a document that identifies as many of their physical and mental talents, flaws, limitations, and characteristics as possible. Each of them will put their document in their entry of the People database, which will allow everybody to see it. During their time in Teentown, they will learn more about themselves, and they are expected to occasionally update their document to improve their description of themselves.

The purpose for making them post this in a publicly accessible database is to force the teenagers to become accustomed to allowing people to know the truth about them, thereby dampening their tendency to hide their embarrassing qualities and try to deceive people with a false image of themselves.

By having every teenager create such a document, it will help every teenager realize that everybody has defects, and so it is senseless and detrimental for one person to insult a person for being imperfect, or for a person to pretend that he is perfect.

The teenagers are to be taught that the people who cannot find flaws in themselves have inferior mental abilities. The people with the superior intellectual and emotional characteristics will be able to identify more of their physical and mental flaws and limitations, and they will be able to provide more detailed and accurate descriptions of their flaws.

The teachers do not give grades to those analyses. Rather, the teachers only provide comments to help the students do a better job of identifying and describing their flaws.

Every culture today is promoting the attitude that most people are perfect, and this results in most people trying to hide their flaws and create a false image of perfection. This deception results in a lot of awkwardness, failed relationships, arguments, and low self-esteem. A lot of people also waste a lot of their time and resources on cosmetics and surgery in an attempt to improve their physical flaws.

Nobody benefits from a culture that encourages us to hide the truth about ourselves and deceive people with false images. That type of culture creates an unpleasant and awkward social environment for everybody.

We will create a more relaxing and beneficial social environment when everybody is capable of accepting the fact that everybody is imperfect, and when everybody is honest about themselves and their imperfections. We will enjoy other people more when we know the truth about them, and don't have to wonder whether they are deceiving us.

Therefore, this constitution advocates requiring teenagers to identify their physical and mental talents, limitations, and defects, and put that information in a public database for everybody to see, rather than hide their flaws and be ashamed of themselves.

The teenagers are taught that the most talented people will do the best job of analyzing themselves. They should be proud of their analysis and their ability to be honest, not ashamed of their defects.

The students who provide honest and intelligent analyses of themselves are to be given higher priority for the influential positions. This is based on the assumption that a person who can be honest about himself is more likely to be an honest leader, and a person who can provide an intelligent analysis of himself is likely to provide intelligent analyses of other issues.

Practice with teaching

Each student must occasionally be put into the role of a teacher. The main purposes of this exercise are:

a) A teacher is in an active role because he must put some effort into thinking about what to say, and how to express his thoughts.

By comparison, a student is in a passive role because all he is doing is saving information in his memory, which does not require him to think about the information, or practice how to express his thoughts. Storing information in our memory is so passive and boring that students sometimes fall asleep or daydream.

A teacher must analyze the mental characteristics and knowledge of his students to determine what they already know about the subject, what they seem to be intellectually capable of understanding, and how familiar they are with language. He then uses that analysis to determine what to say to them.

For example, when a person teaches a group of younger children, he must figure out how to explain a concept to fit their lower intelligence, ignorance, and smaller vocabulary.

Putting a student into the role of a teacher gives him practice in analyzing other people's level of education, emotional characteristics, and intelligence, and adjusting what he says to fit their particular characteristics, thereby allowing that student to become more successful at explaining his ideas to other people.

The value of this exercise can be seen by comparing how children explain something to how a teacher explains it. A child has a tendency to assume that what he sees, hears, and knows is what everybody else sees, hears, and knows. Therefore, a child will assume that all he has to do to explain something is to say a few words about it, such as, "Mom, it doesn't work!" His mother must then ask him questions, and the two of them will resemble people who are playing the game of Twenty Questions.

The employees who provide maintenance and support for equipment and software have to deal with this problem on a routine basis, and it is a waste of everybody's time and resources. For example, many people have called me on the phone and made a remark similar to, "It doesn't work." I then have to respond, "What doesn't work?" It feels as if I am talking to a child.

If the person is working at a location in a business that doesn't have a telephone, or where the reception for cell phones is terrible, they send me those type of remarks through email, so then I feel like I'm playing the game of Twenty Questions via email, which is even more difficult than doing it over the phone.

