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The Kastron Constitution
7f) The Security Ministry

23 July 2024

We do not have to be fearful of criminals

Most Americans are worried about crime

Surveys conducted near the end of 2023 show that 28% of the Americans worry occasionally about being murdered; 34% are afraid to drive in certain areas of their city; 40% are afraid to walk alone at night; 50% worry that their cars will be stolen or broken into, and 72% worry about identity theft.

A large percentage of the American people have also installed a security system in their home, business, or automobile.

Brian Glassner, a professor of sociology, responded that we are excessively fearful of crime, and that we are "distracted from the true threats, from climate change to worsening inequality." He updated his book, The Culture of Fear, to explain that one of the reasons we are so confused about our true threats is that "Donald Trump’s fearmongering" is "dangerously effective."

Incidentally, Professor Glassner's accusations that Americans are fearful of the wrong things, and that Donald Trump is fearmongering, is another example of why this Constitution authorizes the Courts Ministry to conduct intellectual trials.

If Glassner was providing us with medicines, the FDA would ensure that his medicines meet high standards, but nobody cares if professors provide deceptive or worthless information.

Glassner is providing a lot of information to his students, the world, and the future generations, and we are fools to allow him to promote whatever accusations he pleases. We should investigate his information to determine whether he is the person who is doing the fearmongering and trying to distract us from the true threats.

Furthermore, the people who authorized the publication of Glassner's book, the people who have praised his book, and the journalists who gave him publicity, should also be investigated to determine whether they have been making intelligent decisions about which information and people to promote, in which case they should get credit for providing useful guidance, or whether they are intellectually incompetent, in which case their social credit score should be lowered, or whether they are members of a crime network that is trying to manipulate us, in which case they should be evicted, executed, or used for medical research.

Guns cannot protect us from crime or corruption

Millions of Americans believe that we can protect ourselves from crime and corruption by allowing the citizens to own guns, but the assassination of President Trump should be used in schools as one of the many examples of how stupid that theory is. The millions of Americans with guns have done nothing to reduce crime or corruption. The reason is because they don't want to stop crime and corruption. They want guns because they are frightened.

Animals evolved to be participants in a deadly battle for life, and that results in them constantly worrying about being attacked. Their primary method to avoid an attack is to run away, but when they cannot do that, they try to prevent an attack by displaying defensive weapons, such as teeth, tusks, and antlers, or by making themselves appear strong and powerful, such as a cat arching its back to make it look larger.

Humans inherited that fear of being attacked, and that desire to prevent attacks by running away or by appearing strong and powerful. We are especially worried about being attacked when we are in a vulnerable situation, such as when we are pooping, which is why we want to do that in rooms with locks on the doors.

We are no longer attacked by wild animals or neighboring tribes, but many people have been attacked by their neighbors, friends, spouse, or family members. This results in millions of Americans installing security systems for their home and possessions, and millions of others want guns. However, the Americans want the security systems and guns to make themselves feel safe, not to stop crime or corruption.

To make the situation even more absurd, most of the Americans who have guns don't have the courage to even consider the accusations that our government is corrupt. They run away and hide when we show them evidence that the World Trade Center towers were demolished with explosives, that the Apollo moon landing was a hoax, and that Israel arranged for the assassination of President Kennedy and the failed assassination of Donald Trump.

In order for us to reduce crime and corruption, we must prevent the cowardly men from getting into the security agencies. If we were to interpret the Second Amendment properly, the only men who would have guns are those who have been trained to use them, and will work in a team to protect the nation from criminals and corrupt government officials.

There is no right or wrong crime policy

America has a lot more crime than Japan and Europe, but whether that makes America better or worse is a personal opinion.

Whichever group gets control of the world has to make an arbitrary decision about crime. There is nothing wrong with creating a society in which people have so much freedom that they have high levels of crime and corruption, and people try to protect themselves with security devices, guns, and dogs.

This constitution sacrifices freedom to reduce crime

This constitution advocates sacrificing some of our freedoms in order to reduce crime to such a low level that nobody wants security devices, nobody is afraid to walk around any area of their city, and no parent is afraid to let their children wander around at night.

Our city should feel as if it is our home, and the people in the city should be our friends. We should not be afraid of any of the people we live with. Two of the sacrifices this Constitution uses to achieve such low crime rates are:

Eliminate money.
Eliminating money and provide everybody with equal access to homes, food, and material wealth will eliminates the desire to steal items, and the desire to murder family members for inheritances, life insurance policies,  and other financial reasons.

This requires making a significant sacrifice to our freedoms. For example, it eliminates the freedom to have a larger home and more material wealth than other people. Even more significant, it requires giving the government total control of the economy because it will be impossible to have free enterprise. That requires us to give up the freedom to buy and sell things, including homes, sex, drugs, children, stolen items, and land. It also eliminates the freedom to gamble, make money from investments, publish books, create new products, and start businesses.


Eliminate secrecy.
Eliminating secrecy makes it easier for the police to identify criminals, and reduces the chances of innocent people being accused of crimes. Therefore, the Database Ministry is required to maintain a People database that contains everybody's DNA and other personal information, and the Security Ministry must install security cameras around the city that use tracking and facial recognition software.

Eliminating secrecy requires sacrificing some of our freedoms, but they are freedoms that only criminals benefit from.

