Peggy won't call me after she
reads my 19 August
At the end of that article I pointed
out to Peggy that if she calls me again, I would post the phone conversation
on the Internet, and if she continues to call, I'll also post some information
about her relatives. My assumption was that she would never
call me again.
Much to my surprise, the next morning,
I answer the phone and it was
Since I wasn't expecting her to call me, I didn't have my recorder ready,
so I missed the beginning of the conversation.
To my surprise, she wasn't upset
by my article. Rather, she praised me, and she told me that she was happy
with what I had done, and that everything I do is fine. So, I suppose she'll
be happy with this newest update, also (ie, the document you're reading
right now).
However, there was a peculiar quality
to the phone call. Take a look at the following transcript, and listen
to the audio file, and make your own decision before I tell you what I
think. |
“You know, how this ended up,
it was okay. It ended up fine...”
- 820kb audio file
Transcript of most of the phone call
Peggy: |
I do want you to know several things, however. |
Eric: |
What? |
Peggy: |
I really did love you, and I think you are a very worthy person, and
I understand more about it than you think. And if you - I would still like
to meet you someday, Eric, because I do think you are a very fine person,
and you... |
Eric: |
Well, like I said, I'd be happy to meet people too. I'm not denying
it. |
Peggy: |
OK, well, that will be fine. Just not now. This isn't the time. But
the reason I'm even calling it all is because there is one thing I don't
understand. I don't even know if I can say it, can I - can I talk freely?
too freely, not too free, just a little bit free, [giggles]. It's a question
I have about something you did. |
Eric: |
What? |
Peggy: |
And I don't want you. I don't need an explanation, if you don't want
to answer it, that's fine. You told me early on that... you told me some
things that I did take seriously. Just tell me, did you ever,.. |
Eric: |
Like what? |
Peggy: |
You know, all that stuff about you are interested in marrying me, and
stuff like that. |
Eric: |
What do you mean? You were the one who was asking me to marry you. |
Peggy: |
No, I'm not asking anything about that. That's not what I'm talking
Is that your reply? |
Eric: |
What? I don't understand. What do you mean I was interested - you
wanted to marry me, I wasn't begging you. |
Peggy: |
No, I didn't say you begged me for anything. But you said you were
interested in marrying me. |
Eric: |
I said, how can I be interested in marrying somebody I don't know?
I mean, I have an interest in meeting people. That's always - I have no
problem meeting... |
Peggy: |
Let me rephrase the question, and you answer however you please. You
told me earlier this year, and I remember the last time too, that, you
know, the last time this happened, that you were interested in me and I
said, why are you interested in me, and you said because you're a lot like
me, and I said, yeah, I think I am a lot like you. Anyway, and you did
mention things to me that I hadn't, you did mention that to me after I
think I told you that I was in love with you, but I can't remember when
it was, Eric, but you did do that. |
Eric: |
Well, I don't remember! (laughing) If I said that
I was interested in you because you're similar to me, I sure don't remember. |
Peggy: |
OK |
Eric: |
I may have made some remark about how we have some things in common
because, after all, you're on the Internet and looking at my website, but
that doesn't mean I want to marry you. I don't even know you! |
Peggy: |
And the reason I called today is because this is just how my brain
works. Since you did say those things to me, and that... |
Eric: |
You're assuming I did, I don't know. |
Peggy: |
What did you say? |
Eric: |
I don't remember saying it |
Peggy: |
OK, but since you did say those things to me... |
Eric: |
Well, you're assuming I said them! I don't remember saying them! |
(Garbled as we talk at the same time.) |
Peggy: |
I know. I'm not asking you anything, I'm just telling you so that you
can reply if you feel like you should. Anyway, so you said those things
to me, at least I remember you saying those things to me, and you know,
some things along those lines, and that's what kept me interested in you
so long, that's what kept me latched to you. |
Eric: |
Oh. |
Peggy: |
Maybe that's what you meant to do, Eric. And maybe that's the best
thing you could have done, because everything you do is right. It turned
out perfectly this time. It did. |
Eric: |
So... |
Peggy: |
You know, how this ended up, it was okay. It ended up fine... |
Eric: |
Oh. |
Peggy: |
And I just wanted to make sure that you didn't really mean it, but
that you couldn't, you know to save face or a something, maybe, because
you're an important person, or whatever, you didn't just publish one thing
on the Internet but then actually want me to come out and see you. You
don't want me to come out and see you, do you? |
Eric: |
No. |
Peggy: |
Or do you? |
Eric: |
I said... No! |
Peggy: |
No? |
Eric: |
(giggling) Noooo! I said that once, when this crime network is over,
we'll see who's still around, and who's not, and then everybody can meet
each other, safely. Right now, forget it! |
A note about our phone conversations
First of all, keep in mind that our conversation on 20 August
was typical for the two of us in that
does most of the talking, and I'm bored or uninterested, and sometimes
irritated. I don't think we ever had "normal" conversations. I would describe
her as the "aggressive" or "dominant" person in our "relationship". I wouldn't
even describe what we had as a "relationship" because I was frequently
telling her that she was either crazy or a criminal.
