We can
improve our activities
We don't
care what the competition is, we just want
to compete
It's important to understand that men love to compete with
one another, but our emotions don't care what
the competition is. As a result, we must provide guidance to our activities
or we end up in competitions that are idiotic, worthless, risky, or destructive.
For example, have you noticed how many eating
contests are being held in the world today? Ken Edwards set
the record
of eating 36 cockroaches in 1 minute.
Did you know that there are organizations
involved with promoting and supervising some of the eating contests? For
example, there is the
International Federation
of Competitive Eating, and the Association
of Independent Competitive Eaters.
How extreme does this behavior have to get before people start asking
themselves, "Is this the best way we can spend
our leisure time?" What if there were so many people practicing
to set the World's Record for Cockroach Eating, that 20% of the population
was involved with cockroach farms, distributing packages of cockroaches
to markets, and creating sexually titillating advertisements to promote
their particular brand of cockroach?
Most people are wasting
their leisure time
A lot of people enjoy "arts and crafts"
activities, and some of them produce useful
items, but there are so many people
producing similar items that there is an excessive
supply of them. For example, have you seen the amount and variety
of toothpick
art, or paper
art, or cork
art, or plastic bottle
art? There is also thumbtack
art, but pushpin
art seems more popular today. Every society needs art, but most of these
people are wasting their time and talent.
Patrick Acton spent 3000 hours
building this
amazing city of match sticks.
Some women spend hours each week with elaborate fingernail
decorations. |
It should be obvious that we don't care what the competition
is; we just want to impress one another. So why not create competitions
that provide some benefit to us?
How could we fail
to improve upon chaos?
How can I be so confident that the human race is capable of
creating more useful, more beneficial activities? It's very simple! Almost
all of our social activities developed inadvertently
and haphazardly. If we were to spend time thinking about activities,
how could we not develop activities
that are better than what has been developing inadvertently?
Do you realize how stupid we would
have to be in order to fail at improving upon activities that were
designed by anybody? How could we not
improve upon something that is haphazard?
Activities for entertainment and
relaxation are useful, also
Since I'm complaining about activities being "worthless", I'd
like to point out that not every leisure activity has to provide a benefit
to society. Some activities can provide
benefit to the participant. For example,
sometimes we may enjoy a ride on a bicycle or walk in a park. When we
do a lot of physical work during the day we will often enjoy relaxing during
our leisure time while other people entertain us with singing, dancing,
or sports. If we lived in a city that had lakes or canals, we might sometimes
enjoy relaxing in a rowboat alone, or with our friend, spouse, or family.
I have no objection to activities
that don't provide a benefit to society. Rather, I am pointing out
that there are some people who are putting a lot of time and effort,
and sometimes a lot of money, into activities that they themselves
don't actually benefit from, and which nobody
appreciates. I think the human race has the talent to create
a wide variety of activities that provide some significant
benefits to society and/or to the participant. We shouldn't get involved
with an activity simply to avoid boredom.
Activities" would make leisure activities
There are different ways of making our leisure activities more
useful. I'll refer to one method as "coordinated
activities", for lack of a better phrase. Of course, this would
require a much higher quality government than we currently have, and it
would require that our cities have more recreational buildings available
to us, but don't worry about that. Consider our
potential, not what you see in the world right now.
People who like arts and crafts could contribute to larger
projects, such as glass enclosures
for public recreational areas. |
For the arts and crafts
activities, they could be designed and coordinated
so that instead of people working on silly projects, they each contribute
a small amount to a much larger project
that society benefits from. For example, they could build some beautiful
buildings for themselves to work in, and then they could work on
other projects, such as structures for other recreational activities, murals
for train stations, and flowerpots for the city streets. Through the decades
they would make the city increasingly beautiful. I'll give some more examples
later in this article.
For the non-arts and crafts activities,
such as those that produce food, or teach dancing, singing, or other
entertainment, they could be coordinated so that some groups make different
food products, and other groups provide entertainment. During the day
people work on whatever their activity is, and then in the evening, the
people would be able to feed and entertain one another.
There are different ways of setting up this concept of "coordinated
activities". One variation would be similar to the concept behind
the television show Dancing with the Stars. In that show, some professional
dancers teach other people how to dance over a period of a few months.