Our prehistoric ancestors could only have conversations with their voice, so they were always in close contact with one another, which allowed them to see one another's facial expressions, hear their tones of voice, and see whatever objects they were holding in their hands or pointing to with their fingers.

Today we must frequently communicate through telephones and email, and we usually discuss issues that are much more complex than those of our prehistoric ancestors. Therefore, it is important for children today to learn how to express complex thoughts to other people.

We must get into the habit of analyzing the people we communicate with, and then adjusting what we say according to that analysis. We must pass judgment on what they already know, their intelligence, and how well they understand language.

Providing critical analyses of cultural issues

Every nation promotes the attitude that their culture is the best possible, and they regard criticism of their culture as insulting or traitorous. Every nation boasts that they have the greatest language, clothing, foods, religion, economic system, holiday celebrations, recreational activities, government system, and sports. Every nation also insults the culture of other nations.

This Constitution requires the schools to teach teenagers that culture is "human software", and that we should continuously analyze it and look for ways to improve it, just like we try to improve computer software.

The teenagers are required to have some practice in analyzing cultural issues, and looking for ways to improve them. An example is here about Oreo cookies and golf.
Teenagers need guidance with courtship

Why are adults today delaying marriage and children?

There is not much information about what weddings, marriage, and divorces were like for our prehistoric ancestors, or even our ancestors during the Middle Ages, or what the typical age was for men and women to get married.

However, we know that Americans have been getting married at a later age during the past few decades; that divorces and unpleasant marriages have been increasing during the past century; and that weddings have become increasingly expensive.

Girls become most beautiful and flirtatious during their late teenage years, so most of them should find a husband during their late teenage years or early 20s. Two reasons that teenagers are having trouble finding a spouse, or are delaying marriage, are:

1) Our culture is degrading.
Every society boasts about their culture, but none of them care about its quality or value. Every society allows everybody to alter its culture for any purpose they please.

Businesses manipulate our culture to make us purchase their products, religions manipulate our culture to promote their organization, and the Zionist Jews are manipulating our culture to make us hate Germans, white people, Muslims, and anti-Semites.

Instead of providing all children with the same, sensible culture, the children in Europe and the USA are exposed to a variety of conflicting and idiotic information about marriage, feminism, sex, nudity, white privilege, nutrition, vegetarianism, racism, genetics, material wealth, jobs, religion, and many other issues. We are allowing the children's minds to fill with "information trash".

The human race is degrading.
Every society boasts about their people, but none of them care about the quality or value of the people. Every society allows everybody to reproduce, even if they don't want the children.

We are living among people who have a variety of different mental characteristics and disorders, which makes it difficult for us to find somebody that we are compatible with.

As pointed out in other documents, in order to improve our lives, we must improve (1) our culture, and (2) the genetic characteristics of the people.

Courtship begins with teenagers

Teentown is required to prepare the teenagers for marriage by providing them with realistic information about men, women, marriage, sex, raising children, and related issues.

The managers of Teentown will provide courtship activities for the teenagers, but not to help the teenagers get married. Rather, it is to get them accustomed to meeting and interacting with the opposite sex, and get them accustomed to the concept of courtship activities. The reason that the teenagers need to become accustomed to courtship activities is because those activities are "unnatural", so they will make us uncomfortable.

By the time the teenagers get out of Teentown, they should be comfortable with the courtship activities. Those who have not found a spouse will participate in the adult courtship activities with little or no awkwardness or embarrassment.

Some teenagers will find a spouse while they are in Teentown, but most of them will probably need a few more years. However, as every generation becomes less genetically diverse and defective, it will become increasingly easy for the teenagers to find a compatible spouse while they are in Teentown.

When the teenagers leave Teentown, they immediately become adults. They will pick one of the apartments in the city to live in, and have access to all of the material wealth, facilities, and activities that the other adults have access to.

They can get married and have children without any concern about financial issues because the city provides everything they need for free. The Reproduction Ministry will prohibit half of them from having their own biological children, but they will be able to adopt children.

The girls will be a good influence on the boys

Female animals are attracted to the males with the highest status, but in every existing culture, a man can acquire status simply by having a lot of money, which he can acquire from inheritances, selling shoddy products, joining crime networks, and other forms of cheating. In every society, the men are impressing the women by buying them gifts, taking them to expensive restaurants and recreational facilities, and showing them their expensive home, automobile, clothing, and jewelry.

