does it take to bribe you?After a few women found the courage to expose the sexual harassment they had to tolerate from Harvey Weinstein, other women began finding the courage to complain about the abuse that they experienced. By September 2018, there were millions of messages on the Internet with the phrase "me too", and tens of thousands of women, and some men, had posted messages about their experiences with sexual harassment. If we could become a celebrity from only a few minutes of sexual services, that would be a much easier and faster way to get a high-paying job compared to the alternatives. |
left to right: Bono promoting
Ireland's request to be accepted into the UN Security Council, and
Meryl Streep, Stephen Colbert, and Spike Lee, each speaking at a
graduation ceremony. Are you willing to “take it to the next level”? Some people are claiming that providing sex services to the Hollywood executives will only get a person into the entry level jobs of Hollywood. In order to become a famous celebrity and make millions of dollars a year, an actor must be willing to "take it to the next level". Specifically, he must make a "sacrifice" by doing something such as selecting a friend or family member to be murdered. In my previous document, I pointed out that those accusations have caused me to wonder if Lady Gaga chose her friend to be murdered. Unhappy people are the easiest to bribe There are people who are suffering from some type of mental anguish due to their defective brain and/or body, but very few of them are willing to consider the possibility that their misery is coming from within them. Most people want to believe that they are unhappy because of something outside of them, and that they can end their misery by acquiring more money, fame, sex, babies, or trophies. Why are so many world leaders submissive to Israel? Virtually all government officials show signs of being puppets of Israel. Even the Pope and Donald Trump have traveled to Jerusalem to wear a yarmulke and touch the Wailing Wall. |
left to right, the Pope, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson of the UK, Ivanka
Trump, and Melania Trump.Why don't the world leaders show the same submissiveness to all of the other religions? And why don't they also visit a natural history Museum, or a DNA research laboratory, and show some submissiveness to the people who believe in evolution? And why don't they visit an engineering or software company and show submission to the people who are developing technology? Why are the world's leaders submissive only to Jews?
Incidentally, in a previous document I pointed out that Judaism, Islam, and Christianity appear to have evolved from the same religion. However, Christianity may have more in common with Islam than it does with Judaism. For example, both Muslims and Christians promote self-flagellation. Instead of referring to Christians as "Judeo-Christians", it would make more sense to say "Islamo-Christians". Imagine if we behaved like liberals and Jews The liberals and Jews encourage the punching of Nazis, so imagine if we were to encourage the punching of Jews, liberals, or brown supremacists. Or how about if we justify the punching of feminists by referring to them as "female supremacists", or female misandrists, or female sexists? ![]() Actually, it might help people realize how abusive the Jews and liberals are if we were to modify the documents and cartoons that they have created to incite hatred of us to incite hatred of them. We could change the word "Nazi" to "Jew" or "Liberal", and the phrase "white supremacist" to "brown supremacist", "liberal Supremacist", or "Jewish Supremacist". We could change anti-Semite to anti-Goyim or anti-human. It is important to note that Trump made that remark on Twitter, not in one of his speeches to the world or the nation. This implies that he made the remark only for the small group of people who use the Internet for information, not for the public. Furthermore, he tells us not to worry, which implies that he is responding to the small group of people who are concerned that he is not destroying the crime network. ![]() Trump justifies the lack of progress by saying that the swamp is fighting back, but if the criminals are more difficult to defeat than he expected, why doesn't he ask us to get involved and help him? Why does he want us to be passive, contented sheep who do nothing, and who wait patiently and silently for him to win this battle? And how many more years should we wait for him to win this battle? At what point should we come to the conclusion that he is losing the battle? |
ROOT OF ALL CORRUPTION”After the 9/11 attack occurred, hundreds, maybe thousands, of people on the Internet were blaming the attack on George Bush, Dick Cheney, David Rockefeller, the Vatican, and the bankers. The few people who accused Jews or Israel of involvement were criticized as Nazis or anti-Semites.
