Poisoning the well,
spreading diseases,
and inducing miscarriages
31 August 2009
updated 1 Sept 2009 here
The woman who sent me this
e-mail message made two accusations that I would have dismissed as absurd
if I had heard them prior to the 9/11 attack:
1) Jews slipped drugs into her drinks three times, causing
three miscarriages.
2) Jews convinced a close relative to declare her as insane, and she
ended up in a mental hospital for five days.
Now that I realize that there truly is an international Jewish crime network,
she got me thinking about these issues. |
Jews do indeed try to make their critics appear insane
Years ago I would have assumed that anybody who was put into
a mental hospital was truly insane, but I have since seen a lot of evidence
that Jews work together to destroy the reputation of everybody who stands
up to them. An excellent example is how the Jews convinced almost the entire
world that Bobby Fischer had gone insane.
Another example is the phone call in which Daryl Smith tries to force
me into ruining the reputation of Christopher Bollyn. It's important to
note that Mike Piper and other Zionist agents were also trying to destroy
Bollyn's reputation at the same time. This is evidence that the Jews who
kidnapped the Bollyn family had coordinated an attack on his reputation.
Have you noticed the vicious attacks
on Ted Kennedy?
After Ted Kennedy died (or was murdered?), an enormous number
of "truth seekers" and news reporters began attacking him as either the
murderer of Mary Jo Kopechne, or being responsible for her death through
negligence or selfishness. Notice the pattern that the people who tell
us the "truth" about Ted Kennedy also lie about 9/11, the HoloHoax, the
Apollo Moon Landing scam, the world wars, and/or other Jewish crimes. You
would be foolish to trust people who lie about so many crimes.
Another pattern to notice is that the attacks on Ted Kennedy
are emotional rather than intellectual,
just like the attacks on Michael Jackson and O.J. Simpson. The Jews behave
like bullies, not like teachers or
fathers. Specifically, they use lots of insults, sarcastic remarks, and
angry tones of voice to stimulate our emotions. They are not
intelligent discussions or investigations. Rather, they are trying to make
us despise Kennedy, Jackson, and Simpson so that we lose our interest in
discussing what really happened.
I'm not defending Kennedy, Jackson, or Simpson; rather, I'm merely pointing
out that the people who claim to be telling us the truth about these people
are liars who are trying to manipulate
our emotions rather than encourage intelligent discussions.
I think they're trying to hide the Jewish involvement in these murders.
I took a brief look into Kopechne's death, and it seems to me as if
we have been lied to. I wonder if the Jews arranged for Kopechne's murder
as either a way to blackmail Kennedy, or as a way to show him that he either
obeys the Jews, or he will be killed. Or perhaps the Jews were trying to
kill Kennedy.
Do you know who William Rodriguez
As I mentioned on the page that inspired this article, for
the past couple years I have wondered if the miscarriage suffered by William
Rodriguez's wife was induced by Jews.
If you don't know who William Rodriguez
is, he was in the north tower when the airplane crashed into it, and he
spent the next two hours helping people to get out. After the last person
was evacuated, he walked out of the building, and it began to disintegrate.
He quickly jumped under a fire truck, which protected him from the falling
debris, but he suffered health problems as a result of breathing the demolition
dust (I have an article about the health problems here).
During the summer of 2005, Jimmy Walter paid for a group of us to travel
to several European cities to talk about the 9/11 attack, and Rodriguez
was one of the speakers. At the time, Rodriguez was single, but he was
planning to get married soon.
Rodriguez mentioned to me and Bollyn that some of his "friends" were
offering to help him get into politics, possibly even to run for the office
of governor of New York. Both Bollyn and I warned Rodriguez that these
were simply tricks that the Jews were using to keep control of him, but
he didn't seem to understand, or he didn't care.
In February 2006, Christopher Bollyn was told by the American Free Press
to travel to Venezuela in the hope that he could talk to Chavez. Bollyn
considered the trip to be a waste of time (he wrote about it here),
but he did what he was told. Bollyn asked if Rodriguez could come along
since Rodriguez speaks Spanish, and the American Free Press agreed to send
While in Venezuela, Bollyn was able to meet some low-level Venezuelan
officials, but when he tried to provide them with information about 9/11,
he was appalled to discover that Rodriguez was trying to protect the Jewish
involvement in 9/11 (Bollyn wrote about it
Apparently Rodriguez decided to work with the Jews rather than expose them.