We can reduce crime

Until humans evolve into a creature that is truly more honest, responsible, and considerate than the animals, we cannot eliminate crime. We must expect a small percentage of every generation to have trouble controlling their behavior.

However, it is possible to reduce crime to such a low level that it is insignificant. The evidence for this theory is that most businesses have extremely low crime rates. There are very few employees who worry that their coworkers will murder or rape them, or steal their personal items, or vandalize their items, or spray graffiti in their cubicle or office.

The reason crime is so low in the businesses is because most of the managers are intolerant of destructive employees. If the managers were to set even higher standards for employees, then there would be even less concern about badly behaved employees.

We can create a city with extremely low crime level simply by designing our culture according to the practices that have been successful for businesses and militaries. Specifically, raise standards for the people, and evict or euthanize those who cannot meet the standards.

We must also set high standards for the people in the courts, police departments, and other security agencies. A society cannot reduce crime or corruption when its security agencies are dominated by Zionists, pedophiles, religious fanatics, Freudian psychologists, senile elderly people, and blackmailed puppets of crime networks. The attempt to assassinate Donald Trump should make that obvious.

Incidentally, that failed assassination is another example of the fascination the Khazarian criminals have with numerology:
13 July
1+3 + 7(July) = 11
6:11 pm Similar to 9/11

Also, the sniper who waited until Trump had been shot had two objects around his left wrist, one of which might be the red string that some Jews wear. That assassination attempt is another example of why we need to watch out for people who have fascinations with numerology and symbolism.

A crime-free city is an option, not a fantasy

We have the technology and knowledge to create a city that has even less crime and bad behavior than the businesses. All we have to do to eliminate crime is find the courage to experiment with our culture.

We can create a city that has so little crime that young children can go swimming at night without adult protection, and they could swim naked.

We also have the ability to create a city in which none of the women worry about being grabbed, bumped up against, or raped; none of the government officials are pedophiles, Zionists, or blackmailed puppets; and all of the business executives treat us as team members rather than as servants and profit opportunities.
The security force must work for society

Animals want to be dictators

The leader of a group of animals is a selfish dictator that does whatever he pleases, and he uses intimidation and violence to control the other members and his competitors.

The bonobos are an exception because they are dominated by females rather than males, and they do not use violence to control one another, but they are almost extinct because they are much less successful than the chimpanzees. This is evidence that their culture put them at a serious disadvantage. They are analogous to the primitive tribes of humans that still exist in the tropics.

Our emotions allow abusive governments

Human culture and emotions are similar to that of chimpanzees rather than bonobos. The men compete for leadership by fighting, and we want to be dictators.

These emotional cravings are appropriate for chimpanzees because they don't have the intellectual ability or technology to be abusive, but our modern societies allow people in leadership positions to be extremely abusive.

We need an understanding of our emotions, and the ability to control them. We must be especially concerned that our leaders are controlling their emotions. Some of the emotions that are causing trouble for us are:

We want to be the leader of the world simply to satisfy our cravings for dominance, not because we want to deal with the problems of a modern society, or because we have compared ourselves to other people and found evidence that we would provide the best leadership. This is giving us leaders who want to titillate themselves, rather than analyze and deal with the problems of a modern society

That type of leader is analogous to a man who wants a wife simply to satisfy his cravings for sex, or a woman who wants to get married only for financial support and children.

We want to get to the top of the hierarchy by intimidating and fighting our competitors, not by analyzing everybody's leadership abilities and making an intelligent decision about who will provide the best leadership. This gives us leaders who excel at fighting, not leaders who excel at providing us with intelligent guidance.

We become submissive to whoever happens to get to the top of the hierarchy rather than give them job performance reviews and fire those who are incompetent. This allows our leaders to be abusive, incompetent, and senile.

Those characteristics were beneficial for prehistoric, nomadic tribes for the same reason that that type of leader is beneficial to animals. Specifically, prehistoric people and animals benefit from a leader who is a strong, courageous, fighter.

Today, however, our leaders are capable of incredible abuse, such as imposing taxes, instigating wars, and protecting pedophile networks. They can also protect themselves from their competitors by blackmailing, murdering, intimidating, arresting, or harassing their competitors, and by fooling us into believing that they have a divine right to be our leader, and that their children have the right to inherit that leadership position.

We must be critical of our leaders

It was beneficial for prehistoric people to be submissive to their leaders, but today we must become actively involved with ensuring that our leaders are providing sensible guidance. This includes all types of leaders, such as leaders in businesses, recreational activities, holiday celebrations, and schools.

The School Ministry is required to prepare children for modern society, and that includes teaching them to be critical of their leaders. This includes the leader of a group of friends who are doing something together during their leisure time. Children must be taught that they need to be concerned about which of their friends is taking a leadership role, and whether he is providing them with good leadership. Children must be encouraged to be critical of their leaders.

Security personnel must protect society, not governments

Human history can provide us with ideas on how to reduce the abuse of our leaders. For example, two reasons that the medieval Kings and Queens were able to get away with abuse were:

They had control of the security force and legal system. This gave them the ability to arrest, murder, and censor their critics and competitors.


The people in the legal system and security force were so ignorant, trusting, stupid, apathetic, or corrupt that they protected their leaders rather than society.

History shows us that there are some ways we can reduce corruption. For example:

The government officials must be prohibited from having authority over the security personnel. The security personnel must be an independent group.


