organization should be in control of its culture
When a nation does nothing to determine
its future, they allow their culture to be manipulated by individuals
and organizations. The process by which their culture is manipulated is
very similar to the manner in which a free enterprise system operates,
so let's briefly review an important concept of the free enterprise
Nobody has any control of the free enterprise system, so nobody can
determine which products will sell and which research projects will get
funding. Instead, businesses must experiment with a variety of products
and advertising techniques.
It should be noted that the products that are successful are not
necessarily those that are useful, safe, or the best option for us.
There are many idiotic reasons why one product will be more profitable
than another. For some examples:
• Some products have more effective
advertising campaigns.
• Some products are offered at a lower price, and that can occur for a
variety of reasons, such as some business executives are less greedy,
or because the executives are deliberately sacrificing profit in order
to undercut their competitors.
• Some products are put on the market before the others, which causes
consumers to become familiar with them, which in turn helps them to
sell because humans have an emotional craving to do whatever they
accustomed to rather than experiment with something new.
• Some products have more emotional appeal. For example, sex robots are
getting lots of funding because it is a project that strongly
titillates men's emotions. Likewise, there is a lot of funding for pet
related products, television programs, and sports.
I think Microsoft has dominated the personal computer market because
the executives of Apple were so greedy that
millions of consumers chose
Microsoft in order to save money, not because Microsoft
offered a superior operating system. In other words, an inferior
company with inferior software has dominated the computer market for
decades simply because their competition was so greedy.
In a free enterprise system, we have no control over the economy,
so we have no control over which products dominate the market, which
scientific research
projects get funded, or which features our products are provided with.
There is also no authority to coordinate manufacturing to make products
compatible, or to make them easy to repair or recycle.
There is also no authority to determine whether the charities are truly
giving us something of value for the money that they collect. This has
resulted in thousands of charities that are constantly begging us for
money, and none of us know what they do with the money, and we have no
influence over what they do.
The free enterprise system is an inefficient, chaotic system which
encourages people to fight with one another over money, and to focus on
who has a higher income. It also makes it impossible for us
to determine which material items will be produced, and which
research projects will be funded.
No nation has yet shown an interest in determining the future of its
economic system, holiday celebrations, language, city planning,
recreational activities, schools, or other culture. By doing nothing to
determine what our culture becomes, we allow individual citizens,
businesses, charities, churches, government officials, and crime
networks to fight with one another to influence our future.
A few years ago I explained in this
document how the battle between businesses to titillate
consumers has resulted in bicycles developing in an irrational manner.
Bicycles are used for both transportation and recreation,
but they are not being designed according to what
will provide us with the most sensible transportation or recreation.
think we would make bicycling a more desirable recreational activity,
and a more practical transportation device, if we would take
control of our economic system and culture and design products
according to what is best for society rather than
what will most strongly titillate the consumer.
For example, the concept of putting an electric motor on
bicycle is ridiculed by many people, but if a person is using a bicycle
for transportation, and if he is living in a city with a lot of wind,
or if he has a long distance to travel, the electric motor would be
useful because he would be able to switch to the motor when he
becomes tired from the wind.
Or, if a family or group of friends
want to go on a bicycle ride for recreation, the physically weaker
people would benefit from an electric motor because it would allow them
to keep up with their friends.
A free enterprise system is not
likely to give us the most sensible products. Rather, it is likely to
give us products that are emotionally titillating. In order to create
better products, we must take control of our economic system
and design products according to what will make our lives
not according to what will titillate consumers.
The same concept
applies to culture. If we do not take control of our culture, it is
going to drift around aimlessly, and it will be influenced by people
who are trying to titillate themselves, as well as people who are
pushing their particular desires.
The culture of the USA is becoming idiotic
because a small network of criminals has been dominating our history
books, schools, media, and government for decades. They have
pushing feminism on us, for example, and they are
currently pushing diversity on us. They are filling
our history books with lies about the world wars, the 9/11 attack, and
the Apollo moon landing. They are also suppressing science and
promoting religion,
and they are suppressing thousands or millions of people.
As I mentioned earlier in this document, Jordan Peterson is an
example of how doing nothing to control our
culture is allowing it to drift towards absurd
directions. Peterson is trying
to influence our view on social science by creating an online school.
He is one of the many people who are struggling to push our culture
into promoting religion and suppressing genetics. From his point of
view, of course, he is pushing culture towards a better
path, but from my point of view, he is pushing the human race farther
along a
path of nonsense, failures, disappointments, and frustration.
Will Peterson and other social scientists be successful in
dominating our culture and suppressing genetics? Perhaps, but the point
I want to bring to your attention is that the people and organizations
who are successful in changing our culture are not
necessarily providing us with the most sensible or beneficial options.
Rather, as with the free enterprise system, there are a lot of
different reasons as to why some particular change occurs to our
If you
do not get involved in helping set the course of the human race, you
will allow Peterson and other people to fight with one another for
control of our future. You would be foolish to assume that the winner
of the battle is going to be the people who offer us the most sensible
option. The winner may be simply the group with the largest number of
supporters, or who are the best at intimidation, murder, blackmail, and
This concept also applies to our language. By doing nothing to control
how our language changes through time, it changes in irrational
manners. For example, a lot of the younger generation of people are
starting sentences with "I mean", and "So". This change to language is
not happening because it "makes
sense". Rather, children are exposed to
millions of individual citizens, businesses, advertisers, crime
networks, and retards who are using language in different manners.
Some people are accidentally using language in an incorrect manner, and
some advertisers and journalists deliberately use language in
nonstandard manners in order to attract our attention. In the USA,
there are also lots of foreigners who mispronounce English words, or
use words in the wrong manner. Children often mimic the irrational
expressions of journalists and advertisements, and they sometimes mimic
the mistakes of dyslexic people, idiots, and foreigners.
Without an authority for our culture, there is nobody to stop the
irrational changes to our language, social activities, holiday
celebrations, courtship activities, sports, or any other aspect of our
culture. We become victims of the behavior of millions of people,
businesses, charities, crime networks, idiots, lunatics, and retards.
how bodybuilding has
I think the sport of bodybuilding
is an interesting example of how doing nothing to control our culture
allowing it to evolve in idiotic manners.
The Wikipedia claims
that the sport was established by Eugen Sandow in the late 1800s. He
put himself through a lot of exercise programs, and some men
were so impressed with his body that they decided to put themselves
through exercise programs, also.
Atlas would not qualify
as a bodybuilding contestant today because his body
is too
Because men love to compete with one another, it did not take long
before some of the men decided to compete to see who
had the best looking body.
In the scanned
to the right, Charles Atlas shows what a bodybuilder looked like around
1950. He brought a lot of attention to
bodybuilding by advertising an exercise program for "97 pound
During the first half of the 1900s, a bodybuilder could be described as
a man who was
getting regular exercise and keeping himself healthy. We
could say that the bodybuilders were inspiring men to keep in good
health. We could say that bodybuilding was a beneficial
However, since no society has any leadership for its economic system or
culture, the men involved with bodybuilding had no guidance to ensure
that they were following a sensible path in life. Businesses, lunatics,
and idiots were able to influence the sport of bodybuilding.
Our free enterprise system added to the problem by causing lots of
people to look for ways to profit from bodybuilding, such as
by arranging for more contests, creating nutritional supplements for
bodybuilders, and eventually offering various drugs and hormones for
the bodybuilders. Rather than provide sensible guidance to the
bodybuilders, the businesses competed with one another to exploit
the bodybuilders.
Since people have a resistance to thinking about what they are doing,
and since men have a tendency to become obsessed with winning
competitions, through the years the men became more obsessed with
winning the contest by developing larger muscles than their competitors.
By never putting any intelligent thought into how the sport is changing
through the years,
it slowly evolved into an increasingly extreme battle for large
muscles. By the 1970s, the men began using hormones, steroids, and
other drugs and techniques to provide themselves with muscles that were
larger than what could be achieved naturally. By the 1980s, they were
using growth
hormone, also.
resemble dead bodies that have become
bloated from the gases of
The end result is that the only way to win a bodybuilding
competition today is for a person to take life-threatening levels of
steroids, growth hormones, insulin, and other drugs, and to eat more
food than they want.
Both male and female bodybuilders must develop muscles that are so abnormally
large that
they no
longer have a human appearance. The drugs are also
causing their stomachs to protrude.
bodybuilders today are so massive that they cannot fit into
clothing, furniture, airline seats, automobiles, office chairs, or
restaurant tables. Their arms cannot lay against their sides,
Instead of inspiring men to get some
exercise and keep in good health, the bodybuilders of today are causing
people to make insulting remarks about their appearance. The sport has
degraded rather than evolved into
something better.
Furthermore, many of them suffer from medical problems from
the drugs, thereby adding a burden to our healthcare system. Also, some
of the drugs are expensive, so they are wasting a
lot of their money and society's resources. They also force
themselves to eat food, which wastes even more resources and adds a
burden to our sewage disposal systems.
should I care about bodybuilders?”
Bodybuilders are a small percentage of
the human
population, so none of you who are reading my documents are
to be involved with that sport. Therefore, you may wonder why I spend
time discussing them, and why you should care about what they do. The
reason is that all humans have the same genetic characteristics. We
are not different species. We are very similar to
one another. Therefore, when you
see a characteristic in one human, you can be sure it is in others,
including yourself. The difference between us is
that our
characteristics are at different parts of the bell curves.
is easier for us to study and understand an undesirable human
characteristic if we analyze somebody we regard as being different from
ourselves. When we analyze ourselves, our bias makes it difficult for
us to see our undesirable qualities, but when we look at somebody we
regard as different from us, we can easily see their undesirable
Therefore, if you have nothing in common with a
bodybuilder, it will be easy for you to look critically at them, and if
you can understand the concept that you and I are designed from the
same genetic blueprint as the bodybuilders, you can then apply what you
learn about them to yourself, your friends, and other people.