In Kastron, everybody has equal access to homes, clothing, restaurants, social activities, recreational facilities, and other material wealth. Therefore, the men cannot impress women with material items.

Instead, the men will be considered high status only if they qualify to be one of the City Elders. The teenagers will be too young to be an Elder, but the teenage girls will have a preference to the boys who they think will qualify. This will put the boys under pressure to contribute something of value to society and behave properly so that they become a City Elder. The boys will be under pressure to impress the girls with their behavior and talents rather than their material items. This will be much better for society than putting pressure on the men to acquire money.

Teentown must separate the boys and girls

Many women accuse the men of previous centuries of being sexist for creating schools that were restricted only to boys or only to girls, but there is no evidence that mixing boys and girls in the same school has been beneficial to the students, the teachers, or anybody else. And there is no evidence that anybody suffers when boys and girls are separated into different classes, or different schools.

Some feminists respond that the reason the women of previous centuries did not seem to be suffering from sexism was because they were so oppressed that they were afraid to express their feelings, so they pretended to enjoy themselves when in reality they were miserable, and wished they could get a divorce. However, that is another theory that they don't have any supporting evidence for.

The Schools and Teentown Ministries are required to observe the long-term effects of their policies. One of their goals is to determine when it is beneficial to separate boys and girls, and when it is beneficial to mix them together. They must judge a policy according to the long-term effect it has on the children. They must have supporting evidence for their policies rather than choose policies that are emotionally appealing.

My suspicion is that it is best to mix the preteen boys and girls together in the same school classrooms, but that it is best to put the teenagers into separate classrooms and separate apartments.

This constitution advocates designing Teentown so that the apartments and classrooms for girls are on one side of the neighborhood, and the boys are on the other side. This will allow the boys and girls to travel around their apartments and classrooms without encountering the opposite sex in the elevators, hallways, or classrooms. The cafeterias and other facilities would be available for both boys and girls.

The buildings for the girls must also be in a different architectural style and color to make it easy for the students to identify which buildings are restricted to girls, which are restricted to boys, and which are shared by both sexes.

The boys and girls would get together only for social and recreational activities. Cameras are placed at the entrances of the buildings, and computers use facial recognition software to determine if any of the boys or girls are trying to get into the buildings of the other sex.

The teenagers who misbehave would not be punished since this Constitution prohibits punishments. Instead, bad behavior is recorded in the person's entry of the People database, which will reduce his social credit score, and his chances of reproducing and getting a leadership job.

Teentown has cafeterias, not restaurants

The adults have a wide variety of restaurants to choose from because meals are a very significant aspect of life for an adult, but children do not care as much about meals. Children are mostly concerned with having friends, and teenagers develop a strong interest in the opposite sex. Therefore, this Constitution considers it a waste of labor and resources to provide a variety of restaurants for the teenagers. Instead, the teenagers eat in cafeterias, similar to the photo below.

The teenagers would follow the two-meal schedule, and the supervisors of Teentown are required to experiment with the seating arrangements in order to reduce the chances that the teenagers become awkward, inhibited, or anti-social adults.

For an example of the type of experiments they could conduct, they could arrange for the girls to eat breakfast first, and then the boys, thereby separating them from breakfast. At dinner they could put the boys and girls together, but instead of letting them choose their seats, they would assign seats that change continuously in order to force the teenagers to sit near somebody different during every dinner. On the weekends, they could let the boys and girls eat together, and choose who they want to sit next to.

The supervisors of Teentown cannot judge the seating experiments according to what the teenagers like. Their goal is not to titillate or pander to the teenagers. Rather, they must judge their experiments according to whether they seem to be helping the teenagers become more sociable, and form more pleasant and stable relationships. Their goal is to prepare the teenagers for adulthood, not to entertain them.

In most of the American schools, it would be impractical for teachers to make students eat with a different student at every meal because most schools are an incompatible mixture of students. There are lots of students with serious mental disorders, some of them have different cultures, some speak different languages, some demand different foods, some of them are intolerant of people who eat certain foods, and some of them hate "white people", anti-Semites, Nazis, and people of different religions.

