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The World Constitution
20) Restricting reproduction

17 June 2024

Nature no longer takes care of humans

We are now responsible for controlling our reproduction

Humans have always been overpopulated, but during the past few thousand years our technology has caused the population density to increase to the level at which our cities resemble the Mouse Utopia Experiment. It has also resulted in every generation becoming increasingly defective and diverse.

Our prehistoric, nomadic ancestors and the same friendly, relaxing social environment that all other social animals have, but modern humans are suffering from extreme levels of crime, loneliness, divorce, air pollution, government corruption, pedophile networks, unemployment, and alcoholism. People today also have much more problems with headaches, diseases, tooth decay, bad eyesight, muscular dystrophy, dementia, and diabetes.

If we don't restrict reproduction to the people who have the best genetic characteristics, the human race will become even more defective and miserable.

It is has become difficult for humans to be mothers

Wild animals don't have any trouble becoming mothers because the battle for life ensures that all of the females can easily deal with pregnancy, give birth, feed their babies, and protect their babies.

By comparison, humans have degraded to such an extent that pregnancy is unpleasant for many women, and the last few months of a pregnancy can interfere with their activities and sleep. Many women also have trouble giving birth, and some have trouble breast-feeding their babies.

Furthermore, human babies are so helpless during the first few years of life that mothers have to put a lot of time and effort into taking care of them.

If we don't restrict reproduction to the women who are better able to give birth and breast-feed their babies, and if we don't restrict reproduction to the babies who develop at a faster rate, the mothers of the future will have an even more difficult time with pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding, and the children will be helpless for an even longer amount of time.

What should the maximum human population be?

By preventing nature from killing our children, we have made ourselves responsible for controlling our population level. Unfortunately, everybody has a different idea on what population level the human race should be maintained at. For example, Elon Musk promotes the concept that the human population can become about 80 billion people.

How do we maintain our population level?

Regardless of what level a person believes the human population level should be limited to, we must develop a policy to prevent the population from exceeding that level. However, Musk does not have a proposal to keep the human population at a certain level, and nobody else does, either.

Musk, and most other people, are doing what humans and other animals have a tendency to do when we experience a difficult problem; specifically, run away and hide from it.

By claiming that the human population can become larger, they can avoid dealing with the issue of how to maintain the population. They are pushing the problem into the future, which is the same as hiding from the problem. They are behaving like a person who is dumping his trash into his neighbor's yard. This is irresponsible, animal behavior.

The influential positions should be restricted to people who have an above-average ability to acknowledge and analyze the unpleasant aspects of life, and experiment with improvements.

The adults who ignore overpopulation cannot provide us with leadership. Rather, they need our leadership.

The people who ignore the issue of overpopulation are not leaders.

They are not acknowledging our problems, analyzing them, or trying to find solutions to them.

They are not providing us with guidance.

Rather, they are analogous to a frightened child who is crying, or a frightened rabbit that is hiding in the bushes. They are ignoring the problem and are creating a pleasant fantasy for themselves in which everything is wonderful, and the population can continue to grow.

All of us have a desire to hide from difficult problems because we inherited our emotions from animals, and they react to problems with either violence, or by running away. The people who ignore overpopulation are behaving just like the people who:

Want to punish criminals, but who ignore the evidence that jails are failing to stop criminal behavior. They also ignore the evidence that the criminals who are released from jail have an even more difficult time getting a job, forming friendships, and fitting into society, thereby resulting in many of them becoming even more troublesome.

Want to prevent abortions, but who ignore the issue of what happens to the unwanted and retarded children. They titillate themselves with the fantasy that they are heroes for saving babies, and they ignore the evidence that most of those babies have miserable childhoods, and that many become criminals, drug addicts, or victims of pedophile networks.

We must restrict reproduction

No matter what level we decide to set for the human population, we must have a policy to prevent it from exceeding that level. This requires eliminating our freedom to reproduce, and requiring everybody to follow laws about reproduction. This also requires dealing with the people who refuse to follow those laws.

The people who refuse to deal with this issue must be regarded as having a mind that is to similar to an ape to deal with the problems of a modern society, so they must be disqualified from influential positions.

Animals cannot resolve problems with intelligence

Animals evolved certain emotional characteristics to resolve such problems as overpopulation and genetic degradation, such as:

1) Selfishness. Animals are so selfish that they do not share resources with, or provide assistance to, other animals, except their own children. Animals do not have pity for the creatures that suffer in the battle for life. Each animal must earn what he wants, and this favors the animals with the best characteristics.

Cruelty to misfits. Young animals developed a desire to "bully" one another, which causes the inferior children to either die young, or be pushed to the bottom of the social hierarchy. The adults continuously fight for status, which ensures that the misfits remain at the bottom of the hierarchy, which reduces their chances of survival and reproduction.

Admiration of success. Females developed an attraction to the successful males, thereby ensuring that each generation has the best genetic characteristics.

Attitude of superiority. Every animal believes that the animals outside of their group are inferior and dangerous. This results in the groups fighting with one another over territory and food. The fights reduce the population, and favor the higher-quality animals.

Humans inherited those emotional characteristics, but those characteristics are not serving a useful purpose today. For example, women are attracted to successful men, but many men today are becoming successful through crime, inheritances, selling deceptive products, and other types of cheating.

We must do what our emotions were intended to do

Our emotions are supposed to make us do things that cause us to take care of ourselves, but our modern societies are preventing them from serving their purpose. Furthermore, we don't want people to follow certain cravings. For example, we no longer want men to lose their temper and kill their children, wife, or other adults.

Today we must use our intellect to design our culture to do what our emotions were intended to do. For example:

1) Selfishness. Our selfishness was intended to drive the misfits to death, or reduce their chances of reproduction, but that creates such an unpleasant social environment that we are trying to stop it with various types of welfare programs. However, this allows the inferior people to reproduce, thereby increasing the percentage of inferior people in the next generation. It also results in the inferior people living among us and ruining our social environment.

We must now use our intellect to do what our selfishness was intended for. Specifically, we must pass judgment on who should reproduce, and who should be evicted or euthanized.

Cruelty to misfits. Children have an emotional craving to bully one another, and adult men compete for status, but today the bullying and status seeking is doing nothing to improve our genetic characteristics. Rather, the bullying causes many of the misfit children to develop unpleasant or destructive attitudes, and the status seeking is causing men to waste their time on idiotic or dangerous activities.

We do not enjoy watching children torment the misfits, so we try to stop it from happening, but that requires that we do the job that the emotion was designed for, which is to pass judgment on who is worthy of reproduction, and who is so disruptive that they need to be put on restrictions, evicted, or euthanized.

We must control our desire to titillate ourselves

We have strong emotional cravings for babies, sex, food, material items, and status, and those cravings were beneficial for prehistoric people, but today we are using our technology to stimulate those cravings to an extreme. For example, people are eating excessively, gathering absurd amounts of material items, struggling to accumulate and show off their status objects, and developing obsessions with sex, weddings, fetuses, and babies.

We must improve our culture and our gene pool

Our emotions developed for a purpose, but we are no longer allowing them to serve their purpose. We must now use our intelligence to do what our emotions were doing for our ancestors. We must control our emotional cravings and push ourselves into making intelligent decisions about food, material items, sex, babies, and status.

We must also use our intelligence to control our population level, and we must pass judgment on who among us has the genetic characteristics that are worthy of passing onto the future generations. Reproduction cannot be a freedom or right in a modern society. We must pass judgment on who is permitted to reproduce, and how many children they can have.

Most people can understand the concept that some animals have inferior mental or physical characteristics than the others, and that those inferior animals are the most likely to die at a young age, but most people are refusing to believe that this concept applies to humans.

Instead, they prefer to believe that the humans who are having trouble with life are ordinary people who are suffering from something mysterious, such as a lack of opportunities, poverty, discrimination, anti-Semitism, sexism, or bad luck. Instead of referring to them as "inferior" people, they are referred to as underdogs, the disadvantaged, and the less fortunate.

To make the situation more absurd, there are so many people with sexual defects that we are under pressure to regard the homosexual, transgender, non-binary, and "gender diverse" people as different varieties of humans, rather than as "defective" humans, similar to how roses have different colors.

However, if those people were just different variations of humans, they would enjoy life just as much as everybody else, but this study points out that a lot of them are suffering from significant problems. Although many of them are victims of discrimination and rejection by heterosexuals, that cannot explain all of their mental problems. They are suffering because their brain has serious defects.

Their suffering is likely to be the reason that they are frequently looking for ways to feel better, such as by having gay pride parades, or by having extreme amounts of sex, or by trying to become wealthy or famous, or by reminding themselves over and over that their sexual problems are one of God's greatest gifts.

No culture considers midgets or dwarves to be defective humans, either, and there are so many bald men that baldness is considered a "characteristic" rather than a "defect". Since I am bald, I can verify that it is a defect, not a meaningless characteristic.

Nobody wants a clumsy, nearsighted, dwarf robot that needs assistance.
If a business were to manufacture robots that had as many physical and mental disorders as humans, consumers would file lawsuits.

Nobody would tolerate a robot that needed to wear eyeglasses over its cameras because the cameras were defective.

Likewise, nobody would tolerate a handicapped robot, or a robot that spent hours a day in the corner because it was suffering from migraine headaches.

We are intolerant of dogs that attack people, and we euthanize them without any hesitation. We also have very high standards for automobiles, airplanes, cell phones, and television monitors.

However, we tolerate the horrible behavior of people, especially people in leadership positions, and the migrants who are being brought into America and Europe during 2023 and 2024.

Nothing will improve in the world if we continue to follow the same culture. We must be willing to experiment with dramatic changes to our culture. We must acknowledge the evidence that:

Humans are animals, and a small percentage of the population will always have inferior mental and physical characteristics. We must restrict reproduction to the higher-quality people.

We have ape culture, and it needs to be updated for our technically advanced world.

Our genetic characteristics and our culture determine what our life is. The decisions that we make on how to treat people, what to do during our leisure time, whether we follow the laws, and whether we use cocaine, are the result of our mind thinking about the information we accumulated during our life.

Therefore, in order for people to make better decisions, we must improve the quality of the information that we are provided with, and the quality of people's brains and bodies.

1) Improve the information in our mind.

