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The World Government
9e) The Resources Division

30 Jan 2025

The purpose of the Resources Division

The Councils of the Resources Division

The Councils that initialize this division are:

Outer Space
Global Water Global Zone
New Cities

The universe belongs to everybody

This constitution promotes the concept that the world should consist of independent cities, each of which is given a fixed amount of land and a maximum population level. All of the land and water outside of the city boundaries is referred to as the "Global Zone", and it belongs to all people.

The Global Zone Council and the Global Water Council have similar functions as such agencies as the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the United States Coast Guard.

Those two councils regulate and control the use of the global zone. Most of the global zone would be in its natural, "wild" state, but it can be used for:

Scientific research, such as archeology and observing animals.

Harvesting wood, fish, iron ore, and other resources.

Recreation and vacations.

The cities share the Earth's resources

Democracies and free enterprise systems allow individuals and businesses to own land and the resources on it, and nations are allowed to own the rivers and lakes within their boundaries, and a portion of the ocean along their boundary. This results in the Earth resources being divided in an unequal manner.

For example, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia make an enormous amount of money by selling the oil in their area, and some citizens in the USA who own land that has oil under it are also making enormous amounts of money.

A comedy television program was created about some ignorant and stupid Americans becoming wealthy after discovering oil on their land; namely, The Beverly Hillbillies.

We could also make comedy programs about the Arabs who become extremely wealthy from oil, and who purchased mansions in Beverly Hills and New York City, such as The Beverly Arabs and The Manhattan Muslims.

We could also make comedy television programs about the wealthy Khazar criminals who moved to the expensive neighborhoods of America or Britain, or children who inherited lots of wealth , or the wives who received enormous divorce settlements.

However, this type of culture is not amusing. It results in a lot of people being put into the role of peasants who pamper people who become extremely wealthy as a result of a coincidence, crime, and inheritances. It creates an unnatural and unpleasant social environment.

A free enterprise system allows the Earth's resources to be divided up without any supervision. This is the only way that ignorant, stupid, and selfish people can divide resources, but it results in some businesses, individuals, and nations becoming absurdly wealthy without doing much of anything in return.

To improve this situation, this Constitution considers the Earth and its resources to belong to everybody equally, so all of the resources are shared equally among the cities. Every city will have its own land, but the resources on that land belong to the world, not to the city. Therefore, if a city has large amounts of oil under it, that oil belongs to world and must be shared equally. If another city has large amounts of tungsten, then that tungsten must be shared equally.

By not letting any city have control of the resources on their land, no city can use their resources to manipulate other cities. For example, a city cannot increase the prices of their resources in order to cause economic problems to other cities, and they cannot refuse to provide resources to the cities that they don't like.

The responsibilities of the Resources Division

The Resources Division of the World Government is the only group authorized to make decisions about how much of each resource to produce each year.

They must also ensure that no city is being abused, such as cutting down all of the trees around one city for lumber, while leaving the trees around the other cities.

As with all other world and city government officials, the ambassador and diplomats of the Resources Division are required to justify their decisions by providing evidence that they are best for the human race, rather than to please some particular individual, city, business, or other organization.
The Outer Space Council

The universe belongs to everybody

The Outer Space Council makes all of the decisions about which research and development programs to support for rockets, outer space telescopes, satellites, and probes that explore the universe. The cities are prohibited from having their own space exploration programs. Examples of what this council will deal with are:

Rocket design

If a city is involved with the design or production of rockets, their Quality Division can pass judgment on whether the design is sensible, but the Outer Space Council has authority over the cities.

The Outer Space Council chooses the design for rockets. For example, should a reusable rocket be designed like the SpaceX rocket, which uses a rocket engine to return to the earth? Or should it be designed like the space shuttle which glides like an airplane? The Outer Space Council must provide an explanation of how their decisions are best for the human race.


A free enterprise system and a democracy provides individual citizens, government agencies, and businesses with the freedom to put almost any type of satellite in orbit, and without any justification for how the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. This constitution does not give any person or organization that freedom.