The security personnel must be restricted to people who have enough of an education to understand that their purpose is to protect the nation from criminals, not to protect the government officials from criticism or competition.

They must also have the emotional ability to treat the government officials in the same manner that they treat other employees.

Specifically, they must be able to to fire the incompetent officials, and evict or execute the criminal officials.

This requires that they have the ability to resist their craving to be submissive to their leaders.

The US legal system is not independent

The men who wrote the U.S. Constitution assumed that they had made the legal system independent from the rest of the government, but they failed. For example, they allowed the Federal government to select the Supreme Court judges, and those judges can remain in their job regardless of how elderly and incompetent they become. That is not separating the legal system from the government. That is giving the government control of the legal system.

The government officials also select and fire the top military leaders, and they determine the military budget, which gives them control of the military. They also have control over the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other agencies.

To make the situation worse, the government officials have so much secrecy that nobody knows what any of the agencies are doing, or whether they are hiring Americans or Israelis.

The US Constitution is such a failure at keeping the security personnel separate from the government that the US government can start wars almost as easily as the medieval Kings and Queens. It has also allowed Israel to prevent the US Air Force from defending the USS Liberty, and prevent the security agencies from investigating the 9/11 attack and the accusations of a pedophile network operating within the government.

The “Deep State” concept is a deception

Some people claim that the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies are in control of the USA. They refer to them as the "Deep State", and they claim that the president and other government officials are following orders from the Deep State.

The problem with that theory is that no one can explain how the Deep State can control the government, the media, the professors, and everybody else, and nobody can identify the people who are members of the Deep State.

A more sensible explanation for the corruption in the USA is that Israelis and other Jews have been tricking the American voters into electing Jews and their blackmailed puppets, and that has allowed those Jews to get control of the CIA, FBI, and other agencies. The Jews have also taken control of most of the media companies. There are also Jews, such as Jeffrey Epstein, who are involved with blackmailing people.

There is no "Deep State" organization. Rather, there is an international organization of Jews who are trying to shift the blame for the corruption away from Jews and onto a mysterious and elusive entity.

Likewise, we are not under the control of the Military-Industrial Complex, the Bilderberg group, the Vatican, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, or the Council of Foreign Affairs.

We must compensate for our animal emotions

We cannot expect a legal system to be useful if it is based on the theory that humans are a creation of a supreme being, or that we are pieces of clay that mold itself to the environment. Those false beliefs will cause the legal system to blame crime on such idiotic concepts as the devil, poverty, sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, and bad parenting.

Likewise, we cannot expect a government, a school system, or any of our other culture, to be useful when it is based on false theories of what a human is. We must design all of our culture for a group of apes.

For example, we must design our culture to compensate for our tendency to do what is the most emotionally pleasing. Our desire to please ourself causes us to do things and create policies that are selfish, abusive, and hypocritical.

An example is that Oliver Cromwell opposed monarchies, but after he acquired a top leadership position, he wanted to behave like a king and pass his leadership position on to his son.

That selfishness and hypocrisy can be seen in every human, and all throughout history, and without exception. The reason is because humans inherited the emotional and behavioral characteristics of animals.

All of us inherited a craving to fight for the top of the hierarchy, and to give orders to other people without any regards to the consequences. We want to be a dictator with special privileges, and we want everybody to obey us and respect us. We want laws to apply to everybody except ourselves and our children.

When we design a chicken farm, a zoo exhibit for gorillas, or an aquarium, we design it according to the physical and mental characteristics of the animals. We must treat humans in the same manner. We must design our cities, jobs, schools, holiday celebrations, work environments, recreational activities, and other culture according to the physical and mental characteristics of a human, which means designing it according to the characteristics of a species of ape.

We must design our city and our culture to dampen our inappropriate animal characteristics, such as arrogance, selfishness, envy, and vengeance, and encourage our more appropriate qualities. For example:

Our school system must be designed to take into account that we have an animal's tendency to avoid thinking and learning, and that children have a craving to "pluck the feathers" out of the inferior children.

We need to design our restaurants and meals to take into account that we have a tendency to eat excessive amounts of food, and that we have excessive cravings for sugar and salt.

We must design our government system to take into account that we have an animal's craving to fight for leadership, and behave like a selfish, arrogant dictator.

We must design our recreational activities to take into account that we inherited the craving of animals to become obsessed with winning competitive battles.

The Security Ministry must be independent

A security force is detrimental if it protects an abusive or incompetent government. A security force is beneficial only if protects society.

This Constitution divides the government up in such a manner that the security force is independent of the other government divisions. Furthermore, the security force is held accountable for what they do. They must justify their work as being beneficial to society, rather than to appease some government official or organization.

This Constitution breaks the government into several divisions, but none of them have authority over the Security Ministry, and the Security Ministry does not have control over the other divisions.

To provide some more checks and balances, the Security Ministry is dependent upon the other divisions for its equipment and supplies. For example, the Security Ministry is in control of the police, but they cannot produce weapons, food, buildings, clothing, medical products, electricity, or any other supplies. Furthermore, they are not allowed to stockpile more than a few days worth of weapons, food, fuels, medicines, or other supplies. Therefore, they are dependent upon the other divisions to provide them with the items that they need to operate.