However, the Kastron officials are required to create a more homogeneous city, and the Teentown officials are required to separate or evict the students who are troublesome.

Teentown is adjusted according to its long-term effects

The supervisors of Teentown are required to occasionally observe the teenagers after they get out of Teentown to determine how well they have done at preparing them to be an adult. They will pass judgment on how well the teenagers have found jobs, and how well they are doing at forming friendships and marriages. These long-term observations will allow them to improve the curriculum and environment of Teentown.

The teenagers will have access to nature

In all of the existing nations, almost all schools are in short buildings that are spread over a large amount of land area, and that requires the students to ride bicycles, buses, or automobiles to get from their home to their classes, and to their social and recreational activities. Furthermore, the bicycles usually are stored at the ground level, which requires large amounts of land for bicycle parking lots.

To improve upon that situation, Teentown is a cluster of tall buildings, just like the neighborhoods for the adults. The teenagers can get anywhere in Teentown by riding elevators and by walking.

The buildings that are far apart from one another are connected by underground moving walkways that turn on only when somebody steps on the walkway. By putting them underground, the land can be used for recreation, and the students are protected from the weather.

The apartments and classrooms for girls are on one side of Teentown, and those for the boys on the other side, thereby providing the girls with their own underground moving walkways.

The students use bicycles for recreation, not for getting to and from their classes. That eliminates the need to make bicycle paths to and from the apartments and the school classrooms, and there is no need to store bicycles at the classrooms. That allows more of the land to be used for grass, trees, swimming pools, and other social and recreational activities.

The buildings in Teentown are surrounded by nature, just like the neighborhoods that are designed for adults.

Teenagers are provided with clothing

The Teentown officials design the clothing for the teenagers. Some of the reasons for preventing students from choosing their own clothing was discussed in other documents, such as this.

In addition to those reasons, providing the teenagers with clothing will prevent the idiotic competition that occurs today in which the boys and girls waste a lot of their time on competitions to have the most attractive clothing, or the latest fashions. It will also prevent them from insulting other people's clothing, although it will not stop them from criticizing how the clothing fits a person, or whether a person's clothing is neat and clean.
Judging the teenagers

Teenagers must be analyzed

The Education document mentioned that school teachers put data about each student into his entry of the People database, and this section provides more details in regards to teenagers.

The Teentown officials are required to collect data on the behavior, intellectual abilities, health, and physical characteristics of the teenagers, and put that data into each teenager's entry of the People database.

The officials are encouraged to add their opinions about whatever issue they think would be useful in helping other people to understand each of the teenagers, such as how a student handles chores, how he interacts with other students, whether he has more or fewer accidents than other students, and how well he follows the rules of the school.

The information that is put into their entry of the People database will affect their social credit score, and help the Behavior Ministry determine which of the teenagers are likely to become troublesome as adults, which are suffering from health problems, which are likely to need restrictions on reproduction, and which are likely to be excellent as leaders.

The information in the People database will also help the teenagers to figure out what their talents and limitations are; what sort of jobs they should consider; and whether they have some possible physical or mental problems that they should investigate and deal with.

For an example of how valuable that data can be, when I was entering my teenage years, I began running slower each year, and eventually couldn't run more than a few hundred meters. The Teentown officials should realize that a teenager whose mental or physical abilities are decreasing is suffering from a serious problem, and they should notify the Behavior Ministry.

The Behavior Ministry must investigate the teenagers that have been identified as having a potential mental or physical problem, and if they concludes that a teenager does indeed have a problem, they will look for a way to reduce it, such as through medication or changes in diet. If they cannot find a way to reduce the problem, they will help the teenager become aware of it and learn how to work around it.

Although we don't know much about how to identify mental and physical problems, here are some suggestions on what the Teentown officials should look for:

• Irrational complaints

There is no dividing line between a sensible complaint and and or irrational complaint, but the Teentown officials need to pass judgment on when a teenager is making irrational or excessive complaints. An example are the teenagers who complain about their name.

Some teenagers (and adults) complain that they don't like their name, and they react by telling people to use their middle name or a nickname, and some go so far as to contact the government and request a new name. The people who don't like their name should be investigated to determine whether they truly have an undesirable name, or whether they are suffering from a mental or physical problem.

