2 May 2007 If you don't know about this trial,
If they get away with putting Christopher Bollyn in jail, why wouldn't they continue to arrest the rest of us who they regard as potential threats? |
Learn from Europe and Russia's
In Russia the Zionists pretended to be anti-Zionists and anti-Communists, and they collected names and addresses of their potential enemies. They had them arrested one by one, and nobody complained. General Eisenhower didn't even bother with deception, take a look at
the photos and article about how he killed more than a million Germans
after the war, if you have not already seen it:
The FBI, for example, helped to cover up 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing,
and even the terrorist attack in Bali, Indonesia.
Will the Zionists turn themselves in to the police? The people involved with the Zionist movement are not going to give themselves up to the police. They have committed crimes that are beyond belief. they have directly and indirectly slaughtered tens of millions of people during the past century. They have tricked Europe, Russia, America, and Japan into bombing each other's nations. They are also involved in the sex slave trade, and horrendous financial
crimes with banking system and stock market.
The most likely scenario is that they are going to continue their plan to take control of us. They are trying right now to get control of America, Britain, and France. Tony Blair has been eliminated, and now they are trying to get rid of Bush and Cheney. They want people in control of these three nations who are even more dedicated to supporting Zionism. If we let them get control of our nations, what will stop them from sending their Zionist attack dogs -- commonly referred to as the FBI and Homeland Security -- from arresting those of us who show signs of independence? You better take a look at the history of Zionism and start taking this
possibility seriously.
Is your name on their list?
• Subscribers to alternative magazines, such as the American Free Press, the Barnes Review, and the Idaho Observer. Has the group you trust been infiltrated?
Some people seem be 100% honest, such as Jimmy Walter, but that doesn't mean it's safe to let them have your name and address because some of the people he trusted were Zionist agents. For another example, Jim Condit, Jr. trusts virtually everybody, such as Mark Weber, Mike Piper, the American Free Press, Mark Glenn, and other people we advise you to stay away from. Is it safe to trust somebody who trusts so many suspicious people? Jim Condit Jr. may be 100% honest, but that doesn't mean the people he works with are honest. If you make the wrong decision about who to trust, it could be your
last decision.
We got Bollyn out of jail in August 2006, but now it's more serious Bollyn was arrested in August 2006, and he would have spent at least one night in jail if it had not been for all of the phone calls that were made that night. If nobody cared that Bollyn had been arrested, it would have shown the Zionists that we are such submissive sheep that they can safely arrest more of us. They certainly would have arrested another of us, and then another, and so on, until all of their enemies were gone. However, the Zionists are in a very bad position now that Bollyn's trial is coming up. The Hoffman Estates police committed a crime by arresting Bollyn. To cover up that crime, they committed additional crimes, such as destroying their dashboard camera videos. There is no way for the police to get themselves out of this mess except to commit an even larger crime, such as arranging for Christopher's death, or setting up a sham trial. The Hoffman Estates policemen did not make the decision to arrest Christopher. This decision came from some group of Zionists. If we can identify the people responsible for this, it will let us know who is manipulating the Police Department. Then, by looking at their associates, we can identify more people in this nest of Zionist criminals. To further make the situation for Zionists difficult, technology is allowing people around the world to closely analyze people and events. The 9/11 attack is being exposed as a Zionist false flag operation, and people are looking closely at the Oppenheimers, Bronfman's, Rothschilds, Larry Silverstein, Benjamin Netanyahu, the attack on the USS Liberty, the Holocaust, the Apollo moon landing, and many other suspicious events and people. Technology is removing the secrecy that has been protecting organized crime and Zionism. Ordinary citizens can now analyze events at virtually no cost, and pass information around the Internet. You can determine this easily by doing a Google search on such phrases
as "Holocaust hoax", "Apollo moon landing hoax", and Zionism. A few years
ago, there was almost no talk about Zionism or the Holocaust, but today
there are discussions about this everywhere, and there is no way the Zionists
can stop the information from spreading to more people.
What are the Zionists going to do to protect themselves? Some methods the Zionists used to protect themselves: • Promote propaganda in the media.Think about this carefully. Christopher Bollyn was arrested in August 2006, so there were months for all of these "truth seekers" to encourage people to contact the police department in Chicago to look into this issue. Instead, almost everybody ignored the issue until after the trial was finished. Since these "truth seekers" don't care about Bollyn, do you really think they would they care about you? Do you think they would even let people know that you were set up? Most of the people who claim to be "truth seekers" are not trying to expose crime. Rather, they are trying to draw attention away from us and over to them. These Zionist agents will do whatever it takes to trick you into listening to them. Some are criticizing Zionism; some condemn the bombing of Lebanon; some talk about anomalies with the Holocaust. Many people foolishly respond, "Look everybody! Alex Jones is talking about Zionism! He's helping us, he's on our side! Hufschmid and Smith is wrong when they say Alex Jones protects Zionism. Our hero Alex admits that Israel attacked the USS liberty. Hufschmid and Smith are fools."