Second, keep in mind that she had read the article I posted about her,
so she was fully aware that I was going to record her phone conversations.
Also, she has been in contact with me for years,
so she is aware of who I am, and that I'm suspicious of everybody. She's
a naive woman who discovered me on MySpace, Facebook, or an Internet dating
site, and knows nothing about me.
One interpretation of that phone
call on 20 August
One way to explain why Peggy would call me is that she is a
member of the crime network, and that my 19 August article made the Reptilians
realize that I'm never going to marry
Peggy, and so a bunch of them got together discuss alternative plans.
I think they decided to make it appear as if I was the predator, and
that I was deceiving her into thinking
that I wanted to marry her. I think they told her to create the impression
that she was a sweet, innocent woman who "latched"
on to me because of what I said to her.
Notice that she insisted several times
that I did indeed "say those things"
to her. The conversation is repeated below, but I removed most of the words
to condense it, thereby making it easier to see this trick:
Peggy: |
I really did love you <...> you told me some things that I did take
seriously <...> you know, all that stuff about you are interested in
marrying me, and stuff like that. <...> You told me earlier this year,
and I remember the last time too, <...> that you were interested in
me and I said, why are you interested in me... |
Eric: |
Well, I don't remember! |
Peggy: |
...Since you did say those things to me, |
Eric: |
you're assuming I did, <..> I don't remember saying it. |
Peggy: |
OK, but since you did say those things to me... |
Eric: |
you're assuming I said them! I don't remember saying them! |
Peggy: |
I'm just telling you so that you can reply if you feel like you should.
Anyway, so you said those things to me, at least I remember you saying
those things to me, <...> that's what kept me interested in you so long,
that's what kept me latched to you. <...> and I just wanted to make
sure that <...> you didn't just publish one thing on the Internet but
then actually want me to come out and see you. |
Notice her remark, "...and I
said, why are you interested in me?" In that remark, she is
making herself sound like an innocent woman who is curious as to why I
am pursuing her. Would a "crazy" woman
make a remark like that? That sounds like something a woman would say when
she is trying to trap a man into appearing
as a predator, and trying make herself look like
a victim.
I never initiated anything. In fact, my voice doesn't even show enjoyment
in any of our conversations. If you
don't know me you probably wouldn't realize it, but my voice shows boredom,
lack of interest, and sometimes, irritation. A few times I giggle at what
she says, but not because I find her amusing. Rather, I'm shocked and amazed
at what she says and does.
Be very careful with verbal
Fred, the homeless Russian Jew who has been calling me almost every
day for the past four years, tries this trick on me occasionally. Specifically,
he tries to get me to say something critical about a person or a race of
people, or pressure me into agreeing with one of his nasty remarks, and
then on another day he will say something like, "You
said <whatever it was>", or "Remember
when you said <whatever it was>?"
It's easy to manipulate people in verbal conversations because 1) we
can't look back at the conversation to analyze what has already been said,
2) we don't have time to think carefully about the conversation, and 3)
we sometimes agree with the person simply to move on to some other topic.
Con artists are much more successful when they can have verbal conversations
with us compared to when they must provide us with written documents.
They don't want us to think. The lesson
to learn is to demand that important information be recorded in documents,
and that everybody have a chance to analyze the documents before making
decisions. |
“You said ...”
“You said ...”
“You said ...”
“You said ...”
“You said ...”
At the end of the phone conversation, Peggy praised
me. This is the easiest way to manipulate a man
because men want to feel important. Then she tried to get me to admit that
the articles I posted on my website were not
exactly honest, which would make me a liar, or a con
I wonder if their plan was to get me to admit to something deceptive,
which would allow them to file a lawsuit against me, which would waste
my time and money. |
Peggy won't call any more,
will she?