Part of the entertainment comes from watching them dance, and part of the
entertainment is watching them go through the process of
how to dance and discovering their abilities, weaknesses, limitations,
and frustrations.
Imagine that the city holds a fair on a Saturday and arranges for a
dozen or more different activities during the afternoon, all of which are
similar to that television show in which some professionals teach people
about some activity. One group might learn about grinding grains and making
different types of bread, and another group might learn how to make sausages,
and another group might learn how to carve watermelon into artistic shapes.
Some of the other groups would learn how to sing, dance, or whatever forms
of entertainment that the people were interested in learning about and
experimenting with.
During the day the people would learn their activity, and by the evening,
the people producing the food would be able to feed the people, as well
as entertain them with their carved cantaloupes or artistic breads, and
the food would be safe and tasty because the professionals would make sure
that everything was made properly. After dinner, some of the people involved
with the entertainment activities would be able to perform for the people.
These coordinated activities would
be more useful than the existing activities because these would do a much
better job of getting a lot of people together to socialize, and it would
help people to learn new activities, discover their abilities and limitations,
and in some cases, get exercise. At the same time, their activities are
beneficial to society because these activities would have a useful end
result; namely, the people would feed and entertain one another. Their
efforts would be appreciated, not wasted.
These coordinated activities would be designed according to the ages
and interests of the people. For example, the younger, more active people
would have more food and more physically
active activities compared to the older people.
Life is more fun when you work
with friends
If you were regularly getting involved with coordinated activities,
you would get to know a lot of the other people who were involved. This
brings me to an important point that I don't think many people understand.
Specifically, doing activities with friends will bring more satisfaction
to your life than sitting in front of a television and watching
other people do things. It is better to be a participant
with friends rather than a voyeur of
Many people have the attitude that the key to happiness is to become
rich, famous, and then retire, and be pampered by servants. However, if
you lived in a city in which you enjoyed the people you were living
with, you would have much more fun getting together with them and doing
things together. Your meals would be more fun if you were involved
with making them, or if you knew people who were involved. And entertainment
is more satisfying when you are involved in some manner, or if people you
know are involved. Even taking a ride in a rowboat will be more fun when
you or somebody you know had some involvement with building or maintaining
the boat, or helping to create or maintain the lake. You need some emotional
connection to life to truly enjoy it. The fantasy of being pampered
like a baby is very appealing, but it's not
satisfying, except when you are tired, crippled, sick, or physically
The USA is not
suited to coordinated social activities
We cannot yet implement
the type of activities that I will mention in this file because we don't
yet have the proper government or economic system. Our cities don't even
have the recreational areas that we
would need, and our government leaders
don't have the desire or
the ability to arrange for coordinated activities. Furthermore,
if a nation such as America were to arrange for these coordinated activities,
they would become a random mixture of people, some of whom speak different
languages, and most of whom would not like or
trust one another.
Another serious problem would be that some people would get involved
with these activities because they were lonely
and looking for a spouse, so they would be pursuing
other people during these activities rather than working as a team member,
and this would be irritating for the
people they were pursuing, especially if one person was homosexual and
the other wasn't.
We need to help people find a spouse
This brings me to another important point about leisure activities.
We should create some activities specifically
to help people find friends and a spouse. When a society doesn't have any
activities that are truly useful for men and women to meet each other,
then what happens is that businesses, churches, and crime networks try
to exploit the lonely people, and the
lonely people will try to exploit other
activities for finding a spouse. If, instead, we create some specific activities
for people to find friends and a spouse, then all of the other activities
can forbid that type of behavior. I
think that would be much better than the situation we have right now in
which lonely people are subverting or
exploiting other activities.
By having activities specifically for people to find a spouse, then
men and women could get involved together without worrying about being
pursued. For example, a young, attractive, single woman would be able to
join a dance or food related activity without fear of men groping her,
or making lewd remarks, or being "persistent" or "aggressive". If any of
the men began pursuing her, the other men would tell those men to stop,
or if a man was going too far, he would be thrown
out of the activity and told to go to one of the activities
that are intended for people to find a spouse. Of course, this would require
that the men actually do what men are supposed to do, which is stand
up to bad behavior and provide leadership.