Rather, they provide little bits of truthful information to lure you over to them and away from those of us that have no control over, and then they give you a deceptive view of the story. They focus attention on only a few people, such as George Bush, or people who were about to die, such as David Rockefeller, or people already dead, such as Meyer Lansky. Alex Jones tells us that the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 because President Johnson asked them to do it. According to Alex Jones, the nice Israelis were kind enough to grant President Johnson's request. Apparently, the Israelis were so happy to please President Johnson that they did not ask to be paid for the bombs they used. As another example of their deception, here is an article that exposes
some Jewish organized crime members. It appears that this website wants
to expose corruption, but this is a Zionist publication, so they are never
completely honest about Zionist crimes:
Alex "bullhorn" Jones Here's a test for you On 1 May 2007 Mike Piper claimed that I am wrong to accuse him of putting
the blame for the Kennedy assassination on Meyer Lansky, and trying to
protect the Bronfman's and other Zionists. Here is the audio from his show:
Mike Piper is correct; he does mention the name "Bronfman" many times in his book, and he has a photo of Sam Bronfman. Alex Jones admits that the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty, but he puts most of his emphasis for the blame on President Johnson. Mike Piper mentions a lot of names in his book about JFK, but the emphasis is on certain people, such as Meyer Lansky. What are the chances that all of the people involved in killing JFK are following orders from that lousy criminal? This is deception. There is a pattern with these Zionist agents. Specifically, they try to focus our attention on a few people that are expendable to them, or in the case of Meyer Lansky, already dead, and in the case of David Rockefeller, on the verge of dying from old age. Alex Jones blames President Johnson for the attack on the USS liberty; Mike Piper puts an extreme emphasis on Meyer Lansky; most of the 9/11 truth seekers put extreme emphasis on Bush and Cheney. If you follow the advice of Piper, Jones, Webster Tarpley, and other liars, you would arrest a few people, be fooled into thinking you just solved the problem, but the Zionist crime network would continue to operate! It doesn't do any good to arrest a few criminals. There are tens of thousands of them, and they are in many nations. Alex Jones, Mike Piper, Webster Tarpley, and the others are trying to fool you into thinking that the problem is much smaller than it appears; that we only have to arrest Bush and a few other people. Don't be a sucker! The Zionist crime network is gigantic, and worldwide. We must get rid of the entire network. We are in a battle of intelligence. Don't let the Zionists outsmart
Don't be a sucker!
Don't be a sucker; don't be lured away by somebody who criticizes George
Bush or Israel.
How can we stop Bollyn's trial? We urge everybody to call and/or e-mail the people on this list.
The e-mail is already set up and ready to go. Just click and send, or write your own message. Send a message to all of the people on the list every day until this trial ends. It doesn't do any good to have only three people send 10,000 e-mail messages. We need thousands of people to call and/or send e-mail messages. We have to show the Zionists that we are not fooling around any longer.
Let them know that we are fed up with the corruption.
"But I'm just an ordinary person!" The ordinary citizens often make the excuse,
Ordinary people can talk about these problems at work, and with their relatives and neighbors. They can help us by spreading this information. If people had talked about these problems a century ago, Zionism would have been eliminated before it became a big problem. The refusal to do anything about organized crime allows it to grow. The selfish, sheep-like behavior of the "ordinary" people is allowing
this corruption. Perhaps we should start holding some of these sheeple
accountable on the grounds that they are accessories to the 9/11 crime
by refusing to help us expose it
The military kills deserters
We are at war right now with Zionism, so perhaps we need to start telling
people to help us, or be considered deserters who are leaving the rest
of us at risk.
Is there a way to avoid a violent clash with Zionists? It is possible that the Zionists will ignore our e-mail and phone calls. If so, you have to start thinking seriously about whether there is any way to put an end to such a giant crime network without at least some violence. What are the chances that the Rothschilds will give up control of the banking system, or the Bronfmans will turn themselves in for their crimes, or that Israel and the Arabs will become best of friends?
Many of the people in New York City are suffering health problems because of 9/11. They were also suckers, fools, and pawns in the Zionist's futile fantasy of world conquest. If we do absolutely nothing, the Zionists will continue taking control, and then what happens? What will they do with us if we allow them to grow larger? Do you really want to wait and find out? The judges, lawyers, news reporters, politicians, FBI agents, Homeland Security agents, Michael Chertoff, Larry Silverstein, Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, Phil Berg, and thousands of others need to be dealt with.
We have choices. We can do nothing and let them continue taking control, or we can start fighting back. Look at the crimes that the police
are committing in regards to Bollyn:
Let's start by trying to peacefully stop this trial with Christopher