After that phone call was over with, I assumed that Peggy would pass
a copy of the audio file to the network of criminal lawyers and judges,
and they came to the conclusion that it had no
value to them.
I assumed they would all give up, and I would never hear from Peggy
again. |
To my surprise, a couple hours later, the phone rings, and
it is Peggy! Since I wasn't expecting her to call me, I missed the beginning
of the conversation. The phone call lasted only about one minute. She began
by telling me that she wants a man-to-man talk, but all she did was thank
me for "freeing" her. Here is the beginning of this weird conversation:
Peggy: No, I'm serious.
Frankly, I want to thank you. You ...
Eric: For what?
Peggy: ...freed me. You freed me.
Hold on a minute. (interrupted by her ex-husband.)
You freed me.
Eric: Freed you from what?
Peggy: I don't know, from whatever
I was captive... held me captive. But I'm not... I'm free now.
Eric: So, you feel better now?
Peggy: I do.
Eric: Oh (giggles).
Peggy: I feel fine.
That brief phone call gave me the impression that Peggy was told that the
situation was hopeless, and that she should terminate our relationship
in a nice manner so that I'm not angry with her. I assumed that they were
finally giving up. I was certain I would
hear from her again, but to my surprise, an hour or two later, the phone
rings, and it's Peggy once again! And
a couple hours after that, she called for the fourth
and final time that day.
(Links to all of the audio files are at the bottom of this document.)
Peggy asks me for advice on leaving
The final two phone calls that day were similar to some of the phone
calls she made about a year earlier in which she told me that she had to
leave America because she couldn't tolerate the abuse by Jews any longer.
As I wrote in my January article about her,
I think some of the criminals are escaping the network, and the other Jews
are trying to figure out who is helping them escape, and where they're
Note: this photograph
of Professor Bernard
Lewis of Princeton University is real;
I didn't warp his photo to make him
look like a Neanderthal. A video showing him from the side is here,
but the quality is low. |
Peggy asks hypothetical questions
that always have
for an answer
Another trick to learn from Peggy is that she would ask me
hypothetical questions that have Yes for an answer, and then she
would imply that I actually had a choice. For example, she would ask me
something like,
"If you fell in love with me,
would you marry me?" A single man is likely to answer that type
of vague, hypothetical question with, "Yes, of
course!" Then, in a conversation on another day, Peggy would
tell me that I said I would marry her.
If you have trouble understanding this trick, imagine a more extreme
example. Imagine someone asking you, "If an investigation of 9/11 shows
that Barack Obama was one of the primary people involved with arranging
for the attack, and if the jury decides to execute him, would you support
the execution of Obama for his role in the 9/11 attack?" If you make remarks
about how you would support the execution of Obama, that person could extract
those sections from the audio conversation and give it to the Secret Service
as evidence that you are fantasizing about executing Obama because you
believe that he was one of the primary people involved with the 9/11 attack.
The Secret Service would eventually realize you were innocent, but it would
waste some of your time, and possibly your money.
Likewise, if Peggy could manipulate me into saying certain things, she
would be able to file lawsuits against me, and even if she couldn't get
me into jail, she could waste a lot of my time and money.
Last January Peggy was pleading
with me to fly her out to my city so that we could meet, fall in love,
and get married. It had been so long since I had purchased airline tickets
that I was curious as to what the ticket prices would be. Also, the economy
was deteriorating, so I was wondering how that was affecting ticket prices.
And I also faintly remembered all sorts of bizarre pricing policies, such
as tickets are lower if a person stays over a weekend, or leaves on a certain
day, or purchases the ticket a certain number of days in advance. So I
agreed to look on the Internet to get an idea of the range of prices for
different options. However, just because I was curious about ticket prices
and travel options doesn't mean I was going to fly her to my city. I never
signed any agreement that I was going to purchase tickets for her.
The people who push us into doing things and saying things should be
considered as con artists or criminals.
We should be able to trust the people we live with, not watch for these
Peggy asked if I would like to meet
I've always enjoyed meeting different people, even people I
don't like. You can learn about the
human race and the human mind by meeting different people. So, when Peggy
asked the hypothetical question about whether I would like to meet her,
my answer is, "Yes, of course!" I'm also curious about her family
For example, I'd like to meet her niece, Christina
Auberger, who is in the Air Force. I'd like to know if she is a respectable
woman who is truly interested in protecting America, or if she is a member
of the crime network and is infiltrating
the Air Force.