This brings me to a concept I mentioned before; namely, that a society
can only be as good as its people. Most men right now are doing absolutely
to help society. They don't care that the Jews are lying about the Holocaust
or the 9/11 attack, and they do nothing about the men who grope women in
crowded trains. They also ignore the women who
deceive men
into marriage, and they ignore the children who spray graffiti in
the city. Thousands of years ago, virtually all of the men were capable
of being a leader, but today most men can't even provide leadership for
their own wife or children.
do we create new activities? We experiment!
If you understand my concept that culture is "social technology",
then it should be easy to realize that we can improve culture in the same
manner that we improve our "physical technology." It's difficult for an
engineer to develop a completely new
product, but it's easy for him to improve an existing
product. He simply spends time thinking
about and discussing different variations,
and then he experiments.
This is exactly how we can improve our culture. It would be difficult
for us to develop completely new activities,
but it would be easy for us to improve an existing activity. However,
it's important to realize that we cannot "figure out" what will be an improvement.
We need the same attitude as an engineer; namely, we have to experiment
with different possibilities, observe the results, and then do some
We have to abandon the
crude, primitive attitude that person who questions his culture is a "traitor".
We must be willing to look critically at our nation, our culture, and ourselves,
and we must be willing to experiment with new activities, new governments,
and new economic systems. Nothing will improve unless we start experimenting
with ourselves. We can't be afraid. We need people to become "social
pioneers" who climb into a virtual covered wagon and join the other pioneers
in an exploration of our culture.
the experiments!
For a simple example of how easy and safe it is to experiment
with activities, one of the contestants on the television show Dancing
with the Stars was a basketball player,
and there wass a video (it has since disappeared)
of two of them having a few moments of fun with a basketball. They never
did anything with this concept, but somebody could experiment with
using some type of ball in their dance routine. Magicians do tricks with
balls and other objects, and rhythmic gymnasts use ribbons, hoops, and
other objects, so if dancers were to experiment, they might develop some
new dance routines with balls or other objects. That particular television
show isn't designed for such experimentation, but another show could be
"Experimental Dances with the Stars".
Perhaps lots of dancers have already experimented with balls,
and they came to the conclusion that it's ridiculous. However, my
point is that it's very easy and perfectly
for us to experiment with new activities. We won't
hurt ourselves. There isn't a right or wrong way to spend your
leisure time. We must start
culture and experimenting with it.
The activity is irrelevant.
Humans do not have any inherent
craving for any particular leisure activity. We want to do something
during our leisure time, but it doesn't matter what
do. There isn't anything in particular that we have to do in order to enjoy
life. Therefore, we could create a variety
of leisure activities, some of which allow people to contribute to larger
projects that have value. For example, people who like the "arts and crafts"
activities could contribute to projects in which they decorate train stations,
bridges, parks, and even public bathrooms. These people could be doing
something to improve life for everybody
rather than merely occupy their leisure time with worthless activities
that nobody appreciates.
The competition
is irrelevant, also!
We enjoy competing with one another and impressing one another, but
our emotions don't care what the competition
is. This allows us to design competitive activities that provide
benefit to the participants and/or
society. At the moment, most people are involved with thousands
of silly competitions, but we could be competing in a useful manner, such
as competing to see which team of artists can create the most beautiful
mural for the city, or the most decorative bridge for the city park, or
the nicest rowboat for a lake. We could also compete to entertain
one another with singing, dancing, and meals.
We have the ability to cooperate,
so why not do it?
As of today, there is no
significant city planning for the architecture of the buildings, the layout
of the city, the transportation systems, or even the artistic decorations
of the city. Humans have the ability
to work in teams, but we are not working
together when we design our cities. Actually, we don't "design"
cities. Instead, we allow cities to develop haphazardly. We allow individual
people and businesses to build homes, roads, farms, and other structures
wherever they please, and in virtually any architectural style that they
please. Our governments have created a few zoning regulations, but that
doesn't qualify as "city planning".
. |
As of today, the decoration of a city is sparse and haphazard.
Why not provide ourselves with a government that can plan and coordinate
the decoration of the cities? |
We should take advantage of our ability to work together by
setting aside some aspects of the city for leisure activities. It wouldn't
be practical for people to build a train system
their leisure time, but it would be
practical for people to contribute to murals, tiles, and colored glass
windows for the train stations. All we need to do is provide ourselves
with an honest, respectable government that is capable of arranging for
a plan to decorate the city, and then setting aside some of the work as
leisure activities, and coordinating all of the activities.