The officials in the Security Ministry must request the supplies they need. Therefore, if the Security Minister were to get out of control, the other government divisions would be able to stop or inhibit the abuse by refusing to provide the Security Ministry with the supplies, electricity, water, food, and equipment that they need to operate.

The president of the Economic Division is in control of the production of guns, bullets, poisons, food, electricity, and other products, but he cannot use or stockpile any of those weapons, and he is not permitted to create any type of security force. He is only allowed to manufacture, distribute, recycle, and repair products. Therefore, he cannot use any of the weapons to arrest, intimidate, or abuse his critics or competitors, or get control of the city.

The Security Ministry is not permitted to stockpile medical supplies, either, or hire medical personnel. Therefore, if any of the security personnel needs medical treatment, they are required to get it from the Medical Ministry. This provides the Medical Ministry with some ability to inhibit an abusive Security Ministry.

For example, if the Security Ministry were to become abusive, the Medical Ministry would be able to refuse to provide them with medical supplies and assistance, thereby dampening their desire for violence.

The Security Ministry is not permitted to get into fights with other cities, either, so they cannot send their personnel outside of the city for any purpose. The Security Ministry is authorized only to deal with security problems within the city. Disputes between cities are settled by the world government.

To further ensure that each government division is independent, each division must have their offices in separate neighborhood clusters to reduce the chances that the officials collude with one another.
We should not be afraid of the police

We must differentiate between “strict” and “cruel

There is no dividing line between when the police are "cruel" and when they are "strict". This concept applies to everybody in a leadership position. For example, there is no dividing line between when parents are cruel to their children, and when they are strict.

It is a personal opinion as to how strict the police, parents, teachers, and other authorities should be. This constitution chooses to have the police be even more strict than the security officials of businesses and militaries. The reason is because this constitution wants to reduce crime to extremely low levels rather than provide pity for criminals.

Most (or all) cultures promote the attitude that criminals are ordinary people who became criminals because of the something in the environment, such as the devil, bad parenting, or poverty, and they believe that they can fix the criminals with punishments. Therefore, they want the police to treat criminals in a nice manner, and then cure them of their criminal behavior. They also try to stop criminals from committing suicide.

Although the environment has a significant effect on our attitudes and behavior, we cannot blame crime on the environment because a lot of people are in virtually identical environments, but only a small percentage become criminals.

Every culture has evolved to give us what we want, and we want to avoid responsibility for bad behavior. We want to blame somebody else for our mistakes, failures, temper tantrums, and stupid decisions. This constitution changes the situation dramatically by demanding every adult be held accountable for what they do.

The adults who choose to become criminals have made those decisions because of their genetic characteristics, not because of the environment. We cannot fix genetic characteristics with punishments, so there is no reason for the police to worry about upsetting them.

The police should arrest criminals with as little disruption to society as possible. If a criminal fights with the police, the police should use violence to stop them rather than allow them to hurt somebody or destroy property. The police are analogous to gardeners, not mothers.

When someone accuses the police of cruelty, the Courts Ministry will deal with it, just like they deal with all complaints about behavior, but unlike existing societies, which expect perfection from the police, this constitution believes that humans are of species of ape, and that we cannot expect perfection from anybody.

There is no justification for the police to be violent with people who behave properly, but this constitution does not advocate punishing the police for losing their temper with abusive people.

Some people might worry that this attitude is giving the police the freedom to be abusive, but the police are humans, and they have a natural desire to be respected, just like everybody else. They want to be admired, not insulted. They are not going to torment people who treat them nicely.

A police officer will be abusive to nicely behaved people only if he is suffering from mental or physical disorders, but if someone like that is a police officer, we will not solve the problem by punishing him. Rather, we need to improve the training and qualification procedures for police officers.

We must avoid frightening ourselves with unrealistic scenarios of police brutality. We can reduce the chances that the police lose their temper by raising standards for everybody, and evicting the troublesome people. This will make the job of a policeman much more pleasant, and reduce the chances that they become irritable from badly behaved people.

A lot of the crimes occur during the night, so reducing crime to extremely low levels will allow the police departments to shut down at night, which will make the job of a police officer more pleasant because they won't have to work different shifts.

A lot of the people who need medical attention at night are criminals, drunks, and drug abusers, so raising standards for people and reducing crime will reduce the number of medical personnel who have to work at night. It will also make their jobs more pleasant because they won't have to deal with criminals and mentally ill people who hurt themselves and one another.

Everybody must be respectful to the police

The U.S. Constitution has such a strong "Feel Sorry for The Underdog" attitude that the citizens have the right to be abusive with the police, and the police are required to be gentle with criminals.

For example, this video from a news helicopter shows that officers fired three containers of tear gas into a vehicle in order to force the criminal out of his car. They could have shot him with a gun and ended the confrontation quickly, but they are under pressure to be nice to even the worst behaved criminals. The police even resist using their guns when a person is shooting at them with a gun.

There are lots of videos on the Internet that show police officers struggling to be nice to criminals, and in the process the officer or somebody else gets hurt, or property is damaged. For example, this video shows officers trying to put a woman into a police van, but she was not handcuffed, and that allowed her to grab the officer's gun and shoot it, hitting three people.

When crime network members kill somebody, they often ensure the person is dead by giving them a final shot in his head, but the police are not allowed to ensure that the people they shoot are dead. The result is that there are videos of criminals being shot by the police and appear to be dead, but who later get up and kill or injure the police officer or somebody else, or they run away and escape.