The Outer Space Council decides which satellites to put into orbit, and how many of them are needed, and what to do with all of the trash in outer space. They also decide whether we need a space station, and if so, whether it should be like the one we have in 2024, or whether it should rotate to create artificial gravity, or whether it should be completely automated so that humans don't have to live on it.

The moon

The free enterprise system and democracies give businesses the freedom to develop the technology to take absurdly wealthy people high up in the atmosphere or around the moon, and Celestis will put a person's ashes into space or on the moon.

The Outer Space Council is the only organization with the authority to make decisions about what to do with the moon, and they must provide evidence that their decisions are beneficial to the human race.

There is no benefit to the human race to providing wealthy people with trips to climb Mount Everest. Likewise, there is no benefit to the human race to send people's ashes to the moon, or provide a few wealthy people with a trip around the moon. Therefore, the Outer Space Council is prohibited from authorizing those type of projects.

Space exploration

When our ancestors developed telescopes and rockets, it made sense for them to search for life in the universe, but all attempts have been a failure. It would be more beneficial to us to explore the universe, and if there is life out there, we will discover it during the explorations.

When we make exploration our priority, rather than finding life, we will succeed in learning about the universe rather than suffer failure after failure. This is similar to the concept that scientists should investigate the universe rather than try to search for evidence of dark matter, wormholes, and parallel universes.
The Global Water Council

The Earth's water belongs to everybody

The Global Water Council is responsible for managing all of the rivers, lakes, groundwater, and oceans in the global zone, or which pass through the cities. They set rules for fishing, the use of water for industries, and the amount of pollution that is tolerable. They do not control the ponds and creeks that are entirely within a city.

The water between the cities, and under the surface, belong so everybody in the world, so all of the cities must follow the rules that the Global Water Council sets in order to prevent them from destroying the Earth's water resources.
The Global Zone Council

The land between the cities belongs to everybody

The Global Zone Council sets rules for the harvesting of resources from the land in the global zone, such as trees, sand, and coal. This allows them to prevent businesses from destroying the area, such as by taking too many redwood trees.

They also set policies on which areas in the global zone are available for resorts, parks, and recreational areas, and they set rules on when people have access to them.

For example, they could restrict some of the sensitive areas of the world, such as Antarctica, the Galapagos Islands, the petrified forest, caves with prehistoric paintings and fossils, and some areas of tundra, to research and documentaries, rather than for public entertainment.

They can also restrict the public from having access to certain areas of the Earth at certain times of the year. For example, they can restrict a vacation resort to a few months of the year in order to give the area a chance to recover during the other months. This would be useful for the areas where the vegetation grows slowly, such as deserts and tundra.

In order to maintain the animals and plants in the global zone, the officials in the Global Zone Council must show that they have an above-average understanding that animals reproduce excessively, and therefore:

It is necessary to allow wolves, bobcats, and other predators to eat some of the deer and other animals.

It is idiotic to capture mice, pigeons, or rats and then release them somewhere else.

We cause genetic deterioration of wild animals when we provide them with food or medical care.

Humans must control the population of the mice, rats, pigeons, cats, dogs, horses, and other animals that are reaching unnaturally high population levels as a result of our farms and cities.

Furthermore, the officials must realize that it is impractical to kill wild animals in a "humane manner", so they must have the ability to ignore the citizens who whine about the use of robots, drones, or other devices that kill animals.

The Global Zone Council is restricted to officials who do not have any emotional obsessions with horses or rabbits so that they can make intelligent decisions about what to do with the horses that have become wild in the USA, and the rabbits that have become wild in New Zealand. Their goal should be to help the earth, not favor the particular animals that they have an emotional attachment to.


The Global Zone Council determines which areas of the global zone to use for mining, and how to clean up the mess. They also control the mineral resources that are under all of the cities.

If a particular city is built on land that has mineral deposits, those minerals belongs to everybody in the world, not to that particular city, and the Global Zone Council must work with the city government to determine whether any of it will be mined, and how to do the mining with the least amount of disruption to the environment and the people.