If it turns out that Peggy is working for the crime network, will her
niece do what taxpayers are giving her money to
do; namely, help capture and/or execute Peggy and other dangerous
enemies of the entire human race? |
I'm also curious about Peggy's sister, Jean McGrady. If Peggy is part
of the crime network, shouldn't we consider the possibility that her sister
is a member, also? |
Peggy has a niece who has a PhD in psychology, but is Meghan McGrady
truly interested in using her education to help people with mental problems?
Or is she part of a network of Reptilian "social scientists" who try to
understand human behavior in order to manipulate,
deceive, and abuse us? |
If you are a married man, you should seriously
wonder how you would have reacted if your wife had been calling me over
a period of several years for the type
of conversations that I've had with Peggy. Would you
tolerate that situation?
Why would Keith tolerate such behavior? Is he so easy-going that he
doesn't care what his wife does with me? Or is he a member of the crime
network and hoping that Peggy is successful in trapping me? And if he is
a member of the network, what about his
Keith posts articles at that I consider to be a Jewish
propaganda site, but he uses the phony name "Ronald
Glenn". Why would he do that if he is not
part of the network? |
Even though I told Peggy that I would like to meet her and
other people, I also told her many times that I don't want to meet people
for romantic relationships until the
Jewish crime network has been destroyed because I don't know who to trust.
I don't want to end up like Jimmy Walter or Christopher Bollyn.
The next day the phone calls
On Saturday morning, 21 August 2010, Peggy called me again
(call #6). This conversation was more similar to the conversations of last
year. Specifically, there were the typical idiotic accusations and vague
remarks. But this time, instead of begging to marry me, she begged me to
let her visit me. Parts of this phone
call are interesting, and you might learn something from it. Also, you
might enjoy her reaction to my accusations that she is either crazy or
a member of the crime network.
Peggy can't read my "signals"!
She called briefly about noon (call #7) to tell me that she
doesn't know how to "read my signals". How difficult is it to "read my
signals"? Listen to phone call #6 and see if you
can read my signals. For example, when she was begging to visit me, one
of my remarks, at 21:53, was:
Eric: "I'd
be willing to see you if you come out here, and you're in the street, and
you're in handcuffs. And I'll take a look at you, and I'll talk to you.
I don't want you in my house!
And at 22: 20 I tell her why I don't
want her in my house, and look at her response:
Eric: I'm
worried about ending up like Jimmy Walter and Christopher Bollyn, and...
Peggy: Okay,
then, Eric! Why don't we go on a trip somewhere together?
Nothing I say has any effect on her. She ignores me and continues pursuing
Saturday afternoon, she has a plan
to resolve the problem!
On Saturday afternoon she left the following message (call
#8) on my answering machine:
Eric, this is Peggy. Don't put anything on your web... further on your
website about me, if you're going to do that. I believe I have a way to
resolve this to make all of us happy.
Do you understand me?
Again, don't put anything on your website right now. Just wait for me.
I'm going to do something, see if it works.
It probably will, but I believe I have a way to resolve this to make
us all happy. Including you. OK, bye. |
So, she's going to "do something" and "see if it
works", and if it does, it will "make all of us happy". Does
that make any sense to you? I would interpret that remark to mean that
she's going to discuss the situation between me and her with other
people, which implies that she's not an individual woman interested
in me. Rather, she's a member of an organization
that is interested in me.
I suppose that a team of criminal lawyers and judges analyzed our phone
calls and came to the conclusion that when I post them on my website, I
will hurt their network, especially call #6, which I think makes Peggy
look like one of their agents. And I suppose the Reptilians panicked, told
Peggy to ask me to temporarily refrain from posting anything, and then
they... what? What were they going to do to make all of us happy?
Or were they only trying to make themselves
happy? Were they trying to find a way to set me
up for something?
Apparently Peggy did not
resolve the issue!
I waited for the phone call later that evening (call #9)
to find out what was resolved that will "make all of us happy", but the
call was so boring that I wasn't going to bother posting it. She didn't
say anything about whatever it was that she was resolving. All she did
was praise me and tell me how much she loves me. Since I have suffered
through hundreds of these type of conversations
with her, I consider them to be boring, but it occurred to me that since
some of you have never suffered from
this bizarre style of harassment, you might find it useful as a learning
tool. I think the conversation became interesting only near the end when
she told me that she must call me "every
now and then". She is not going to
Her unbelievable persistence is fascinating. It makes me wonder, what
does her son think about her? What does her husband think? What kind of
people are they? What kind of life do they live? And how many other men
are being pursued by these type of women?