Whenever you see an odd or undesirable characteristic in somebody,
remind yourself that you
were designed from the same genetic blueprint and,
therefore, that same characteristic is in you,
also. Don't let your arrogance fool you into thinking that other people
have undesirable characteristics that you do not have, or that you have
wonderful characteristics that other people do not have. We all have
the same physical, intellectual, and emotional characteristics. The
difference between us is where our characteristics lie on the bell
curves. You are not a special species of human that has wonderful
characteristics, and other people are not a different, inferior species
that is evil, or missing the advanced qualities that you have.
you can understand and accept the concept that all humans are
built from the same genetic blueprint, then you should be able to
notice that the idiotic changes that are occurring to bodybuilding are
happening to all of our other cultural activities, also, and for the
same reasons.
Our scientific research projects, language,
courtship activities, wedding ceremonies, recreational activities, and
social activities are drifting about aimlessly because we have no
authority to guide the changes. This "cultural anarchy" is allowing all
aspects of our culture to be manipulated by businesses, churches,
idiots, lunatics, and crime networks.
It is also interesting to note, and important to understand, that each
of us has an influence on our culture even if we
are not trying to influence it because each of us
is having a subtle effect on other people, especially children.
is very difficult for us to figure out what effect we have on other
people or culture, but you should not assume that you have zero effect.
Whenever you encounter other people - especially children - you will
have some effect on them, even if it is trivial. You may influence
their mood, their opinions, or their goals in life. Some people will be
impressed by you, and others will be disgusted by you, and others will
be neutral. You are likely to have an effect on hundreds of people
during your life, and that in turn can have a small effect on culture.
For example, dozens of children may have picked up some of your verbal
expressions, attitudes, fantasies, or opinions.
We all have a some effect on culture, but unfortunately, most people
have a detrimental
effect because they follow their emotions rather than think about what
would make the most sense to do. For example, the conservatives promote
following our ancestors rather than experimenting with improvements to
society, and most people promote religious nonsense rather than
science, or they encourage emotional reactions to problems, such
as running away and hiding from the evidence that we have a
corrupt government and media that is full of pedophiles who are lying
to us about 9/11, the Apollo moon landing, and the Holocaust. Most
people also encourage crude, animal behavior, such as excessive
excessive playing with dogs, excessive sex, and excessive
bodybuilders are a visual example of how our culture is drifting
towards idiotic directions as a result of people who won't think about
where they are going. The bloated bodybuilders should be used as an
example of how all of us need to exert self-control,
think about what we are doing, and have discussions on what we want our
future to be.
bodybuilders also show us that we need to control our cravings to win
competitions. We need to look critically at our competitions, and we
should design them so that they inspire us to do something
productive, as opposed to encouraging us to get involved with
idiotic, wasteful, dangerous, or unhealthy competitions.
are obsessed with who has the largest muscles, whereas other people are
obsessed with who has the largest house. There are scientists who are
obsessed with who has the most awards, or who has published the most
reports. There are other men who are obsessed with who has the most
sex, and who has sex in most unusual places, such as in airline
bathrooms, underwater, and on the tops of mountains. There are other
men becoming obsessed with proposing marriage in unusual locations,
such as on a football field, while on television, during a parade, or,
in the case of this
math teacher, in front of a class of fifth grade children.
When men do not think about what they are doing, which is typical, we
can easily end up putting tremendous amounts of time, effort, money,
and resources into idiotic activities, and to the
point of absurdity.
The sport of competitive
food eating is another example of how people are getting
carried away with their craving to win competitions, and how businesses
are looking for ways to exploit people for profit. There
are people around the world training
for these events by
forcing themselves to eat and drink enormous amounts of foods and
Eventually some business may develop a drug to help them enlarge their
stomach. This would cause them to look bloated, like the bodybuilders.
At what point are they going to ask themselves, "Where
are we going with this sport? What is
the benefit?" I would not be surprised if some business
sets up a contest to see if any person can eat a piece of meat faster
than a dog.
you taking idiotic
shortcuts to achieve your goals?
All of us are frequently looking for ways
to accomplish our goals with less effort, resources, and time. However,
due to the subtle variations in our genetic
characteristics and education, we make different decisions on
shortcuts are acceptable.
For example, the photo
below shows Romario Alves. He wanted the large muscles of a
bodybuilder, but he did not want to go through the trouble of
exercising for years, so he injected
oil into his muscles to make them larger.
He believed that he had discovered a
shortcut to achieving his goal of large muscles, but in reality,
he achieved a slightly different goal. His
goal was to create large, attractive muscles, but
he instead
acquired muscles that most people would describe as ugly and
distorted. He also hurt his health.
Romario Alves is not unique, or much different from
you or me. He has the same desires and characteristics that other men
have. He is not cheating anybody, violating any laws, or hurting any of
us. He is simply trying to achieve his goal with less effort.
You may assume that you have nothing in common with the men who inject
oil into their muscles, but we all behave like those men, and on a
regular basis. All of us are constantly looking for legal and honest
ways of accomplishing our goals with less effort. The difference
between us is that some of us make better decisions about which
shortcuts are acceptable. For example, some people will take shortcuts
that put their life or health at risk, and others will take shortcuts
that cause them to achieve a slightly different goal than what they
were originally hoping for.
For example, there are short men who want to become
taller, and they believe that they can
achieve their goal by wearing shoes with thick soles. In reality, they
are behaving like a man who injects oil into his muscles. The thick
shoes cause them to resemble a tall man, but they
are not impressing anybody with their height. As with the men who
inject oil into their muscles, most people pity them, insult them, or
laugh at them.
For another example, all men have cravings to be important. We want a
lot of material wealth and status so that we can impress women and
other men. However, becoming important and wealthy requires a lot of
work and effort. The result is that millions of men around the world
are looking for shortcuts to status and wealth.
One of the techniques that millions of men use is to borrow money from
credit cards companies, banks, friends, or relatives so that they can
items that they
cannot afford, thereby creating the illusion that they are wealthier
and more important than they actually are. Some people will also
purchase items that look expensive, such as gold plated jewelry, in
order to make themselves look wealthy.
If we were to analyze all of the men who inject their muscles with oil,
we would create a bell curve in which the men at one extreme are
exerting self-control and injecting only small amounts of oil, and at
other extreme are the men who have injected so much that they ended up
in hospitals.
The same concept applies to the struggle of men to be important. If we
were to analyze all men, we would create a bell curve in which the men
at one extreme have enough self-control that they don't let their
cravings for status cause themselves financial trouble, and at the
other extreme are the men who make such terrible decisions and have so
little self-control that they put themselves into tremendous debt.
What is
the difference between combing hair over a bald spot, and
injecting oil into your muscles?
What is the difference between a man who
injects oil into his muscles in order to resemble a bodybuilder, and a
man who spends more money than he has in order to resemble a wealthy
person? Or how about a man who lets his hair grow long and then combs
it over his bald spot in order to resemble a man with hair on his head?
There is no dividing line between any of those men, or between those
men and the people who we could describe
as creating a phony image of themselves in order to deceive
us about what they really are.
For another example, what is the difference between a man who
deliberately gets sunburned during a vacation so that he can
himself look like a wealthy person who can easily afford to
travel, and a man who injects
oil into his muscles so that he can make himself look like an athlete?
Both men are looking for quick and easy shortcuts
to their goal of higher status.
For another example, consider the
men who frequently look for opportunities to tell us about the famous
people they are friends with, when in reality they only
encountered or came near to a famous person, and are not
friends with them. They are taking a shortcut to achieving their goal
of status and importance.
Since all men are built from the same genetic blueprint, we all
have similar desires and behavior. The men who inject oil into their
muscles are not a different species. They are
behaving in a manner that is very similar to how you and I behave.
all have set goals for ourselves, and we are all looking for shortcuts
to achieve our
goals. The difference between us is that we have slightly different
goals, and we make slightly different decisions on how to achieve our
goals. Some men are choosing to take shortcuts that result in a
achieving a goal that is not exactly what they were originally seeking.
Furthermore, many of the
shortcuts that men are taking are hurting themselves by
giving themselves a bad image, hurting their health, interfering with
their relationships, causing themselves to suffer from tremendous debt,
or causing themselves a lot of stress.
When you look at a photo of a bloated
bodybuilder, or of a man who injected oil into his muscles, don't
assume that you are looking at a different species. Consider yourself
to be looking into a mirror and observing the male, human mind.
You should consider the
possibility that you are looking at a slightly different variation of yourself.
it were possible for us to adjust a man's intellectual and emotional
characteristics by turning some knobs on his forehead, we could cause a
man to switch from spending money faster than he makes it to injecting
oil into his muscles, and we could cause a man who is injecting oil
into his muscles to switch to purchasing a house that he cannot afford.
If we could adjust your
intellectual and emotional qualities with some knobs, we could cause
you to inject oil into your muscles, or purchase gold plated
items in order to make yourself look wealthy. You are not much
different from other men, even though you may think you are
men are cheating to
achieve their goal
A lot of people criticize the
bodybuilders for getting
carried away with their competitive struggle, but it's interesting to
note that the bodybuilders are not trying to hurt anybody.
By comparison, there are millions of men who are willing to get
involved with destructive crimes in order to achieve their goal.
since the Internet has become practical, so much information has been
released about the people in influential positions that I have the
impression that almost all of them are involved with crimes of some
sort. The people who dominate our government, media, businesses, think
tanks, and religion seem to have achieved their leadership positions
through plagiarism, murder, sabotage, blackmail, and other crimes.
I pointed out in other documents, most people criticize obese people
but they admire billionaires, whereas I do not see much of a difference
between those two groups of people. I don't idolize the billionaires.
Rather, I wonder if they are suffering from some serious emotional
problems, such as low
self-esteem or psychotic cravings for material items, or perhaps they
inherited more crude, monkey-like characteristics and fewer of the
modern, human characteristics.
If we could measure the quality
of a person's mind, I would not be surprised to discover that the
billionaires have a mind that is of a lower overall quality than the
minds of the obese people.
The obese people are suffering from low
self-control, or an excessive hunger emotion, but they are not trying
to hurt
you or me. Likewise, the bodybuilders are not hurting you or me. All of
the billionaires, by comparison, seem to be involved with immoral and
illegal activities. I suspect that it is impossible for a person to
become a billionaire without cheating in some manner. If my suspicions
are correct, then the billionaires are more detrimental than the
obese people and
the bodybuilders.