This constitution changes the situation dramatically. Nobody has the right to run away or fight with the police. Everybody has a responsibility to treat everybody with respect. A person who fights with the police is regarded as a dangerous animal. The police are required to use whatever force is necessary to protect themselves, the public, and the city, just as if they were dealing with a violent dog. When they a shoot a criminal, they are permitted to ensure that he is dead if they suspect that he might have a weapon.

Some people might complain that a person who is mentally impaired from alcohol or other drugs might fight with the police, but this constitution does not give pity to people who abuse drugs in public. Rather, those people are regarded as irresponsible and dangerous savages, and nobody is required to tolerate their abuse, or give them special treatment.

Everybody is required to behave in a respectable manner. There is no pity for people who cannot follow that rule. A person who is violent is considered just as dangerous as a dog or a chimpanzee that becomes violent.

Some people might complain that this type of legal system gives a policeman the freedom to attack, and even kill, whoever he dislikes. Those people might create frightening scenarios in which an innocent person becomes nervous when a policeman approaches him, and the policeman accidentally, or deliberately, misinterprets his nervousness for hiding a weapon, and the policeman shoots and kills the person. However, those scenarios are extremely unrealistic.

Every animal has intense inhibitions about killing its own members. Animals fight constantly, but the purpose for fighting is to resolve issues, such as conflicts over status and females, not to kill one another.

Humans have a strong desire to compete, intimidate, and fight with one another, but we also have very strong inhibitions about killing people.

There are lots of examples of men who have enjoyed killing and torturing both animals and people, but those men are not typical or "normal". Instead of fearing the mentally disturbed men, the Courts Ministry is required to evict them, and the the Reproduction Ministry is required to restrict reproduction to the people who have higher quality minds.

We could be fearful of everybody

The people who frighten themselves with dystopian scenarios in which psychotic police officers are killing innocent people are masturbating rather than providing us with intelligent and realistic analyses of crime and human behavior. Instead of stimulating their sexual emotions, they are stimulating their emotion of fear.

The people in North Korea might be justified in fearing the police, but it is absurd for other people to be afraid of the police. There are very few people who can truly claim to have suffered from abuse by police officers. However, every citizen can claim to be a victim of other citizens. For example, a partial list of some of the abuse we are suffering from is:

Religious leaders, doctors, teachers and camp counselors who molest and rape children.

Journalists, professors, FBI agents, and school books that lie to us about news events and history.

Goggle, Facebook, and other companies that promote propaganda and censor valuable information.

Businesses that produce defective or worthless products and insurance policies.

Automobile mechanics and dentists who do unnecessary repairs to increase their income.

Women who poison their husband in order to collect his life insurance.

Crime networks that blackmail, intimidate, murder, and bribe government officials, scientists, business executives, teachers, and police officers.

All of us are being exploited, abused, and lied to on a regular basis, but not by the police, so it is idiotic for us to frighten ourselves about police abuse. We need to be more concerned about the abuse by our government officials, relatives, religious fanatics, Zionist organizations, business executives, charity officials, and journalists.

Although some police officers have committed crimes, including rape and murder, most of the police officers are better behaved and more honest than the average person. The reason is because police officers have to meet high standards, but not the citizens, government officials, journalists, professors, religious leaders, or FBI officials. Therefore, in order to reduce the abuse that we suffer from, this Constitution requires the government to:

Set high standards of behavior for everybody, and evict those who cannot meet the standards. We are not obligated to live among people who are mentally ill, or who cannot control their cravings for violence, sex, material items, or status.

Remove secrecy and keep a database of everybody's life so that we can pass judgment on whether a person is a contributing member of society, or a destructive member, and evict those who are destructive.

This constitution requires everybody to treat everybody else with respect. We do not have any responsibility to tolerate badly behaved people. We do not have any obligation to let them live with us, or irritate us.

Instead of giving people the freedom to torment and fight with the police, the police are given the right to use physical force, including guns, to control the uncooperative people, and the Courts Ministry is given the authority to evict the destructive people from the city.

Who is creating the frightening scenarios?

The people who create frightening scenarios of police abuse are trying to get control of our future and change our culture to fit their particular fears and desires. As discussed in this document, they are essentially opening our skull and trying to alter our memories. They are likely to be criminals or mentally disturbed people who cannot think properly.

Nobody has the right or the freedom to alter our culture. People who want to alter our culture are required to post a document in the Suggestions category so that we can analyze their proposal and pass judgment on its value.
Culture is designed for high-quality people

Our priority should be to reduce crime

The US legal system is designed to determine whether a person is guilty of a crime, and if so, how to punish them. Furthermore, the US legal system deliberately makes it difficult to convict people of a crime because its priority is to reduce the possibility of innocent people being convicted of crimes.

By comparison, the Courts Ministry is concerned with analyzing a crime in order to get a better understanding of why it occurred, and how we can reduce the possibility of it occurring in the future. This is more important than worrying about an innocent person being convicted. The reasons are:

By reducing crime, we reduce the number of people accused of a crime, which in turn guarantees that fewer innocent people are convicted. If there are no crimes, then it is impossible for innocent people to be convicted.