However, I'm getting tired of her phone calls. Maybe this article will
convince some of her relatives to put pressure on her to stop. If she doesn't
stop calling, I'll just have to hang up on her when she calls.
Here are the phone calls (mp3
• peggy-1-morning-20Aug2010
- 820kb <--- this is interesting
• peggy-2-early-afternoon-20Aug2010
- 190 kb
• peggy-3-late-afternoon-20Aug2010
- 450 kb
• peggy-4-evening-20Aug2010
- 3.1 mb
• peggy-5-late-evening-20Aug2010
- 3.3 mb
• peggy-6-morning-21Aug2010
- 5.2 mb <--- the second half is interesting
• peggy-7-noon-21Aug2010
- 860 kb
• peggy-8-message-21Aug2010
100 kb <-- the interesting phone message
• peggy-9-evening-21Aug2010
4.4 mb <--- she must call
me every now and then!
Update 23 Aug 2010:
After Peggy saw this article, she asked me to post her e-mail
address, which I did, but then she started getting crazy e-mail messages,
so she wanted it removed, and to be left alone.
Also, one of the e-mail messages that she sent me on 23 August is here.
It's another example of how she'll make accusations, but when I ask for
details, she changes the subject.
Update 26 Dec 2010:
Peggy called me again this
morning. It was another of her idiotic phone calls in which she struggles
to convince me that she loves me, and that I should feel guilty.
She abruptly ended one call, and then called back a few minutes later.
She finally ended the second call when I told her that the only way these
phone calls would end would be with a bullet in
her head.
• Peggy-26Dec2010-1
• Peggy-26Dec2010-2 both
audio files are 3.1 mb, 27 minutes
One of their techniques for manipulating us is to push us into
saying something or doing something that we don't want to do or say, and
then they later bring it up and exaggerate it by telling us, "You
said <whatever> several weeks ago!" They also try
to make us feel guilty that they are
suffering, and that we should do something to make them feel better. A
couple times she threatened to hang up, but when I didn't respond, she
resumed her stupid remarks. This is the "I'm going
to hold my breath until I turn blue" trick.
The question she wouldn't answer is how she rates as an agent.
Is she one of their better agents?
How does she compare to Monica Lewinsky or Anna Chapman? Are the Jews sending
me their crummy agents? Do they send their best agents to
trap the government and military officials and the Hollywood stars? Should
I feel insulted that the Jews don't
consider me important enough to get their more talented agents? Is that
why they send me goofballs with no money or acting ability, such as Peggy
and Sam Danner?
The audio quality is not too good because I was on my portable phone,
so you might not understand all of my remarks, such as when I told her
that she would never win an Academy award with her acting abilities, and
that they should send someone with more talent, perhaps Gwyneth Paltrow
(whose mother, Blythe Danner, is related to Sam Danner). I also asked her,
if Mel Gibson had talked to Oksana Grigorieva the way I talk to her, would
Grigorieva have ignored the insults and continued pursuing Gibson? I also
told her that her behavior is not human.
Do you think she is displaying human
behavior? Keep in mind that there have been dozens of these phone calls
during the past couple years!
Smith called me on 2 November 2010
I didn't get the beginning of the conversation but here is
most of it. His main topic was farts!
He hung up the phone when I asked,
"What do you think is going to happen
to your kids? Think about this, Daryl. Do you think anybody is going to
want your kids around?"
1.6 mb, 14 minutes
Perhaps he was going to hang up at that time, anyway, but it's possible
that I made him realize that we are going to take a close look at
his family members, including his two sons. Imagine having Daryl Smith
as your father! If his kids aren't
something is seriously wrong with them.
More information about Smith is here,
if you're not sure who he is.
Update 27 Dec 2010:
Peggy responded to the 26 Dec 2010 update with this e-mail:
-----Original Message-----
From: Peggy Borger
Sent: Mon, Dec 27, 2010 6:45 am
Subject: Peace
Eric, please post this on the Internet in your story about me.
Nobody needs to put a bullet through my head. I just need to understand
things. The problem with understanding is that I am amnesiac at times.
Your message is pretty clear. I do not mind that you posted those calls
on the Internet. I understand the build-up to those calls. I accept it.