The bodybuilders and obese people are a burden on our
healthcare system, and
they waste a lot of food and resources, but if we could eliminate
secrecy and see the truth about what each of us is doing with his life,
and if we could measure each person's effect on society, we might
discover that the billionaires are causing much more trouble for us
than the obese people. For example, George Soros is accused of funding
violent riots, which is causing more trouble for us than an
obese man.
If I am correct that the billionaires are causing more trouble for us
than the obese people and bodybuilders, then it
would make more sense for us to suppress, arrest, euthanize, or evict
the billionaires
than to complain about the obese
people or the bodybuilders. In other words, we should ignore the obese
people for now and deal with the more serious problems, such as the
billionaires, crime networks, corrupt government officials, and
pedophile networks.
you aware of how many bodybuilders have died young?
Many of the people who become
professional bodybuilders are
so obsessed with winning their competitive battles that they will risk
their health with steroids, growth hormones, and other drugs. A
significant percentage of bodybuilders have died
before reaching the
age of 50, apparently because of their abuse of drugs.
Don't assume that bodybuilders are the only men who go to
extremes to win their competitive battles. All of us want to win our
battles, but we make slightly different decisions about which battle to
get involved with, and how far to go in winning that battle.
are not unique for hurting themselves in the
process of trying to win a
competitive battle. A lot of men are putting absurd amounts of time,
effort, and resources into becoming wealthy or famous, and in the
process, they cause themselves a lot of stress or financial debt, hurt
their health, or cause their wife and children to feel abandoned or
Men are also tormenting
themselves when they compare their pile of material items to that of
other men. We could describe that behavior as being just as idiotic
and harmful as a bodybuilder who torments himself by frequently looking
in a mirror and comparing the size of his body to that of his
You may ridicule bodybuilders who spend time
looking in the mirror and comparing their muscles, but what is the
difference between those bodybuilders and
the men who compare their automobiles, houses, or salaries?
people would probably say the bodybuilders are wasting their life by
worrying about who has the largest muscles, but I would say that most
people are wasting their life when they worry about who has more money,
or a larger house, or a more expensive automobile.
Most of us in the advanced nations have
plenty of money to enjoy life. There is no sensible reason for us to
worry that somebody has more money than we do. Furthermore,
when we
fight with one another for money – especially when we cheat one another
for money – we are hurting ourselves and our society.
What is the
difference between a bodybuilder who becomes so obsessed with beating
his competitors that he ends up dead at age 40 from excessive drug use,
and a person who becomes so obsessed with money, fame, or other goals
that he becomes an old man who has no interest in reminiscing about his
life, and who wishes he could live it a second time so that he could do
it differently?
You may assume that you have nothing in common
with the dead bodybuilders, but you share a lot in common with those
dead bodybuilders. You should use their deaths to stimulate an analysis
of your life and your goals.
If we do not exert self-control,
we will behave just like the animals. We will get involved with
senseless competitive battles, and often to absurd extremes, and we
might even go so far as to get involved with crimes.
All of us
need to practice exerting self-control so that we can look critically
at ourselves, and use those analyses to control our cravings and goals.
We need to push ourselves so that we get involved with competitive
battles that have some benefit to us, and we need to keep the battles
fair and friendly so that they inspire us and improve our lives, rather
than encourage envy, hatred, sabotage, revenge, and pouting.
We need to
exert enough self-control to regard our competitors as our friends and
team members, and to allow us to discuss with them what we want our
future to be, rather than focusing on ourselves and trying to suppress
or sabotage our competition.
determine what happens to your dead
In a previous document I mentioned that
the protruding belly of modern bodybuilders was due to the use of growth
hormone, but recently a bodybuilder pointed out that his
protruding belly became a bit smaller when he stopped abusing insulin.
Growth hormone creates a permanently
protruding stomach, whereas insulin may create a belly that can
reduced somewhat in size, at least if the person stops abusing it soon
enough. There are other people claiming
that the protruding stomachs are also due to the way bodybuilders are
is the truth about the protruding stomachs? Nobody knows. One of the
reasons is that it is difficult to study humans because everybody is
paranoid about being observed. There is a resistance to allowing the
government to keep a database with "personal" information about people.
Furthermore, we all have a tendency to create a phony image of
ourselves, and so we want to deceive people about what we really
are, what we do,
and what we really think. We are not very honest with other people. We
want to impress people, not tell them the truth
about us.
every society today, people are allowed to keep a lot of secrets about
themselves, and they are allowed to decide what will happen to their
body when they die. This is interfering with the understanding of human
For example, Rich Piana (at
the right), a bodybuilder, died suddenly
August 2017 at age 46. Why did he die? If we were living in a society
in which the government was maintaining a database that had details on
everybody's life, such as the drugs that Piana was taking, the foods he
was eating, etc., then scientists would be able to analyze his body and
his life and possibly get an understanding of what caused his death.
Was his death due to the drugs he was taking? In this
he points out that he took growth hormone for 10 years, and that he
because he didn't like the way it was making his stomach grow larger.
He also expressed his concern that the growth hormone may have had a
detrimental effect on his heart and other organs.
did he die simply because he had a genetic disorder with his heart, and
his death had nothing to do with his bodybuilding activities?
Or was his death due to some recreational drug? Or was he
by his girlfriend or ex-wife who wanted to get access to his money? Did
the ink
from his tattoos have any effect on his health?
Piana should not be able to determine what happens
to his dead body. He
became such a big influence over so many thousands of people that he
started a business of selling supplements, and he produced a lot of
videos to describe his experiences with steroids and other drugs. I
would say that the people who have been purchasing his products or
using similar drugs have a right to know why he died so that
they can decide if they want to continue on the path that they
on right now.
Some people want each of us to have the right to
decide what happens to our dead body, but I would say that each of us
should be regarded as a team member, and that our dead body belongs to
the team. Each of us owes our life to the team we are in. The team is
providing us with food, electricity, houses, and other items. I would
say that when a person dies, his team has the right to analyze his body
and determine the cause of death.
The reason a team would want
to know why one of their members died at a young age is to determine
whether he died from a crime, or if he died naturally. When a team
member dies "naturally" at a young age, they should understand why so
that they can decide whether they are providing their team with
appropriate nutrition, clean water, and a healthy lifestyle. By
understanding why their team members are dying at a young age, they
will be able to make better decisions about how to keep themselves in
better health.
When a person who is 100 years old dies, the team
may not be interested in conducting an autopsy, but when an apparently
healthy, active man dies at age 46, the team ought to be interested in
understanding why he died. The team ought to have a desire to prevent
such early deaths.
did Roddy Piper die young?
In an interview many years ago, Roddy
Piper, a professional wrestler, complained
that wrestlers were dying at a younger age than most people, and that
nobody cared. He was fired after giving that interview, apparently
because the people making money from wrestling did not want that
information to be publicized.
Roddy died at age 61. Was it because of the drugs he had used? Or was
it murder?
said that he expected to die before he was 65 years old because of his
drug use, but by making that remark, he made it easy for somebody to
murder him because when he died, the reaction of the journalists was essentially:
"Roddy Piper predicted
his untimely death!"
Piper was the star of the movie, They Live,
so he may have known about the Jewish crime network. When he was interviewed
on the Alex Jones show, the son of Oliver Stone, Sean Stone, was with him in the room.
Why was Sean Stone in the same room? If Alex Jones had asked to
interview you,
and Shawn Stone wanted to be in the room with you during the interview,
wouldn't you think that was strange?
Alex Jones, (left),
is interviewing Roddy Piper, (right).
Why is Sean Stone sitting next to Roddy Piper during
the interview? |
suspect that Roddy Piper knew a lot about the Jewish crime network, and
the Jews were afraid he might say too much on the Alex Jones show, and
so Shawn Stone was there to influence the interview. I would not be
surprised if the Jews decided to take advantage of Piper's drug use and
murdered him.
If an organization consisted of people who respect
one another, they would want to know why one of
their team members dies young. They would want to prevent
the deaths of
their members, and themselves, and their children, and that requires
understanding why
are dying unexpectedly.
We are currently living
among people we don't like, or are afraid of. This causes us to try to
avoid and ignore other people. For example, when we pass by an
automobile accident, we are not sad to see the dead bodies. Instead, we
regard the accidents as a form of entertainment. Many people will slow
down so that they can get a better look. When we encounter people
fighting in the streets, people will often pull out their cell phones
and take videos and photos.
The lack of concern we show for the
deaths, misery, fighting, pouting, divorce, and suffering of other
people should be regarded as evidence that we have created a
social environment for ourselves.
We ought to contemplate whether we want to remain on the path that we
are currently on. I suggest we push ourselves into
changing our course in an attempt to create a society in which we
respect and trust the people so much that we enjoy them,
and we want everybody to be healthy and happy.
should have to donate their body to science
In this
report about the brain damage caused by concussions in football players
and other athletes, we find that most of the brains that have been
analyzed were donated to medical research, but that
the doctors have had only a small number of
brains to study because most people are not
donating their brains to science. The shortage of brains to
study is severely limiting
our ability to understand how injuries, diets, pollution, and other
issues affect our brain.
I would describe an organization as being irresponsible
and animal-like when they show no concern about
unusual and early deaths of its members.
When a person dies, his dead body should be regarded as the property
of society,
and it should be used for whatever purpose we believe will be most
beneficial to the human race. In the case of a person who dies
unexpectedly at a young age, his body could be analyzed to determine
the cause of death in an attempt to help us understand human health.
cases where there is no question about how a person died, such as when
person dies from a tornado, there is no need to study the
cause of death, so his body could be used as a supply of organs, or for
medical students to learn from.
Actually, I would go even further with this concept
and say that our medical information also belongs to the team,
even while we are alive. Specifically, society
should have access to everybody's medical and dental information so
that doctors and
scientists can analyze the information to get a better understanding of
what is causing allergies, diseases, accidents, digestive problems, and
other health issues.
you have a right to keep your failures
a secret?
I would go even further and say that our
social lives belong
to society, also. In other words, society should have access
to information about our marriages, friendships, relationships,
recreational activities, and jobs, and they should be allowed to do the
equivalent of an autopsy on our social lives.