Many of the "pedophile investigators" are also describing the pedophiles as "Luciferian Pedophiles", "Devil Worshiping Pedophiles", or "Satanic Pedophiles". I suspect that they were told to use those adjectives to divert our attention away from the fact that many of the pedophiles are Jewish. ![]() When are we going to stop letting a group of Jews tell us who to investigate, fight, arrest, hate, and execute? ![]() By arresting Hillary Clinton for mishandling information, the Trump supporters will celebrate the "draining of the swamp", and they will praise President Trump for being the greatest of presidents. Who is promoting adrenochrome? The "truth seekers" on the Internet are claiming that Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and others are involved with torturing children and then murdering them in order to get adrenochrome. Some of them also mention that the Hollywood movie called Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas promotes the use of adrenochrome. (If you are unfamiliar with this issue, here is an example that was written by the "truth seeker" named April LaJune.) Don't be afraid of government surveillance In addition to trying to divert our attention away from Jews and onto Clinton, I hope you can see that the Jews and "truth seekers" are regularly trying to convince us that various government agencies are spying on us. They are hoping that we will frighten ourselves into believing that there are hidden cameras in our bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens, and that there are cubicles full of government employees who are watching us, and listening to all of our conversations. ![]() An example of some videos posted this month (September 2018) is this and this, both of which are a waste of your time to watch, unless you haven't seen this type of propaganda before. ![]() The Jews depend upon people being easily frightened. Now that the Jews are trying to instigate the hatred and execution of Hillary Clinton, she doesn't have anything to lose. She should stand up to the Jews, and encourage Trump and others to join her. Brett Kavanaugh is getting the “Trump treatment” I have not paid much attention to the appointments of people to government, but I don't recall any person encountering such an extreme amount of resistance as Brett Kavanaugh. The hatred of Kavanaugh is so bizarre, crude, and extreme that it reminds me of the treatment that Trump received when he was running for president. As with Trump, the people who oppose him do not have any intelligent reasons for their opposition. Rather, it seems to be due to fear. Don't be a passive, trusting sheep As I mentioned many times, our best policy is to take an active role in our future, not be a passive child who hopes and waits for somebody to take care of us. Furthermore, keep in mind that all US government officials are representatives with very little authority, which means that even if Trump and some other officials want to do something useful for us, none of them has enough authority to do much of anything. How can Jews control so many government officials? One of the reasons people dismiss the accusation that government officials are under the control of Jews is that it is difficult to imagine how a small group of Jews can control leaders all over the world. I think we can understand how the Jews are controlling government officials, billionaire businessmen, and religious leaders by understanding how they control the Hollywood celebrities. Are the celebrities "successful"? Or "exploited"? The Hollywood celebrities and government officials do not seem to be enjoying life. I have the impression that they are suffering, and that they assume that they can find happiness with wealth and status. If my assumption is accurate, we could say they are victims of the Jews who took advantage of their misery. We could even describe them as being tricked and exploited by the Jews.
In the photo to the right, some retarded people have become excited by the thought that they are superheroes. It reminds me of how the Hollywood entertainers become excited by the thought that they are wealthy and famous "stars" and "celebrities". We are not designing selection systems properly We need to design a selection system for government officials that will sift out the people who have enough self-control to put the needs of society ahead of their own selfish cravings. The Jews are giving us the opposite; they are giving us government officials who have such intense cravings to satisfy themselves that they don't want to spend any of their time helping society. All they care about is becoming the center of attention, getting rid of their competitors, and having hordes of peasants worship and pamper them. What do political candidates have to do to get Jewish support? If the accusations are true that a low level entertainer has to select somebody to be murdered or raped in order to become a wealthy and famous celebrity, we ought to wonder if government officials have a similar requirement. If a low level candidate, such as the mayor of a small town, wants to become a Senator or Governor, does he also have to select somebody to be murdered? Or do the Jews offer political candidates a different blackmail option? |
would you do for a
long, healthy life?People have been wishing for a cure for diseases and old age for as long as the human mind has been capable of thinking. This desire is so strong that all throughout history people have been hurting themselves in the process of finding such cures. Millions of people have experimented with a variety of drugs, rhinoceros horns, acupuncture, and voodoo, and some people have traveled around the world to find a fountain of youth. |
Our desire for a long and healthy life is similar to
our desire for heaven
in that our desires are so strong that we will
believe in their
existence despite any supporting evidence. Businesses exploit this
situation by offering us cures for diseases and old age. Businesses
today are
not as deceptive as they were during the 1800s, but they are exploiting
people even in 2018, such as in the article below
which implies that some
herbs are going to cure arthritis. (Click the
link to see page after page of these type
of claims.) Why wouldn't crime networks also take advantage of our intense craving for health and long life? Why wouldn't they entice people into joining their crime network with similar offers? |
A crime network might not be able to bribe you for $20 million, but what if a group of wealthy, elderly people such as George Soros, Henry Kissinger, and David Rockefeller, were to tell you that scientists have discovered that occasionally drinking or injecting the blood of children will prevent you from getting diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and that you will live a healthy, active life for possibly 120 years? ![]() If a person in a sports event cheats in order to win, and if you praise him for being the the most talented of athletes, he will love the praise, even though he is fully aware that he cheated. He wants to think of himself as the greatest athlete, and he doesn't need any evidence to support that belief. He will love the praise even when he knows it is false. And he will proudly hold his trophy up in the air for everybody to see, and he will titillate himself with praise. We don’t need evidence Our mind does not need any evidence for our beliefs. The human mind was designed for survival and reproduction, not intelligent thought. We have a tendency to believe whatever pleases our emotions. Our mind doesn't look for supporting evidence. And we will ignore a belief that our emotions are irritated by, even if there is overwhelming evidence to support the belief.