Only a small percentage of the population can justify the accusation that they have an idiotic name, some of which are listed in this section of the Constitution. Most of the people who complain about their name have a "normal" name, and their complaints are vague, such as complaining that their name is "boring".

Although we do not yet understand the human mind well enough to know why some people consider a name to be boring, my personal observations suggest to me that the people who complain that their name is boring – or that their clothing, job, spouse, or life is boring – are the people who are suffering from some type of physical or mental disorder. They are unhappy, but they misinterpret their cause of their misery.

That mistake can cause them to develop the "grass is greener" attitude, and to believe that they will improve their life simply by changing their name, job, or spouse. Some of them believe that they will end their misery by having a sex change operation.

The people who are unhappy because of a physical or mental disorder are going to suffer no matter what their life is. If they develop the attitude that they can find excitement by changing something in their life, they will waste their life chasing after a rainbow, and possibly make their life even more miserable, and disrupt the lives of other people, especially their spouse and children.

It is not natural for an animal to assume that it's unhappiness is coming from its own body or mind. Instead, animals assume that they can eliminate all types of irritating feelings by doing something. For example, when they feel hunger, they assume that they can solve the problem by finding and eating food, and they are correct with that assumption.

Humans inherited that attitude that we can eliminate unpleasant feelings by doing something. Unfortunately, that assumption is no longer valid because we are preventing nature from eliminating the mentally and physically defective humans. Today a lot of people are suffering simply because of their mental and physical disorders. There are also people suffering because of toxic chemicals in the environment, concussions, or because of a diet that is inappropriate for their particular genetic characteristics.

If a person is unwilling or too ignorant to consider that his misery is coming from inside of himself, he is likely to get involved with idiotic or detrimental attempts to make himself feel good. For example:

Some people might assume that their misery is the result of not getting enough love and praise from their parents, spouse, friends, or coworkers, in which case they might become angry at those people, or waste their time pouting and looking for pity.

Some people might assume that their misery is the result of discrimination, white privilege, or racism, in which case they might become angry at the people they feel are ruining their life, or they might pout and look for pity.

Some people might notice that their misery decreases with alcohol or other drugs, or by eating, or by having sex or masturbating, or by withdrawing into fantasies, such as religious fantasies, Star Trek fantasies, or Harry Potter fantasies. That can cause them to do those things to excess.

Some people might assume that their misery is because they are "ordinary" people, and that they need to become famous, and so they might struggle to become a Hollywood celebrity, government official, famous athlete, or a world record holder.

One of the most common reactions to unhappiness is to assume that we will become happy if we can become wealthy. This irrational conclusion can cause a person to waste his life on the gathering of material items, and he will become destructive if he decides to commit crimes, join crime networks, or exploit people.

The officials of Teentown are required to observe the teenagers and pass judgment on whether any of the teenagers seem to be showing symptoms of unhappiness, and if so, notify the Behavior Ministry.

The existing cultures would probably regard that requirement as cruel and insulting to the students, but it is the same attitude we have for automobiles, and especially jet engines. For example, technicians that suspect a jet engine is having problems will have it inspected. They do not worry about insulting the engine.

As pointed out in this document, no society has a Prevention of Cruelty of Humans Act. Instead, every culture is more concerned with maintaining and inspecting material items and animals. This constitution reverses that attitude. The government officials are required to be more concerned about maintaining the mental and physical health of the people than they are with maintaining the health of material items and animals.

• Unable to accept failure or criticism

All of us become upset from criticism and failure, but some people are better able to deal with it than others.

There have been several cases of husbands and wives responding to a divorce by killing their spouse, and some people have responded to being fired from their job by killing some of their coworkers. They are examples of people who reacted to a problem with extreme levels of anger and violence.

The ideal reaction to criticism and failure is to remain calm, analyze the situation, learn from it, and then try to improve our lives. Unfortunately, most people do not have the ability to learn from failures or criticism. Most people tend to become angry or pout, and this has resulted in all of us being afraid to criticize other people because we worry about them having a tantrum or pouting.

This fear that other people will behave like a stupid animal is detrimental. For example, it causes teachers to be cautious about criticizing students, and causes managers to be cautious about criticizing their team members in job performance reviews, and it causes people to be cautious about firing employees, and to be secretive or deceptive about the reason the employee was fired.