When a person fails in his marriage, he should not
be able to keep his failed marriage a secret. A society should have the
right to analyze failed marriages in order to help their team members
understand and develop more pleasant marriages.
Having access to our marital information will be especially important
when a society starts experimenting with courtship activities. The
people organizing and supervising those events need access to
information about how successful the relationships are so that they can
improve the courtship activities.
Likewise, when a person fails in his job, a society should be
interested in understanding why he failed. They
should be able to do the equivalent of an autopsy on his job
performance. Did he fail in his job because the schools did
not adequately prepare him for it? Or was he given a proper education,
but the teachers or personnel department didn't notice that he was
lacking the ability and/or desire to do the job properly? Or, does
everybody who does that particular job eventually get fired or
quit, in which case there may be something about the job that needs to
change so that it becomes more practical and pleasant?
An analysis of why people are failures at their jobs can help the
school system, teachers, and personnel departments do a better job of
preparing students for jobs, and helping students figure out which jobs
they are most likely to be successful at. This in turn will reduce the
time and effort that teachers are wasting on students who are not going
benefit from a particular educational course, and it will reduce the
time that students waste studying subjects that they are
not likely to be successful at.
If you are having trouble understanding the value of these types of
analyses, imagine a society a few million years in the future that is
so advanced that their computers can read a person's DNA and figure out
exactly what his physical and mental talents and limitations are. Each
child could be given a detailed description of his mental and physical
characteristics. The computer could provide him with an analysis to
him how he compares to other people in every job, social activity, and
recreational activity.
An analysis of his DNA would also allow a computer to tell him how
much food he should have in each meal in order to digest it properly,
and what
he is allergic to, how much sleep he needs each night, and which foods
he should avoid.
Those children would not have to waste any of their youth on
with different jobs or activities. They would be able to use
the analysis of their DNA to choose a job and leisure activities,
thereby avoiding the frustration and wasted time of experimentation.
Those children would also be told how they are going to deteriorate
with age, and that would allow the children to plan when to change jobs
to deal with the changes caused by aging, and how their diet needs to
change as they grow old. It would also show them how they need to
change their recreational and social activities to compensate for aging.
It may even be possible to read DNA so accurately that computers can
give accurate predictions on which men and women will make the most
stable marriage, and which people will become the most compatible
friends, and which group of people will make the most compatible
engineering team, construction crew, and scientific research laboratory.
As we learn more about the human mind and body, we will be able to do
an increasingly better job of designing our cities, work environment,
and social activities to fit our particular characteristics. This is
going to improve our lives, not ruin
our lives. We must control our
paranoia of being observed and stop being afraid that somebody is going
to learn about our "personal" information. We are not going
to be
harmed when other people have access to our personal information. That
information is valuable knowledge about the human
mind and body. It
will help us to create a better life for ourselves.
Knowledge is not dangerous. The paranoid and
secretive people are behaving like stupid animals. They are interfering
with progress, and they are interfering with their own life and
happiness. All of us are going to benefit as we gain a better
understanding of humans.
The only people who benefit from secrecy and deception are the
criminals, lunatics, and freaks. The rest of us will benefit
tremendously by eliminating secrecy and studying ourselves and one
If people can suppress their paranoia of being observed, then we would
be able to learn from one another's mistakes, thereby improving our
school system, job environments, marriages, friendships, and business
relationships. We can learn from failures, but we cannot learn from one
another when we allow people to be secretive.
should know the truth
about people
We cannot learn anything from a person
who lies about himself. For example, when a person
who is using illegal drugs goes to a medical doctor for treatment of a
health problem, and if he is afraid to admit that he is using illegal
drugs, or if he lies about the quantity and frequency of use, then the
doctor might mistakenly give inaccurate advice and treatments.
By making some drugs illegal, and others by prescription only, we are
causing a lot of people to use the drugs secretly. This will result in
scientists and doctors coming to idiotic conclusions about why some of
are experiencing certain health problems.
We cannot stop drug abuse simply by making drugs illegal, or by
punishing people who use the drugs. Rather, we cause people to use
drugs secretly, which interferes with our understanding of the effect
those drugs have on people. Furthermore, we allow crime networks to
thrive, and that in turn allows corruption in the police, government,
media, and other organizations.
are people attracted to marijuana?
In 1985, some Italian researchers
published this
article that showed that marijuana increased the production of
melatonin. (The text of that report is also available here
in the Internet archive, along with some other documents.)
Marijuana may increase or decrease the production of other
also, but the production of melatonin may explain why at least some
people enjoy
marijuana. Specifically, since melatonin can cause a person to
relax, marijuana may help people with certain types of
physical and mental problems by allowing them to relax, or dampening
their sensations of anxiety or pain.
However, if the only benefit a person is getting from marijuana is
an increase in melatonin production, then he does not have to waste his
money on marijuana or smoking devices. All he needs to do is take
a melatonin pill. This is
assuming that taking a pill is as safe and as useful as
stimulating our own production of melatonin.
A more thorough analysis
of the people who enjoy marijuana might show us that there is an even
better method of helping those people than encouraging them to switch
to melatonin, which makes us drowsy.
might also discover that marijuana is altering some of the other
chemicals or hormones in our body, and that some people are benefiting
from those changes, not the increase in melatonin production.
The point I want to make is that if we eliminate secrecy and study more
people in more detail, we will get a better understanding of why
certain people are attracted to caffeine, marijuana, heroin, and other
drugs, and that in turn can help us understand human health, and how to
best deal with our problems.
Did Rich Piana use any illegal drugs? If all drugs were legal, and if
computers were keeping track of all of the food we eat, drugs that we
use, and beverages that we drink, scientists and doctors would be able
to do a much better job of figuring out why he died, and why other
people are having health problems.
My recommendation is to legalize all drugs,
including prescription drugs. The only sensible way to stop
drug abuse is to restrict reproduction to the people
who do not have any desire to abuse drugs.
The same concept applies to other behavioral problems. For example, the
only way to stop people from vandalism, burglary, spraying the city
graffiti, fondling women on crowded trains, and raping children is to
restrict reproduction to the people
who have better emotional and
intellectual characteristics. We cannot fix
behavioral problems with punishments or therapy.
We must
suppress or evict the misfits
We should face the evidence that a
significant percentage of the human population is suffering from a wide
variety of confusing and complex internal pains, intellectual defects,
and emotional disorders. Most of these problems are genetic, and some
are due to
disease, accidents, or drug abuse. Since there is no way we can fix a
person's genetic problems, and we cannot undo the damage caused by
disease, accidents, or drug abuse, there is no way we can fix these
people so that they behave in a rational
manner and enjoy their life.
The manner in which our mind functions is determined by our DNA. The
environment provides us with information, which affects our opinions,
skills, and goals, but the environment cannot improve our genetic
design. Rather, the environment can only hurt our
mind and body, such
as through concussions, tumors, blood clots, radiation, and disease.
The amount of self-control you have, for example, is determined by your
genetic design, not the environment. You can practice exerting
self-control, and that will help you to become better at it, but we
all have a genetic limit on how much self-control we have.
Likewise, your fear of the unknown and your ability to explore your
options is also due to your DNA. The level of anger, envy, and hatred
that you show during your life is also due to the mental and physical
characteristics that you inherited.
We must face the evidence that a significant percentage of the
population is so seriously defective that they are going to waste their
entire lives in a state of misery, anger, envy, or suicidal thoughts.
We are not going to help those people with punishments, rewards, or
can discourage drug abuse by altering
our culture
One way of reducing certain types of drug
abuse is to alter our culture to reduce the incentive for
drugs. For
example, athletes have a tremendous incentive to abuse drugs in our
free enterprise system because everybody is under pressure to find a
way to make a living.
are thousands of citizens looking for a way to make a living, and
thousands of businesses looking for profit opportunities. This is
resulting in lots of businesses arranging for athletic events.
businesses make money from the events, the food supplements they sell,
the drugs they offer, and the equipment that they sell to the athletes.
The athletes make money if they can win the competitions.
However, it should be noted that the businesses and athletes are
getting involved with these activities simply to make money.
They are not thinking about what is best for
themselves or society. They are behaving like circus animals who are
doing tricks for money.
By not thinking about what is best for themselves, many of the
athletes put absurd amounts of their time into practicing the events,
and taking life-threatening amounts of drugs to enhance their
switching to a society in
which everybody is provided with their basic necessities for free, and
in which there are no awards of significance to anybody for any reason,
there will be no incentive to win a sports event. All of the sports and
other contests will be for fun, not for phenomenal prizes or status.
government will
encourage people to experiment with social, recreational and other
events, but the government will terminate events that are troublesome,
such as events that encourage drug use, fighting, pouting, or cheating.
The government would also be able to shut down the bodybuilding
contests that encourage absurd muscle development, and allow only those
that encourage sensible levels of exercise. The government will support
only the events that encourage beneficial behavior. It is conceivable
that a city
will not even want to support
any professional athletes.
By making changes like that to the social environment, we can
reduce the desire of people to use drugs to improve
their athletic abilities.
Some people might respond that a society would be stifling
and oppressive
if we allowed the government to have so much control over our culture
that they can shut down a bodybuilding contest or social event that
they don't like. However, whether we enjoy or dislike that environment
depends entirely
on who we select for the government.
Parents do not
allow their children to do anything they please; parents will terminate
activities that they regard as detrimental, destructive, obnoxious, or
disgusting. There is nothing wrong with a government that treat us like
children, and has the authority to terminate activities that they
regard as detrimental, destructive, obnoxious, or wasteful.
a society suffers from a government that has total control of the
economy and culture depend on the voters. If the voters can
competent, intelligent, responsible government officials, and if
they regularly review and replace the worst performing
everybody in society will benefit from the guidance of that government.
However, if we
allow the ordinary people to vote, we will have a government of
pedophiles, crime network members, alcoholics, religious fanatics, and
senile people.
could discourage selfishness,
As I complained in previous documents,
democracies and free enterprise systems encourage selfish, arrogant
behavior. These systems cause our leaders to pander to us rather than
provide us with guidance. They encourage us to make demands about what
we want, rather than think about what is best for the community or the
human race. They encourage us to focus on ourselves rather than regard
ourselves as team members.
