Dead at age 23 4 February 2007
Dan Wallace became interested in exposing the truth about the September
11 attack.
As a result of his mistake, instead of exposing 9/11, he helped promote deception and lies. He supposedly just finished making a DVD that shows that the Council
of Foreign Relations was behind the September 11 attack.
We don't need another deceptive DVD! If you think the CFR is the mastermind of the corruption,
read this:
Those of you who visit my site should know by now that I believe that virtually every group of 9/11 truth seekers is actually part of a Zionist gang trying to cover up the 9/11 crime.
One of the peculiar similarities between the deaths of Dan Wallace and Michael Zebuhr is the lack of interest in understanding why they died:
Have you seen my article on the health problems caused
by the "dust":
In the century prior to the 9/11 attack the Zionists were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people in various wars and slaughters. If you cannot figure out who to trust, you may end up associating with criminals.
It is possible that Michael Zebuhr was killed because he started to realize that he was being used by the Zionists. It is possible Dan Wallace was killed because he began to realize that
he was associating with criminals.
Sleep with rats, get bit by fleas If you work with the Zionists, and if you end up dead as a result, not only is it your own tough luck, but all we can say is good riddance. If you work with Zionists, you are helping them to destroy us. Therefore, you are one of our enemies! Don't expect any awards or pity from us. Therefore, if Dan Wallace was killed by the Zionists,
good riddance to another idiot.
Can you figure out who to trust? We are not going to defeat the Zionists with people who are so stupid
that they assist the Zionists.
The idiots deserve whatever the Zionists do to them.
Assume every "truth seeker" is a liar If you become actively involved with investigating 9/11, the world wars, the attack on the USS Liberty, or the Federal Reserve system, you are likely to be contacted by lots of wonderful people who praise you and give you advice. The best thing to do is assume everybody who contacts you is a criminal. Have you read about Bollyn's interview with Andreas von Bulow which
shows how extreme the deception can be:
There seem to be three primary goals of the people who contact us.
1) Monitor us They will ask what we are doing, where we are going, who we talked to, what our plans for the future are, and what we think about certain issues.2) Deceive us They begin by trying to convince us that we can trust them. They will give us complements, and possibly some useful advice. 3) Blackmail or ruin us They look for our weakness. They try to find out if we use drugs, or have a gambling habit.Look at who promotes who Every 911 group is suspicious. You can determine this by looking at who they promote. Notice that they never -- except under extreme pressure -- encourage their members to look at material from me and Christopher Bollyn. For example, take a look at this group, which is the work of such people
as Kee Dwedney, Greg Zeigler, and Brad Mayeaux:
They have articles from such proven liars as Karl W. Schwarz, Kevin Barrett, Paul Joseph Watson (webmaster for Alex Jones), and Paul Craig Roberts. That group posted an edited version of one of Hufschmid's articles, but they have since erased it. Posting an edited version of something we do is a way of removing the material they don't like, and fooling people into thinking they are indeed promoting our material and working with us. One of the tabs along the top of physics911.net website is "911 Pilots",
and it goes directly to Pilots For 9/11 Truth.
In other words, they don't merely have a link to Pilots For 9/11
Truth; rather, they are pushing that site. That should be a
clue that Pilots for 9/11 Truth is also a deceptive site.
Who gets publicity? Nobody gets publicity unless the Zionists feel that they can use it to their advantage. David Duke got a lot of time to speak on the CNN show, as we mention
in this video:
You can find that and other videos at this page:
More importantly, Duke was on live television so there was no way for CNN to edit his message. For example: • David Duke live on Wolf Blitzer's propaganda show:
• David Duke live on MSNBC's propaganda show:
By comparison, CNN wasted several hours of Christopher Bollyn's life in an interview, but they ignored all of his important remarks. They extracted only the most meaningless remarks in an attempt to make him appear to be an anti-Semite. Listen to the unedited interview,
and then compare that to what they put on television:
More 9/11 propaganda conferences There will be a conference about 9/11 in Arizona during February 23-25,
Ed Haas was going to hold a "National 9/11 Debate" in South Carolina
on March 10, 2007, but he seems to have canceled it:
On March 9-11, 2007 the Freedom Law School is holding a conference
in California about income taxes, 9/11, and uranium contamination:
This "law school" is not a real law school, and it is closely tied to
the American Free Press, as Hufschmid explained:
Although we don't know all of the speakers at these conferences, almost everybody whose name we recognize is a liar about Zionism. Therefore, we should assume that these are Zionist propaganda events. Take a look here at the list of speakers for the Arizona event. Some of the names you might recognize are: Kevin BarrettNotice that one of the speakers was Eric D. Williams, who some people are accusing of being a "Holocaust Denier". Stephen Lemons of the Phoenix New Times learned that Williams
was a Holocaust Denier from Pat Curley, who writes this:
Stephen Lemons then exposed Williams as a Holocaust Denier:
Williams believes the Nazis killed one million Jews, not 6 million. Because he disagrees with the official 6 million figure, on 4 February 2007, he was removed as a speaker at the Arizona conference on the grounds that: "The 911 Accountability Conference does not support Holocaust denial, nor does the 9/11 Truth Movement."