The information in our mind is our culture. The only way to improve that information is to raise standards for the information that we provide to one another. This requires putting restrictions on our freedom of speech, and creating a government agency to become an authority for information.

Information is very important to us, but no society cares about the quality of the information that businesses, Zionist organizations, government officials, religious fanatics, feminists, immigrants, and other people are putting into school books, television news reports, advertisements, movies, songs, historical analyses, school books, documentaries, and Internet documents.

This is causing all of us to accumulate lots of idiotic and deceptive information. Our minds have a lot of "information trash".

Improve our thinking ability.

This requires putting restrictions on our freedom to reproduce, and creating a government agency with the authority to pass judgment on who among us should have restrictions on the amount of children they can have.
We must reduce the quantity of misfits

Everyone should enjoy life

Ideally, everybody would enjoy all aspects of their life. We should enjoy our childhood, our parents, our spouse, and other people. We should enjoy going to school, learning a skill, working at a job, and contributing to society. We should enjoy the foods that we eat, our social and recreational activities, and our city.

A certain percentage of the population will be misfits

Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to expect everybody to enjoy life. The reason is because every living creature is a haphazard jumble of genetic characteristics, so there will always be a small percentage of the population that become misfits because they are:

1) Genetically inferior to the majority.

Some people become misfits because have undesirable characteristics, such as extreme stupidity, migraine headaches, schizophrenia, or extreme ugliness. Most people do not want to be their friends or spouse, and they have trouble taking care of themselves, performing at jobs, and fitting into society.

Genetically different from the majority.

Some people become misfits because they have mental characteristics that are so different from other people that they have trouble forming relationships with other people, but their characteristics are not necessarily undesirable. A simple example is that an Amish child would be a misfit if he has an unusually high level of curiosity and intelligence, and a strong desire to explore the world.

We should analyze the misfits, rather than ignore them, pity them, or assume that they enjoy loneliness. We should pass judgment on whether they are misfits because their mental or physical characteristics are inferior, superior, or different from the other people.

Those who are misfits because of inferior or different characteristics should prohibited from reproducing, but those with superior characteristics should be allowed to have as many children as they please, and have some additional children if there are people who want to adopt a child.

If a misfit with inferior characteristics cannot calmly accept his inferiority, and becomes angry, violent, depressed, envious, or rebellious, he must be put on restrictions or evicted. Everybody must be able to calmly accept the unpleasant fact that there will always be a small percentage of the population that is inferior to the majority.

None of us will be completely satisfied

We cannot create a city and culture that pleases everybody all the time. Everybody will occasionally be annoyed by some restriction on our freedom, or by some aspect of the city or culture that is not exactly what we want. We will also occasionally be annoyed by other people, especially by children and people in leadership positions.

When somebody is unhappy with something, he is encouraged to post a document in the Suggestions category to explain the problem, and possibly propose a solution. However, we must be willing to accept disappointments.

The people who react to disappointments with whining, anger, envy, violence, protests, accusations, or crime must to be put on restrictions or evicted. Nobody has the right to torment other people or vandalize objects simply because they are upset with something.

Are some jobs miserable?

Some of the employees at Amazon, Tesla, and other companies have complained that their working conditions are brutal, such as having to pee in a bottle because they don't have time to go to the bathroom.

Although there might be some managers who are so incompetent that they put unnecessary, unrealistic, or cruel demands on their employees, the majority of managers design jobs to be practical for humans to do day after day, week after week.

Every business is in competition for profit, so every business wants to ensure that their employees are capable of performing properly at their jobs. A business would destroy itself if it created jobs that the employees could not perform properly, or which were so unpleasant that employees would quit after only a few weeks or months.

The competition causes businesses to design their jobs for the most talented people they can find for the job. This results in the people with substandard abilities having trouble with the jobs.

For an example, during the 20th century, many businesses needed employees to type documents on a typewriter. Some businesses needed so many documents that they hired full-time typists who spent 40 hours a week typing. The businesses designed those typing jobs for the people who were the best at typing. The photos show that almost all of those people were women. They could type between 60 to 100 words per minute, and they could do it all day, day after day.

I can type only about 30 words per minute, and only for a few hours, at which point my fingers start becoming sluggish, stiff, and irritated. If a man with my characteristics were hired to be a full-time typist, he would be reprimanded repeatedly for not typing fast enough, and for taking too much time for resting his fingers. He would be fired after a few days or weeks. That man might complain that the job was brutal, and that the manager was cruel, but the women who enjoy typing would have described the job as "fun" and "easy".

A job is brutal only to the people who don't have the physical and/or mental abilities to do what other employees can do.

For another example of this concept, the construction companies that do brickwork have designed the job of a bricklayer to fit the people who are the best at that work. If a physically weak person were to be hired as a bricklayer, or a person who was easily bored by laying bricks, he would be reprimanded for not laying bricks fast enough, and he would be fired after a few days or weeks. He might complain that the job was brutal, and the boss was cruel, but in reality he was fired because his mental and physical characteristics were inappropriate for that type of job.

The people who complain that their job is brutal are people who are too ignorant, arrogant, or stupid to understand and acknowledge the concept that they do not have the physical and/or mental abilities to do the job as well as the other employees.

We should not tolerate people who whine about the brutality of a job. Those people are detrimental to the environment because they are making nonsensical accusations.

If a person does not like a job, or is having trouble doing a job properly, he should react by trying to understand the problem. He should analyze himself and the job, and try to understand why he has trouble with a job that other people can do. He should not accuse his boss of putting absurd demands on him or treating him in a cruel manner, unless he can find evidence to support that accusation.

If every employee who is complaining about his job would switch to analyzing the situation, some of them might discover that they need more training, and some might come to the conclusion that they need to find a different job.

The inability to understand this concept causes some people to believe that there is such a thing as a "dream job", and that other jobs are the "worst" jobs. The Absolute History group has this series of videos that describe some of the "worst" jobs in medieval England. It is interesting to learn about the jobs of the Middle Ages, but it is detrimental to say that some of them are the "worst".

Allowing people to claim that there are "dream jobs" and "worst jobs" can give children a detrimental and unrealistic view of jobs by fooling them into believing that they will have a wonderful life if they get one of the "dream jobs", but they will suffer if they have to do one of the "worst" jobs.

The concept that some jobs are dream jobs is as detrimental as the concept that certain foods are the best tasting, or that certain flowers are the prettiest, or that certain recreational activities are the best. For example, many people have been fooled by the boasting of wealthy people into believing that champagne, lobster, and caviar are the best tasting foods, and that tennis, golf, yacht racing, sailing, and polo are the best recreational activities.

We need to raise standards for the information that we are providing one another to prevent people from giving us a warped view of life.

People who cannot hold a job are misfits

In this modern era, a person who cannot learn a useful skill and do a useful job is a misfit and a parasite. They will suffer as a result of being a misfit, and they will be a burden on the rest of us.

Furthermore, the unemployable people will get bored, and that can result in them getting involved with wasteful or obnoxious activities. Our ancestors have known for thousands of years that people tend to become troublesome when they have nothing to do, which is why they created such expressions as: "The devil finds work for idle hands."

The unemployable people become extremely destructive if they come to the conclusion that they are unemployed because they are victims of sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, or homophobia, and they decide to get revenge on whoever they believe is abusing them.

In order to reduce the number of unemployable people, we must restrict reproduction to the people who have the genetic characteristics to handle the modern schools and jobs.

Modern nations are providing the unemployable people with welfare programs, which is acceptable, but they are also allowing them to reproduce. Although some of their children will find jobs, as a group, their children are inferior to the rest of the population.

It is extremely easy to make a living today

As I was growing up, I heard many Americans complain that it was difficult to find a job. I believed their sad stories when I was young, but by my late teenage years I was shocked to discover how easy it was to make a living.

Even though I was suffering from very low levels of energy, I had no trouble making enough money to support myself. It was so easy for me to take care of myself that it made me realize that the people who are having financial problems are suffering from a serious mental disorder rather than low wages or "poverty".

Financial problems are the result of low self-control

There are jobs and business opportunities everywhere in the world, even during economic depressions. It is so easy to make a living in the USA that millions of uneducated, unskilled people are regularly traveling from Mexico, South America, and Asia, and getting jobs in the USA. Some of them are stupid, also.

The people who are suffering from financial problems are not suffering from a shortage of money. They are suffering because they have trouble controlling their cravings and making intelligent decisions.

My income has gone up and down during my life. When I don't make much money, I reduce my spending. I can easily control my cravings for material wealth. Perhaps it is because my cravings are less intense than typical people, or perhaps it is because I have more self-control. Regardless of what is different about me, I have no trouble adjusting my spending to fit my income. As a result, I have always been able to save money.

However, a significant percentage of the American population is frequently complaining about not having enough money, and some of them have incomes that are far above the average income. They believe that they are suffering from low incomes, but they are actually suffering because of their mind. Specifically, they spend money as fast or faster than they can make it. They have trouble resisting items that are unnecessary for their happiness, such as large homes, expensive automobiles, jewelry, lottery tickets, pets, and alcohol.

Instead of making meals for themselves, many people waste money on restaurants and expensive processed foods, such as cereals, potato chips, sodas, and candy bars.

Some of the people who have trouble controlling their cravings for material wealth get involved with crimes. They believe that the crimes are improving their lives, but becoming a criminal causes a person to spend his life living in fear that other people will discover the truth about him, and that he will be arrested. It also puts him under stress because he has to maintain a false image of himself and keep track of his lies.

We want to be admired by other people, not arrested or hated, so becoming a criminal causes a person to suffer, and that in turn can cause him to look for ways to feel better about himself, such as by committing more crimes in the hope that acquiring even more wealth or fame will make him feel better.

What are “the finer things in life”?

The people who believe that they are suffering from a low income are actually suffering from low self-control, or some other mental problem. They believe that they do not have enough money to enjoy "the finer things in life", but the finer things in life depend upon our mental characteristics.

My opinion is that one of the finest things in life is never having financial problems. Many people believe that they need a high income to avoid financial problems, but that is nonsense. There are a lot of wealthy people with serious financial problems, and there are many poor people who never have financial problems.

It is easy to avoid financial problems because all we have to do is adjust our spending to fit our income, and to save some money for unexpected problems. Unfortunately, millions of people have trouble doing that, including a lot of wealthy people.