A person would be able to look through the activities and attend whichever
one happened to appeal to him. There would be no commitment. These activities
would be operated by the city, so they would not be profit-making ventures.
Their purpose would be to help people learn new activities, discover their
abilities, meet people, socialize, and at the same time, help contribute
to making the city a nicer place for everybody.
These tiles are on a bench
in Italy
The painting and firing of decorative tiles could become
a leisure activity if city officials would plan and coordinate such
activities. |
Of course, since arts and crafts activities require some education,
talent, and experience, you couldn't do just anything you pleased. Instead,
the supervisors would have to pass judgment on your abilities and assign
a task that they felt you are capable of doing properly. Or, if they did
not think you were ready for anything, they would provide you with
some training.
If we were to provide ourselves with this type of government and arrange
for these type of activities, we would discover that lots of "temperamental"
artists would refuse to get involved because they would complain about
being forced to follow the government's artistic plan. They would whine
that they need the "artistic freedom" to do as they please. Some of them
would also have a temper tantrum if the supervisors of the project told
them that their artistic abilities were not good enough to work on the
tasks that they wanted to work on. However, we should not feel sorry for
the artists who are too mentally ill or anti-social to work in a team.
We should design society for the higher quality people.
Why do work
during your leisure
If you wonder why a person would volunteer for an activity
in which he glazes tiles for a public bathroom or helps to paint a mural
along the wall of a train station, my response is: What is "work"?
What is "play"? We have different ideas
on what is entertaining. Some people enjoy spending hours a day practicing
tennis, playing musical instruments, or decorating their fingernails.
If we lived in a city in which we enjoyed the people we lived among,
and if we respected the leaders of the city, and if the city were to provide
activities in which we could do something useful for the city, then I'm
sure there would be some people who would enjoy getting involved with those
particular activities. I think that a lot of people who are currently involved
with idiotic projects simply don't know what else to do.
I think the first thing we need to do is create a better society with
respectable leadership, and then we can start experimenting with different
types of leisure activities. And we have to keep in mind that these activities
are just like automobiles and refrigerators; specifically, we can't simply
create them and then ignore them. We have to create them, and then we have
to observe the results and look for ways
to improve them to make them more useful and more enjoyable.
Developing better activities will be a continuous process that will go
on and on and on.
Furthermore, when you contribute to a useful project, such as the tiles
of a public bathroom or the murals of a train station, then when you go
into those bathrooms or train stations, it will have more meaning to you.
You will get more satisfaction from
your city when you have contributed to it, even if you've contributed only
a few hours of work.
Morale is too low in America
One of the reasons that people today would not be interested
in joining a leisure activity that provides some benefit to society is because
many of us are disgusted with our society.
Not many people have fantasies of getting together to make our public bathrooms
or train stations more attractive, for example. Instead, a lot of people
have fantasies of killing government
officials, news reporters, business executives, and school officials. We
don't think about helping to excavate an area for an artificial lake. Rather,
some of us think about excavating a big pit so that we can throw the criminals
into it.
In order for people to develop an interest in doing something for society,
morale has to be much higher than it
is today. As I pointed out in one of my earlier
files, morale is more important than most people seem to realize. We have
respect the people in leadership
positions, not fantasize about killing them. And we must be proud of our
fellow citizens, not afraid of them
or concerned that they are going to kidnap children, burglarize houses,
or deceive us into friendship or marriage.
We should create activities to help
us meet people
Douglas Hines
with his creation, "Roxxxy"
There are so many people in the world that each of us should
be able to easily find a spouse and
friends, but enormous numbers of people are very lonely despite the incredible
selection available to us. Many people react to the loneliness by getting
involved with dating services, using dogs as a substitute for friend, or
getting involved with people they don't really like simply because they
would rather be in a mediocre relationship than to be alone. There are
some people developing extremely lifelike
dolls and robots that will substitute as a sexual partner. With so many
people around us, how could there be so much loneliness? I think some reasons
• Our societies are no
longer homogenous.
