Previous FAQs at this page. So I don't have to answer the same questions over
and over.
5 May 2009
![]() Hey Eric, do you trust John Martinson? |
FAQ #1: Why don't you promote
_____ ?
FAQ #2: Why do you make speculations you can't prove? FAQ #3: Do you trust ____? FAQ #4: Why should we deny the Apollo moon landing? FAQ #1: Why
don't you promote _____ ?
Why don't you promote the recent research about the thermite in the World Trade Center towers? Why don't you promote the work of Professor Steven Jones?Answer: Why don't any of those people promote me? Why should I promote people who pretend I don't exist? Why don't you ask them to promote me? ![]() The question of why I don't promote Christopher Bollyn is especially interesting now, in May 2009. In case you don't know much about the relationship between me and Bollyn, from the summer of 2002 until June 2007 I was in frequent contact with Bollyn by telephone and e-mail. Twice he and his family stayed at my house when they were passing through California. ![]() Several years ago I started posting some of Bollyn's articles at both Smith's website and at my website because Bollyn didn't have his own website. He didn't know how to make HTML pages, either. |
Notice that under the graphic is: |
I only support the troops!
Don't let criminals control
your information!
It is very important that you understand that one of the techniques that the Jews have been using to control us is that they dominate the information we are exposed to. They dominate the so-called truth movement, the news media, the radio shows, the newspapers, etc. They want to tell us what to think about the world.Where are the missing people? It's also very important to understand that the criminal Jews are trying to suppress, kidnap, and kill people like me. They have already gotten rid of Bollyn. Don't let them get away with any more of these crimes. Help us expose them!
After I stopped working with Daryl Smith, the Swedish man who replaced me as his webmaster told me that he had recently met with Ahmed Rami, and that he is fine, not kidnapped or dead. And Jim Condit, Jr claims that he has personal contact with Carol Valentine. This is evidence to me that Valentine is also in serious trouble.
It should be easy to figure out what's happening. All you have to do is look at the websites of the people who claim to have contact with Bollyn, Valentine, and Rami. Notice that they promote Jewish propaganda. This is evidence that they are wolves in sheep clothing, and they are part of the network that is slowly kidnapping and killing those of us who expose them.Be careful of the sites that expose the HoloHoax! For years people have been trying to convince me to promote one third of the Holocaust, and other sites that expose the Holocaust. But I think these sites are run by Zionist Jews. Many of these are promoting Hitler, and I'm sure it's because they want to create the impression that there are genocidal, murderous, dangerous Nazis all over the world. I suppose they also hope that we join their pro-Hitler movement so that we can be arrested for "hate crimes".
Don't try hiding from Zionism! The mysterious disappearance of the Bollyn family might frighten you, and you may think that you will be safe by ignoring the criminal Jews. This theory is false. We don't protect ourselves from crime by hiding like a frightened child. We must expose and destroy all crime networks. |
FAQ #2: Why do you make speculations you can't prove? ![]() Many people complain to me that I can't prove that Christopher Bollyn has been kidnapped, so I shouldn't make such ridiculous speculations.Answer: This is just a trick to intimidate me into silence about certain issues. a) Of course my speculations are inaccurate! None of us have the answers to life, and so the only thing we can be 100% certain about is that each of us has lots of mistakes in our assumptions about what is going on in the world.
It makes no difference if my speculations are incorrect because I'm not determining the fate of you or anybody else. I'm not a judge in a court. People have been speculating about a lot of issues for thousands of years. It's possible that more than a billion people have already speculated about death of Princess Diana and President Kennedy (the photo shows Kennedy being hit by a bullet). But who has been harmed by all of those billions of speculations? Nobody, that's who.
Don't let the Jews outsmart you! It's okay for us to discuss our opinions. We don't need 100% "proof" for our opinions.
The third reason why I don't think it makes any difference what I say about Christopher Bollyn, Brandon Schaefer, Alex Jones, and Michael Hoffman is that I think that the police and/or military will be forced to get involved and start arresting the criminals, and they're not going to look at my website to figure out who is guilty and who is innocent. They will do their own investigations.
It's possible that Carnaby was a Zionist agent, and that the police are starting to realize that it's absurd to arrest these criminals, but it's also possible that those particular police officers are working with the Jewish criminals, and they killed an honest man who was trying to expose their network.FAQ #3: Do you trust ____? Years ago people would ask me what I think about Alex Jones, Dave vonKleist, Mike Piper, David Icke, and other people who have since lost credibility.
Most of the people who ask me this question are Jews who are trying to figure out who I trust and what I know, but there are some ordinary citizens who are simply confused about who they can trust and want my opinion. I trusted and promoted those people in the beginning, also. When I realized that they were wolves in sheep's clothing, I felt that it was important to expose the concept that most of the truth seekers are actually criminal Jews and their puppets. Have you noticed how many of the Jewish wolves beg for donations? As I've mentioned in other audio files and documents, I don't think this is a coincidence. After getting to know many of the people in this "truth movement", I've come to the conclusion that the Zionist crime network is like all other crime networks. Specifically, it attracts the anti-social misfits; the unemployable weirdos; the pedophiles; the scientists who can't perform as a scientist; the alcoholics; the drug addicts; and the arrogant jerks who have college degrees but no useful skills, and who think they're too special to do "nigger work". The people in this crime network are not respectable people. Therefore, you can avoid most of them simply by avoiding weirdos.FAQ #4: Why should we deny the Apollo moon landing? Most of the time people send me complaints via e-mail, but the Apollo moon landing issue is so sensitive to the Jews that I sometimes get phone calls about it.Answer: The reason I accuse people of being Zionist agents when they defend the Apollo moon landing is because I've noticed that this is a very significant pattern among the "truth seekers". ![]() Did you know that one of the NASA scientists, James Hansen, is one of the primary liars about the global warming issue? I wrote about him in my articles about global warming. |