Thank you, Eric. For all that you did.
The Zionists ruined my life and I just wanted to be happy. I just wanted
to live in peace as a happy person. I am truly sorry I cannot seem to understand
some things. I try ever so hard. There is room for all decent people on
this planet, like you and like me. |
9 Jan 2011
Mysterious killings and two
phone calls
Paul Ironshore (whose real name is supposedly Paul J.
Ebanks), who blames everything on a mysterious "cult",
and the goofball who calls himself both “Anubis” and “Teddy Sullivan”,
called me 9 Jan 2011. They tried to convince me to let Peggy visit with
and Teddy Sullivan 9Jan2011 2 mb, 17 minutes
Also, Peggy is still sending e-mail
messages to me, and she called me on January 4 and again on January
5! Then, a few hours after Paul and Teddy called on January 9, Peggy called
Listen to her attempt to trick me into being her knight in shining armor
and save her from her sadness and fear:
Peggy-9Jan2011 1.2 mb,
11 minutes
Incidentally, I don't believe she tried to buy a ticket to Sweden. I
think she was once again bringing up the issue of leaving the country
because she was hoping I will provide her with information about which
nation is the best to go to, and whether I can put her in touch with people
who will help her get out of the nation. The Jews realize that some Jews
are abandoning their network, and they're wondering where they are escaping
to, and who is helping them.
I think it's important to notice that these people have a personality
that could be described as persistent, or aggressive, or
or "unable to take no for an answer". Nothing I say will stop them!
How many other people are being pursued by these creatures?
The mysterious killings in Arizona
on 8 January 2011
Is it a coincidence that Paul, Teddy, and Peggy called me the
day after some mysterious killings in Arizona by Jared Loughner? Possibly,
but judging by some of the strange messages on the Internet, the Jews may
be panicking as they fight with each other.
A few coincidences about Jared Loughner:
• He, and all the other
mysterious terrorists and killers, never
have specific, understandable complaints. They are never angry at the Jews
for the 9/11 attack, the Holocaust hoax, or for the Apollo Moon Landing
scam. Instead, some reports claim Loughner was "influenced
by radical statements made by Tea Party members". Others point out
that he was upset that our money is not backed by gold or silver.
• Sheriff Dupnik
explains Loughner's anger as being due to "unbalanced people" responding
to "the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the
government". Whose mouths is the sheriff
referring to? It certainly isn't my
mouth, even though I'm advocating the execution of criminal government
officials, and criminal sheriffs, also.
If the sheriff really knows what is making Loughner angry, why isn't he
more specific about it?
• Loughner read
some books, and he knew of lots of websites and YouTube videos. However,
neither he nor any of the other angry or violent people are aware of me
or my website.
Important: in case you think my
complaint that the killers are unaware of me is a sign that I am an envious,
arrogant jerk, take a look at history and notice that from 2002 to about
2005, many sites were talking about me, selling my book and video, interviewing
me on their radio shows, inviting me to speak at their meetings, and promoting
my website. So, did they all develop Amnesia
during the past few years? I don't think so.
The reason I am “Anti-Semite non grata”
is because the smarter Jews have noticed that they are losing
the battle. They are no longer laughing at us "stupid Goy". Now they are
and they don't want to give publicity to any of their enemies. Try to learn
their tricks - such as their trick of avoiding me and promoting their
own people as anti-Semites - so that they don't outsmart you!
Some coincidences about the killings:
• They are not sure if there are accomplices,
but the FBI knows that Judge Roll
was not
the target despite accusations
that he and Napolitano were in a conspiracy.
• Giffords is a Democrat Jew.
• John Wheeler is a Republican, and his death
is still a mystery.
• A girl born
on 9-11-2001 was killed.
• Gwyneth Paltrow is related
to Gabrielle Giffords. Paltrow is also related to Sam Danner,
who tried to set me up for blackmail or suicide or whatever, and Paltrow
set Taylor Swift up with Jake Gyllenhaal!
Perhaps a lot of the people in that family are part of the crime network.
Also, I don't think it's a coincidence that some people believe Paltrow
does her best acting in the movies in which she plays a “sullen”,
or emotionless character. An actor is best in a role that is most
similar to their real personality. She has suffered
from depression, for example. Many people blame depression on outside
influences, but I think it's coming from within
a defective mind. I suspect that Paltrow inherited her drab,
dreary, sullen, "logical" personality
from her Reptilian relatives.