The reason so many organizations are offering us
bodybuilding contests, Nobel prizes, and thousands of other contests
and awards is because we want to be the center of attention, stand on a
podium, and feel special. We have cravings to be the dominant monkey in
the hierarchy.
The businesses, holiday celebrations, recreational activities, and
other culture of a nation with a free enterprise system and a democracy
will evolve to appeal to our selfish, animal desires. An example that I
mentioned in a previous document is that our wedding ceremonies have
evolved into an expensive and extreme worshiping of a bride. The
weddings of today are resembling the extravagant coronations of a
medieval Queen. I would say that our weddings are becoming as absurd as
bodybuilding contests.
Is a man who injects oil into his muscles behaving any worse
than a
woman who arranges for an expensive, lavish wedding that sets her
up to be treated like a queen, and allows her to be the center of
attention throughout the wedding? I would say that in both cases, the
people are getting carried away with their desires to feel important
and become the center of attention. They are focusing too much on
satisfying their crude, animal cravings, and not putting much thought
into what they are doing, and how they benefit from it. And they are
not thinking at all about other people. They are concerned only with
satisfying themselves.
None of us want to be "ordinary people" because we have powerful
cravings to be at the top of the social hierarchy, but I suspect that
we would enjoy life more when everybody is treated as "ordinary
people". This requires making everybody virtually equal in regards to
material wealth and homes, and it requires eliminating awards for
sports, science, and other competitive events. It also requires that we
stop referring to some people as "celebrities" and "stars".
also requires
modifying weddings to make them into a relaxing, pleasant social event
for the community. And it requires designing contests so that the
winners do not get any special treatment or pampering, thereby reducing
the incentive to win, and reduce the tendency of the losers to pout,
hate, and be envious.
have a powerful craving to be the center of attention, stand on a
podium, be worshiped, and be pampered. However, we should not design
our social and recreational activities to appease this craving. This
craving evolved in animals to push them into competing for dominance.
This craving is too strong for modern humans. We need to exert some
self-control over our craving to stand on a pedestal and be worshiped.
There is not much of a difference in the
lives of the monkey at the top of the hierarchy, and the monkeys at the
bottom. A group of monkeys treat
one another in a more equal manner than the way modern humans are
treating one another. Monkeys
did not evolve to be slaves or servants, or to be
pampered royalty, or
to be given trust funds or inheritances.
evolved for that same environment in which we are nearly equal to one
another. There should not be much of a difference between the leaders
and the people at the bottom of the hierarchy. All of us should
contribute to society, and nobody should be a pampered King, peasant,
or slave. We should be team members, and friends.
In our
societies today, the people with more money, or with certain college
diplomas, or who have been given awards, or who have certain types of
job titles, have a tendency to regard themselves as superior to other
people. This creates an unpleasant social environment.
recommend experimenting with a society that gives us that prehistoric
environment in which everybody in a city is virtually equal in regards
to material wealth and status, and in which everybody is expected to
contribute to society. Nobody should get any special pampering or
privileges. I think that type of environment will make it
easier for people to regard other people in the city as friends and
team members.
I think this in turn will result in us forming more pleasant
friendships with other people, and reduce the time and effort that we
waste on competitive struggles for material wealth, awards, pampering,
and status. I think we will have a more satisfying life in that type of
misfits are wonderful
people probably interpret the word "misfit" as an insult, but I am
using it to describe people who are having trouble fitting into their
particular group. A misfit is not necessarily
detrimental to the group. As I use the word, a misfit is simply a
person at the edge of a bell curve, and who has some trouble fitting
into the group because of his unusual qualities.
A person will
be a misfit if he has unusual intellectual or emotional qualities
compared to the other people in his group, even if his qualities are
superior to those of the other people.
By comparison, the people who
have qualities that are "typical" to those of other people in their
will have an easy time finding people who are compatible with them, so
they will easily mingle with the other people.
For example, I
would describe myself as a misfit. One of the reasons that I am a
misfit is that my low thyroid level caused me to have very low energy
levels from about the beginning of my teenage years until I was about
55 years old in 2011, when I finally discovered
that I was low on thyroid hormone.
People with low energy levels
are likely to become misfits because we don't have the energy to join
other people in their social and recreational activities. We are more
likely to spend our leisure time sitting, lounging, or taking naps.
Also, our low energy levels can make us seem less cheerful, and more
dull, dreary, and boring. My low energy levels also caused me to not
want the burden of taking care of a wife or children.
There were
also times during the day when it felt as if my mouth was coated with a
thin film of something, and sometimes it seemed like my
breath had an unpleasant, chemical-like odor. I had the impression that
my body
chemistry was sometimes getting so far out of balance that it was
causing bad breath.
Now that I am taking thyroid hormones, my breath and mouth
more normal.
of the misfits bring progress
history of the human race shows that all of the technical and social
progress that we have had during the past few thousand years has been
the result of a very small percentage of the population. All of those
people could be described as "misfits".
The explorers of the Earth, such as Magellan
and Columbus, were misfits, not "ordinary" people, and the same is true
of the people who explored the universe, such as Kepler, Tyco, and
Newton. All of the technology we have also came from misfits, such as
Archimedes, Tesla, Ford, and Watt.
The ordinary people do not bring progress
to the human race. It is the misfits who are
involved with exploring
the world, developing new technology, fighting the pedophile networks,
exposing the corrupt governments, and changing the course of the human
race. The ordinary people, by comparison, inhibit
and resist progress, especially the conservatives.
people who are fighting the Jewish crime network are not ordinary
people, either. At the moment, those people are remaining quiet
and secretive, but eventually the network will be destroyed, and we
will be able to see who has been involved with this battle. I suspect
that we will discover that none of them are
many of us will have characteristics that are ordinary or
below-average, such as our math abilities, memories, or ability to
remember faces, the people who are fighting this crime network
must have some characteristics that make them superior overall to the
ordinary people. For example, they obviously have the ability to face
reality rather
than hide from it, and they care enough about
society to be willing to protect it. They are also capable of working
for a complex goal that benefits the team rather than working only for
their own benefit. When
this battle is finally over with, I think it will be interesting
to look at who got involved, and what they were doing.
evolved from monkeys because every once in a while one of the monkeys
produced a child that was superior to the other monkeys in some
intellectual or emotional characteristic. However, that superior
characteristic may have resulted in that child being a misfit rather
than being recognized as a better person.
Even today
we can see this process happening among us. The people who are more
intelligent, more willing to explore their options, better behaved,
more responsible, more honest, have more
self-control, or are superior in some other characteristic, will be
misfits, and the majority of people may not recognize their superior
qualities. Instead, the majority of people may regard them as weird,
stupid, evil, or misguided.
the point of view of those superior people, the ordinary people will
seem to be stupid, badly behaved, easily frightened, selfish, arrogant,
dishonest, or
crude. The superior people will have a difficult time fitting in with
the majority.
This concept also applies to families.
Specifically, a child with superior intellectual or emotional
characteristics can become a misfit in his family because he may have
trouble fitting into a family in which the other members seem to him to
be obnoxious, irresponsible, dishonest, immoral, stupid, superstitious,
or lacking self-control. For example, he may find himself annoyed that
he has to go to church with his family, and his family may be annoyed
when he complains about religion. The family may not recognize his
superior qualities. They may regard him as a brat, an idiot, or a badly
behaved jerk.
misfits need protection,
others need to be evicted
Every organization, regardless of whether
it is a city,
nation, business, or sports group, should deal with their misfits. The
leadership should pass judgment on why a person is a misfit, and if a
misfit is hurting the organization, he should be put under restrictions
or evicted from the group.
However, we have to keep in mind that some
misfits are actually superior to the majority of
people, and that they are beneficial to society.
Those misfits are likely to need protection from
the ordinary people
who don't understand them, and who try to force them to be like
everybody else.
explained how to use a telescope, but the leaders of society tend to be
too technically incompetent, dishonest, or mentally ill to appreciate
protect the citizens who have the courage to explore the
Galileo is an
example of a misfit who was under pressure to follow the majority of
people. Ideally, the leaders of society would recognized misfits who
are beneficial, and they would put pressure on
the majority of people to accept and appreciate
the differences of
other people.
Unfortunately, no society has had leaders that understand these
issues. Our leaders do not remove the destructive misfits, and they do
not protect the beneficial misfits. Actually, our leaders often do the
exact opposite; namely, harass the
beneficial misfits, and encourage pity for the destructive
Every nation is refusing to acknowledge that each person is
unique, and that our genetic differences give us different
personalities, intellectual abilities, physical abilities, and
emotional qualities. Many people do not like the concept that some
people are genetically superior to others, and their reaction is to
ignore that concept, regardless of the evidence to support it.
nation is dominated by people who are refusing to acknowledge that
human behavior is due to genetics, and to prefer religion over science.
Every nation is trying
to pretend that all people are equal to one another, and that
we can randomly mix people
together in neighborhoods, recreational events, jobs, and restaurants.
By promoting the attitude that we are all
equal, and that we can be mixed at random, we live in neighborhoods
where we do not like, trust, or respect our neighbors, and we work with
people we do not like or trust.
In order to create a better life
for ourselves, we must acknowledge that each person is genetically
unique, and that we should be able to discriminate against our
neighbors, friends, and coworkers so that we can live, work,
play among people who are compatible with us.
We need to stand
up to the people who are whining about discrimination and promoting
diversity. There is nothing wrong with allowing neighborhoods,
businesses, and other organizations to discriminate against their
members. We need to find people who have the emotional ability to stand
up to the accusations that we are anti-diversity, fascist, or racist
for wanting to associate with people we are compatible with.
other documents I pointed out that people don't know what "freedom" is,
even though lots of people are constantly demanding more freedom. The
issue of "diversity" is another example of how people don't understand
the concept of freedom.