Trials will always be imperfect because they are the result of human minds, so we must decide what type of imperfections we prefer. The legal system of the USA prefers making mistakes that allow criminals to go free rather than convict innocent people. Some disadvantages with that philosophy are:
It increases the number of criminals that live among us, which results in an increase in crime, and which also increases the chances of innocent people being convicted.
The criminals gain experience every time they get away with a crime, thereby making it easier for them to successfully commit more crimes, which also makes it easier for an innocent person to be convicted of a crime. They also become more experienced and successful at setting up innocent people to take the blame for their crime.
It increases the chances that the criminals are able to reproduce.

This constitution puts the emphasis on reducing crime rather than on worrying about innocent people being convicted. Although that can cause us to create frightening scenarios of innocent people being convicted, there are methods of protecting innocent people.

We can protect innocent people

This constitution does not want innocent people to be convicted, but instead of trying to protect innocent people by making it difficult to convict a person of a crime, it promotes other techniques, such as:

Make it easier to identify the person responsible for a crime. A trial should depend upon evidence rather than witnesses, as described here. This requires eliminating as much secrecy as possible and collecting data about us, such as:

Allow the government to maintain a database of everybody's life, and include DNA samples, fingerprints, audio samples, and 3D scans of their face and body to that allow a computer to identify them.
Provide the city with security cameras, and save the video rather than display it on a monitor for a security guard.
Allow the city computers to use facial recognition software to identify people and track everybody.
When robots are advanced enough to do chores for us, such as pulling weeds in foot paths, mowing lawns, working in restaurants, and playing music at social affairs, allow them to transmit the video of people to the city's computer in order to supplement the video from the security cameras.

Every society considers a person to be a criminal if he slanders somebody, but this constitution also considers a person to be a criminal if he cannot provide intelligent supporting evidence for all types of accusations, such as racism, white privilege, Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism, and sexism.

Nobody will have to fear being arrested or insulted as a Holocaust denier, sexist, racist, anti-Semite, climate change denier, or white supremacist.

A trial is required to provide an analysis of the history of both the victim and the defendant. There will frequently be doubts about who is responsible for a crime, so this constitution wants to give the benefit of the doubt to the people who have been the best behaved during their life, and the most valuable to society. The people who have been the most troublesome will have the opposite of the "benefit of the doubt". We do not have an expression for that, but could be described as "an assumption of guilt".

Although this could be described as "unfair", it is how life is for all animals. Specifically, animals give better treatment to their members who are high in the hierarchy.

Likewise, we give better treatment to people who are nice-looking, and who treat us with respect. We do not treat people equally. We give better treatment to people that we regard as higher-quality people.

Nobody has the right to remain silent. There is no reason for innocent people to be secretive. People who refuse to answer questions in a trial are considered to be guilty, and the trial must be terminated. There is no benefit to letting them waste other people's time.

The defendants and victims cannot use lawyers to represent them in a trial. The reason is to prevent a trial from becoming a battle of the lawyers.

A trial is an investigation of a crime, not a battle over who is guilty. Therefore, it is better to get information directly from the defendants and victims, rather than through lawyers.

This is how parents and businesses deal with bad behavior. For example, when parents have to deal with a dispute among their children, they don't let their children hire lawyers. They analyze the dispute by talking to the children.

The Security and Behavior Ministries pass judgment on trials

The criminal and intellectual trials are conducted by the Courts Ministry, but the Security and Behavior Ministries have the authority to pass judgment on whether the trials are beneficial and honest. This will provide some checks and balances over the trials.

The goal of the Security and Behavior Ministries is to improve the trials, not punish anybody. For some examples of the type of complaints they can make, they can complain that a trial is taking too long to complete; the judge has come to an idiotic conclusion; or that the trial is so useless that it should not have been authorized.

They post their complaints in the Requests category. As mentioned in the Intellectual Trials document, this will bring the problem to the attention of everybody, and the Presidents and Directors have to investigate and deal with the dispute.

The citizens can pass judgment on a trial, also, but they put their analysis in the Suggestions category.

Police can use weapons with criminals

All existing societies put a lot of pressure on the police to be as gentle as possible with criminals, but this Constitution promotes a different attitude. Specifically, people who run away from the police, or get into fights with them, are to be regarded as unacceptable members of society, and the police have the right to use physical force and weapons to restrain or kill them.

To reduce the chances that a mentally disturbed police officer is abusing people, the officers must have cameras recording the incident so that they can provide evidence to justify their actions. If their camera is not functioning, they must refrain from using violence. They are not allowed to use the excuse that they forgot to turn on the camera, or that the camera lens had dirt on it, or that the battery was dead.

The citizens cannot have weapons

In order to reduce the chances that a police officer feels the need to use a gun to kill somebody, none of the citizens are permitted to have weapons. Therefore, the police are unlikely to encounter a citizen who has a weapon that is any more dangerous than a kitchen knife. However, this is a complicated policy for two reasons:

What is a weapon?

There is no dividing line between a weapon and a non-weapon. Almost every object can be considered as a weapon, including a rock. The Security Ministry is responsible for passing judgment on which items are "weapons".


What should our recreational activities be?

The items in some recreational activities could be classified as weapons. For example, the Olympics and many other organizations arrange for the shooting of guns and arrows. In the USA, citizens can also purchase explosives, such as Tannerite.