America may be the most extreme example of a nation that is a mix of
different races, personalities, languages, and attitudes. America also
has lots of people with very serious mental disorders.
• Secrecy is encouraged.
We don't merely tolerate secrecy;
we encourage it. For example, we hide
our medical history, school records, and other background information.
We don't consider a person to be disgusting or deceptive if they lie about
their drug use, criminal background, mental illness, S&M activities,
or alcoholism. Some people have even lied about their venereal diseases
and deliberately allowed the disease to spread to their partner.
• Most existing
activities are useless for meeting
Most people have hobbies, sports, and other leisure activities in which
they are either alone most of the time,
or they get together with the same group
of people over and over.
We're not going to reduce loneliness
with dating services, dogs, or sex robots. I think the best solution is
to make cities more homogenous, and to stop allowing
secrecy. You should change your attitudes toward secrecy. If
you spend some of your time getting to know a person and later discover
that he has been deceiving you about
some of his awful qualities, you should not
dismiss his deception as meaningless. You should consider it as a sign
that he is a manipulative person. And
you should also consider that he has
wasted a
portion of your life. You should not tolerate people
who deceive you. You should try to find people who are honest, courteous,
and respectable, not parasitic, dishonest, or
of themselves. Ideally, we wouldn't have to worry that somebody is trying
to manipulate us into becoming their spouse, employer, or friend.
We need help in meeting people. We are no longer living in the small,
nomadic tribes that are natural to us. We are now living among strangers.
When I was a child, our mothers would sometimes introduce children to one
another and help us to get acquainted, but mothers don't seem to do that
as often today, and nobody is doing it for the adults. Certainly the human
race has the intelligence and creativity to develop a variety of activities
that will help people meet one another in a comfortable setting.
There are lots of dating services and related activities that supposedly
help adults meet each other, but the main priority of most of them is profit.
Or, the person who started the service is primarily interested in finding
a spouse for himself. These businesses
lonely people. We need cultural activities
that truly help people to meet one another. I think the only way to deal
with this problem is to start experimenting with
different activities, and the government should assist so that there is
no concern for profit. For example, the government could provide the recreational
buildings and areas.
Better activities
require better leaders
With CNC equipment, instead of cutting up ice for temporary
entertainment, we could cut rocks for paths
in a city park, as well as cut materials for lots of other useful projects. |
If the craftsmen who contributed to those amazing ice sculptures
in the photos above were to switch from carving ice to carving more durable
materials, they wouldn't be able to accomplish much during just one winter,
but over a span of years they would be able to complete some
projects for their city. Instead of entertaining people with ice statues,
bridges, and murals that melt after
a couple months, the residents of their city would be able to watch them
over a span of years as they built real
statues, bridges, murals for their train stations, decorative paths and
gardens for their parks, and more artistic tiles, sinks, and doors for
their public bathrooms. Each year they would make the city more beautiful.
People centuries in the future would appreciate their work.
However, in order for a group of citizens to contribute to these type
of more useful projects, we must have
a much higher quality government. Those type of projects require a government
to design the project and provide for
and other resources. This requires
a government that is honest, has a true interest in society, and has the
ability to design and supervise these type of large projects.
At the moment, our governments, businesses, schools, and media are dominated
by freaks who have no
interest in improving society. They are trying to get
control of society, not look for ways to improve it. If we could
minds, I'm sure we would find that our government leaders are
not spending any of their time wondering
how to make our cities nicer, or how to improve life for the human race.
Instead, we would discover that they spend their time thinking about how
to get rid of their competitors, how to have sex with more children, and
how to make more money.
The people who dominate the media, schools, and government have no interest
in inspiring us into looking at history to see where we have been or where
we are going. Instead, they are constantly lying
to us about current events and history. They are trying to deceive and
manipulate us. They are filling our history books, television news,
talk shows, magazines, and newspapers with lies and propaganda.
They are trying to control and suppress us.
They do not want us to analyze or discuss anything. They want us to be
servants who mindlessly obey.
They don't want us to get together, do research, or discuss issues. They
do not encourage us to analyze our culture or our attitudes, and they do
not encourage us to discuss ways to improve society. They don't want us
thinking of improvements. They don't want us thinking at all. They want
us to obey them. Their primary fear
is competition.