We could say that people are free when
they have the ability to choose who their neighbors are, who they work
with, and who they play recreational games with. We could say that
people are being oppressed, treated like prisoners, and denied their
freedom when they are forced to follow the diversity philosophy and
live, work, and play with people they are not compatible with. We could
say that a person is being denied his freedom if he is forced to allow
people into his organization that he does not want, such as forcing men
to accept women in their organization, or forcing women to
accept men
in their organization, or forcing some races to accept other races.
would say that we are providing people with freedom when we let each
person choose who he wants to live and work with. I would say that when
we force people to mix at random, we oppress and torment everybody, and
we create a lot of awkwardness, stress, anger, pouting, and resentment.
only people who are going to suffer from the freedom to discriminate
are the people who have such undesirable qualities that nobody wants to
be their neighbor, friend, or coworker. Only a small percentage of the
population is going to be in that category, and they are likely to be
the people that we regard as criminals, mentally ill, or retarded.
would be ridiculous for us to feel sorry for the destructive, unwanted
people and alter society to appease them. We should face the evidence
that some people are undesirable due to their inferior genetic
characteristics, and they are going to have a miserable life no matter
what we do. It is ridiculous to allow them to torment us. They need to
be restricted to their own neighborhoods, or evicted from the city.
be a misfit in the environment that you
Since each of us has different genetic
each of us would prefer a slightly different culture. If you were given
your own planet, and if you could design the culture to be whatever you
want, the people who have genetic characteristics that are compatible
with yours would love the culture that you have chosen, but other
people would be misfits to various degrees.
I have made a lot of
suggestions on how to design cities, schools, and social affairs, but
they are just my assumptions on what I think I would like, and what I
think is practical. Even if my assumptions turn out to be correct, that
does not mean that you
will enjoy the city that I would enjoy. It is
possible that only a tiny percentage of the population is compatible
with me, and that most people would be misfits in the city that I
suggestions on what we should do with cities is based on my life, and
what I've noticed about myself. For example, when I was a child, I was
fascinated by the mansion in the Beverly hillbillies television show,
and I wanted a big house with a staircase like theirs. However, when I
finally could afford a house, it was a small, ordinary home (small only
by American standards, about 1400 square feet, or 300 square meters),
and I quickly realized that I don't want a house any larger than this.
Actually, this house is larger than I need for just myself. I came to
conclusion that big houses are just a burden, and I
don't want one.
we are monkeys, we have cravings to control all of the land that we
see, and we want giant mansions to impress other people with, but I
don't think we benefit from owning land or having giant homes. I think
we will enjoy our lives and our city much more when the land belongs to
the city, and our homes are giving us only what we need, such as a
bedroom, bathroom, and a room to relax in. Families will need a larger
home than single people, but I don't think we should produce large
homes for anybody.
I think we will enjoy life more when we put
our resources into community property, as I've described in other
documents, such as scattering video rooms around the city with large,
high resolution monitors and comfortable chairs, and by providing every
neighborhood with beautiful and decorative swimming pools,
recreational areas, and social clubs.
By putting our resources
into community property, we can provide the city
with a wide variety of
architecture and decorations, such as the two photos below that show
social areas of a Chinese hotel.
of inviting people into your home, meet them at
one of the social
areas in your neighborhood or the business section
of the
next time you get together, you could pick a different
social area with
a different style of furniture and architecture. At some social areas,
there would be music, and others would have dancing, and others would
have karaoke. I think this will be more pleasant than what we do
today, which is to meet people at the same places over and over, and
everybody has to be concerned about prices, carrying money or
credit cards, and giving tips
to servants.
I think we will also improve life by getting rid of kitchens
in people's homes. By providing everybody with free access to
restaurants, we simplify our lives, make the production and
distribution of food more efficient, reduce the waste of food, reduce
the size of the apartments, and provide ourselves with access to a
wider variety of meals. Although the
lack of servants would require that we set and clear the table
ourselves, if we design a beautiful city with a variety of attractive
restaurants, I think we will enjoy those restaurants more than having
purchase food and make meals every day.
In a city that consists of clusters of tall buildings that are
surrounded by gardens, parks, and ponds, the restaurants can provide us
with peaceful, pleasant dining areas.
Instead of listening to automobile
traffic and looking at ugly asphalt roads and neon signs, we will have
view of
trees, flowers, creeks, ponds, attractive buildings, and people who are
walking, riding
bicycles, and playing recreational activities.
foods truly are "delicacies"?
Incidentally, my attitude on
food also changed as I grew
older. For example, when I was young I saw wealthy people boasting
about how they can eat whatever they want without looking at the price.
I picked up their idiotic attitude that lobster, caviar, truffles, and
other expensive foods are "delicacies", and I hoped
that when I grew up
I would have enough money to afford those wonderful foods.
When I finally began making enough money to purchase whatever foods I
wanted, I was surprised to discover that I did not like many of the
expensive foods, and that I was preferring to purchase some of the
lowest priced foods.
For example, my favorite meat is to grind a package of pork
shoulder into burgers, and cook them at a low
temperature in a glass bowl to retain all of the juice. Those chunks of
pork shoulder are among the least expensive meats. I also like chicken,
which is not very expensive.
I think
pork tastes better than beef, and I think pork also has a better
consistency. I can eat pork every day without getting tired of it.
Actually, I think I have been eating one of my pork burgers every day
for at least the past year. On some days I have one of them for lunch
and another for dinner. I could eat even more pork, but I
worry about eating too much of one food.
I like scallops, salmon, and fish
with mild flavors, but to me, seafood is useful only for variety, not
as a regular meal. Actually, I would not care if I never had
seafood again for the rest of my life.
Filet mignon is
considered a delicacy, but it doesn't have nearly as much flavor as a
piece of low-priced beef that has been ground into a burger and cooked
at a low temperature in a glass bowl to retain the juices.
I do
not think it is a coincidence that my favorite meat is pork, and that I
don't have much of an interest in seafood. If we look around the world,
as throughout history, we find that pork is an extremely popular meat.
Muslims and Jews are not supposed to eat pork, but that is because of
religious reasons, not because they do not like the flavor or texture.
think the reason pork is such a popular food for humans is because pigs
have been living among humans for a long time, and people have been
eating pigs for so many thousands of generations that we have evolved
to enjoy their flavor and texture. Our jaws and teeth can chew pork
without tenderizing it, aging it, or beating it with a hammer.
a previous file, I pointed out that the reason cheetahs and gazelles
run so fast is because they evolved to fit one another. Likewise,
animals evolve to eat the foods that happen to be in their diet. Cows
enjoy the flavor and texture of grass, and their teeth and stomach
evolved to chew and process grass. The birds that eat spiders evolved a
desire for spiders, and an ability to eat and digest them.
bison or cows had been the primary food of humans for millions of
years, we would have developed stronger jaws and sharper teeth to cut
through their tougher meat. Likewise, if abalone had been a common food
for humans for millions of years, we would have developed even stronger
jaws and sharper teeth in order to cut through that type of meat.
of the Native Americans regularly hunted bison, so it is possible that
those particular tribes evolved stronger jaws than other humans.
Likewise, some prehistoric tribes of humans may have subsisted on
animals with tough meat, and they may have also developed stronger jaws
and/or sharper teeth.
The Alaskan Eskimos should have evolved a
greater desire for eating seals, polar bears, and fat compared to the
rest of us, and a better ability to digest and survive on that type of
diet. The tribes that evolved in the tropics should have a better
ability to handle the sweet fruits of the tropics.
thousands of generations, an animal will adapt to the foods that it
eats. The reason is that the children that don't like the taste or
consistency of the food, or who cannot properly chew or digest the
food, or who have allergies to foods, are not going to be as successful
in the competitive battle for life as the children who enjoy the foods
and who can properly chew and digest the food.
In modern
society, however, children are no longer adapting to the foods we eat.
The parents who have children with food allergies, bizarre tastes in
food, defective jaws, or defective digestive systems can now provide
their children with a special diet, thereby allowing them to survive
and reproduce. After thousands of generations, this is going to result
in people with an unbelievable variety in regards to their desires for
food, allergies to food, and abilities to chew and digest food. It will
become difficult for restaurants to provide meals because everybody
will want something different, and everybody will be allergic to a
different type of food.
get the most satisfaction from helping our team
Getting back to the issue I want to
discuss in this section, the wealthy people also boast about going to
restaurants, hotels, and resorts where they are pampered by lots of
servants. Although I don't remember fantasizing about being pampered by
servants, when I had to go to Germany for a couple weeks for a job I
was doing, it was in a very small town, and when we wanted to eat at
one of the restaurants, we just walked into the restaurant and sat
down. The town was so small that customers were expected to find a
table by themselves, and eventually a waitress would notice them, bring
them a menu, and then give them their food and leave them alone. I
found that environment to be much more pleasant than having a waitress
treat me like a baby.
What I noticed from my life is that I
don't want to spend my time gathering material items, and I don't want
a gigantic house, and I don't want to spend my time showing off my
possessions to people who have less money than I have.
When I
look back at what I have enjoyed most in life, it is not material
items, expensive foods, being pampered by servants, or any of the other
things that the wealthy people today are boasting about. When I look at
my life, the most pleasant memories are of doing things with people,
exploring the creeks and forests, learning about and thinking about
life, and doing work that is beneficial to other people.
Some of
the software that I wrote for MS-DOS in the early 1990s is still being
used by some machinists, and although it is annoying that those people
won't upgrade and provide me with some financial support, it makes me
feel good to know that there are some people who appreciate the work I
did so much that they want to continue using it.
recommendations for a new city are based on what I personally have
found to be most enjoyable with life. What I have noticed is that the
most pleasant aspects of my life have been doing things with people,
including sharing the chores that need to be done. As a result, the
city that I propose puts a lot of emphasis on the team
rather than the
The society I propose encourages people to work
together for the group. Everybody is expected to focus on the team,
rather than on themselves. The businesses, for example, will design
products from the point of view of what would be best for society, as
opposed to pandering to the consumers, which encourages the consumers
to be selfish, arrogant jerks who focus on their emotional cravings,
and it puts the businesses into the role of peasants who are serving a
the social activities of the city would be designed from the point of
view of what would be best for society, rather than what the individual
citizens want. The government will terminate activities that
regards as undesirable for the team, even if a lot of citizens enjoy
There are two important issues to keep in mind when we discuss what to
do with our future:
1) None of us knows what is best for us.