His promotes Maria Heller, Barry Chamish, and Jeff Rense.
Is Williams really a "Holocaust Denier"? The evidence suggests that Williams is a Zionist pretending to be a Holocaust Denier, and that Pat Curley is also a Zionist who is trying to give Williams credibility as a Holocaust Denier. The other people who complain that Williams is a Holocaust denier are also likely to be Zionists.
Are Williams and his friends really planning to teach the Gullible Goyim the truth? No! Rather, the Goyim will learn that the Vatican is in control of every nation, and that Martians are flying around the planet and making crop circles. Furthermore, the Goyim who foolishly wander into this Goy Pen will never be told to look at the work of me or Christopher Bollyn. Instead, they will be fed deception by Maria Heller, Barry Chamish, Jeff Rense, and other Zionist Deniers. That, incidentally is what Williams really is: a Zionist
Denier. Not a Holocaust Denier. David Irving is another
of these phony Holocaust Deniers:
Don't trust a Zionist Denier on pedophilia During the beginning of 2007, Williams was asking for donations to help
him fund a new version of the video Conspiracy Of Silence, but he
has since stopped asking. His site:
We have a link to the Conspiracy of Silence video at this
Since Williams promotes other liars, only a fool would give him money
and trust what he says about pedophilia.
Avoid stupid and naive people Some of the people in the "truth movement", anti-war movement, etc, may be naive, and some may be stupid, but it doesn't matter whether somebody is stupid, or a Zionist agent. You should
never follow the advice of stupid or naive people.
Zionism is a symptom of problems It is difficult to believe, but you can safely put maggots into open wounds in your body. The reason a maggot will not hurt you is that they only eat dead flesh. The maggots will eat all of the dead flesh, and leave the living flesh, thereby cleaning out the wound. The maggots can help you. The Zionists are similar to maggots, except that the Zionists eat the mentally dead. The Zionists prey on people who are suffering from low self-esteem; people with mental problems; people who are lonely; and people who are unhappy. The Zionists offer them money, sex, gambling, pornography, fame, and other forms of titillation. The Zionists also prey on people who are angry. They encourage the different races to fight with each other, and they encourage angry, unhappy women to fight with men in order to liberate themselves from thousands of years of oppression and abuse. Zionism would have failed long ago if the majority of Goyim were intelligent, educated, happy, and in good mental health. If Goyim were happy and healthy, the Zionists would rarely find customers for their kidnapped children, strip clubs, gambling casinos, and propaganda publications. They would also be unable to fool nations into fighting wars with each other. The incredible problems we are suffering from is a sign that our societies are full of sickly, miserable people who cannot think properly, or who refuse to think. The Zionist takeover of the world is analogous to a group of maggots eating a dead animal. It's not the fault of Zionists that the world is full of miserable people who are easily bribed, blackmailed, and deceived. It is up to us to do something to make our nations better. If all we do is sit in front of television sets and give our money to the Zionist banks and Zionist entertainment companies, nothing is going to improve. Also, if most Americans are too stupid to realize that most of the 9/11 truth seekers, anti-war activists, and Holocaust Deniers are actually Zionists, then nothing will improve. The Zionists thrive on chaos, stupidity, suffering, misery, war, mental illness, unwanted children, and orphans. Dealing with Zionism requires finding people who can see through the deception, and who are unaffected by offers of Zionist candy. The Israeli cartoon contest from 2006 has lots of jokes about how easily the Goyim can be manipulated, such as the cartoon below, which is at this page. |