It is best to mine the resources that are between the cities so that the people within a city are not bothered by mining operations, but as robotic mining machines become more advanced, there will be a point at which mining under a city will be practical.

The Global Zone Council can do things that are impossible in a free enterprise system, such as extract all of the easily accessible oil from the Middle East and Texas before trying to extract the oil from more difficult areas, such as from shale oil, or the Arctic Circle.

They are also be able to prevent a waste of resources, such as putting restrictions on, or prohibiting, the use of helium for children's birthday parties and other entertainment purposes. They can restrict helium to serious scientific or industrial purposes, and they can require as much of it to be recycled as possible.
The Travel Council

The Travel Council supervises international social affairs

One responsibility of the Travel Council is to pass judgment on the interaction of the cities, such as:


International cultural events, such as Carnival, La Tomatina, Oktoberfest, and Mardi Gras.

International athletic competitions, such as the Olympics, World's Strongest Man, and The Wimbledon Championships.

International contests, such as Miss Universe, the World Chess Championship, the Rubik's Cube World Championship, and contests in photography, poetry, and fiction.

International days and weeks, such as the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, World Braille Day, and the World Interfaith Harmony Week.

Some of those world events were created by Jews to deceive us into hating Nazis and treating Jews as the superior race, and some were created by religious fanatics to promote their religion, but most were created businesses that were trying make money.

Since the democracies and free enterprise systems don't have any supervision, there is nobody in a position of authority to pass judgment on whether any of the international events are beneficial. The end result is that many of them should be described as abusive, deceptive, wasteful, idiotic, or stupid.

To make the problem even worse, our enjoyment of competitions, and our intense craving to win the competitions rather than enjoy the competitions, causes us to inadvertently make the events increasingly extreme through the years.

Sumo wrestling is an example of how we inadvertently cause activities to evolve into absurd and dangerous competitions. Although the sumo athletes are not abusive to one another, they suffer from the typical problems of obese people. The training program of sumo wrestlers should be described as the deliberate overfeeding of a creature for the entertainment of the other creatures.

Ballet dancing is another activity that has become absurd as a result of the competition between people to impress one another. Specifically, the requirement that women be able to dance on their toes is making ballet absurdly expensive and difficult. Also, both male and female dancers are expected to do incredibly difficult gymnastic stunts. Instead of evolving into a increasingly pleasant and artistic dance style, ballet is becoming an increasingly absurd competition to do unnatural and difficult athletic stunts.

The Olympics are another example of how we become obsessed with winning competitions, and why we need checks and balances to stop us from hurting ourselves.

Although we don't know much about the first Olympics in ancient Greece, they must have been relaxed and casual social events. However, during the past century, they have evolved into such intense competitions that there are tens of thousands of children around the world training to be Olympic athletes. Some of them are spending so much of their leisure time on training that they don't have much of a social life, and don't learn much of anything. That should be described as a waste of their childhood, and exploitation of children for the entertainment of adults.

The children are fooled into believing that becoming an Olympic athlete will give them an exciting life, but there is no evidence that the children who train for the Olympics, or qualify for the Olympics, or win contests at the Olympics, are having a better life than the other children.

Some of the Olympic athletes have admitted to having mysterious disorders, such as ADHD, so we ought to consider that many of the others, perhaps all of them, decided to get involved with the intensive training programs because of some type of mental or physical problem that caused them to want to be famous athletes rather than have a normal childhood.

If that turns out to be true, then the adults who arrange those intensive training programs could be described as exploiting the defective children by tricking them into believing that becoming full-time athletes will provide them with a pleasant life.

A similar but more disgusting type of abuse is occurring in the entertainment businesses. Specifically, the Jews who control the entertainment businesses are fooling unhappy and mentally ill people into believing that they will have an exciting life if they become wealthy and famous celebrities, and that all they have to do is "sell their soul to the devil".