In a free enterprise system, everybody has two options in regards to material items:

1) We can purchase as much as we can afford. This has the benefit of giving us the maximum emotional titillation for our particular income, but we risk suffering from financial problems if unexpected events reduce our income or increase our expenses.

We can spend less money than we make, and accumulate money to deal with unexpected financial problems in the future. This has the disadvantage that we must resist purchasing some of the items that we want and can afford, which can make us feel as if we are torturing ourselves.

I have always chosen option #2. I do not want to get into debt, beg for money, become a parasite, or get involved with crimes. However, a significant percentage of the population is choosing option #1. When those people suffer a financial problem, they refuse to believe that it is because of their decisions. Instead, they blame their problems on rich people, taxes, poverty, discrimination, or low salaries.

We should enjoy climbing a “stairway to heaven”

Every culture promotes the belief that we can achieve satisfaction with life by achieving our goals, such as becoming the leader of a nation, winning an Olympic gold medal, or becoming wealthy enough to retire at a young age.

This causes us to fantasize that our life will become meaningful and "complete" as soon as we achieve whatever goal we have set for ourself. In reality, when we achieve our goal, the pleasure is momentary, and then we return to whatever is our "normal, resting state".

Since most people repeat the same behavior over and over, rather than analyze their failures and experiment with a different policy, most people react to the failure of finding satisfaction by assuming that they did not achieve the appropriate goal, so they set another goal, such as to acquire even more money, or to set a world record, or to become famous.

However, no matter how many of our goals we achieve, we will never find satisfaction. We can only get some momentary pleasure, and then we return to our normal condition.

The belief that we can find satisfaction by achieving a goal is the result of our stupid emotions. For example, as our body uses up its supply of energy, it begins to stimulate an emotion that we interpret as hunger. That causes us to assume that eating some food will bring us pleasure. That assumption is correct, but eating the food will not "make our life complete". Rather, we experience some pleasure while we pursue the goal of acquiring food and while we eat the food, and then we return to our normal state. We will then slowly become hungry again and want to repeat the cycle.

That cycle of being stimulated and then working to satisfy the craving is what makes animals do things, but it doesn't make their life complete. It is simply a cycle that they repeat throughout their lives.

Our culture evolved from ape culture, and it is stupid because it is based on the emotional characteristics of apes. For example, our emotions are stimulated by material wealth, and that has resulted in culture that promotes the belief that we will find excitement by acquiring material items

That assumption is correct, but acquiring material items will provide only momentary pleasure, and then we return to our normal state.

Apes do not understand that part of their pleasure comes from working towards the goal, and as a result, no culture encourages us to enjoy the work. Instead, our culture teaches us that achieving our goal will bring us tremendous satisfaction, and that the people who are the most happy are those who can avoid work and have servants pamper them.

Apes also have a strong craving to chase neighbors away from their land and water, and this has resulted in every human culture encouraging people to purchase some land, and put a fence around it.

Our crude, ape culture was acceptable for a prehistoric, nomadic tribe, but it is detrimental today. We need to modernize our culture. We must stop putting emphasis on retirement, private plots of land, fighting with our neighbors, pampering by servants, and the gathering of material items. Our culture must encourage us to become friends with other people, rather than treat them as potential dangers or as inferior creatures.

Our culture must also encourage us to enjoy the endless cycle of setting a goal, working towards it, and then repeating the process over and over. It is easy to understand this concept with food. Specifically, our life is an endless cycle of becoming hungry, eating, and then becoming hungry again, and then eating again. There is no end to that cycle. No matter how many times we eat, we never achieve satisfaction.

It is easy to understand this concept with food, but no culture has applied it to other issues. For example, most people believe that they will find satisfaction if they can become wealthy, and so they struggle, and sometimes commit crimes, in order to achieve that goal. Every time they acquire some money they experience pleasure, but it is momentary, and they soon resume to their normal state.

Rather than learn from this failure, they assume they don't have enough money, so their life becomes an endless and frustrating quest of trying to find satisfaction from material items. They are tormenting themselves with unrealistic assumptions.

This constitution promotes a different attitude. Specifically, that we get the most pleasure from life by working for a goal rather than achieving it. The pleasure is even more intense if we can work with people that we enjoy, and if the work is beneficial for the team. When we achieve the goal, we will get some momentary pleasure, but then we must set another goal, and then enjoy the process of working to achieve that goal.

Life is an endless cycle
of working to achieve goals.

One way to visualize this concept is to imagine that we are climbing a stairway to heaven with our friends. Each step in that staircase is a goal that we set for ourselves, but no matter how many of goals we achieve, we remain on that staircase.

Every step looks the same, and we cannot see the end of the staircase. No matter how many steps we take, we never seem to make any progress.

We cannot reach the end of that staircase because it is infinite. We never get to heaven.

If the person does not understand this concept, then he might consider his life to be a waste because he will notice that he works every day but never finds satisfaction. He will notice that every day he repeats the cycle of working, eating, and sleeping. Although his collection of material items will become larger through the years, he never seems to "get anywhere".

He can fool himself into believing that he is "stuck in a rut", or that he is in a "rat race", or that he is on a treadmill that is "going nowhere", or that he is just a gear in a machine.

In order to get the maximum pleasure from life, we must alter our attitudes towards life and our culture so that we can enjoy working towards a goal, and then working towards another goal, and so on, forever.

We will have the most satisfying life when we have friendships; when we do work that we enjoy and is appreciated by other people; and when we can have meals with our friends.

The achievement of a goal provides us with some pleasure, but it is momentary.

Goals are not more exciting on the other side of the fence

One reason it is important to understand these concepts is to prevent ourselves from assuming that somebody else is getting more pleasure from life because they achieve goals that are more pleasurable than our goals.

This is happening frequently in regards to material wealth. For example, many people mistakenly assume that a wealthy person who achieved his goal of acquiring a private jet has achieved a goal that is more pleasurable than the goals that "poor" people are achieving, such as acquiring a bicycle.

Likewise, many people mistakenly assume that a scientist who wins a Nobel Prize, or an athlete who wins an Olympic gold medal, or a person who gets to the top of Mount Everest, is achieving a goal that provides more pleasure than the goals that "ordinary" people are achieving.

It is detrimental to believe that certain goals are more exciting than others. If we assume that somebody else's goal is more exciting than ours, then we will torment ourselves by believing that we are miserable. If we decide to set that other person's goal for ourselves, then we will waste our life trying to achieve a goal that is no better than any other. If we decide to cheat in order to achieve the goal, then we will torment ourselves even more, and become a nuisance to other people.

We get some momentary pleasure from achieving a goal, but it doesn't matter what the goal is. The pleasure is the same regardless. That is why we get so much pleasure from simplistic goals, such as arranging to get together with our friends for dinner.

We must set goals to fit our characteristics

Instead of mimicking other people's goals, we must set goals that fit our particular mental and physical characteristics. This requires us to analyze ourselves, and try to figure out what our particular abilities and limitations are. We can then set goals to fit our true characteristics, rather than what we wish we were, or according to what somebody else is.

For example, a person who has exceptional talent with chemistry could set a goal of working with other chemists to solve a problem in chemistry, but his goal will be no more pleasurable than the people who enjoy gardening and who set a goal to create a display of flowers in front of their apartment building, or the people who set a goal of using the arts and crafts clubs to create decorative panels for the building.

When we realize that all goals are equally pleasurable, and that the pleasure comes from working for the goal, and working with our friends, rather than achieving the goal, then we can design goals that are beneficial for ourselves and society. We will realize that public hobbies provide us with goals that are just as exciting as all others goals, and they allow us to do something useful at the same time.

For example, the people who enjoy gardening could get involved with a social club that creates and maintains gardens for their apartment buildings.

The people who get involved with those activities will enjoy the work that they do and the people that they work with. Furthermore, everybody else will benefit from, and appreciate, their work.

By comparison, when a person achieves his goal of acquiring a giant yacht or a plastic trophy, nobody benefits. Rather, society waste its labor and resources.

The people who enjoy arts and crafts could get together to make decorative items for the city, such as decorative bridges, office cubicles, stained-glass windows, and rowboats. When they achieve their goals, they make the city more beautiful, and everybody appreciates their work.

Instead of a city being dominated by asphalt roads, automobiles, parking lots, and concrete sidewalks, the people who get involved with public hobbies could provide the city with beautiful foot paths, bridges, plazas, ponds, creeks, gardens, and bicycle paths.

The people who get involved with a public hobby to make the city more beautiful, even if they do so only one afternoon once a year, will get a lot of satisfaction from it because they will be able to enjoy their work every time they go out into the city, and because other people will also appreciate their work.

One of the finer things is enjoying our work

We spend most of our life working so one of the finest things in life is having a job that we enjoy doing, that other people appreciate, and that we are proud of. A person who enjoys his job will have more satisfaction from life compared to a person who doesn't like his job, or who does not do any work because he is unemployable or wealthy enough to avoid work..

Unfortunately, every culture is promoting the belief that work is "bad", and that the only purpose for working is to get money. That attitude causes people to prefer the highest paying job, and it also causes people to look for ways to avoid work, cheat, and retire as soon as possible.

This constitution will encourage a more sensible attitude towards work and material wealth by eliminating money, giving everybody the same free access to all wealth, and requiring everybody to contribute to society. None of the jobs will have an income, so nobody will be able to pick a job according to its income, or whine about their low income, or feel superior to other people because they are making an above-average income.

This will also prevent women from choosing a husband according to his income, and encourage them to pick a husband according to who they will truly enjoy living with.

Also, the ministers are required to show evidence that the businesses and other organizations that they authorize are beneficial to society. They are required to ensure that everybody has a job that they can be proud of, and which other people appreciate. This allows them to prohibit a lot of the businesses and jobs that are common in a free enterprise system, such as the jobs in which adults compete to manipulate children into desiring candy bars, clothing items, and toys.

One of the finer things in life is honesty

Another of the finest things in life is never having to maintain lies. A person who is honest can relax during his life, whereas people who lie are under constant stress. They must remember their lies and maintain them, and they are constantly worried about being exposed as a liar. They torment themselves.