The reason I suspect that crime networks are making this offer of children's blood is because this month (September 2018), there were more news articles about a new scientific study that shows that the injections of children's blood will allow us to live a long and healthy life. However, these news articles seem even less serious than they were years ago. One of the most extreme is this from the Daily Mail. The headline is:
Was President Trump a victim of this trick? Did the Jews convince him that children's blood will allow him to avoid Alzheimer's, which his father suffered from? Was Hillary Clinton a victim of this trick? |
There is no fountain
of youthIf the blood of young children truly prevented deterioration from old-age, then the people getting that blood would be noticeably healthier and living longer than the rest of us. However, just look around at the people in your own city and you will notice that there are some people who are healthy and active in their 90s, but none of them had injections of children's blood.
Children's blood might be helpful to some people Children's blood might help some people who are suffering from some particular medical disorder, but that doesn't justify giving people injections of children's blood. Rather, it justifies funding research programs to understand why those people benefit from the blood, and then finding a more sensible solution to their problem. If you have trouble understanding this concept, consider how it applies to thyroid hormones.
• The people who want to believe that humans are a creation of a god rather than a descendant of an extinct species of monkeys are going to believe that theory regardless of what the evidence shows. Crypto currencies will not make us wealthy An example of how we are vulnerable to scams is that a lot of people believe that by purchasing Bitcoin, Ether, or other crypto currencies, they are going to become wealthy. The concept of an alternative currency is sensible, but the concept that we can all become wealthy simply by purchasing the currency is a variation of a "pyramid scheme." Scams for a healthier life are very common The FDA has put a lot of restrictions on the pharmaceutical businesses, but there are still a lot of businesses that are making money on worthless products to help us live longer and healthier. Why would crime networks pass up such a profitable opportunity? The answer is that the criminals are not passing it up. They are actually making a lot of money on health products, but on the illegal methods of living longer and healthier, such as the sales of rhinoceros horns, tiger bones, and manta ray gills. Since there is a demand for children's blood, why would crime networks ignore the profit potential of that product? Interesting topics for your lunch and dinner! Occasionally there are awkward periods of silence during lunch or dinner because we run out of issues to talk about, so here are two suggestions for you:
• Why is Trump subservient to Jews? The Google executives appear to be members of a Jewish crime network, not a group of independent, honest, respectable business executives. For example, as I explained here, they lied about the James Damore memo in order to intimidate and manipulate the Google employees and the rest of the world.