The Travel Council is required to provide evidence that all of the international events that they approve of are beneficial to the human race, and are not wasting resources. The Olympics are an example of a waste of resources. The cities that host the Olympics put enormous amounts of labor and resources into providing the facilities for the Olympics, and those facilities are often abandoned after the Olympics is over.

The city governments can have their own Tourism Ministry, but the Travel Council of the World Government has complete control of international activities, and of tourism in the global zone and between the cities, so the city governments have to follow their guidelines.

The Travel Council can create international activities, put restrictions on them, terminate them, and modify them. Their goal is to ensure that the cities are involved with beneficial activities.

The Travel Council makes the decisions about whether to have international chess competitions, or international beauty contests. If they authorize an international event, they set the rules for it. If they decide to authorize some type of international sports events, they determine what the events are, how they are conducted, and what sort of facilities to use.

They also supervise the tourism between cities, and help the cities make sensible decisions about their tourism customs.

The Travel Council restricts access to the Global Zone

The global zone is available for all people for recreation, but anybody who wants to use the global zone for recreation has to make arrangements through the Travel Council. This gives that council the ability to pass judgment on whether they want the person using it in the manner and time of year that he wants it.

The Global Zone Council determines which areas are available for recreation, but the Travel Council arranges the trips to the recreational areas, and is responsible for designing the recreational areas. The Travel Council must design the recreational areas according to what is best for the human race, not according to what the people want.

For example, there is no benefit to the human race to provide the public with trips to Stonehenge because it requires a lot of resources to send people to that location, and when they arrive, all they can do is look at the rocks for a few minutes, and then they become bored. Then they start looking for something to do to relieve the boredom, which often results in doing something idiotic or wasteful, such as getting drunk; scratching their names into trees or rocks; taking hundreds of photos that almost nobody looks at or cares about, and are are usually low quality; having parties that leave trash in the area; and irritating one another in their attempts to find a spouse or sex.

The Travel Council is required to pass judgment on which areas in the global zone are useful as recreational areas for the public. Places like Stonehenge should be restricted to research and documentaries.

Likewise, there is no benefit to the human race to allowing the public to travel to Antarctica, and the disadvantages are even more extreme than they are for trips to Stonehenge. Therefore, Antarctica is off-limits to tourism.

As other documents have described, Instead of putting labor and resources into sending the public around the world to visit places like Stonehenge and Antarctica, it would be more beneficial to:

Put labor and resources into providing the city with lots of small, beautiful, and comfortable video rooms with giant, curved, high resolution monitors and comfortable chairs.


Putting labor and resources into developing more advanced drones and robots with high resolution cameras, and supporting teams of people to provide video documentaries of the world.

As drones and their cameras become more advanced, they will be able to provide us with incredible views of the world that we would never be able to see as a tourist. Some individuals and businesses have already posted videos that give us an idea of what is possible, such as this video of a drone flying around Mount Everest, or this video that coincidently filmed a small avalanche of snow over a mountain cliff, or this video (in the image below) of the mountains.

The videos from the businesses are just advertisements for their drones, and the citizens are filming for entertainment, so none of their videos are useful as documentaries, but those videos show what we could be doing with our technology and labor.

Those video rooms will provide us with much better video images than would be practical in our own home, as well as time-lapse and high-speed photography, and video using infrared, strobe, polarized, and ultraviolet light.

In addition to watching high resolution videos in the comfort of our city, we could also allow the responsible people (the City Elders) to control drones. That would allow them to fly drones into the areas that they are interested in looking at, and getting a closer inspection of the areas that they are fascinated by.

When we develop robots that can travel around with cameras, they could send the robots into forests, caves, gopher holes, groups of wolves, and underwater to provide us with videos of the world that no tourist would ever be able to see.

The Petrified Forest in Arizona could be available to the public, but with restrictions, such as prohibiting people from bringing dogs, horses, and cats to the area, which the US government allows tourists to do.

Although some people might complain that they will suffer from the restrictions that are put on tourists, this constitution prohibits government officials from pandering to the public. Government officials must understand that nobody will suffer when they are denied some emotional desire that has no significance to their life or health.