This concept also applies to crimes. Specifically, the people who never commit crimes will have a more pleasant, relaxing, and satisfying life than the people who commit crimes.

As I have discussed in other documents, the social animals have intense cravings for status, so the worst thing that can happen to a social animal is that he be rejected by the others. The people who commit crimes inadvertently torment themselves because they must constantly worry about being arrested and rejected.

Unfortunately, the only people who can understand that concept, and who can apply it to their life, are those with certain intellectual and emotional characteristics. Therefore, we should regard the people who commits crimes as having inappropriate mental qualities for our modern era. We must stop feeling sorry for criminals. They need to be prohibited from reproducing, and those that are destructive must be evicted.

The finest thing of all is friends

We are social animals, so the most important thing in our life are other people. It is miserable to be rejected by everybody, even if we are wealthy and famous. This is why solitary confinement is regarded as the worst form of torture.

Unfortunately, every culture is making it increasingly difficult for us to find friends and a spouse because every culture is taking the human race along a nonsensical path. Specifically, every culture is promoting such detrimental concepts as diversity, freedom of reproduction, and pity for criminals and retards.

The idiotic, ape-like culture that exists in every nation today is causing every generation to become more diverse and mentally defective, which makes it increasingly difficult for people to find a spouse and friends. If we continue along this path, there will be a point in the future at which everybody is so unique and has such a wide variety of mental problems that nobody can find a friend or spouse, and people will have to reproduce through artificial insemination.

This constitution changes the situation dramatically by requiring the ministers to give human relationships the highest priority. They must experiment with our culture to find improvements to our friendships, marriages, work environments, and social activities, and which reduce loneliness, envy, crime, arguments, pouting, and hatred.

The ministers are judged according to the improvements they bring to our lives, not according to how much material wealth they can produce, or their popularity with the public.

People who cannot form friendships are misfits

A lot of us do not have a spouse, or any real friends, but not because we prefer to be alone. The people who claim that they enjoy being alone are behaving like the fox in Aesop's fable. They are trying to make themselves feel better. For a social animal, being alone is more miserable than anything else.

Loneliness is very common in the world today because of diversity and genetic degradation. Therefore, by reducing diversity and genetic disorders it will become increasingly easy for people to find friends and a spouse.

However, since every child is a haphazard jumble of genetic characteristics, a small percentage of the population will have trouble forming friendships and marriages because they are too different or too defective to fit in with the rest of the people. They are going to suffer, and we should not ignore their suffering.

The lonely people can also be annoying to other people. For example, lonely adults can be annoying to the men or women that they struggle to form a relationship with, or fantasizing about, or becoming obsessed about. Some of them might be tempted to turn to children, animals, or robots for friendship or sex.

We should investigate the lonely people to determine if we can do something to help them. If they are having trouble simply because they are abnormally intelligent, then we should be able to help them.

However, we must acknowledge that some people will have trouble finding a friend or spouse because they have inferior or defective mental characteristics. Those people need to be told to accept their loneliness, and if they cannot, either put on restrictions or evicted. That is cruel, but it's better than letting them torment other people.

Humans must become more sociable

Animals are very competitive, but not very sociable. They often appear to "play" with one another, especially when they are young, but only the most intelligent animals show an ability to play, and it is superficial compared to the socializing of humans. Most of the time that animals are playing with each other they are actually practicing how to fight and hunt, or they are competing for status.

Human children are extremely sociable, and girls are more sociable than boys, but as boys become adults, we become noticeably less sociable and more competitive and independent. The men who are the least sociable have an advantage in this modern world in regards to getting into influential positions because they are willing to spend more of their life trying to achieve their goals of wealth and status, and less of their time with other people.

Certain types of mental disorders also give men an advantage in becoming influential. For example, Sam Altman believes that his mental disorder causes him to not care much about what other people think of him. That type of disorder makes it easier for a man to achieve his goals because he will be less concerned about irritating and hurting other people.

Modern humans need to become more sociable and friendly. We are no longer primitive savages who must struggle every day for survival. We no longer need to fight with the neighbors over territory and food.

Modern humans must live and work with large numbers of people, and an even larger number of strangers. We need to be able to form friendly teams that work for the benefit of all people.

We should
enjoy one another, and the women should be able to trust the men.
Furthermore, modern humans have a lot of leisure time, so we need to find something more productive to do with our leisure time than compete with one another for status and sex.

We must be able to enjoy recreational and social activities without fighting, hurting, and cheating one another.

We need to be able to relax around one another and have calm discussions, rather than give angry, insulting, and arrogant lectures about abortion, religion, Marxism, or feminism.

The women and children must be able to trust the men, and look to men for guidance, rather than worry about lewd remarks and rape.

People with abnormal fears or desires are misfits

The democracies and free enterprise systems pander to people who have bizarre fears and desires. For example, some people are frightened to be on the thirteenth floor of a building, and some people are frightened to be put into an MRI or CT scanner. Businesses pander to those people by pretending that there is no thirteenth floor, and medical personnel pander to the people who are frightened of scanners by wasting their time in an attempt to calm them down.

It would be better to design our city, material items, recreational activities, and other culture according to the high-quality people, (the City Elders), and we should not pander to the people with psychotic fears or desires. For example, if a person is frightened of an MRI scanner, then the medical personnel should not waste their time trying to put him into it. If he suffers health problems as a result, that is his problem, not ours.

We should acknowledge the evidence that some people have low quality minds, and we should not let them degrade our lives or waste our time. It is better to help the high-quality people and let the low-quality people hurt themselves.

Many people promote the opposite philosophy. Specifically, they claim that the higher-quality people don't need any help, so we should help the "disadvantaged". However, that policy is as detrimental as a farmer who believes that he should put more effort into taking care of the sickly animals and plants than the healthy creatures. The most sensible policy for a farmer is to ignore or euthanize the sickly creatures, and put his effort into it helping the healthy creatures.

Mentally defective people should not reproduce

There is no dividing line between a person who is in good mental health and a person who is mentally defective, but both the Quality division of the city government, and the International division of the world government, have the authority and responsibility to pass judgment on whose mental problems are so serious that they are prohibited from reproducing, or restricted to only a few children.

The world government has authority over the city governments, in case there is a disagreement between them.

Example: Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson said he has suffered from depression since he was a child, and that his father had it, and that his grandfather had it. He described it as: "it's just rife in my family". Allowing his family members to reproduce has been increasing the number of mentally ill people in every generation.
Incidentally, the English language does not need the word "rife". Peterson should have said that depression is "common" or "widespread" in his family.

Although Peterson has a PhD and is a professor, he is an example of a person that our existing culture is considered to be highly intelligent, but whose opinions are almost as confusing as the SCIgen software. For example, in this transcript, one of his remarks about mental illness is:

There’s a multitude of reasons people are suffering with depression but one common reason is associated with the story of Peter Pan.

We cannot understand one sentence that has been extracted from a long document, but I challenge you to read the entire transcript and figure out what Peter Pan has to do with why people are suffering with depression.

Peterson has a daughter, and she has a list of the problems that she inherited:

juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (age 7), depression (age 12), bipolar type II, idiopathic hypersomnia, lyme disease, psoriasis, and dyshidrotic eczema.

Although she is suffering from a lot of genetic problems, she claims to have discovered a cure for all of them:

an unusual diet that has allowed me to get off of over 10 medications and put my several, seemingly incurable, life-long diseases into complete remission.

How would she know that her diet has resulted in a "complete remission"? She has no idea what it feels like to be "normal" or "mentally healthy", just as you and I have no idea what it would be like to have a mind and body like hers. Her diet might have reduced or eliminated some or most of her problems, thereby making her feel much better, but were all of her mental and physical problems due to her diet? I suspect that her mental disorders are so severe that she doesn't even realize that she is still suffering.

Jordan Peterson and his family are examples of people who must be prohibited from reproducing. Although many of the defective people are "nice", they are "human trash" that suffer throughout their lives, and they are bad influence on other people. Those that need medical attention throughout their life are also a burden on the healthcare system.

The government officials must be restricted to people who have the emotional ability to pass judgment on whether a person has such serious genetic problems that he should be prohibited from reproducing. The officials will be insulted as cruel and coldhearted, so they must be able to resist intimidation.

Some mental disorders are due to diet

If everybody today was as ignorant about diabetes as our prehistoric ancestors, we would misinterpret a person with diabetes as suffering from a mental disorder. We would notice that their behavior and attitudes change wildly, but we would not realize that it was because their blood chemistry was interfering with the function of their brain and body.

Jordan Peterson's daughter believes that her mental and physical problems were the result of certain foods, and it is possible that some or all of the mental problems of the Peterson family are due to a problem with their liver, digestion system, or immune system, and that they can eliminate or reduce their mental disorders by following a certain diet or hormone treatment.

However, even if it is true that all of the mental and physical problems of the Peterson family are due to diet, that does not justify allowing them to reproduce. Rather, it simply shifts their classification from "mentally defective" to "physically defective".

The future generations should be able to enjoy a variety of foods, not react to some foods with arthritis, depression, psoriasis, schizophrenia, and other mental and physical problems. The Meals Ministry is authorized to pass judgment on which foods people should be able to eat, and reproduction is restricted to the people who can handle those foods.

Sexually defective people should not reproduce

Humans are the only creature that has trouble reproducing. For example, some women have trouble getting pregnant or breast-feeding, and a significant percentage of women have trouble with pregnancy or giving birth. There are men with deformed penises, deformed sperm, or preferences for anal sex. There are also lots of people who are so ugly or stinky that they have trouble attracting a spouse.

Every culture is feeling sorry for those people and helping them to reproduce, but that is increasing the number of people in every generation who have trouble reproducing. We are making the situation worse every year. If we don't restrict reproduction to people with the best quality sexual organs and desires, everybody in the future will be sexually retarded.

We also need to analyze people to determine which of the bizarre sexual practices and defects are inheritable. For example, this transgender couple have a child who claims to be a transgender. Although the child may believe that he is transgender only because his parents have convinced him that he is a transgender, if he truly is a transgender, and if he inherited that characteristic from his parents, then allowing transgenders to reproduce will increase the transgenders in every generation.