is responsible for the corruption?Our initial emotional reaction to the incredible corruption in the world is to become angry with the criminals, but we need to exert some self-control and force ourselves to think about the issue. Life is more complex than it appears. ![]() Consider an extreme example if you're having trouble with this concept. Imagine if the majority of people were covered with ticks. As they traveled around the city, the ticks would lay billions of eggs in the offices, restaurants, museums, and city parks. Every person and animal that traveled into the city would pick up hundreds of ticks. We must deal with the misfits, not ignore them When some of the members of an organization are avoiding and ignoring the misfit members, they create a social environment that is analogous to a mixture of oil and water. The organization will be a "gathering of individuals", not a "united team". ![]() During prehistoric times, the misfits could not possibly get away with kidnapping or killing people. Although the misfits were shunned by the other members of their tribe, everybody knew what they were doing because there was no secrecy in that era. There were no walls, homes, or buildings to isolate the people. The public creates disgust of themselves If you were living among people who were covered with ticks, and if they ridiculed you as a "crazy conspiracy theorist" when you pointed out to them that they are covered with ticks, you would eventually regard them as mentally defective. Have you looked into my accusation that the Bollyn family has been kidnapped? The information is disorganized because I posted documents as events happened, but imagine if you and your family had been kidnapped, and that you were held captive in a public apartment building in a city full of people, but the police don't help you, and none of you neighbors care, either. ![]() As I pointed out many years ago, when Janet Jackson showed her nipple, people around the world quickly heard about it, and various photos of it, (such as the one to the right), were passed around the world in a matter of days. Most people regard the public as stupid and uneducated It might seem to be an odd statement, but most people regard most other people as being stupid and uneducated. The main reason that we regard most people as stupid and uneducated is because humans are incredibly arrogant. We are the descendants of the dominant monkeys, so we evolved powerful emotional desires to climb to the top of the social hierarchy, become the leader of the world, and regard everybody else as inferior to us. We want other people to obey our commands and show us signs of submission. How do you react to a helpless person or animal? A lot of people could be described as being "helpless", or "easily exploited". Children, for example, are so trusting, submissive, stupid, and uneducated that it is very easy for an adult to exploit them. Likewise, the adults who are retarded, stupid, or trusting can easily be exploited. Animals are so stupid that it is even easier to exploit and abuse them.
The same concept applies to the planet Earth. The Earth is a dumb entity, and we have those same three options in regards to how we treat the Earth:
![]() Furthermore, animals - especially the males - have a strong desire to mark their territory, and so the humans who are more emotionally similar to an animal will have stronger desires to mark the national parks in some manner. For example, the photo to the right shows a portion of the graffiti that has been scratched into the sandstone of the Arches National Park in Utah.
Our city parks and public beaches also suffer from crude people. For some examples, some people leave trash in the area; some people toss glass bottles into the bushes, which shatter into pieces and injure animals and people; and some people start fires on the beach but do not clean up the mess afterwards. |
enterprise gives us crude
leaders. Example: GoogleIn a free enterprise system, people who rise to the top of the economy will be those who are best at making profit, but they are not necessarily desirable leaders. For example, consider two businesses that are competing with one another. Which of them will be the most profitable? Which is the most likely to go bankrupt?
The Google executives, by comparison, spent the hour-long meeting whining about Donald Trump. They were much more concerned with political issues than their business. Why did they get involved with Google? Was it to make profit? There are only subtle differences between us I and millions of other people also regard the public as a horde of uneducated, stupid, emotional, irrational people with low self-control, so how can I justify criticizing the Google executives for that same attitude? The answer to that apparent hypocrisy is that we do not have exactly the same attitudes. ![]() I regard men and women as having slightly different mental, physical, and emotional characteristics, but I do not advocate hurting, exploiting, or tormenting women. Rather, I suggest that society treat men and women differently. I think this will create the most pleasant environment for both men and women.
Have you listened to any of the people who claim to have been victims of pedophiles during their youth, such as Jenny? They suffered an unbelievable amount of torture, abuse, and cruelty, and yet they show better behavior than the Google executives, even though the Google executives had a much more pleasant childhood. Some liberals are incredibly hypocritical Because humans are selfish and arrogant, we can find hypocritical behavior in everybody. We are not two different species; namely, those who are hypocritical and those who are not. If we could measure hypocrisy, we would find that the majority of people are "average" in their hypocritical behavior, and a small minority is extremely hypocritical. Does Google have the right to fire Damore? A manager involved with firing Damore wrote a document to explain to Damore why he was being fired. Three of his sentences are:
How much abuse will we let the Jews get away with? The Google executives and NLRB lawyers are claiming that "advancing gender stereotypes" is unacceptable behavior, but the phrase "advancing gender stereotypes" does not have any specific meaning. It should be illegal for a lawyer to accuse a person of unacceptable behavior or a crime that nobody can explain. ![]() When I look at how the Jews are regularly abusing the people of the USA, Germany, Britain, and other nations, I am reminded of the photo to the right. Are we allowed to behave like Jews? Imagine if some non-Jewish business executives told their employees that their company policy is that different races have different genetic characteristics, and that Jews are a primitive, inferior race of Neanderthals rather than humans. Imagine that one of their employees writes a memo in which he explains that he believes Jews are the superior race, and another employee writes a memo to explain his opinion that Jews are as human as everybody else. Can businesses tell us what to think about abortion and music? If we are going to allow the Google executives to decide what our beliefs are about men and women, why not let business executives decide our beliefs about races, religion, evolution, music, art, marijuana, and abortion? And why not also allow business executives to tell us what we are allowed to think about the extinction of the dinosaurs, and whether there is life in other solar systems?