The people who want to drive "off road" vehicles can quickly destroy an area, and the people who want to hike, camp, ski, or ride bicycles in wild areas are only slightly less destructive. Every nation has responded to the destruction by putting restrictions on camping, off-road vehicles, skiing, and other recreational activities. Some of the badly behaved people are made to pay a fine or punished in some other manner, but that does not stop them from causing trouble.

There are also tourists who leave graffiti on rocks and trees, or take fossils, flowers, or other items from protected areas, or put objects or soap into geysers.

Instead of reprimanding, punishing, or rehabilitating the people who cannot follow the rules, the Travel Council must prohibit them from visiting the global zone, and that includes children, teenagers, and pretty women. We are not obligated to give those people a second chance. They will not suffer if they are prohibited from tourism and forced to remain in their own city. Those people must also be disqualified from being City Elders, which disqualifies them from reproducing.

The Global Land Council is responsible for creating restrictions for the global land areas. They determine where and when people can drive off-road vehicles, and they determine where bicycle paths, foot paths, camping areas are permitted.

The Travel Council operates the tourist facilities in the global zone, and they are responsible for providing tourists with food, medical care, and other services.

The Travel Council also determines whether the tourists are provided with equipment and services to climb mountains, explore caves, do whitewater rafting, and other potentially dangerous activities, and if not, the government is not responsible for providing rescue services or medical assistance to the "thrill seekers" who ignore the rules and do those things on their own.

The Travel Council determines how the vacation resorts are designed, and what sort of recreational activities they provide, such as whether they provide swimming, scuba diving, hiking, bicycling, or skiing.

To reduce the damage in the global zone, and to make the resort areas more beautiful, the resorts must be a cluster of tall buildings. An example is the image below in which the resort allows a large number of people to have access to a forest without damaging much land.
Since the tops of the buildings are reserved for public restaurants and lounge areas, that type of resort provides everybody with a view of the area.

Since discrimination is permitted, some of the hotels in the resorts, and some entire resorts, could be restricted to adults, and others could be restricted to families. The resorts that accept families would have daycare centers for the very young children. For example, in the image below, the short buildings could be daycare centers.
However, this type of resort requires higher quality people than what we have in the world today. It would be foolish to have daycare centers in isolated vacation resorts if there were as many pedophiles in the government, police departments, hospitals, and daycare centers as there are in the USA and Europe as of 2024.

To reduce the damage in the wild areas, and to provide people with more interesting views of the area, the bicycle paths should have elevated sections over the sensitive vegetation and land formations, and they should allow sunlight to get through to the plants in the area.
Likewise, elevated foot paths make it easier to walk around a forest, and they reduce the chances that we pick up fleas and ticks. The paths that go over the ponds could be only slightly above the level of the water, allowing us to have excellent views of the creatures living in it.
The paths and plazas that we create at ground level could be designed with paving blocks that allow grass and moss to grow. Businesses are already producing a variety of those blocks, such as those in the collage of photos below.
However, businesses are currently producing paving blocks out of ugly, gray concrete. This constitution advocates putting human life ahead of profit, so the pavers should be designed to be more beautiful. For example, some of them could be made of colored concrete, and some could have colored or iridescent glazes, or colored pebbles. Furthermore, instead of repeating the same pattern, which is monotonous, the pattern could change throughout the path or plaza.
We could use the decorative pavers to create beautiful footpaths in our parks, and paths that are firm enough for bicycles and small electric vehicles. Those pavers would also reduce puddles and floods by making it easier for rainwater to get into the dirt.

What do we want to do with our lives?

It would require a lot of labor and resources to build and maintain an extensive network of paths that are made from decorative paving blocks, or which are elevated and allow sunlight to pass through, but at what point are we making roads, foot paths, bridges, plaza, swimming pools, and bicycle paths too decorative? (This issue is discussed here.)

