Common rebuttals |
Apollo would have been an incredible achievementSupposedly some people even complained to the TV studios that Apollo coverage was getting in the way of regular TV shows. How could Americans not care about such an incredible achievement? Looking at myself, I can see the reason enthusiasm disappeared. Landing on the moon was the most incredible achievement of the human race. The astronauts should have been excited. They should have looked up at the sky, down at the ground, and all around them. Instead, they ignored the sky completely, and they did not even look much at the moon. Instead, they put their time into posing for photos with the US flag, and putting samples of moon dirt into bags. Watching the Apollo moon landings was equivalent to having your friend invite you over to watch videos of his trip to the Galapagos Islands. He then shows you hour after hour of him posing with a US flag and playing golf at the hotel. It would not occur to you that he faked a trip to the Galapagos Islands; instead, you would think to yourself, "What a jerk! He spends all that time and money to visit the Galapagos Islands, and then all he does is play golf and pose with a US flag."
Apollo reminds me of those T-shirts that have something like: "My parents went all the way to Paris, but all I got was this lousy T-shirt" ![]()
I was a teenager at the time Apollo was landing on the moon, and my assumption was that the astronauts were selected for the job because they were the best at resisting dizziness, and they were in good physical shape. I assumed there were mental nitwits. My interest in Apollo slowly vanished simply because of the stupidity of the event. After one or two missions, I was wishing that they had sent a few intelligent people. I was also upset when I saw an astronaut take a golf ball out of his
pocket while on the moon. Even though I was a teenager, I considered the
smuggling of anything to be irresponsible. For one reason, weight is serious
issue in spacecraft. Also, what if the ball exploded in the vacuum of space?
Or what if the extreme temperatures caused it to explode? Couldn't it tear
a hole in the spacesuit? What kind of irresponsible jerks were the astronauts?
They behaved as if traveling to the moon was as safe as a visit to Disneyland.
Why no concern for their safety?If I was the first astronaut on the moon, I would have been concerned about my safety. I would want to check radiation levels on the moon, for example. I would also observe my space suit, and the suit of the other astronaut, to see what effect the intense heat and cold had on it. These suits had never been tested on the moon before, so how would anybody know for sure they would survive? And what about tiny meteors? Would they cause trouble? How many meteors might hit an astronaut per hour? And would the spacesuits protect against the meteors? Since there were no toilets in the spacecraft, I would also be concerned about the bags of poop and pee in the spacesuit. Why doesn't NASA let us know how they performed the miracle of keeping grown men in space suits for up to 2 weeks? Leaving a baby in diapers for just a few days would be considered "child abuse". So how did NASA keep Apollo astronauts in suits for 2 weeks? Why doesn't NASA tell us how they did it? And what would it be like to walk around on the moon with several days
worth of crap inside your suit? What would happen if the astronaut falls
down, and the bag of crap gets squeezed open? And with vomiting so common
in space, what would it be like to have vomit in the suit?
Why not show the unique aspects of the moon?I would also like to have a temperature sensor with me, and I would
have observed and talked about the temperature in the sunshine, and in
the shade.
The blast-off from the moon"Oh, well. I suppose the real video was such low quality that NASA substituted this simulation."
Bart Sibrel, in that interview I mentioned, points out that the video
from inside the lunar module does not have any noise from the rocket engine.
NASA certainly did a tremendous job of isolating the vibrations of a powerful
rocket from the people inside!
Scams are hurting us, not helpingHowever, the endless lies, puppet governments, scams, and corruption resulted in apathy, disgust of government, and attitudes of "Why should I care about this corrupt nation?" Perhaps in the future the human race will advance beyond this animal-like
existence. But will the human race improve if we assist these scams by
keeping quiet about them? I think we should let people know about them
so that the human race can learn from them. We need to design better governments,
and that requires we discuss the problems we currently have with our governments.
Bonus QuestionClick on this link to the NASA photos from the
Notice that the images are full of white spots of various sizes, and there are a few white streaks of various lengths. (The images at 1024 × 1024 pixels show the most details.) Your bonus question: "Are those white spots the stars?" If so, that means stars are visible through the sun's corona. This should make you wonder, if the stars are bright enough to shine through the sun's corona, should stars be visible to astronauts in the space station or on the moon? This should also make you wonder, if an astronaut held his hand up to block the sun, would he see the corona and the stars around the sun? |