I have ideas on what we should
try, but we can be certain that once we start experimenting, all of us
will discover that we don't know nearly as much as we thought we
did. We will discover that some of the changes we make to our culture
are making our life more annoying, or that they are unrealistic. For
example, if we experiment with community weddings, we may end up
coming to the conclusion that they are no better than the weddings we
have right now.
However, we should not be afraid of failures. When one of our
ideas turns out to be a failure, all we do is experiment with something
else. We should regard life as an adventure, and
learn from our
failures. We will succeed at improving our lives if we are willing and
able to look critically at our brilliant opinions, and replace them
when they turn out to be failures.
2) We cannot please everybody
soon as we create a new city and begin experimenting with our culture,
we will find that some people like the changes, but other
people do
not. We cannot please everybody. Because of genetic differences between
us, it is impossible to create a social environment that everybody is
satisfied with.
Therefore, we have to be capable of compromising
or else we will get involved with arguments that never end. We will
end up like the Congress of the United States, which is ineffective
because they cannot agree on what to do.
It sounds easy to compromise, but it is not easy.
It requires people with advanced intellectual and emotional
characteristics. Animals cannot compromise at all, and humans vary in
their ability to compromise.
A person who is abnormally submissive will give into other people's
demands quite frequently, but that is not
compromising. That is being submissive. At the
other extreme, the aggressive people will often get what they want, but
they are not compromising, either.
order for a group of people to compromise, we need to be able to
consider life from other people's perspectives. Each of us has to be
able to look at how often we get what we want, and how often other
people get what they want. Compromising requires that we exert
self-control over our own desires and allow other people to
occasionally get what they want.
don't have that level of self-control, or the ability to understand
this concept, and humans who are abnormally selfish, arrogant, or
stupid will not be able to compromise, either.
prefer the team rather
than the individual
changes to society that I propose put a lot of emphasis on the team,
rather than on the individual. The military and most other
organizations put a lot of emphasis on the team, also. Actually, the
society I propose could be described as a variation of a military or a
I encourage community activities, rather than
individual activities. I have no problems following orders, time
schedules, or laws, as long as I respect the management and their laws.
However, the people who do not have such a strong interest in becoming
a team member will prefer an environment in which people have more
freedom to focus on themselves.
Because of genetic diversity, at
one extreme are the people who prefer to work with other people, have
dinner with other people, and spend their leisure time with other
people. They can enjoy being an employee, or a soldier, who follows
orders and time
At the other extreme are the people who complain that
employees and soldiers are slaves. They want to be their own boss. They
don't like being a team member, following orders, and worrying about
what is best for the team. They want to focus on their personal
desires rather than frequently consider what is best for the team.
is no right or wrong way to design a society, and there is no right or
wrong personality. Dogs are more sociable than cats, for example, but
it makes no sense to say that cats are better than dogs, or vice versa.
If cats were to create a city for themselves, they would want a social
environment in which each cat can be his own boss and focus on his own
desires, whereas dogs would want more teamwork in their jobs and
leisure activities.
are so independent that they might not want traffic laws, or any social
activities. |
do not like to be alone, so they would create a city
with lots of social activities. |
We cannot design a city that pleases
everybody. The earth is so large that we can create thousands of
different cities, and each of them could have a slightly different
social environment, but there will always be people at the edge of the
bell curves who cannot find a city that offers the environment that
they are truly satisfied with.
To make the situation worse,
since we are not restricting reproduction, the diversity in
personalities is increasing during every generation, thereby resulting
in each generations becoming more incompatible than
previous generation.
reasons a person might become a misfit
person is a misfit when he is genetically incompatible with other
people.We have a lot of genetic characteristics, so there are a lot of
reasons as to why somebody would be a misfit. Also, some misfits are
beneficial and some are destructive. It might be useful to divide
misfits into categories, such as these four:
1) Physical
are people who have physical characteristics that make it difficult for
them to fit into society, such as they are blind, crippled, have food
allergies, are low on thyroid hormone, or have some other physical
disorder that makes it difficult for them to join other people
in activities and jobs.
Many of these misfits are living in our neighborhoods, but we don't
realize it because a lot of them spend their time alone, inside their
home, making them nearly invisible. However, they are misfits, and they
are suffering, and we should
not ignore them.
The only way of reducing this type of misfit is to abort or euthanize
the babies who have serious
physical disorders. The people who claim that euthanasia is "murder"
should be told to shut up. I would say that it is
much more cruel to torture a
person with decades of loneliness, physical pain, or other suffering.
people might respond that if we had the technology to
analyze a
baby's DNA and determine whether he had any serious genetic
disorders, such as he could not properly create or regulate
thyroid hormone, and if we
were to euthanize such babies, then we would kill people such as
myself. My
response is, so what?
If I had been euthanized as a baby, I
would not have known about it or cared about it. Furthermore, and even
more important, I had to spend my teenage years and almost all of my
adult life suffering from low energy levels. I had to watch the other
men run, perform physical work, get married, raise children, and do
lots of other things that I could only daydream about.
We are not being nice when we bring into this world a person
who is suffering from a defect that is so serious
that he ends up sitting at the edge of society and watching
other people enjoy life. This is torturing those
A lot
of people may then respond that I turned out to be an acceptable member
of society, and they will point out that some other people who are
suffering from physical or mental disorders also turned out to be
productive members of society. However, I think that I and those other
people are the exceptions.
Furthermore, as much as I suffered, my suffering seems trivial
compared to the people with mental problems. I have set up a
life for myself
that is very pleasant, quiet, and relaxing, but all around me I see
people who are frequently pouting, hating, envious, lying, cheating,
fighting, whining, abusing drugs, and thinking suicidal thoughts.
Their lives seem miserable.
At various points in my life I
wondered what would have happened to me if I had been an idiot, or if I
had not been interested in thinking. I don't know how I would have made
a living in such a case. I suspect that I would have ended
up as a drug addict who died at a young age, or a criminal who was
eventually caught and put in jail. Or perhaps I would have ended up on
I suspect that an analysis of drug addicts, criminals, and
parasites would show us that they are all suffering from genetic
problems, and they don't have the intellectual or emotional ability to
understand or overcome their particular problems.
comparison, I had the intelligence and self
control to
compensate for my problems. For example, I did not waste any of
time or money on gambling, alcohol, or unnecessary material items. I am
capable of surviving on a very low income. This is not because I want
a low income; I am not a Buddhist monk who wants to live in
poverty. Rather, I am capable of enjoying life with a low income.
I could actually use more money since taxes and prices increase every
The world is full of people who are miserable, but the people
oppose euthanasia are not helping any of them. They
are actually increasing the number of miserable people by encouraging
the defective
people to have babies, and encouraging parents of defective babies to
let their defective babies live. These people praise themselves for
being wonderful people, but in reality they are
just increasing the number of people who suffer every year.
of the people who are suffering are probably suffering from mental
problems rather than physical problems. For example, the
"art" to the right
was created by Ed Honaker, one of many artists who are suffering from
such serious mental problems that his life and artwork are dominated by
thoughts of suicide, death, and torture. He is suffering,
and he
suffers year after year, decade after decade. He is suffering more than
most of us have suffered.
We are not nice when we give life to
people who are so defective that their entire life is miserable,
especially if we also push them aside and make them
suffer loneliness in addition to their internal pains.
2) Employment
Unemployment is increasing every year for two primary reasons:
Technology is eliminating simplistic jobs. Machines and robots are
improving, and becoming more numerous, thereby putting people
low intelligence out of work, even if those people have wonderful
2) Each generation is more genetically defective than
the previous generation. Every generation has a higher percentage of
people who have trouble working in teams, following orders and time
schedules, being able to concentrate on a job for many hours each day,
and wanting to work.
In a free enterprise system, the unemployed people have no way to make
a living. Some become a parasite on their parents,
friends, relatives, spouse, or government, and some react by becoming
an alcoholic, drug addict, or
criminal, thereby causing even more trouble for themselves and society.
3) Cultural
each of us could live life a thousand different times, each one in a
different social environment, we would discover that each of us has a
preference for a slightly different environment.
For example,
all men are competitive, so we all want to win at volleyball, baseball,
and other recreational activities, but if we could measure our craving
to win, we would find that at one extreme are the men who have such an
intense craving that they will practice the
activity in order to improve their performance. Some men will go
even further and take drugs to improve their
athletic performance. Donald Trump has been accused of wanting to win
casual golf games so badly that he will cheat.
the other extreme are the men who don't care enough about winning a
recreational event to be willing to practice it, or risk getting
injured, or put much effort into winning.
I have a strong desire
to win the battle for control of our future, and I am willing to
suffer a lot to achieve that goal, but I regard recreational events as
being for socializing and exercise, not for winning. When I look back
at my life, I notice that the times I most enjoyed playing
volleyball, baseball, football, and other sports was when I was with
people who did not care much about winning, either. None of us were
even bothering to keep score.
There is no right or wrong way to
play a recreational activity. However, when we follow the "melting pot"
philosophy, which could also be described as a "diversity philosophy",
in which everybody is forced to mix together, we create a social
environment that annoys everybody.
Putting people like me into a
recreational game in which some of the other people want to
win is
going to cause stress, frustration, and anger to of all
of us.
It upsets people like me because I don't want to practice the event in
order to develop my skills, and I don't want to put much effort into
winning, and I have no desire to keep score. The people who want to win
will become upset with people like me because they will regard us as a
burden on their team, and of having a bad attitude that ruins the
environment of the game.
By comparison, I regard the battle for
control of the world to be a very important battle, and I think that we
should put a lot of effort into winning it, and I think the people who
show no concern for winning are behaving like monkeys, or retards. They
annoy me with their apathy, and I annoy them.
Because of the
genetic differences in our emotional and intellectual characteristics,
each of us would prefer a slightly different social environment. Some
people are going to enjoy an environment in which there are awards and
ceremonies for the winners of recreational events, and at the other
extreme are people like me who don't care enough about winning to be
bothered keeping score.
If I were to design recreational
activities, there would be no winners or losers, and no award
ceremonies. The recreational events would be designed for socializing,
entertainment, and exercise. If the event is outdoors, it would be also
to enjoy the trees, grass, flowers, clouds, creeks, ponds, sunshine,
stars, or moon.