Months later Rodriguez, who was now married, was going on tours around
America and Europe to speak about 9/11, but he was providing a censored,
Jewish-approved version of 9/11, and he was sometimes speaking with other
Zionist agents, such as David Shayler
(who has since claimed to be God, and has recently become a transvestite!
I have some information about him here.)
Please note that you can identify a lot of people in the Jewish crime
network simply by noticing who promotes who.
Don't assume that people who work with criminals are merely stupid or naive.
It's best to be suspicious of everybody,
especially if they associate with, or promote, a person you suspect is
a criminal. |
Rodriguez and miscarriages
Why would I wonder if the Jews induced a miscarriage in Rodriguez's
wife? Consider these points:
• Rodriguez worked
with James Randi
Many years before William Rodriguez became a janitor at the
World Trade Center, he was working with James Randi, the magician. As I
wrote in this article, James Randi may
be protecting pedophilia for the Jewish crime network.
• Rodriguez wasn't
planning to work on 9/11
Rodriguez decided to take the day off on Tuesday, September
11, 2001, but why? During 2005, when Bollyn and I were traveling with Rodriguez,
it didn't occur to me to ask him why he decided not to work that day, but
now I wonder if somebody (James Randi or one of his friends?) knew that
the towers were going to be destroyed and had suggested to Rodriguez that
he take the day off.
When Rodriguez called his supervisor to let him know that he wouldn't
be showing up for work that day, his supervisor pleaded with him to come
in. Rodriguez gave in and agreed to show up for work. He arrived about
a half an hour late, but because he was late, he was in the basement when
the airplane crashed into the north tower. Normally at that time of the
morning he would be at the top of the tower, where everybody was trapped
after the plane crash.
Rodriguez no longer seems happy
Rodriguez was very pleasant and happy when we were with him
in the summer of 2005, but he wasn't so happy in Venezuela with Bollyn,
and take a look at him today. His miserable attitude reminds me of Kevin
Ryan, Jesse Jackson, David Duke, and other people who appear to be blackmailed
puppets. When you sleep with dogs, you get bit by fleas. It's
a pleasant way to live.
My current speculations about
I suspect that one of the criminal Jews decided to save Rodriguez
by convincing him to take the day off on September 11, but Rodriguez didn't
understand why he was told to take the day off, and so when his supervisor
begged him to come to work, he gave in. He survived the 9/11 attack, but
he became one of about 20,000 victims who suffered health problems from
the demolition debris.
Rodriguez got involved with helping the 9/11 victims, including pressing
for an investigation of the attack. The criminal Jews probably regretted
their decision to save his life, but they kept him under control by offering
him jobs in the government, and even hinted that he might become governor
of New York if he doesn't upset the Jews.
By 2006 Rodriguez apparently decided that he would rather work with
the Jews and take their offers of money and fame rather than fight the
Jews. (I mentioned this possibility in the article that mentions David
here.) The Jews
began sending Rodriguez around America and Europe to speak about 9/11.
While on one of those tours, his wife had a miscarriage. At the time I
was wondering, was it a "natural" miscarriage? Or did the Jews secretly
give his wife one of those drugs that induce abortions in order to keep
Rodriguez under control and show him who his boss is?
Did any Jew ever poison a
The accusations that Jews have been poisoning wells has been
going on for so many centuries that the phrase "poisoning the well" has
become an expression in the English language.
The Jews claim that this expression was created by "anti-Semites", but
take a look at the variety of crimes that Jews have been involved with
during the past century. For example, a Jewish woman, Vicki Polin (video
at this
page), claims that some of her family members were giving birth to babies
specifically for killing babies in bizarre, Jewish rituals. I also have
lots of evidence on my website that Jews are involved with the sex slave
trade, the Nazi party, the Holocaust, the 9/11 attack, and all sorts of
murders, kidnappings, and tortures.
The image below (from Hartmann Schedel
in 1493) shows Jews draining the blood of a Goy for one of their idiotic
blood rituals.