There are people who enjoy having sex while being beaten with whips, or chained to a bed, or while eating poop. Some people enjoy sex with animals, and others want sex with children. If any of those characteristics are inheritable, then we must decide which of those characteristics we want to eliminate from the human gene pool.

If we continue to ignore these issues and allow uncontrolled reproduction, then every generation will have a wider diversity of sexual defects and behavior. There is no right or wrong sexual behavior, but the more diverse the behavior becomes, the more difficult it will be for people to find a compatible spouse.

To improve upon the situation, the Behavior Minister has the responsibility to make a decision on what type of sexual behavior is acceptable, and reproduction is restricted to the people who want that type of behavior.

We dislike ugly people for an important reason

We are concerned about the visual appearance of our spouse for an important reason. Specifically, it is one of nature's methods of ensuring that every generation is in good genetic health. Our prehistoric male ancestors, for example, who were attracted to women who were symmetrical and well groomed were the most successful at reproduction because they were inadvertently choosing the most talented and healthy women.

By comparison, the prehistoric men who preferred non-symmetrical faces, or women who were skinny, were less successful at producing healthy children.

Today, however, we feel sorry for people who are ugly and deformed, and we allow them to hide their defects with clothing. We also allow everybody to deceive a potential spouse about their health, mental problems, and other undesirable characteristics. However, feeling sorry for the ugly people, and allowing them to deceive us about their problems, does not help them. They must accept the fact that their ugly, and deal with it in a calm and sensible manner.

Nobody likes being ugly, so it is cruel to allow ugly people to reproduce. The ugly people who insist on reproducing are selfish creatures who don't care about the quality of life of their children. They want to reproduce to titillate themselves. They are using their children to entertain themselves, and that is unacceptable. Children are the next generation of people, not the personal toys of their parents.

The ugly people are also a detrimental influence on society because they are the most likely people to oppose sex education and nudity. Furthermore, very few of them seem to be able to calmly accept their ugliness. Their pouting, anger, envy, or sadness is detrimental to the social environment. We would have a much more pleasant environment when everybody is happy with the way they look.

This constitution requires the Reproduction Ministry  to investigate these issues, and authorizes them to pass judgment on babies, and request the Death Ministry to euthanize those that are sexually abnormal or ugly. Furthermore, the women who have the most trouble with pregnancy, giving birth, or breast-feeding should be prohibited from having a second child.

People who dislike themselves should not reproduce

A large number of people today do not like themselves. The result is that they frequently try to improve whatever features they dislike. For example, many Jews dislike their large nose, teeth, or curly hair, and some dislike the sound of their voice or their tendency to mispronounce certain words.

There are also lots of Africans who dislike their curly hair, and Asians who dislike their black hair. There are also some people with dark skin who want to lighten the color of their skin.

There are also lots of people who become upset when their hair turns gray, their face develops wrinkles, or they go bald.

Since the free enterprise system panders to people, a lot of our technical talent and resources are put into cosmetic surgeries, speech therapy, hair dyes, hair straightening, bariatric surgery, Botox, wigs, hair transplants, and liposuction.

If those businesses were truly improving people's lives, then it would be justified, but the technology as of 2024 is so crude that businesses sometimes make the problems worse, such as when cosmetic surgeries have terrible results, or change a person's face so much that we don't recognize him.

The ideal situation is for every person to be in wonderful mental and physical health, and enjoy his mind and body. However, we cannot create that world by developing better cosmetic surgeries, hair dyes, and weight loss pills. The only sensible way to reduce the number of people who dislike themselves is to prohibit those people from reproducing.

To complicate this issue, some people dislike features that everybody else considers wonderful. For example, there are some women with beautiful brown hair, but they want blonde hair, and there are some Japanese people who have beautiful black hair, but they want blonde hair, also.

Those type of people should be investigated to determine whether their bad attitude is due to an inheritable genetic defect with their mind, or if it is something environmental. If it is a genetic problem, they should be prohibited from reproducing. A Japanese person who has beautiful black hair, but hates his hair, is as defective as a person who doesn't enjoy sunshine. Those type of people are going to be unhappy no matter what life gives them. They are suffering from mental disorders, not the wrong color of hair.

“But you would have been euthanized!”

One of the arguments against euthanizing defective babies is that a lot of us who are alive today would have been euthanized, but that is not a sensible justification for allowing the human race to continue to degrade.

People who oppose euthanasia are hypocrites

The people who oppose the killing of fetuses, criminals, defective babies, terminally ill people, and elderly people with brain damage are likely to boast that they are too kind kill anybody, and they are likely to insult the rest of us as being cruel and murderous, but they are hypocrites.

For example, the people who consider the execution of criminals to be cruel, and who want to put criminals in jail for their entire life, boast that they are too nice to kill people, but we could say they are more cruel than the people who want to execute the criminals because putting somebody in jail for his life is torturing him. That is similar to putting a defective child in an orphanage or hospital for his entire life. Whether torturing a person is nicer than executing him is a personal opinion, not a right or wrong issue.

Perhaps the most extreme hypocrites are the Jews. They commit murders, blame the murders on Muslims, Nazis, or white supremacists, and then instigate fights and wars that cause even more killings. Examples are the 9/11 attack, the attack on the USS Liberty, and the murder that started World War I.

They boast that they are the most kind, nonviolent, loving, honest, and generous people, but there are very few, if any, Jews who complain about the murders and tortures that Jews are committing.

Furthermore, there don't seem to be any Jews who are complaining that the arrest of Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites is a deceptive way to torture honest people.

The non-Jewish people who oppose euthanasia are also hypocrites. Although there might be a few people who will only kill a person who is attacking him, virtually everybody wants to kill somebody, as discussed here, so everybody who claims to oppose killings is a hypocrite.

We must resist being intimidated by those hypocrites. Modern humans must make decisions about who lives and who dies, and who can reproduce. We cannot allow some people to get away with pretending that they are too wonderful to make such decisions, and insulting those of us who want to make such decisions as being evil or cruel.

Judge a person by who he wants to kill

We cannot judge a person according to what he claims about himself because almost everybody claims to oppose murder, censorship, and torture. All humans want to ignore, suppress, hurt, and/or kill somebody, so we must judge a person by who he wants to suppress, hurt, rehabilitate, censor, arrest, or kill, and what effect that would have on the future generations. For example:

The Jews want to suppress, kill, arrest, torture, or rehabilitate Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites, and other people who expose their lies and crimes, and they want to blackmail, suppress, censor, plagiarize, einsteinize, or kill the people who beat them in the competition to be singers, scientists, actors, engineers, and leaders.

Their policies would result in the human race evolving into two separate species; namely, the Jews who evolve into slaveowners, and the non-Jewish nitwits who have so little curiosity about the world, and so little desire to think for themselves, that they become slaves of the Jews

Many people want to kill, suppress, blackmail, arrest, or censor their competitors in business, athletics, and other competitions, and would result in every generation having a greater desire to cheat to get what they want.

The religious fanatics who want to kill, suppress, or arrest whoever supports abortion or practices a false religion would cause the human race to evolve into an increasingly religious species, and every generation would have more unwanted and retarded children.

Aruna Khilanani is just one of many people who want to arrest, kill, or censor "white" people, which would result in the world having fewer "white" people in every generation.

The vegans who want to arrest, censor, or kill the people who eat meat would cause the human race to lose its desire desire for meat, and its ability to digest it.

The pedophiles who want to kill, censor, or suppress the people who oppose pedophilia would result in the human race evolving into pedophiles.

Everybody believes that they would improve the world by killing, arresting, and censoring the bad people, but each of us has a different idea on who those bad people are. Therefore, if we could create a copy of the earth for each person to have dictatorial control of, each of us would cause the people in our copy to evolve into a different species with different characteristics.

How do we determine who among us has the righteous killings, arrests, and censorship? There is no way to determine this because it is a personal opinion. Therefore, the only way the issue will be resolved is for one group to dominate the others through something such as fighting, deception, or false flag operations.

We must be especially concerned about cheating

Restrictions on reproduction will alter the evolution of humans, but in order to ensure that the changes are beneficial, we must be very concerned about people who are dishonest.

Animals have no understanding or concern about honesty. They do anything they can think of to get what they want. They steal items and food from one another; they beg humans for handouts of food; and the males will rape the females.

Humans have an understanding and concern about how we treat other people, but we still have a strong desire to cheat to get what we want. We are not truly honest. This is especially true of children since they are more similar in behavior to an animal.

The free enterprise system is similar to "nature" in that it has no concern for honesty. People are allowed to do whatever they please in order to make money. Although governments and unions have put limits on how dishonest a business can be, the dishonest people continue to have an advantage in a free enterprise system. If we could measure dishonesty, we would undoubtedly discover that many of the wealthy people in the free enterprise system are more dishonest than the typical person.

This concept also applies to governments, schools, and other organizations. Specifically, the dishonest people have an advantage in getting into the influential positions. For two new examples of some of the dishonest behavior:

1) Some people create "ghost jobs". These are jobs that a business is not actually trying to fill, but they are pretending to have a job available for various reasons, such as trying to deceive people into believing that the company is growing, or to deceive their employees who are overworked into believing that they will soon have some new employees to help them.

This person accuses the Chinese government of lying about where the water is coming from in one of their waterfalls. If that accusation is true, then the Chinese government is lying even though there is no benefit to it. It is as absurd as if the Italian government claimed that there are no electric water pumps in the Trevi Fountain.

That is only one of many accusations of the Chinese government lying for no sensible reason. If only some of those accusations are true, then they are a very dishonest group of people, which would explain why small nations like Taiwan, Germany, Denmark, and Japan are so much more technically and socially advanced.

Many of the people who currently dominate our world are very deceptive. If we do not make wise decisions about who is more honest, we can inadvertently cause the human race to become increasingly deceptive and manipulative.

In order to pass judgment on a person's honesty, we must eliminate secrecy and maintain a People database that has details on how each person behaves and treats other people. We must be able to analyze a person to the same extent that we analyze trees, hummingbirds, and other creatures.

If every nation would restrict reproduction to the people who are more honest, responsible, and sociable, then every generation would be less crime, hatred, and envy, and a greater desire to work together for the benefit of the human race.

This Constitution advocates eliminating secrecy and maintaining a People database, which is essentially a "social credit system" that allows us to choose people to be the City Elders who we can regard as the standard to judge other people.