The Google executives are not willing to have a discussion about the differences between men and women. By comparison, the conservatives are willing to have discussions about the issues they believe in, such as abortion, religion, and guns. We are not "climate change deniers" The issue of "global warming" is another example of how the behavior of some liberals should be regarded as disgusting, intolerable, and illegal. The people who promote carbon taxes seem to be liberals, and they behave just like the Google executives. Specifically, they will not tolerate a discussion about global warming. Rather, if somebody disagrees with them, they instigate hatred of the person by insulting them with such names as "climate change denier". The truth does not need protection Many years ago I explained that if a person truly has an honest, intelligent opinion, he does not have to resort to arresting or censoring the people with a different opinion. A person with a truly honest, intelligent opinion can present it to the world and encourage everybody to analyze it. Putting an opinion out into the public for analysis is like putting a rock into an acid bath. It will allow us to determine whose opinions are the most accurate and have the best supporting evidence. • Me, who advocates the arrest of the Google executives. The differences between us are subtle. Specifically, I have a lot of lengthy documents at my website to explain my reasoning. By comparison, the Google executives justified firing Damore by claiming that he disrupted the company, but they did not provide any evidence that he disrupted the company, or identify who he disrupted, or explain how he disrupted them. Their lack of intelligent supporting evidence is an indication that they are lying to us. The most hypocritical liberals resemble animals There probably are some liberals who practice what they preach, but they are not easily noticed because they are so quiet and polite. They will not be interested in joining obnoxious protests in the street, and they will not have a tantrum when James Damore or somebody else expresses an opinion that they disagree with. They will not insult a person who has an opposing opinion as being a Nazi, fascist, misogynist, sexist, or anti-Semite. |
a few government officials is worthlessNow that I have spent an excessive amount of time criticizing the Google executives, hopefully you will be able to see how useless it will be to do what the Jews are hoping we do, which is to arrest Hillary Clinton and a few other people, and then assume that the "swamp has been drained". Arresting a few government officials will do nothing of significance. For a few examples: Most people cannot cope with modern life According to the theory of free enterprise, the consumers will ensure that the leaders of the businesses are reputable people, but in reality, modern economic systems are too large and complex for consumers to deal with, and most people don't have the intelligence, education, or desire to analyze business executives and pass judgment on which of them is appropriate. The public needs guidance, not more freedom The majority of people don't have the self control, intelligence, education, or desire to research the problems we face, discuss possible solutions, compromise on policies, or experiment with our culture. The public does not need more freedom; they need leaders who can provide them with guidance. Most people would have a much more pleasant life if their freedom had been restricted, and if they had to follow the advice of some truly competent leaders. For a few examples: ![]() A lot of people are making terrible decisions about marriage, such as picking a spouse that they are incompatible with, and wasting time and money on weddings and divorces. A lot of people would have had a more successful and pleasant marriage if we were living in a city in which our leaders were arranging supervised courtship activities to help us find a compatible spouse, and if our leaders were experimenting with our culture to figure out how to design weddings and divorces to be more sensible and pleasant.Some people might complain that it would be insulting to live in a city in which our leaders are treating the ordinary people as children who need guidance, but it is insulting only if you want it to be insulting. Life is however you want to look at it. We must also be able to give job performance reviews to our leaders, and they must be held accountable for their actions. In the USA, there is a debate about whether a president can be indicted for crimes, but there should be no debate. Everybody in government should be accountable for his crimes, not allowed to bypass the laws. The public is partly responsible for the corruption There is a lot of corruption in this world, and although we can say the "criminals" are the source of the corruption, we have to face the fact that part of the corruption is because the public is creating disgust of themselves with their apathy, selfishness, and crude behavior. |
The Chinese are putting a lot of effort into
improving their nation. Will the Americans or Europeans make a
serious attempt to improve our nations? Or will we continue to
let crime networks intimidate, abuse, and manipulate us? Are there enough high-quality people remaining in the USA or Europe to destroy the crime networks, stop the fraudulent wars, and expose the truth about historical events? Do we have enough adventurous people to start experimenting with our cities, government, economic system, schools, and other culture? Or do our nations have so many apathetic sheeple, anti-social weirdos, pedophiles, and criminals that we are going to continue to deteriorate? |