The Behavior, Security, Leisure, and other ministries determine what type of recreational activities and equipment are permitted. This allows the ministers to determine whether there is any recreational event that uses a gun or other projectile, and if so, what type of equipment is allowed. For example, they could restrict the shooting events to paintball guns, water pistols, or guns that shoot rubber bullets.

Guns cannot protect us from crime

Tens of millions of Americans believe that they should have the right to own guns for protection against crime and corruption, but instead of reducing crime, America has more of it than Western Europe, Japan, and Taiwan.

A person who believes that we can stop crime and government corruption by allowing citizens own guns is proving to us that he cannot provide us with sensible analyses of our problems. Those people need to have a low social credit score, and prohibited from influential positions. We are fools to let those people intimidate us into allowing citizens to have guns.

The ministers are prohibited from allowing citizens to have guns, explosives, pepper sprays, tasers, and other items for protection from crime. The ministers are required to reduce crime to such a low level that no citizen has a fear of other people. If the citizens become fearful of crime, the Courts, Behavior, and Security Ministers are failing in one of their important tasks, and they must to be replaced.

Guns cannot reduce crime because material items do not have any control over human behavior. A person commits a crime when his mind makes a decision to do it, and guns cannot stop his mind from making that decision. Since our minds are biological computers, our decisions are influenced by our body's ability to provide our mind with appropriate chemicals, and our use of alcohol and other drugs.

Therefore, the only way to reduce crime is to restrict reproduction to the people who have higher quality minds and bodies, and less of a desire for recreational drugs.

Treating people equally is treating them unfairly

This constitution creates a legal system that is biased against the people who have a history of bad behavior, so this legal system could be criticized as treating people unequally or unfairly. The U.S. Constitution promotes the theory that the legal system should treat all people equally, but this constitution believes that treating people "equally" is actually treating them "unfairly".

This issue is complicated partly because all human languages are chaotic jumbles of animal noises and modern words. Many of our words are similar to one another, and different people interpret words differently. For example, different people interpret the phrase "all people are equal" differently.

This Constitution regards treating people "equally" as treating people as if they are identical to one another, but this constitution believes that we should treat people differently according to their age, sex, and mental and physical characteristics.

This concept applies to more than just legal issues. For example, it applies to food. If a restaurant were to provide everybody with exactly the same meal, we could describe the restaurant as treating people "equally", but it would not be treating people "fairly". To be fair to everybody, a restaurant should adjust every meal to fit a particular person's age, physical size, appetite, food allergies, nutritional needs, and teeth.

Furthermore, if we knew all of the details about the differences between men and women, we might discover that men and women should slightly different meals, and we might discover that pregnant women, or women who are breast-feeding a baby, need slightly different meals.

If we understood the details of how the human body recovers from exercise, surgical procedures, and injuries, we might discover that people in those situations should have slightly different meals.

The concept of "fairness" is as complex as the concepts of freedom, oppression, human rights, police brutality, and many other cultural issues. What is or is not "fair" depends upon a person's intellectual and emotional characteristics, and his education.

Criminals are not analogous to radioactive elements

If it was as impossible to predict who would commit a crime as it is to predict which uranium atom would decay next, then there would be no way for the police to do profiling, or predict who might commit a crime. However, history shows us that crimes are not analogous to radioactivity.

Crimes are committed when a person's mind makes a decision to commit a crime, and the people who make those decisions are not a random sample of the human population. There is something different about their mind or body. If we could figure out what is different about them, we would be able to accurately predict who is likely to commit a crime.

For example, murders occur in certain neighborhoods at a significantly higher rate than in other neighborhoods. This is not because those neighborhoods have more poverty, ignorance, racism, or anti-Semitism. Rather, it is because the people who live there have inferior genetic characteristics.

We do not yet know how to determine who is likely to be a criminal, but the police have noticed certain patterns, which helps them to solve crimes. Many people complain that the police are racist or discriminatory when they make guesses about who might be a criminal, but the police are simply noticing patterns.

The police should not be reprimanded or prevented from noticing these patterns. Rather, the Security Ministry is required to analyze crimes and try to improve their accuracy at predicting who might be a criminal.

We must expect a legal system to be imperfect

A legal system consists of humans, and all of us have limited intelligence and education, and we have emotions that interfere with our thinking. This allows us to create frightening scenarios in which people get away with crimes, innocent people are convicted of crimes, and police officers and judges are involved with crime networks.

Everybody today needs the education and mental characteristics necessary to understand and acknowledge that we cannot achieve perfection. Instead of reacting to potential problems with fear, we should expect problems, and we should deal with them in a calm manner.

The people who create frightening scenarios are behaving like animals. We must not let them frighten us. We are no longer living like prehistoric savages, so it is no longer sensible for us to react to problems by running away, or by throwing rocks and screaming. We must remain calm and look for solutions. The people who cannot do that should be regarded as "low-quality people".

The people who create frightening scenarios of possible problems are masturbating, but not for pleasure. We should consider those people to be as disgusting as a person who sexually masturbates in a public area.

It is beneficial for us to discuss possible problems, but it is detrimental to use frightening scenarios. We must be willing to deal with imperfect policies.
This legal system is similar to that of a business

Businesses do not pander to criminals

Although this Constitution has a radically different legal system compared to those of existing cultures, it is similar to what large businesses use to deal with badly behaved employees. When an employee is accused of some type of bad behavior, the business does not arrange for a trial in which there are lawyers or juries, and which can take months or years to complete.