The World Government sets reproduction restrictions

We cannot agree with one another on what the human race should evolve into, so it will have to be settled by some sort of battle in which one group eventually dominates.

Once that battle is finished, the International Division of the World Government must set the restrictions on reproduction. Every city must follow those restrictions so that none of the cities evolve into a different, incompatible species.

Furthermore, since nobody can be certain which restrictions on reproduction are truly beneficial, the restrictions must be occasionally reviewed to ensure that the children are becoming genetically superior through the years. Everybody is encouraged to post their analyses of the restrictions, and their suggestions on how to improve them. The people who come up with good ideas will improve their social credit score, and improve their chances of becoming a government official.

We should care about the children, not ourselves

When parents create children, they put them into the role of the God who created Adam and Eve. However, if those parents realize that they have serious genetic problems, then they are behaving like a God who doesn't care about the quality of life.

We would be disgusted if God had made Adam and Eve to be ugly, deformed, or mentally ill, and we should be just as disgusted with humans who create defective children.

The reason that people with genetic disorders are having children is because they are more concerned with satisfying their cravings for children than they are with the quality of their children's lives.

They want to please themselves, not do what is best for their children, or the next generation of humans. Those parents are using their children as toys to play with.

We care more about the quality of animal lives

The Australian government created the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act to prohibit the breeding defective animals. The Australian people do not have the freedom or the right to breed any animals they please. Rather, they have a responsibility to ensure that the animals that they breed are in good genetic health.

Every culture is concerned about the genetic quality of animals, but there is no concern about the genetic quality of the humans. No society has a “Prevention of Cruelty of Humans Act”.

To make the situation more absurd, the people who oppose abortion want to force the mothers who want to abort a child to give birth to it, and then raise a child that they don't want. Those people are torturing the parents and the unwanted children.

The reason every culture cares more about the quality of an animal's life than the lives of people is because our culture evolved to satisfy our emotional cravings. We have an intense craving to play with and protect children, but we do not have any emotional craving to ensure that our children are genetically healthy, or that they enjoy their life, or that they can fit into society, get a job, and form stable and pleasant friendships.

Nobody has a right to reproduce

Every existing culture gives people the right to reproduce, but this constitution gives people the right to live among people who are honest, responsible, sociable, trustworthy, healthy, and happy. Nobody has the right to create "human trash", and nobody has the right to force somebody to raise a child that they don't want.

We are not cruel to prevent defective people from reproducing. Rather, we are preventing crude, selfish people from torturing children and degrading the human gene pool. We are reducing the envy, hatred, pouting, cosmetic surgeries, crime, loneliness, alcoholism, suicidal thoughts, migraine headaches, and mental illnesses of the future generations.
(The euthanasia document has more information.)

We must pass judgment on which defects are unacceptable

Every living creature is imperfect, so we cannot restrict reproduction to people who are "perfect". We must pass judgment on which defects are unacceptable.

The International Division of the World Government is the only group authorized make the decisions about which genetic disorders are unacceptable. All of the cities will follow their rules.

Mental problems are causing the most trouble for us as of 2024, so we need to put most of the emphasis on the quality of a person's mind. After many generations of restricting reproduction, the minds of the people will improve to such an extent that the future generations can be more finicky about physical disorders, such as prohibiting people from reproducing simply because they are abnormally short, ugly, fat, skinny, bald, or nearsighted.

After a few thousand years or so, the human race will become extremely healthy, good-looking, intelligent, talented, honest, responsible, and trustworthy. They will also have an easier time giving birth, and have fewer problems in their old age. All of them will have friends and a spouse, and love their life. There won't be any loneliness, crime, suicide, drug problems, alcoholism, or obesity. There won't be any short men accusing women of being cruel, or Jews whining about anti-Semitism, or brown people whining about white people.

We must also evolve to fit our modern era

Eliminating genetic defects is only one of the reasons we must restrict reproduction. Another important reason is because the human mind and body needs to evolve to fit our new era. For example, the human body needs less of an appetite, and a better ability to deal with modern foods without digestive problems and allergies.

The human mind needs to develop a greater concern for society and the quality of other people's lives, which is the same as saying that we need to be less apathetic and selfish. We also need to become more honest and less deceptive.

Prehistoric people benefited by being selfish and apathetic about other people's suffering, but those characteristics are causing significant problems in our modern era.

For example, in September 2016, the University of California at San Francisco published this report that showed that some Harvard scientists were bribed by sugar business executives to ignore the effect sugar has on heart disease, and put the blame on saturated fat. I did not know about this crime until May 2023, and most people still do not know about it.

A few journalists reported the crime, but the information did not spread around the world. Some Harvard professors, government officials, doctors, heart surgeons, and other influential people must have heard about the crime, but ignored it. Since they were in influential positions, they could have brought that crime to the attention of the world, and they could have advocated that we learn the truth about heart disease, sugar, and other health issues, but they didn't.

Their apathy makes the situation worse by discouraging other people from caring about society, which can result in even more people not caring about the results of their actions, and becoming willing to take or offer bribes.

Likewise, when we show people evidence that we were lied to about the 9/11 attack, the Holocaust, or the Apollo moon landing, only a small number of people are willing to listen to the evidence, and even fewer are willing to pass the information to other people. Most people don't care enough about society to do anything about our problems.

By comparison, when Janet Jackson exposed her nipple jewelry during a music concert, possibly a billion people had learned about it within a few days. The reason is because people want to do things that titillate themselves.

Most people ignore the problems of society, and the suffering of other people. They behave like animals that are only interested in feeding themselves, having sex, raising children, and titillating their other emotions. This crude, animal behavior is no longer acceptable. It is allowing crime networks to get control of the world.

Every culture is providing people with freedom of speech, but most people use their freedom of speech for entertainment, such as passing around gossip and photos of Hollywood celebrities and sports events. They do not use their freedom of speech to educate one another about important issues.

Most people ignore whatever information they dislike, but not because they are "stupid". Many of them are among the most intelligent and educated people. It is our emotional characteristics, not our intelligence, that determines whether we pass around a photo of Janet Jackson's nipples, or pass evidence that we have been lied to about the Apollo moon landing.

As with animals, we want to spend our life titillating ourselves, but we do not have any emotional craving to learn about or deal with the problems of a modern society, or care about the quality of other people's lives. Only a small minority of the population has enough interest in society to pass around information about corruption, and even fewer are willing to get involved with improving society.

The only way to improve this situation is to put restrictions on reproduction. Modern humans need a stronger interest in society and the quality of other people's lives.

We must stop tolerating crime

The bribery of the Harvard scientists by the sugar businesses is just one example of why we must stop tolerating crime (some others are here).

We assume that the people who have college diplomas, a lot of wealth, or a lot of fame are better people than the rest of the population, but some of the people who are becoming influential are doing so by cheating, and some of the wealthy and famous people are suffering from serious mental disorders, such as bipolar problems, ADHD, and Asperger's syndrome.

I personally know a man who grew up in India and wanted to be a famous scientist, but he was not capable of getting a PhD. He decided to move to the USA. He got whatever type of visa he needed to work here, and he put "Dr." in front of his name. When he eventually got a job as a scientist (by lying about his education and experience), he was fired after just a couple weeks.

However, he was suffering from low self-esteem to such an extent, and was so desperate to feel important and impress his family in India, that he continued to lie to everybody about his education and experience, and did not admit to being fired.

Since it was difficult for him to get a job, he started a nonprofit organization. His organization was always on the edge of bankruptcy, but he convinced enough people and organizations to donate money for him to keep it going for about 18 years. He is an example of a person who was constantly lying because he has some type of emotional disorder that prevents him from accepting what he is.

He wanted to be a famous scientist, and he was willing to lie in order to achieve his goal. He was not willing to kill or commit other crimes, but he was willing to lie. He failed in his attempt to become wealthy and famous, but there are lots of people who became successful by lying, and some people have become successful by killing, blackmailing, and other types of cheating.

The people who cheat to get what they want are hurting all of us. They are a bad influence on the world. We must stop ignoring or tolerating them.

We must stop ignoring mental disorders

Some of the people who get into the top positions of society are suffering from some type of emotional disorder, such as bipolar problems or ADHD. Although they might not lie or commit crimes, they are not useful as leaders because they have a noticeably different view of life compared to those of us with a better functioning brain.

An example is their belief that they need gigantic yachts, mansions, and lots of servants. Most people admire their wealth, but this constitution regards their enormous pile of material items as a symptom of a serious mental disorder. A person who believes that he needs a giant yacht in order to be happy is not a leader. He is a mentally disturbed person.

We should restrict leadership to people who have the mental qualities that we would like to have, and that we would like our children to have. Our leaders should enjoy life, enjoy other people, and want to work with us for the benefit of everybody. They should not be anti-social, selfish, psychotic people who want to be pampered Kings and Queens, or who us to be their servants.

Every culture is ignoring the evidence that a lot of influential people have serious mental disorders. Every culture also ignores the evidence that some of their elderly leaders are suffering from strokes or deterioration from old age.

We are hurting ourselves by allowing our leaders to have mental disorders, strokes, and dilapidated brains. Everybody would benefit, including the mentally ill, if we had higher standards for people in leadership positions.

Security personnel must be able to “hurt feelings

Classifying a person as intellectually or emotionally unfit for leadership position, or classifying a person as genetically unacceptable for reproduction, will cause a lot of people to react with anger, pouting, crying, tantrums, and accusations.

This requires that the officials who make these decisions, and the people in the Security Ministry, be capable of "hurting people's feelings", and without guilt. They must be able to do what is best for the human race, rather than pander to the people who whine and have tantrums.

The security personnel must realize that prohibiting mentally ill people from reproducing is not cruel. Rather, it is preventing them from torturing children and ruining the human gene pool. And prohibiting the mentally disturbed people from getting into leadership positions is protecting the human race and the future generations from corrupt and incompetent leaders.

Example: Hoarders

There are some television programs that show people who have asked for help in cleaning their home because they have acknowledged that they are "hoarders". Some of them have so much food waste in their home that rats are living in their home. However, in a democracy and a free enterprise system, the people who agree to help clean the home must take a submissive role, not a leadership role. They must pander to the hoarders.