The significance of this concept is that once we start
creating new cities and experimenting with our culture, we are going to
discover that no matter how many cities there are, and that no matter
how much variety there is, there will be people who are not satisfied
with any of the cities.
If they deal with this issue quietly,
nobody will care, but if they whine or complain, or if they become
rebellious and angry, they become destructive, and they
should either be restricted to their own neighborhoods, or evicted from
the city. We should stop feeling sorry for people who react to problems
with anger, pouting, tantrums, vandalism, and crimes. We must face the
fact that
because of genetic diversity, there
are always going to be misfits.
4) Social
Our ability to form relationships with other people depends upon both
our emotional and intellectual qualities. People with unusual or
defective mental qualities will have trouble mingling with us during
leisure activities, working with us in a team, and forming stable
friendships and marriages.
environment can affect our opinions, manners, and goals, which in turn
can have an effect on our relationships, but even if there were no
environmental differences between us, we would find that some people
have trouble forming relationships because their particular
personality causes them to be a social misfit.
What is a personality? I would say that it
is the combination of our intellectual and emotional characteristics,
both of which are genetic,
not environmental. First consider how our emotional
affect us.
How do our emotions
affect our personality?
Our emotions determine our
selfishness, willpower,
aggressiveness, shyness, friendliness, arrogance, irritability,
violence, fear of the unknown, curiosity, sexual cravings, and other
We all have the same emotions, but there are subtle differences in
their strengths, how long they persist, and how they are triggered. To
complicate the issue, since nobody is genetically
perfect, we all have slightly different "emotional
How does our intellectual
ability affect our personality?
The section of our brain that thinks
has an effect
on our personality because our behavior is partly due to our thinking.
People who are stupid, for example, are likely to make remarks or do
things that we regard as stupid.
Furthermore, we all have intellectual defects,
and the people with the most serious defects will make remarks
do things that we regard as crazy, bizarre, inappropriate, nonsensical,
or irrational.
In order to be able to form a stable and
pleasant relationship with other people, regardless of whether it is a
friendship, marriage, or business relationship, we need a certain
amount of compatibility in our emotional and intellectual
For an extreme example, the difference in
personalities between a dog and a human is so extreme that we cannot
understand one other. Humans can form relationships with dogs
only if we can force ourselves to be tolerant of their lack of
self-control, stupidity, barking, and other behavior that makes no
sense to us, or which irritates us. We cannot treat dogs as "friends".
Rather, we treat them as retards, toys, or babies.
For a less
extreme example, a scientist who believes in genetics and evolution is
not likely to be able to form a close friendship with an official of
the Catholic Church. If they are neighbors, they might be friendly with
one another, but they would not be able to form a truly satisfying
friendship because they will want to behave in different manners,
discuss different issues, and spend their leisure time on different
People who are "typical" in their emotional and intellectual qualities
will have an easy time finding somebody that they are compatible with
simply because there will be so many people similar to themselves.
people with the most unusual emotional and intellectual characteristics
will have a difficult time socializing. They will be "social misfits",
but they are not necessarily undesirable people. Some of them
be misfits because they have some superior
emotional or intellectual characteristics.
The people who will have the most trouble forming pleasant
relationships will be those whose brains are the most defective.
For example, people with serious intellectual
defects will produce thoughts that are so distorted that their opinions
will resemble the nonsense created by the SCIgen computer software,
whereas people with the most serious emotional
will have bizarre cravings and reactions, such as
raping a
baby, or being unable to sit still at a dinner table.
There will always be unusual people, so we should design society to
deal with the misfits rather than continue to ignore them.
my documents I have repeatedly suggested that the government encourage
a variety of social and recreational activities to encourage people to
get out of their house, meet people, and do something. One of the
reasons I emphasize getting out of your house and meeting
people is because the unusual people must meet a lot of
people in order to find truly satisfying friendships and marriages.
and animals have a resistance to meeting strangers because we evolved
for a very dangerous world. We need to be pushed into meeting people.
we go to social events today, we have a tendency to talk only to the
people we already know. To make the situation worse, most
are so paranoid that somebody is going to learn about their "personal
information", and so many people are also trying to create phony images
of themselves in order to impress other people, that when they do talk
to somebody they don't know, they don't learn much about one another.
Each person is likely to hide their personal information, create a
phony image of themselves, and talk about something idiotic, such as
Hollywood gossip or sports.
I think we would improve our social
lives if we provided ourselves with more appropriate government leaders
who behave like parents. Specifically, government officials who
encourage and arrange for social events, courtship activities, and
recreational events that push people into meeting one another.
we also allow the government to maintain a database with information
about everybody's "personal" life, it would put an end to the
paranoia that other people will learn the truth about us. It would also
dampen a person's desire to create a phony image of himself because
it would make it impossible for women to lie about their age,
for men to lie about their height, previous marriages, and failures in
I think that type of social environment would create a
society in which people are more honest about themselves, and
in turn will make it easier for people to find compatible friends and
a spouse.
Unfortunately, no matter what we do to help people form
relationships, there will always be people at the edge of the bell
curve who are so defective that they cannot form friendships or
marriages. We should not ignore those misfits. They
will have very lonely, miserable lives, and they may react with anger,
vandalism, crimes, or revenge.
Elliot Rodger is an example of a misfit who reacted to his loneliness
becoming angry at people. I'll discuss him later in this document.
We cannot
fix the misfits with
punishments, drugs, or rewards
Every society has been trying to fix
the misfits with rewards and punishments,
and doctors and psychologists use drugs,
shock therapy, and counseling. However, none of
these are solutions because the reason some people are misfits
due to their genetics, and we do not have
the technology to fix genetic problems.
people might respond that I mentioned that thyroid hormones are helping
me tremendously, but there is a difference between "helping me"
and "solving my problem". The thyroid
hormones have improved my
life significantly, but they have not fixed my
problem. I continue to be physically inferior to people with a higher
quality body.
is absurd to believe that we can fix the badly
misfits with rewards, punishments, drugs, or counseling. Some drugs may
help certain misfits to relax around other people, or control their
temper, but we cannot fix their problems. We are
tormenting them when we try to make them become normal, and we are
allowing them torment us when we allow them to live with us.
The only
sensible policy is to restrict the badly behaved misfits to their own
neighborhoods where they will not be bothered by us, and we will not be
bothered by them. The misfits who cannot handle those restrictions need
to be evicted from the city, or euthanized.
The only true way to reduce misfits is to restrict
reproduction and euthanize the defective babies. However,
this will only reduce the quantity of misfits, not
eliminate them. Because of genetic variations, there will always
be misfits. Every society has to face this fact and deal with
it rather
than continue to pretend that it is not occurring. Every living
creature produces genetic variety, and some of the offspring are
detrimental and destructive. Hiding from this issue is making the
situation worse, not better.
don't force diversity in music
of the genetic differences between us, different people have slightly
different preferences for music, art, clothing styles, foods, and home
decorations. If we follow the communist philosophy of making everybody
enjoy the same clothing style, artwork, etc., we torment almost
There is no benefit to forcing everybody to like the
same things, and there is no harm in allowing people to have different
preferences for artwork or music.
This concept is perhaps most
obvious with music festivals. The people who like classical music tend
to sit quietly as they listen to the music, whereas some
people like to go to music festivals where they can sing along with the
musicians, and others like music festivals where they can dance, and
others like music concerts where it is acceptable for
the audience to scream and clap.
What would
you think if the government forced everybody who arranges a music
concert to promote "diversity" by mixing all types of music into each
concert? Imagine a government requiring that every music concert be a
random mixture of classical, jazz, rock 'n' roll, hip-hop, karaoke, and
trance music. Certainly you can understand that nobody is going to
benefit from that type of music festival. Rather, it would annoy
Nobody is so stupid that they would complain that a
classical music concert is "discriminating" against people who like
jazz or country music, or that a country music festival is
"anti-diversity" because it doesn't have any trance music, or that a
jazz festival is "shaming" the people who like other types of music.
Nobody is stupid enough to accuse somebody of being "anti-hip-hop", or
"anti-classical music", or "anti-country music" simply because they
have no
interest in playing that type of music at their social events.
However, there are
lots of people who are demanding that businesses, sports groups,
schools, cities, neighborhoods, apartment buildings, and nations to be
a random mixture of men and women, different races, couples with
children and couples without, young people and elderly people, pet
owners and people who don't want pets, and all other types of people,
with no regard to their compatibility.
We must stop allowing the
whiny, aggressive people to insult us for wanting to be with people who
are similar to ourselves. We must stop allowing them to push their
idiotic "diversity" philosophy on us. We must stand up to their demands
that people be randomly mixed together in neighborhoods, cities, and
Democracies and free enterprise systems provide the majority of
people with a tremendous influence over society because those systems
cause the government and businesses to pander to the majority of
people. This would be acceptable if the majority of people had sensible
desires and opinions, but the majority of people have a lot of idiotic
and self-destructive behavior and opinions. For example, most people
are more attracted to religion than to genetics, which results in every
society being dominated by people who push religion and other
nonsensical concepts, such as that men and women are unisex creature.
The human mind is not a piece of
clay, or the creation of a loving God. It is a biological computer
designed by DNA and based on a monkey's brain. Men and women are
genetically different from one another, and the different races have
genetic differences between them. Even within each race, each person is
genetically unique.
We are not racist, anti-diversity, sexist,
or anti-Semites for having a preference for people who are compatible
with our personalities. There is nothing wrong with living among,
working with, and becoming friends with people who are similar to
I think we should go even further and start facing
the evidence that we deteriorate with age. For example, I suggest that
a city design some apartments for the elderly, such as by making the
doorways and bathrooms more suitable for canes, wheelchairs, and
walkers, and by putting those apartments closer to the sources of food
and medical
care. This will make life easier for the elderly, and they
will not irritate the rest of society by blocking hallways, elevators,
trains, and foot paths.
I also suggest that we experiment with
apartment buildings that are restricted to families, and others that
are restricted to people without families.
By allowing everybody to freely move from one home to another, we
make it easy for everybody to live near their friends, and they can
easily switch to a different building when they decide to have a
family, or when they get old, or when they want a change in scenery.
suspect that we will all have a more pleasant life when we are free to
discriminate against who we live and work with, and who we spend our
leisure time with.