Instead, the management investigates the crime, and they might interview a few people to get more information, and then they make a decision that is best for the team. They prefer to make mistakes in favor of the team rather than in favor of the employee.

Furthermore, businesses do not allow people to profit from crimes, whereas the US legal system allows lawyers and crime victims to make enormous amounts of money from crimes.

This constitution creates a legal system that is similar to that of a business, except that it will be more formal, and secrecy is not permitted.

In the USA, the trials are not secret, but most trials prohibit the use of video or other recording devices to record the trial. That makes it more difficult for people to analyze the trial and pass judgment on whether the lawyers and judges are making wise decisions.

This constitution requires all of the trials to be recorded with video cameras and saved in a database so that everybody is able to pass judgment on whether the judges are providing intelligent analyses of the crime.

Trials should be completed within one month

The US legal system allows court cases to extend over a period of years, but this constitution requires that they be completed within a month, unless the judge can show intelligent reasons for extending it beyond a month.

The Quality Division handles security, not the citizens

This constitution follows the concept of removing our safety net. The Quality Division will handle the security of the city, not the citizens.

Specifically, the Security Ministry is responsible for the police department and the design of the security system for the city; the Courts Ministry is responsible for both criminal trials and intellectual trials; and the Database Ministry is responsible for maintaining databases with information about every person in the city.

The Economic Division is prohibited from manufacturing security cameras, locks, pepper spray, guns, and other security devices for the public. Instead, they manufacture security products according to the requests of the Security Ministry, and the Security Ministry designs them for the city, not for the citizens or organizations.

If the Security Ministry cannot continuously reduce crime, the management must be replaced. Through the years, the police department should be able to reduce their employees, and police officers should eventually be able to work on a part-time basis. Ideally, the police will be needed only occasionally, like firefighters.

Citizens are encouraged to post suggestions

By prohibiting the citizens from having their own security devices, their safety is dependent upon the government officials. Therefore, the citizens should take an active role in observing the government, and be less tolerant of judges and other officials who make bad decisions.

If a citizen is concerned about a judge or other official, he can post his complaint in the Suggestions category. The citizens who identify incompetent and dishonest officials will get credit for it.

Security personnel need an education in deception

Since the Security Ministry has to deal with the bad behavior of people, rather than to deal with broken mechanical devices, the security personnel need an especially good understanding of the techniques that criminals use to get away with their crimes.

There are two specific issues that this Constitution requires the security personnel to demonstrate an above-average understanding of:


Deception techniques.

Security personnel must have an understanding of the different methods that criminals use to deceive us, such as the "wolf in sheep's clothing" trick, false flag operations, the "contaminate the punch bowl" trick, faking ignorance or stupidity, and by pretending to be a "truth seeker" or crime investigator.

Example: Weird behavior.

When somebody does or says something that seems idiotic to us, our arrogance causes us to assume it was the result of his inferior mind. We are likely to ignore or insult him rather than wonder why he is different. This allows people to get away with crimes by faking weirdness.

For example, when somebody buys what we regard as a worthless piece of modern art for an incredible amount of money, our tendency is to ridicule the person who bought the painting, rather than investigate the buyer and seller to figure out why they did that.

The most sensible reaction to behavior that we do not understand is to investigate the person and try to figure out why he is different from us.

We should regard the people we live with as our team members, and those that behave in a strange manner are analogous to broken gears in a transmission. We should try to understand why they are broken.

For example, by investigating the people with strange behavior, we might discover that those who spend enormous amounts of money on worthless paintings are doing so because they are criminals who are transferring money in a manner that doesn't arouse suspicions.

Likewise, the people who describe themselves as "lightworkers" are likely to be ridiculed by other people as idiots, but we should wonder why they believe they are lightworkers. That can lead us to the possibility that they are members of a crime network, and that they are using codewords to communicate with one another.

A final example of weird behavior is when Hollywood celebrities talk about selling their soul to the devil, and other "stupid" concepts, such as this from Mel Gibson. We should investigate why so many of them make such remarks. That investigation would lead us to the possibility that they are using codewords to describe what they are doing, perhaps for the purpose of convincing new recruits to join their crime network.


The truth does not need protection

The Jews allow us to discuss the 9/11 attack, the Holocaust, the JFK assassination, and other historical issues, but only if we support their explanation of the issue. They get away with suppressing, insulting, and censoring the contradictory remarks by claiming to be protecting the truth from crazy conspiracy theories, Holocaust deniers, and idiots.

Security personnel must show an excellent understanding of the concept that everybody benefits from the freedom to investigate historical events. They must understand that the truth does not need to be protected, and that the only way to understand an event is to investigate it.

Our goal is to eliminate full-time security personnel

One of the goals of the Security and Courts Ministries is to reduce crime to such a low level that we do not need full-time police officers or judges. If we can achieve such a low level of crime, then when a crime occurs, the Security Ministry would select one or more people to become temporary police officers, and the Courts Ministry would select somebody to become a temporary judge. After they were finished dealing with the crime, they would return to their regular jobs.

This is how most businesses are dealing with crimes. For example, when an employee is accused of inappropriate behavior, one or more of the managers will take the role of a judge, investigate the situation, and deal with it.

Families are another example of this concept. Specifically, parents become temporary police officers and judges when there are disputes among their children.