For example, they must ask the hoarder if they can throw an object away, and this results in the hoarders wasting a lot of time trying to decide whether to discard the object. Some of the hoarders eventually clean their home, but others put up so much resistance that their home remains a mess.

Businesses do not pander to hoarders
By comparison, if one of the employees of a business filled his cubicle with trash, and especially if there were rats living in the trash, he would risk being fired.

The executives of the business would not pander to him. They would not waste their time picking up each item in his cubicle and asking him if the item can be discarded.

The executives would consider that employee to be mentally disturbed, and a detriment to the organization.

Businesses, militaries, and a few other organizations set high standards for their members, but citizens, professors, and government officials can fill their offices and homes with trash because they don't have to meet high standards.

This constitution changes the situation by requiring the Behavior Ministry to set high standards for everybody, and the Courts Ministry is required to pass judgment on the people who cannot meet the standards and determine whether they should put on restrictions or evicted.

Nobody has a right to be a misfit

Nobody has the right to be a hoarder, a schizophrenic, or have any other type of irritating, violent, or detrimental mental disorder. Instead, everybody has a right to live among people that they can trust and enjoy. The people who cannot fit into society must be put on restrictions or evicted.

Although this is cruel to the people who are born with mental disorders, it is cruel to let those people degrade the lives of other people. There is no perfect solution for genetic disorders. Somebody must suffer, and this Constitution promotes the attitude of a business and military. Specifically, the misfits must do the suffering.

This policy would be horrible if we allowed uncontrolled reproduction because that would cause the number of misfits to increase in every generation, thereby increasing the number of people who suffer in every generation. In order for this policy to be beneficial, we must restrict reproduction so that every generation has fewer people with mental disorders, thereby reducing the number of people who suffer.

Every culture is promoting the policy that everybody should be able to reproduce, and the best way to deal with the mentally disturbed people is to feel sorry for them, put the most defective of them into mental hospitals, and put a lot of labor and resources into medical research to develop drugs and procedures to reduce their suffering. Although some of the medical technology is beneficial to some of the mentally disturbed people, this policy is not solving the problem.

Instead, it causes every generation to have a higher percentage of mentally disturbed people, and it is increasing the variety of mental disorders. It also results in every generation wasting more of their technical talent and resources on the development of medical technology for the mental disorders.

The only sensible way of dealing with mental disorders is to restrict reproduction to the people with better minds. We must reduce the number of genetically defective people, not try to fix their problems with drugs and surgeries.

We must be able to hurt people's feelings

If a person becomes upset when we classify him as mentally ill, or as unfit for leadership, or as unfit for reproduction, his misery is coming from his own mind, not from us. He has chosen to react to our remarks with anger or pouting, and he is responsible for any pain or anger that he feels as a result.

Everybody occasionally experiences disappointments, and we should react by trying to learn from them, and look for a way to avoid similar disappointments in the future. However, some people react to disappointments by stimulating their anger or sadness, and some people do that day after day. An example are the women who repeatedly remind themselves of a miscarriage, thereby keeping themselves in a state of sadness for months or years.

The people who repeatedly remind themselves of a bad event are tormenting themselves, and we should regard them as mentally inferior people. Their social credit score should be lower, and they should have lower priority for reproduction.

We should not pander to the people who repeatedly whine about having their feelings hurt, or how they are suffering from a miscarriage or other disappointment. People today need to be able to deal with their problems in a more sensible manner, and those who cannot need to be put on restrictions or evicted. We should not allow them to ruin other people's lives with their anger or pouting.

Imagine if our ancestors restricted reproduction

The world today would be wonderful if our ancestors had begun restricting reproduction to the higher-quality people when they first settled into cities. In addition to improving the physical and mental health of every generation, they would have kept the population of every city to a level that provided everybody with adequate food and housing. Every city would have been clean and beautiful.

By 2024, the human race would be in excellent mental and physical health. Almost everybody would be honest, good-looking, intelligent, responsible, and capable of forming pleasant relationships. The Earth would resemble some of the fantasies of heaven.

Why would somebody oppose restrictions on reproduction?

There are undoubtedly a lot of different reasons that people oppose restrictions on reproduction, but none of them are sensible. Everybody who opposes this policy should be classified as intellectually and/or emotionally unfit for this modern era. All of them need to be prohibited from reproducing. This will increase the number of people in every generation who can understand that it is no longer practical for humans to reproduce as wildly as animals.
The primitive nations are a problem

Nations need to be equal in talent

The nations that have the most primitive technology and culture are occasionally complaining that they are being exploited by the advanced nations. For example, they complain that the advanced nations are taking their natural resources, and using their people as cheap labor.

This is a problem that cannot be resolved with democracies or free enterprise systems. Only a world government can resolve this problem.

The primitive nations complain that they are being exploited, but in reality they benefit from the advanced nations. It is more accurate to describe them as parasitic nations because they do not contribute much to the technical or social progress of the human race, or even to their own nation.

Although the advanced nations are creating a lot of trash and pollution, the primitive nations are also making a mess of the planet with their excessive population, pollution, and trash.

The primitive nations are also detrimental to the social environment of other nations because some of their crime networks, lunatics, and idiots are migrating into the advanced nations.

Imagine if we could make two copies of the earth, and in one of them the primitive nations are replaced with oceans, and in the other the advanced nations are replaced with oceans.

Would the planet without primitive nations suffer as a result of not having access to lots of low cost labor and resources? No. They would continue to develop technology, grow food, and educate their children.

However, the planet that was only primitive nations would be noticeably more primitive than they are today because they would not have access to the superior culture and technology of the advanced nations.

This brings up a very important issue that only a world government can resolve. Specifically, we cannot expect a group of nations to create a peaceful, cooperative world when each nation has such different intellectual and emotional characteristics that they cannot contribute equal amounts of work. That situation creates envy, hatred, accusations, and crime. It results in such disgusting behavior as the mainland Chinese who fantasize about getting control of Taiwan and stealing their technology.

Every nation must become more equal

The only way we can create a peaceful world is if every nation becomes more equal in their abilities, and more compatible in their language and other culture. The world will never be peaceful when the nations have extreme differences in the technical abilities, reproductive rates, crime levels, pollution, religion, and other issues.

However, it is extremely unlikely for the nations to resolve these problems by themselves. We need a world government to do this. It also requires reducing the diversity of the different races so that we become more emotionally and intellectually compatible. That requires the world agree to restrictions on reproduction.
The World Government supervises reproduction

All humans must be compatible

This constitution gives every city the freedom to experiment with their culture, but we cannot let each city design their own reproduction restrictions because that will result in every city slowly breeding their people into different species of humans who become physically and mentally incompatible with the people in other cities.

There is nothing wrong with letting each city diverge into a completely different species of human, but there would be no benefit to such a policy, and lots of disadvantages.

One of the disadvantages to allowing people to become different species is that international trade would almost cease because we would not be able to eat the foods that other species eat, or use their medical knowledge. The furniture, clothing, and bicycles of one city would not necessarily fit the bodies of people in other cities, or their emotional desires or recreational activities.

If the world consisted of different species of humans, we would not enjoy visiting or socializing with one another, either. We would treat one another in a similar manner that we treat the primitive savages of the Amazon basin, or the way we treat farm animals.

In order to create a peaceful world in which the people enjoy one another, every city has to follow similar restrictions on reproduction. This requires a world government to have the authority to set guidelines for reproduction.

It is acceptable for us to have different races of humans, but we must ensure that the differences between us are small enough that we remain compatible so that we can work together and enjoy one another. It would be especially beneficial if our health knowledge applied to all humans, and if the school curriculum could be used by everybody in the world.

We need more information about human genetics

As of 2024, we don't know enough about genetics to make truly intelligent decisions about reproduction. Furthermore, we need a database that has genetic and behavioral information about everybody's ancestors so that we can make more accurate guesses about who is most likely to live the longest and healthiest lives, but that database will take a few generations to create.

Therefore, when we first start to restrict reproduction, we must be cautious and lenient. As the future generations learn more about these issues, and as they collect more data about their parents and grandparents, they can put more restrictions on reproduction.

We have more undesirable characteristics than we realize

We are aware of some genetic characteristics that are no longer necessary, such as the genes that create an appendix, the genes that give us an excessive appetite, and the genes that cause sickle cell anemia, but there are likely to be a lot of other undesirable or unnecessary genetic characteristics that we don't yet know about.

I mentioned this possibility in a previous document when I suggested the possibility that adultery is a common "problem" because our ancestors developed a desire to occasionally have sex with another partner in order to increase the genetic diversity of a small prehistoric tribe. If so, then some of the adultery is due to that genetic trait rather than due to "bad behavior".

For a new example, children are extremely wasteful with food, and that might be because we inherited the tendency of animals to be wasteful of food, rather than because the children are badly behaved or stupid.

Animals are very wasteful with food. For example, when we put a bowl of seeds in our yard for the birds, the birds scatter a lot of the seeds on the ground. Monkeys are much more intelligent than birds, so they should be less wasteful than birds, but when monkeys eat fruits and nuts, they waste a lot of it.

Animals probably evolved a tendency to waste food so that they scatter some of the seeds around. If so, humans would have inherited that tendency, and it would be most obvious in children because children are more similar in behavior to animals. Therefore, children might be wasteful with food due to a genetic trait that we no longer need, rather than due to "bad behavior".
Computers can help with reproduction decisions

Our bodies and minds are too complex for us

There are so many genetic aspects to our body and mind that I think it is impractical for us to make truly intelligent decisions about who should reproduce, and who should have limits on the number of children they have. This constitution recommends creating a database with as much information about people's lives as possible, and using computers to analyze the data and give us assistance in determining who should be considered as having the best genetic characteristics.

There are so many complex genetic characteristics of the human mind and body that we could easily make mistakes, thereby inadvertently breeding people into having some undesirable characteristics. For example:

1) We want to be a desirable weight

We do not want people to be overweight, but we cannot assume that a person who is a "proper" weight is worthy of reproduction because there are lots of genetic factors that influence his weight, and some of those factors are undesirable.

For example, if a person is maintaining a desirable weight because he frequently vomits after eating, or because his digestive system is so defective that it can only remove a small portion of the nutrients, or because of defects with his liver or metabolism, then we will allow a defective person to reproduce.