This Constitution promotes the attitude that we will have a more satisfying life when we put our labor and resources into creating beautiful cities and vacation resorts than things that provide us with only momentary titillation, such as trophies, Hollywood movies, ice cream with gold foil, and trips to Stonehenge.

By creating beautiful resorts and cities, we provide ourselves with activities that allow us to get exercise, enjoy nature, and meet new people. That will provide us with a lot of pleasant memories to reminisce about when we get older.

By having high resolution security cameras scattered around the city and resorts, and developing software that identifies people in the video, we would be able to watch video of ourselves when we are older.

Since the cameras would not be focused on any particular person, the video will seem more like a documentary about the city or resort rather than a personal video, but we might discover that many of us prefer that video to carrying cameras, recording our own photos and video, and trying to keep track of those photos and videos.

Of course, until we find the courage to experiment with our culture, we will not know for certain what type of city and culture will be the most pleasant for us.
The New Cities Council

The New Cities Council can create cities

The New Cities Council is needed when we start the process of creating new cities, but eventually it will become unnecessary and be removed from the World Government.

When there are enough people to create a new city, the New Cities Council will determine where to create the city, and they must select an area according to intellectual reasoning, not according to our emotional cravings. For example, wealthy people are frequently building homes on hilltops, or along the edges of cliffs, rivers, and oceans. This allows them to boast about the "view" from their home.

However, the views that wealthy people boast about do not make our lives any better than the views that ordinary people have. Rather, the wealthy people boast about their views because they are unusual views, which allows them to titillate themselves with the fantasy that they are special people. It is similar to how they titillate themselves about being special people when they watch a polo game, purchase an expensive diamond ring, and eat caviar.

Humans get more pleasure from a view of plants, trees, butterflies, creeks, forests, and rolling hills than we do from the views that the wealthy people have.

A view of the ocean and a bland, rectangular pool is monotonous.

The view from a penthouse is a view of an ugly city.

The wealthy people who have a view of the ocean have the same, monotonous view every day of the year, and the wealthy people who have penthouses have a view of ugly buildings, fire escape ladders, telephone poles, rooftops, automobile traffic, and asphalt.

We will provide ourselves with much better views when we design cities so that everybody can look out onto city parks that have trees, flowers, grass, creeks, ponds, and beautiful buildings, bridges, footpaths, and bicycle paths. That type of view changes throughout the year as the plants grow, the flowers bloom, and the leaves change color. It also provides us with a variety of beautiful birds and butterflies at different times of the year.

The sounds of a city park are also more emotionally pleasant than the sounds the wealthy people hear from their penthouses. We have an emotional attachment to the voices of people, especially the giggling of children, and we dislike the sound of automobiles.

Every culture is encouraging us to compete for wealth and status, and this is resulting in many people wasting a lot of their time and resources on worthless goals, such as having expensive automobiles, houses along the ocean, and diamonds.

The wealthy people in these Malibu homes suffer from noise, salt, storms, and overcrowding. Now that most of them have burned, it should be turned back into a natural beach.
Many people claim the crashing waves of an ocean are relaxing, and perhaps it is to some people when they are a long distance away from the ocean, but the wealthy people who live along the edge of an ocean are suffering from both a constant spray of salt particles, and from a noise that is as loud and irritating us living next to a busy highway.

It would be much more beneficial if we competed to find improvements to our city, social activities, recreational activities, work environment, schools, and relationships. We should compete to improve our culture and our understanding of humans. We should compete to be the most inspirational and beneficial citizens.

By designing our culture to provide the material wealth for free, and eliminating the peasant and wealthy classes, we will eliminate the competition for material wealth. This also prevents some material items from becoming status or "luxury" items.

For example, by allowing everybody to have equal access to the penthouse lounge rooms and restaurants, the penthouse facilities will be regarded as ordinary places for ordinary people to have a meal, relax after work, or to get together to sing songs or visit relatives. Nobody will regard the top of a building as a "luxury" for "special" people.