It also results in husbands and wives frequently pouting, arguing, and complaining that they are abused, unappreciated, or unloved.

If a society consisted of people who regarded constructive criticism has beneficial, they would create a noticeably more peaceful and beneficial social environment. For example:

Employees would realize that job performance reviews require effort from their manager, and they would appreciate that effort, and they would try to learn from the reviews.

Students would realize that teachers are putting some of their time into providing them with constructive criticism, and they would appreciate that effort, even if they didn't understand or agree with it.

Husbands and wives would be able to tell their spouse the truth about what they think without worrying about tantrums, pouting, or violence.

Men tend to react to criticism with anger, and women tend to react with tantrums or pouting. The anger and tantrums are so common that they are frequently depicted in Hollywood movies and fiction books, and they are treated as if they are normal human reactions. However, this constitution promotes changing our attitude and regarding this as unacceptable behavior. Tantrums, pouting, and anger might be "typical" reactions to problems, but it is not desirable.

The people who cannot deal with criticism and failure in a peaceful manner should be regarded as reacting like an animal rather than a modern human. They should have a low social credit score, be prohibited from influential positions, and have restrictions on reproduction.

The officials in Teentown should watch for teenagers who show signs of having trouble dealing with criticism and failure. The teenagers should be put through programs that result in them getting criticized and failing, and they should be observed to determine how they react.

However, it is important that the teenagers do not realize that they are being put through these tests because that can cause them to suppress their anger or tantrums while they are being observed. The people who let children know that they are being observed are essentially giving them the answers to a test, which defeats the purpose of giving them the test.

• Cheaters

An animal will do anything it can think of to satisfy its cravings, and humans inherited that crude attitude. Fortunately, humans have enough intelligence to understand the concept of cheating, and we have the ability to exert self-control over our cravings to avoid cheating. However, we differ in our ability and desire to control ourselves.

The officials of Teentown are required to observe the teenagers and pass judgment on whether they are above or below-average in their ability to refrain from cheating.

Before the teenagers enter Teentown, the schools should provide the children with information on what "cheating" is, why cheating is detrimental, and how to determine if something should be considered as "cheating".

For example, the children should be taught that giving their friend the answers to a school test is cheating, and that it is detrimental to everybody because it allows people to qualify for jobs that they cannot properly do. This can result in incompetent doctors, engineers, farmers, plumbers, and technicians, which hurts everybody, including the person who cheated.

Furthermore, the people who get into jobs that they cannot do properly can suffer from frustration and stress, and they won't get much, if any, job satisfaction. They also have to worry about being exposed as a cheater, and worry about being fired for being incompetent, so they can never be truly relaxed. Instead, they torment themselves with fear.

The teenagers should be observed to determine their ability to earn what they want, understand the concept of cheating, refrain from cheating, and understand why cheating is detrimental. The teenagers who are below-average in their ability to understand these concepts or refrain from cheating should be prohibited from influential positions, and be prohibited from reproducing.

• Social misfits

It is possible that the people thousands of years in the future will have such a high-quality gene pool that virtually all of their children are good looking, healthy, intelligent, talented, and able to form stable friendships and marriages, but we are not going to see that in our lifetime.

During our lifetime, and for many generations in the future, we must expect a lot of children to become social misfits because of their physical and mental defects, and that can result in them becoming lonely, which can cause them to react with anger, envy, pouting, suicide, or violence.

It is sad that some people are so defective that other people don't like them, but we do not have the technology to fix that problem. Feeling sorry for them does not help them, either. Rather, it encourages them to pout or become angry.

The only sensible reaction to the misfits is to help them understand why they are misfits, and help them to deal with their problems in a quiet and peaceful manner. However, if a misfit is incapable of dealing with his problem peacefully, the Courts Ministry is required to either put him on restrictions, or evict him.

We should not feel guilty that some people are misfits because we did not cause them to become misfits. They are misfits simply because every living creature is a jumble of genetic characteristics.

The only people who should feel guilty about misfits are the people who create misfits, such as:

The parents who know that they have genetic problems, but have children anyway.

The people who oppose the abortion of defective fetuses.

The people who oppose the euthanasia of defective babies.