In order to determine who is best at maintaining their weight, we must consider how much food a person eats, in addition to what his weight is. We should also analyze his digestive system and waste products.

We judge jet engines, internal combustion engines, and electric motors according to a lot of different criteria, such as the noises they make, the maintenance they need, and the amount of fuel and oil they need. We need to do similar analyses of humans.

We want stable marriages

We want men and women to be able to form pleasant and stable marriages, but we cannot assume that the couples who remain married are worthy of reproduction because there are lots of reasons as to why people remain married, and they are not necessarily desirable reasons.

For some examples, in a free enterprise system, many women remain in a miserable marriage because they are frightened of the thought of trying to make a living, especially if they have children to support. There are also some men who remain in a miserable marriage because they are so childlike that they are frightened of the thought of being alone.

There are also people remaining in a miserable marriage because they think that it would make life better for their children, or because it is so difficult to find a spouse that they don't think they would be able to find one that is better than what they already have.

There have also been homosexuals who married the opposite sex simply to deceive people into believing that they are heterosexual. Although their marriages appear to be pleasant and stable, they are deceptive and fraudulent.

It will be very difficult to determine who is capable of forming stable marriages. Some of the people who have been divorced have superior mental characteristics than some of the people who remain married throughout their lives.

We want trustworthy people

We want people to be honest, but we cannot assume that a person who has never committed crimes is honest and trustworthy. Some people have not committed crimes only because they didn't notice a good opportunity.

The people who have never committed a crime, have a proper weight, and have never been divorced, do not necessarily have higher quality genetic characteristics than the people who have committed crimes, are overweight, or divorced.

In order for us to make useful decisions about who should reproduce, we need as much intimate knowledge about people as our prehistoric ancestors had. That requires collecting a lot of data about everybody. However, that would provide more data than the human mind can deal with.

Fortunately, computers will eventually be able to help us deal with such enormous amounts of data. The computers would also be able to analyze video of people and make observations that would be very difficult for us to make, such as observing the differences in the way we walk, sit, sleep, eat, and play recreational activities.

A computer would be able to notice subtle differences between us that we are not likely to notice, such as the differences in the way we stand, pick up objects from the floor, walk, run, or sit. Those differences can help computers figure out who might have problems with joints, muscles, or energy levels.

By observing how people behave during recreational activities, the computers might notice that some people are abnormally introverted or extroverted, have low levels of self-control, or have a bad temper.

By observing how people eat food, the computers might notice that some people bite their tongue or cheek more often than normal; some people cough more often because food started to get into their lungs; and some people spill more food on the table or themselves. Those observations would allow a computer to help us identify the people who have potential problems with their coordination, health, or the design of their mouth or esophagus.

Computers can help us identify sexual problems

This constitution is based on the belief that there is no dividing line between male and female, and that everybody is a mixture of male and female characteristics. Although most people get a "typical" mixture, a small percentage of the population will be sexually unusual.

Many people have noticed that some of the homosexual men have a different way of speaking compared to heterosexual men, and have different facial expressions and body postures. The differences are subtle, but computers will eventually be able to help us identify the children with sexual disorders by analyzing video of children. Everybody benefits by identifying the children with sexual disorders:

1) The sexually defective children will benefit

The children who have unusual mixtures of male and female characteristics can be taught at a young age to learn how deal with it. For example, when a girl realizes that she is unusually masculine, she will realize that the majority of girls are feminine because they want to be, not because "sexist" men are forcing women to behave like that.

Likewise, the unusually feminine boys will realize that most men do not cry because they are masculine, not because they are holding back their tears.

The parents of sexually defective children will benefit

When parents realize that they have a sexually mixed up child, they will not become confused, frustrated, or angry when their child doesn't behave as they expect. They will realize that they have to treat that child differently. This will reduce the conflicts, anger, and fights between parents and their unusual children. It will also allow the parents to help their children deal with their sexual differences.

Other children will benefit

Identifying the sexually defective children will help all of the normal children because it will allow them to understand why some children look and behave differently. They will realize that the sexually defective children are similar to the children who are left-handed, or who are colorblind, or who have freckles.

Since children enjoy abusing misfits, that knowledge should reduce the amount of abuse that the sexually defective children are subjected to, which in turn should reduce the anger, fights, depression, revenge, and other problems between the children.

People with sexual defects can help us understand men and women

If men and women were unisex creatures, then homosexual men would speak and behave just like heterosexual men, and homosexual women would speak and behave like heterosexual women. However, many of the homosexuals speak and behave differently, and they often have different preferences for jobs, clothing, and leisure activities. This is more evidence that there are intellectual and emotional differences between men and women.

By collecting data and video about everybody's life, computers might help us to notice some of the subtle differences between heterosexuals and homosexuals, and that could help us to understand some of the differences between men and women.

It could also help us understand what happens when men are excessively masculine, or when women are excessively feminine.

Furthermore, having an extensive database about everybody's life and genetic history will help us figure out which of the sexual disorders are inheritable, and which of them are due to environmental issues, such as chemicals or brain injuries.

We need to mix up the gene pool

If we allow people to choose who they reproduce with, we will cause the human race to diverge into different species because we have a tendency to choose a spouse that is similar to us.

For example, many athletes are married to other athletes, and many musicians are married other musicians. There are also archaeologists marrying other archaeologists, and chemists marrying other chemists. Short people tend to marry other short people, and tall people tend to marry other tall people.

This behavior will eventually create different species of humans with significantly different abilities and desires.

Restricting reproduction to the better quality people will reduce the number of people with physical and mental disorders, but it cannot prevent the human race from diverging into separate species.

The only way to avoid this problem is to let the government determine who reproduces with who. People would be allowed to choose their spouse, but a man would not necessarily be able to reproduce with his wife. Some of the men would have to get several other men's wives pregnant in order to mix up the gene pool.

I mentioned in a previous document that adultery is so common that we ought to consider that there is a reason for it. It is even possible that rape is common for the same reason. Specifically, the prehistoric humans who were the most successful were those who occasionally increased the genetic diversity of their children from adultery and rape.

The concept that rape evolved for a beneficial reason seems bizarre today because most of the men who are raping women today are disgusting men. However, in a prehistoric nomadic tribe, all of the men would have been in very good genetic health. Therefore, the children of the rapists would have been much higher quality people than they are today.

Furthermore, the men would not have been likely to rape the women of their own tribe. Rather, they would have raped the women of neighboring tribes during their fights. That would have had the benefit of mixing up the gene pool between the neighbors.

As mentioned  in other documents, we must understand the purpose of our emotional cravings, and use our intelligence to decide whether we should satisfy a craving or ignore it. For example, we have a craving to chase people off of "our" land, and the purpose of that emotion is to make us fight with our neighbors, which keeps our population under control, and ensures that the people who survive are the most healthy.

Today, however, that craving causes us to want to have private plots of land, and to surround our land with a fence. The fences make the city look ugly, and the city wastes a lot of labor and resources when everybody has to take care of a small plot of land, compared to a city in which the land belongs to everybody and there are no fences to interfere with mowing the grass and other gardening issues.

In a modern society, we will create a much more attractive city, and have a more pleasant life, when we have enough self-control to suppress our craving for land, and share the land with everybody.

Another example of why we need to understand our emotions was mentioned here. Specifically, humans are the only creatures that are disgusted by its waste products, but waste products are not "disgusting". Rather, waste products are an important aspect of life because they help us to understand our digestive system, kidneys, liver, and other health issues. Humans developed a disgust of waste products to encourage our prehistoric ancestors to avoid waste products. In order to improve our health, we need enough self-control to suppress our disgust of waste products.

We must also understand why we have certain sexual cravings and inhibitions, and make intelligent decisions about how to deal with those cravings, rather than follow those cravings like a stupid animal.

Men have a craving to have sex with as many women as possible, and to prevent other men from having sexual contact with "our" women. Women become sexually attractive to the men at the top of the hierarchy, even if that man already has a wife. Those cravings were intended to ensure that the men who reproduced had the best genetic characteristics.

At some point during our past, the lower level men began complaining about the higher level men men having more than one wife. Today we want everybody to get married and have children, but that defeats the purpose of our sexual emotions by allowing the men and women with inferior genetic characteristics to reproduce. It also prevents the gene pool from being mixed up.

Modern humans must understand that sex is not for our pleasure, and neither is marriage. Our cravings for sex is just a trick to make us reproduce, and now that we are no longer living like animals, we need to use our intelligence to figure out who should reproduce, and with who.

We need to implement some type of "adultery policy" to mix up the gene pool. At least some of the women must have children from several different fathers. This could be accomplished by either swapping wives for several months, or artificial insemination.

The future generations will probably also need to occasionally have people of different races interbreed with one another in order to mix up the gene pools and prevent the different races from becoming too diverse.

We must make some arbitrary decisions

Some of the decisions about reproduction are arbitrary. For example, our little toe is becoming increasingly defective, so we should make a decision about whether we should allow it to vanish and eventually have only four toes on each foot, or restrict reproduction to people who have a functional little toe.

Another arbitrary decision is how people should stand and walk. There are also two main differences in the way people stand:

Some people have parallel feet

Others are at an angle

My father had feet that were parallel, and when I was a child he asked me why I my feet were pointing outwards. I then noticed that most people has feet that are parallel, so I began forcing myself to walk in that manner. When I was in high school it seemed as if some of my joints were imperfect, and now that I seem to be developing some minor arthritis in my hips, I wonder if forcing myself to walk with my feet parallel has aggravated whatever problems my hip joints have.

Why do some of us have feet that are at an angle? Is it due to a genetic defect? Or is it a characteristic from a different race of humans?

We must decide on what we want the human body to be because when we allow people with incompatible genetic characteristics to reproduce, they will create children with a mixture of incompatible genes, which can result in joint problems, mental disorders, bad eyesight, teeth that don't fit into their jaws, and other problems.

If we do not set standards for the genetic characteristics of people, then every generation will have more problems, and need a wider variety of shoes, chairs, beds, clothing, and medical procedures.

There are also people with Neanderthal characteristics, such as heads with a slanted forehead, or a neck that is at an angle rather than upright. If the future generations don't make an arbitrary decision about what type of skeleton to favor, then every generation will have an increasingly different style of skeletons and posture.