Furthermore, by allowing everybody to have equal access to all of the lounge rooms, restaurants, and other facilities, everybody will discover that the view from the tops of buildings is not better than the view from the lower levels. Rather, it is "different". Specifically, the tops of buildings give a view of the city:

The lounge rooms, restaurants, and homes that are near the ground floor provide us with a view of people, flowers, trees, birds, and butterflies:

By designing a city so that it consists of clusters of tall buildings surrounded by beautiful parks and gardens, and by putting the transportation system underground, all of the homes, restaurants, lounge rooms, and offices will have views that are much more pleasant than what the billionaires have as of 2025.

By putting more resources and labor into making decorative buildings, and giving each neighborhood a unique architecture, the city will be much more pleasant to look at compared to the ugly buildings that we have in cities today.

Every apartment and office will have a different view, but all of the neighborhoods will be equally beautiful, and surrounded by nature. Everybody will have easy access to recreational areas and nature at both their home and their job.
By elevating some of the foot and bicycle paths, and having them pass next to the tops of flowering trees, it will be much easier for us to notice their beauty and smell their fragrance, compared to having to look up at them from the ground.
In the cities that have unpleasant weather or insects, the parks could have enclosed gazebos for children to have slumber parties, and for adults to have picnics, social affairs, recreational activities, music, and singing. That allows us to enjoy nature without the irritation of insects and weather.
There is a lot of evidence that we prefer a city that provides us with views of, and easy access to, nature, compared to the cities that exist today that provide us with views of asphalt roads, parking lots, telephone poles, and ugly buildings. For example:

The most popular background images for computers and phones are not the views that the wealthy people are getting from their penthouses or yachts. We prefer photos of rolling hills, flowers, forests, creeks, butterflies, mountains, birds, and animals. Many women have photos of their children.

Many people spend hours wandering around forests, parks, and botanical gardens to enjoy the flowers, trees, creeks, butterflies, and birds. Some people arrange to take their friends and family members on trips through parks, forests, and gardens.

However not many people spend hours on the rooftops of tall buildings to look out at the telephone poles, automobiles, and city streets, which is the view that the wealthy people "enjoy" from their penthouses.

Many people visit the top of the Empire State building, Statue of Liberty, and other tall buildings, but they do so because of curiosity, not because the view is better than the view of flowers, grass, and creeks.

Likewise, a lot of people enjoy going to the ocean, but they do not spend hours looking at the ocean. We enjoy spending some time watching waves form and crash because they provide constantly changing visual images, but most of the ocean is monotonous. When we visit an ocean, we spend almost all of our time interacting with other people, or laying in the sun, or engaging in some recreational activity.

We want our home to be surrounded by flowers, grass, trees, creeks, ponds, and bushes. Nobody wants to surround their home with asphalt, telephone poles, or a miniature model of Chicago to simulate the view from a Chicago penthouse. Also, nobody wants to surround their house with a large, plain pool of water so that it resembles the view from a yacht.

Our craving for status has caused the wealthy people to give us a distorted view of life because they do unusual things simply to show off and feel special.

Many of the wealthy people seem to be unhappy, and are doing unusual things simply to make themselves feel better

However, by boasting about their views, beachfront properties,  expensive automobiles, and jewelry, they fool themselves and many other people into believing that those things make life more enjoyable.

Our craving for status is too strong for our modern world, and needs to be suppressed. We must stop boasting about ourselves, intimidating or insulting other people, trying to feel important, and showing off.

It was sensible for prehistoric people to boast about their furs, tools, and clean hair, because that inspired other people to put more effort into taking care of themselves and their family, and it showed the opposite sex who had the best genetic qualities.

Today, however, people are boasting about things have no value to us. Our lives do not improve by having a house that has more rooms than we need, or by having a giant diamond ring. To make the situation even more absurd, many wealthy people are acquiring their wealth from crime, inheritances, and other types of cheating, which makes their life miserable, and encourages other people to cheat.

By making everybody equal in material wealth, and designing a city so that everybody has easy access to nature and social activities, we will create a much more relaxed and pleasant environment than what we have today.